Anxious for Nothing | Damon Thompson | Carolina Revival | Hope Chapel

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as I've been thinking you know in this process what is what does all this look like for us water what are we gonna look like when we come out on the other side of this and one of the things that's been so alive in my heart is we could be being fully integrated into a posture and a connection at home that maybe the church at large only knows how to experience when they're together corporately that even when we think and speak in terms of revival generally we're thinking in terms of what's going on within the corporate expression but there's a there's like a it feels like a cross pollenization going on in here this morning like yes what happens in this room is powerful what happens in this room is unlike anything I've ever experienced and now being in ministry for almost 25 years yet I'm experiencing some things at home now in the secret place now things we've believed things we've declared and proclaimed it's almost as if we're being given a supernatural grace it's not almost as if we are being given a supernatural grace to take what we've been learning and seeing and receiving and understanding and given no choice but to assimilate that into our day-to-day lives and it's creating a new hope in me and I believe it's creating a new hope in you and today's today's interesting because it's a one of those many opportunities I've had to eat my own words because I said I will not stand in an empty room and talk to a camera my my TV days are over well here we are and things have progressed in such a way that we felt it was right to bring the family together in whatever way that we could and I just had this picture early this morning really early this morning I had this picture of what would happen when I don't say this in a in a egotistical or braggadocious way but this is kind of how I feel today is what would it happen when Paul would sit down and write one of those letters and then all of a sudden it would arrive and the church would sit together as a family and say what is God Apostolic Allah saying to the family and I don't think it's a reach to say that that's what the Lord is doing in the earth and our day an apostolic church is the fruit of the other side of the challenge that we're facing we're gonna function as an apostolic bride more than we ever have before we're gonna see tremendous things take place by way of us accessing fully the grace that's being made available to us in this hour so I bless you I'm thankful that you've joined us from wherever you are all over the place loved this today as soon as I walked in and they were practicing I said we may not want to change this I like this a toddler back on the mandolin so that's good it's just a great sound I'm thankful for those that are here we only have a few other people here besides that but I do have Johnson here with me and I've got Linden here with me and some of my staff from DTM is here only especially thank Blake from from Dutchess ministries Dutchess son-in-law but he's a member of our church he's a part of our family and he's here running this Alton's running sound for us so it's just an awesome thing to be able to speak to you today we're gonna jump right in and see what the Holy Spirit has for us so we love you you guys can go find a chair somewhere social distancing spots somewhere and let's set formatting page probably probably failing in the area of social distancing so I know that I am in my home so we're we I wanna I want to talk a little bit tonight I'm this morning I'm not I don't really want to talk about the corona virus per se but I do want to talk about where I believe that we are and I want to prophetically speak into some of the sense that I have that the Lord is in the process even now of taking what the enemy has meant for evil and turning it in using it for good and because we're people that believe that the Lord does take what the enemy has meant for evil and he turns and uses it for good it's important not to become students of what the enemy has meant for evil but it's important to become students of how the Lord's turning this to use it for good and I hope that makes sense to out that connects with your heart to say this is not about studying the coronavirus Cove ignite teen to see what's happening globally around the world I would challenge you to be careful where you get your news from even in this hour but make sure that you're tuned in to the right station you're receiving this from the Lord so I'm gonna give some practical things I think before I do that I think I'll just encourage you to give obviously I think it's really important and and I'm going to be sending some things out to the churches that we oversee this week but it's really important at this time that you don't let fear tell you what to do with your money and one of the most important things that can happen for the kingdom at large right now is for the storehouses to be full and so as you bring your tithes and offerings into the storehouse the prophecy of Malachi is that there will be meat in my house and we're already strategizing we're already scheming we're already trying to to determine ways to help people on in the financial sense as we go through this obviously we're praying for a sudden in to come to this virus and and more than flattening the curve we want to see the thing just come to an end that God just come in power and cancel this assignment of the enemy but also to look at it from a financial standpoint which frankly may have a far further reaching impact down the road than the virus itself is is where we're at economically and in that you position yourself to be able to come out on the other side of this really ready to prosper in advance and that's a lot of what I'm gonna talk to you about today so there's a link I believe for you to give you guys know me I don't understand how all of this works but I do believe there's a link for you to give tithe Lee if you're watching this through YouTube or Facebook live there's a way for you to donate and this all goes right into hope chapel if you're a partner of Damon Thompson ministries and you want to continue to give that way that that's not what this offering will go toward this will go all toward Hope Chapel toward our local storehouse that we're going to release these resources to be able to help a lot of people in an hour of need I'm really thankful to say I will financially we're very healthy and so we're not coming to you with one of these pitches of we're gonna have to shut the doors if you don't give one of the things we've not done is we avoided the dog and pony show and there's a lot of ministries that have built so much around themselves to try to appeal to people none of that's accessible at this point you can't sell people on your coffee bar and you can't sell people on your children's program and it's just gonna is the presence and the spirit of wisdom and revelation enough to be able to sustain a people and so we're just saying as you give in to us we're looking for opportunities to do more and more to be able to help people we've got people that have lost their jobs obviously during this time some of you watching may have lost your jobs we're praying for you we're absolutely believing that the Lord is gonna take whatever it's been taken from you during this time the scripture says that's restored back to you Sevenfold so we're believing people are gonna come out of this with maybe that you were doing a job to survive and you're gonna move into the dream scenario you had maybe you would not have taken that risk otherwise and so this God's gonna use all of this but we want you to be faithful to give continue those of you that are part of other churches that are watching this please continue to be faithful in the area of your tithes and offering toward your local church to be able to help us really keep these storehouses strong because we've got a lot to do to advance the kingdom in the days to come amen so you can give through whatever outlet you see is available there we don't have any announcements cuz we don't know what we're gonna be doing by this time next week I will say to you that as the Lord leads we're gonna just continue to address you we're gonna continue to share we may do a set up with one of these where we've got multiple leaders up here and we just dialogue we that will do a lot of stuff to just really share with you where we are but what's really been alive in my heart over the last few days especially is this idea that Paul is telling the church how to handle moments of great anxiety now they're dealing with something far more significant I don't want to compare coronavirus to the persecution of the early church but the principles that were taught to the church during a challenging time are still applicable and Paul says be anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and your mind through Christ Jesus let's just break that apart a little bit be anxious for nothing but don't be anxious because there's a virus don't be anxious because this is affecting your finances stay out of a posture of anxiety if you can avoid anxiety then there's a strategy hidden in all of this that can bring you into a greater measure breakthrough but you're not going to get there by way of stress by way of worry by way of fear or anxiety those are not the vehicles Yahweh uses to transport us into more he gets us there by way of faith and love so be anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made on unto God oftentimes when we find ourself in a place of desperation we want to respond with desperation but what we're supposed to respond with is Thanksgiving and that actually can cause the desperate moment to be changed into what Yahweh intended and designed it to be I want you to respond this is this is funny because I was talking to the group that we have here who I'm glad y'all are sitting out there I've at least got a few this looks about like what it looked like when right before revival here we're talking about that this morning there's a handful of people scattered in here and but but it's good faces it's familiar faces so I want to I want to say this to you because I think it's I think it's crucial I want you to know that what I'm gonna share with you today I'm sure most of you are already doing and I felt like today with the live stream even as I was praying about it is I didn't want it to just go to the local Hope Chapel family that lives here among us in Bates burg we don't even normally live stream Sunday mornings at all it when if we ever do it would be something we would just do for a handful that we're in a any unusual situation or a time like this I would normally have thought would just send this out to the local company of people and that'll be sufficient but I really felt like the Lord said you need to send this out globally to the people that are tracking and connecting with you a lot out of what I'm gonna say today I know it's gonna be the old adage of preaching to the choir because I know you're doing a lot of this but I feel like I need to review and just sort of reinforce some of the stats that I believe most of us are coming into I've been in communication with a lot of you over the last couple of weeks by way of phone calls and texts and emails and I'm really thankful for the way people are responding and I don't think it's a stretch to say let me make this statement I don't think it's a stretch to say that we've been being prepared for this for years we've been coming out of a performance orientation we've been understanding that what we do is not who we are how much we get done for God how you none of that works for you right now if that's your litmus test for success you're in trouble right now because all performance is being stripped from you and it's becoming about can you really be seated enough in beloved identity to dare to say I'm okay during this season and not only am I going to survive this I'm going to grow and finish some things in my heart and like this I'm talking to you a lot about what's going on in me I keep I keep lying to you because I keep telling you we're finishing the exchange and we're not finished obviously with the exchange and I'm seeing this as an act of Hell an act of darkness an act of the enemy yes Yahweh has always always 100% of the time taken these moments and he's turned them to give people the ability to grow into who he actually designed for them to be in the earth so I want you to respond I want you to obey the instructions that are coming from the president I want you to obey the instructions that are coming from the governor from local authorities I want you to stay out of large groups I want you to just be okay to be at home and I know that's a challenge but I'm telling you if we can see this correctly we can learn and grow in a really supernatural way during the season that we're in so obey those instructions but do not obey them out of fear obey them out of honor honor Authority if they're asking you to do something if you think it's an overreaction okay I'd rather overreact than under react in an hour like this so I'm just gonna follow the leaders I'm think I've prayed for our leaders because I'm thankful I'm not in their position they're having to look at the economy and they're having to look at the virus they're having to look at people that are gonna lose their health care because they're gonna lose their jobs who are gonna be susceptible to other things that there's just a ton going on let's pray for them and make their job easier by doing exactly what it is that they're asking us to do and not not out of a place of fear again one of the things that I think this is doing is causing people to realize that maybe some of their trust was in something other than Yeshua himself and so when the financial thing starts to move all of a sudden the fear thing starts to elevate when you start to have a symptom and all of a sudden the fear thing starts to elevate what that can be is a gift to you for you to recognize that you are not as seated in beloved identity as you were designed to be don't beat yourself up over that don't condemn yourself over that but let's take the time in the secret place to judge those feelings of fear anxiety stress worry whether it be about health whether it be about finance whether it be about the health of family members whatever that is okay whatever that is global pandemic that that that is meant to induce fear in you but the kingdom man sees all of this differently and he sees it as an opportunity to be able to see some governmental authority leveraged towards the Apostolic Church coming out on the other side of this system that's gonna make a global impact so not not operating out of fear and I want us to get a revelation of how to connect with what Yahweh is doing in regards to taking what the enemy has meant for evil and using it for good for me personally it's causing me to judge the last seeds of restlessness that have been present on the inside of me had you come to me before this and said were you at are you at rest of absolutely the answer would have been absolutely I mean when you look at the what my life looked like you know seven years ago ten years ago twenty years ago compared to what it looks like now yet yes its rest but there is another measure of rest there's a unfilled the people in the room with me take a deep breath when you say there's another level of being seeded and remember when we begin to talk about interior duplicity some time ago that often times interior duplicity is not an issue of light and darkness being present in the believer oftentimes it's an issue of rest and restlessness both being present in the believer which creates for that individual a double mindedness that causes a manifestation of instability and remember what I taught you about being double-minded doesn't mean that you have 50% of two paradigms present I would not have identified myself two weeks ago as 50% in rest and 50% in restlessness but I might would have identified myself as 99% in rest and 1% in restlessness and this has awakened me to another reality that maybe it's more like 90 and 10 or maybe it's more like 80 and 20 wherever you fall on that scale that's a gift because I don't want to stop with my definition of rest I want to move fully in to ABBA's idea of what rest is supposed to look like for me and so our hand has been forced in a sense to pull us out of the last shreds of busyness out of the last shreds of performance orientation and that's revealing in me okay there's still some places where I've got to come into a posture of rest so my my prayer for all of us is that we're judging those last parts of our life that have a tendency to get agitated and restless secondly is for some this has not been so much an issue for me but it's what some I've communicated it is it's the double mindedness is there's still some fear there there's still some illegitimate trust some trust in the systems of this world all right and so when the system of the world seems to be failing the promise according to Isaiah is in the day of calamity the word to the righteous is it shall be well with you the Psalm 91 which I've been living in for my my friend Harvey Saul's praying for him I know all of you guys are connecting with us pray for Harvey and Sally and their girls is that some ninety one's been a big thing to the family in a time of real real challenge and and and so I've been looking at the idea that a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come nigh your dwelling that context event is disease and pestilence interestingly so I think the Lord is wanting to deal with the idea that present within many of us is still a fear concerning things from the outside being able to affect who we are and as Paige began to sing so prophetically this morning you're in front of me you're beside me you're around me you're in me I'm under the shadow of the wings of the Almighty I'm under the strong mighty arm of the Lord and the sense of protection being there still still respond to the to the decrees of the of the government when I'm not responding to any of that out of fear I'm responding to all of that out of honor I want to be honorable I want to make their job easier I want to become an intercessor instead of an impediment into the breakthrough that I believe that we're moving toward the other thing is is is you know Romans 12 is I beseech you brethren therefore by the mercies of God that you present your bodies as living sacrifices holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service goes on then be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good acceptable perfect will of God which is which is which is totally absolutely perfect will of God there's not three wills of God the good you know that right right so not the acceptable will of God the good will of God in the perfect will of God no it's perfect more perfect and the most perfect will of God and so there's a transformation that happens to us when we do not allow ourselves to be conformed to the system of this world all right when you and I begin to live our lives in such a way that there's nothing in us that is a conformist but we're actually the seed of a revolution of a new culture a whole new way of doing life a whole new way of thinking a whole new way of responding a whole new way of believing a whole new way of living living in a brand new way this is what I feel like you're always calling us into one of the most important things that is going to happen on the other side of this is family connections are going to be strengthened in a way that they never have been before and we're going to see greater connection between husbands and wives between mothers and children between fathers and children and the whole family unit is being given an opportunity to live and love and be joined together in a way that the father designed us to be this really really is an opportunity for a beautiful thing to come to pass and so except for the homeschooling part of this which is not a beautiful thing but we will survive so so we we will survive or I'm going as soon as they let me I'm gonna hire a tutor so anyway so I need an at-home teacher so that you know they can somebody else can handle that but but it's just it's just been an opportunity for family to connect and for laughter to come into the home you know my kids have real muddy shoes right now I was talking about this earlier where you're just outside we're just I took my boys camping I was like what better place to social distance then we just go camp and sleep in the horse trailer and build a fire and fish and you know cook breakfast early the next morning but some of the memories create memories during this time don't let anxiety paralyze you to the point that you miss an opportunity to create memories I want to go back on the on the photo log I don't that's not actually what you call it but the thing on the phone where you go back and look at the photos and I want to look back over this season and see smiles and I want to see laughter and I want to see that what the enemy meant for evil Yahweh turned and used it for good especially in the area of family so so keep that necessary transgenerational consciousness a live venue that's been so a crucial part of our lives and our message here the next thing I want to mention to you is focus on the one single priority the devotional life it's it's the message we'll have here forever that in this current supernatural seat of beloved identity that the father has given to us focus on the one thing lifestyle on the single priority if the eye is single the whole of the body is full of light and so you're meant to we're gonna get to Isaiah 60 maybe in just a little while your men in an hour of darkness to produce a measure of light that comes by way of a singular focus that simple devotion to Jesus is what the father is jealous of in this hour let me be let me say that again simple devotion to Jesus is what the father is jealous of in this hour so I'm asking you to take that Bridal posture get in that Shulamite thinking and allow yourself to experience Hephzibah in a way that Hepzibah may have become a side item for us Hef's about the new identity we receive out of Isaiah is that the Lord takes delight in us and allow yourself to walk with Him even as the seasons are changing even as weather's coming in that enables you to get outside and walk and enjoy let the help out revelation really get rooted in your heart because it's positioning us to be able to live a lifestyle where we're focused on one singular thing and that that Perry places that exclusivity that peculiarities going to be a great lie gonna create a great line of demarcation between the weekend and the righteous and the days to come so really really really really really really really stirred about that so 10 the fire in the secret place as never before with this I'm just in my own life I feel a measure of grace present in the secret place that I have not before all of this began to happen so my bunkhouse times my time with the Lord in the morning walking with him in the evening in the afternoon things that I've done for years they're all be amplified in a supernatural way during this season so enjoy that just really really really really embrace that 10 the fire in the secret place and expect that as we emerge from this we're going to have receive a grace to shine into the darkness with a marvelous light I I see so many people in such a panic and I just reactionary posture to this even leaders even church leaders who are worried about how they keep their influence and how they keep their people connected I'm saying I have not had one thought of that for our local company of people or the sons that we've sent out all over the country and up into Canada not note at no point in time how about worried that people are gonna lose their way during this I think you're gonna find your way I'm convinced of it I'm not that's not just preachers speak I believe people are gonna come out on the other side of this and say that finally finished a sense of restlessness in me that was keeping me from the fullness of all the father heads and I can feel it I can feel it in me when I'm saying that to you right now so so we're gonna receive a fresh grace to shine into the darkness with marvelous light in light of that let's go to Isaiah 60 got your Bible there at home you can turn I'm not gonna read a lot today I don't think I'm gonna share some things out of Isaiah 60 and then we'll just kind of see where we go from there I I did decide I could go really long today because I can't I can't even tell if you're not there so like like if we were here and you get up and leave I have to watch you I got windows all the way around I watch you walk all the way to your car but you you close your computer or turn your TV off or put on SportsCenter and I won't even know any of it happens so so just just I may go for several hours here that's I'm not really this is this is too way too close to my Christian television televangelist preaching days I used to live in back if I had a good suit a matter of fact I'm on time but my collar just to make sure that I don't feel like I have a suit in Thailand today but I stared at these cameras for years and I'm thankful to have them today but I'm thankful that I've been delivered from the world of lights cameras so really hair and makeup that was the worst part of the whole experience so let's look at Isaiah 60 let me share some things with you um if I look fat today they say the camera adds 10 pounds and we have four of them in here so I'm really 40 pounds lighter than I am right now and I have abs to the cameras don't show that that's that's what's that's that's real that's keeping it real all right 60 rise up in splendor and be radiant for your light has dawned Yahweh's glory now streams from you look carefully darkness blankets the earth and thick gloom covers the nation's but Yahweh arises upon you and the brightness of his glory appears over you nations will be attracted to your radiant light and Kings to the sunrise glory of your new day lift up your eyes higher look all around you and believe for your sons are returning from faraway and your daughters are being tenderly carried home watch as they all gather together eager to come back to you then you will understand and be radiant those are those words sparkle and flow that we've talked about then you will understand and you will Sparkle and flow together your heart will be thrilled and swell with joy the fullness of the sea will flow to you and the wealth of the nations will be transferred to you caravans of camels will cover your land young camels loaded with goods from Midian and ephah all the wealthy merchants from Sheba will come bearing gold and frankincense and singing the praises of Yahweh all the flux of Kedar will be gathered to you in the Rams if nibby oath will be yours as acceptable sacrifices on my altar and I will adorn with more glory my glorious temple I will adorn with more glory my glorious temple now it's important for us to understand who this happens to yes but it's also important for us to understand when this happens when this happens darkness is blanketing the earth and thick gloom covers the nation's I don't know a word I looked I really dug in my under mountain my intellectual vocabulary and even looked in some different lexicons I want to find the right word to communicate where we're at and the right word is glue I can't find a better word there is a sense what listen to this there's a sense of impending gloom that is going to be met according to Isaiah 60 with a historically radiant light so the answer for the gloom is not the transformation of the situation because I'm gonna tell you the impact of what's going on globally right now this is gonna last beyond this virus it's gonna last beyond this virus where there's some financial decisions that are being made right now I'm praying for wisdom for those that are making those decisions that are gonna there's going to be an impact beyond this beyond the virus itself so the the the transformation of the situation is not the only way the nations will see light understand this I am praying for an end of this virus I'm Decree over it I'm praying it away wherever I have governmental governmental influence for those of you that know me know I believe that's the cosmos so I am praying for this thing to come to an end and I'm believing that we're seeing the first stages of breakthrough of that begin to happen as as the mortality rates incredibly high with our friends in Italy I know some of you are watching us now but the report of new cases is going down every single day so we're praying that that happens and we're wanting to see the curve flatten we're wanting to learn from those that have experienced all of that yes true and right however what I have the most control over is the measure of light that comes forth out of me because of the commitment to beloved identity in the secret place what measure of light are you and I going to be able to shine forth into the culture for the scriptural command to us is that we are not to conduct ourselves as those who have no hope we are not in a time of tremendous challenge we are to conduct ourselves differently and the difference to be hope versus hopelessness the answer for gloom is liked the answer for darkness is life you and I are going to be given a supernatural prophetic grace to manifest a light that's not been seen I believe on the earth since the first release of the initial Apostolic Church I know that's a bold statement but it's one I've taken before the Lord and I literally believe we're being prepared for global revival in the midst of all of this so how you and I handle this is extremely important and I want to control what I can control instead of freaking out over what I can't control what I can control is my life in the secret place what I can control is my commitment as a bride to the bridal chamber with the bridegroom to experience the measure of intimacy that I was designed for and maybe some of that if I'm honest I have been implementing with a measure of restlessness I've been implementing some of that with a measure of busyness that's not available to me now therefore the jealousy of the Lord is saying let's take an hour where darkness is covering the globe and thick gloom is over the nations and let's let you begin to arise and shine your light has come and the glory of Almighty Yahweh is going to begin to stream from you so I'm asking the Lord how to stream this light we're you know one of the things we learned in the in the revival specifically when we were down on the Gulf Coast what we called the Gulf Stream revival is that the Lord spoke to me one night and said it is a live stream they call it live streaming it is a live stream there's life in the stream and the the translation here dr. Simmons gives of Isaiah is that radiant light now streams from you there's life in your stream in what you are emitting in your frequency we've been learning this right in that amazing that your frequency is beginning to scream light and life what color are you a meeting right now think about that think about how we are becoming a group of people that are able to manage a color and able to manifest a sound that goes right into the gloom and begins to produce breakthrough I'm praying that this I know this is an unusual prayer but I'm praying that people who are in hopelessness are gonna get a hold of this live stream right now gonna listen to it later on and gonna be I've got to change my response to this instead of seeing this as as an hour in which God is is farther from us he's actually closer than he ever has been at any other point in history and he's giving us grace listen an opportunity to stream forth a glorious radiant light in that awesome it's an awesome thing so the gloom is covering the nation's and in you and I become kings filled with in radiant light that nations are attracted to what streaming from us and kings to the sunrise glory of a new day the very next thing that happens there is transgenerational consciousness sons and daughters begin to return from afar I believe some that are meant to be joined to father's that have lost their way this is going to be an hour some of them are gonna watch this stream this is gonna be an hour where the grace of God is going to come say to you you cannot afford in this season to be an isolation and independence any longer you're gonna have to find your way back home and they're gonna find their way back into the order and the connection that they were designed for interestingly the Lord has been showing me through to a very natural prophetic picture that there are people who have functioned like goats that are going to begin to find their way back to this house and they're going to become sheep that used to function as goats and the Lord had say you need to open your heart to receive people that we're living like goats when they were here in another season and joined you in another season because I'm gonna use this to soften their hearts and give them a sheep like nature it's amazing with the Lord but for some of our local people you'll know more about what that means than some of the others but I'm just I'm just saying the father is going to begin to cause sons and daughters to find their way back home that's the prophecy the next part of the prophecy is a transfer of wealth that's going to begin to come into the hands of the righteous what know how you do that is not by focusing on how to attain wealth I actually think it's very important to remain during this in a posture of generosity for those of us that have assets and resources it's it's very easy to slide over into how do I take advantage right now of other people's economic calamity they're gonna be things coming up for sale in there and I want you to avoid that posture I want you to be ready to obey when the Holy Spirit tells you to take action but I really want us to get in a real seat of generosity so that when other people are struggling there in this hour instead of seeing that as an opportunity to take from them what if out of Honor we begin to resource and help as many people find their way into this light as is possible again I do believe opportunities are going to come and you're always gonna give you whispers on how to increase during this season however let's make sure that we make a good distinction between the wicked and the lost let's make a good distinction between the wicked and the lost there are three categories of people I believe you discover in the New Testament the first category of people is known as the righteous the next category of people is known as the LOS the third is known as the wicked the promise is not that the wealth is going to be taken from the lost and given to the righteous is that it's going to be taken from the wicked and given over to the righteous you and I are gonna learn to be increasingly generous to the lost and it's going to become a great tool of evangelism I think we're gonna see incredible amounts of people come into a born-again new creation experience by way of just being in position to show generosity on behalf of the king so we're gonna just see great increase we're gonna see great transfer I was listening to a podcast that Dutch sheets and Chuck Pierce did together Dutch sent it to me and I was riding on my Polaris Ranger down the dirt roads just praying in the spirit and listening to this podcast and Chuck begin to talk about these these are not the words he used but these are the words that came in my spirit when I heard it a economic revolution or realignment a global economic realignment and what I believe the Lord is going to begin to do through all of this is the Lord is going to begin to give his Apostolic bride permission to move into a place of prosperity through this process because we've set ourselves not to figure out not to get strategic okay not not to be stealthy right now but to glow many are gonna try to figure out how to catch momentum on the other side of this and really go do something big for God I want you to think in terms of glowing not going that what you and I am it on the other side of this is a light that even from a posture that is be still and see the salvation of the Lord that light begins to become so attractive that nations and kings begin to move toward the radiance of what you and I are becoming you we've been being prepared for this we've been learning about being seated to here for seven years we've been learning about what it means to come into rest for seven years but my life has been changing radically for now around seven years where the Lord has begin to come got us off the road and got us into the into this posture into this place put faithful people around us who would dare to believe I I can't wait until this building is filled with the family again and I can see your faces and look into your hearts and see what the Lord is doing in you in the meantime we're gonna experience some incredible things in the secret place that our compass position us to manifest a much greater and stronger light in the days to come so I would say to you walk in hope and expect that there's a light that's going to begin to come from you here's the thing darkness and gloom being all around you if you'll shine now nobody will be able to ignore it when darkness and gloom covers the earth when a radiant light begins to stream from you and I it's gonna be seen without even trying all we're gonna do sit and burn that's what I've been asking the Lord I want to fresh fire in my belly I want a fresh fire in the secret place I want I can't do a lot about corporate revival right now but man I can focus on a personal renewal and if you and I can get more committed to personal room Newell I believe we renewed people are gonna come out on the other side of this and we're gonna see global revival remember the distinction I've been teaching you between renewal and revival I did not come into this needing revival the nation's need revival what you and I need is to get more and more seated and committed to this process of being renewed day by day transformed day by day amen it's just an awesome thing the Lord's giving us an awesome opportunity so I don't think it's a reach to say that we have been uniquely prepared for this hour those of you that are part of our local assembly those of you that are a part of our family beyond just the the local house here it's not a reach to say that we've been uniquely prepared for this hour we've been asked to rid our hearts of all previous performance orientation and to be fully seated in the rest then only authentic beloved identity can manifest let me read that again we've been asked to rid our hearts of all our previous performance orientation and to be fully seated in the rest that only authentic beloved identity can manifest it feels as if in some ways we're receiving once again a fresh grace to finally finish some things to finally fully finish the exchange I know we thought we were doing that in December and I don't I don't know that we didn't I think to the measure of grace that was available we opened up our hearts but for a month now the Lord has been talking to us here about opening up opening up more deeply the last Carolina revival the theme of those meetings would have been open up you ancient gates open up in the deep parts of who you are because you're always wanting to finish an exchange in us because he's going to position us that as we come through this we become city set on a hill that cannot be hidden a light begins to come forth from the people of God this absolutely supernatural so I think we're given and we're being given another measure of grace to finish the exchange and the the the theme of what's on my heart right now has been this idea that what the enemy has meant for evil God will turn and use for good that idea is originally found in the story of Joseph Joseph brothers have at toward the end of the story they've had it revealed to them that this man that they've been talking to that his second-in-command only to the king himself he's subject to nothing but the throne he wears now the signet ring for authority in all of Egypt that's the most powerful nation in the world some would say if it was still currently in existence it would be the most as it was it would still be the most powerful wealthy nation in the world Joseph is holding that signet ring he's been given a collar which is likened unto a robe that he wears that positions he's a man of authority he travels in the Kings chariot everywhere that he goes it's an amazing story he's there before his brothers he reveals his identities to his to his brothers you remember he sends him home and says is there another brother he knows there is it's his full blooded brother Benjamin he says bring him to me they bring Benjamin to Joseph Joseph then through a process of testing reveals his identity as Joseph reveals his identity their initial response is of course fear because these are the ones who threw him into a well sold him into slavery cut up his coat of many colors and covered it with the blood of the aunt of an animal and pretended to their father as if their brother was dead and here he is their only hope for salvation during a famine and it's Joseph who originally makes the statement what you meant for evil God has turned and used it for good and I feel like what the Lord has been showing me about the life of Joseph and I've I'm just I have I feel like a volume of this has been developed in my heart but one of the things that the Lord has been showing me is Joseph after he is abandoned by his family after he's mistreated by his brothers Salah wilderness society message happening right there after he's mistreated by those that are closest to him he's sold into slavery he's sold to a people that are not of covenant and he begins to function as a slave however because of a right mentality and perspective the presence in favor of God is so upon the life of Joseph that he ends up being sold to a chief in the house of Potiphar sold to a chief in the house of Potiphar everything he does so prospers because of the measure of presence that he carries this is fascinating in the passion translation in the book of Genesis if you're looking for something to read well you've got a lot of down time just go read the story of Joseph he's in Potiphar's house the presence he carries is so strong that he gets promoted promoted promoted promoted he's carrying presents he's operating in diligence he's incredibly disciplined he's very faithful and he's on the fast track until the plan falls apart seemingly and he ends up in prison over a false accusation concerning Potiphar's wife he ends up in prison and in prison he's being most positioned for the fulfillment of the promise of a dream he had when he was a young boy in a field with his brothers and I want to say to you in a season where it may feel like you and I are on lockdown and lock up and locked up I believe we're being positioned to inherit a seat of authority that's greater than any authority we've ever operated in in our lives this has been so alive on the inside of me I shared it with some of the folks that were here this morning I've been sharing it some with Tammy at home but I feel like what the Lord is saying is had everything just continued to progress the way it was progressing it's likely Joseph would have ended up in a position that his diligence would have gotten too much credit for but when you're thrown into prison and by way of being imprisoned you get promoted there's no way you're able to take any credit for the authority that you've inherited all the glory goes to Yahweh alone so he ends up locked up in prison and while he's on lockdown rather than seeing this as an opportunity to throw up his hands and quit he actually becomes the man in highest authority of all the people that are imprisoned he's now over he's now over all of the other prisoners he's in charge of all of the other prisoners and he's dreaming and interpreting dreams while he's locked up I believe this is an hour where we're gonna dream I believe this is an hour in which the Lord is going to show us some more things about the things we have been dreaming and give us a spirit of revelation and some new insight interestingly if you go into the book of Genesis specifically in the passion translation what he's thrown into is the Kings prison Paul called himself the prisoner of the Lord I want you to see this Joseph is able to look at the end and his brothers and say you didn't do this this was all of this was god I think we're gonna be able to stand on the end of this and say the coronavirus did not do this is the Cova this is not kovat 19 this was not the economy this was of the Lord understand the Lord did not sell Joseph into slavery and the Lord has nothing to do with the coronavirus however when you get to the end of it you so see the favour the blessing yep the prosperity that you begin to operate in that there's no way you can look at it and do anything but give God glory because you never would have gotten there any other way and so Joseph ultimately ends up on the other side of a season where he's locked up and locked down but in the Kings prison Salah he's being committed watch this - being the prisoner of the king that's that's why when you look at the other people who are in the prison you're not seeing a bunch of rank criminals you're seeing bakers and you're seeing Butler's right and so what what happens is the Lord is asking people to come into a place where we're locked in with him and if we can be locked in with him new dreams are gonna start to come during this process and some understand concerning some dreams that maybe you and I have carried for years and years the Lord is gonna take the time to for us for us not to figure out how to run out there and get it done we can't but what we can do is sit along captive to the king and that's what I feel like the Lord I want to give the King my captivated heart in this season in a way that I never have never seen any of this I've never taught any of this is this coming alive in my heart right now in this hour that we're in I want to live with my heart captivated by the King in this season in a way that has never been captivated by the King before and the end result of that will be that Joseph said while I'm here I might as well function in authority while I'm here I might as well bring hope to guys that are in a hopeless situation I might as well interpret some dreams while I'm here I might as well be be be used what God's given me by way of his presence to see other people in a place of breakthrough if you and I will do that we come out on the other side of this in a seat of authority that we got to only by way of presence and that's the that's the when Joseph interprets the dream of the King and I'm giving you the the real cliffnotes of this Joseph ultimately interprets the the dream of the king and says seven years of famine and then they're gonna be followed by seven prosperous years so our seven prosperous years and then there's gonna be seven years of famine so we've got to really save well we've got to really build up our storehouses I feel like that's what the Lord's are doing he's gonna build up the storehouses during this hour and we're gonna come out on the other side of this resource to be able to bring breakthrough into other people's lives in a way that we never have before and so for me in a really unique way I feel like the king has me captive and it's going to the end results going to be greater authority the end result is gonna be the fulfillment of the dream but it doesn't always happen the way that we think it's going to happen let me set like this I don't know that I've ever seen it happen the way we thought it was going to happen what he actually does is he takes what the enemy meant for evil it wasn't God that through what God didn't tell a lie on Joseph to get him in prison the enemy is trying to stop the dream from coming to pass and Yahweh's just making sure that there's more equity being built in Joseph's testimony that when I got to that place I got there supernaturally and by no effort of my own all I did was remain faithful to carry the presents if you and I can remain faithful to carry the presents then I believe we're gonna begin to stream a light that's gonna begin to cause us to come on the other side of this day with our hearts held captive by the king that's been my word in my heart Lord hold my heart in captivity to you alone and I feel like that took an opening up that's what the Lord has been causing us to let me say that is this enough for you I mean we can't we can't do the bells and whistles but we don't do the bells and whistles here anyway but I'm talking to a lot of people that are not just a part of this assembly that we can you you can't now say I love this church because the children's program the coffee and the smoke machine and the high energy of the praise and work none of that none of that's accessible to you in this hour some people are still gonna try to put that show on but it's not going to be the same it's not going to be the same I can sit down and watch you know Chris Stapleton do a concert on television but I've been in the building when the man sings and the two things are not the same and so you're going to have the presence is going to be a personal devotion to Jesus a heart being held captive captive by the king is gonna have to be enough for us in the days to come and I believe a group of people a remnant of people all over the globe have been uniquely positioned to embrace that my heart is captive to the king in this hour and on the other side of this we're gonna come into a place where the dream begins to be fulfilled and I want to challenge you if right now you seem like you're further from the dream than you ever have been before it may be a season of you being repositioned reposition for the problem what was going on when Joseph was in the Kings prison that whole time Yahweh was working under the ground he was working in that underground prison to make sure that Joseph ended up right where he was supposed to be why because he had a nation he wanted to save Israel needed salvation I think America is gonna move into her most significant tower a revival and awakening on the other side of this kovat 19 deal because a company of people that have been busy and a company of people that have been Restless and a company of people that have had our trust in the wrong place are gonna finally get to the place where we say one thing have I desired of the Lord that will I seek after that one thing commitment is allowing my heart to be held captive to be for to him to lock his gaze with my gaze and I'm not I'm not doing as well there as I want to but I really want to in this hour be okay to just have my eyes fixed and locked on Jesus and from there I just think there's no limit to what the Lord is gonna do in and through us and I my prayer today is that just just through it a little bit of dialogue just do a little bit of sharing of our hearts of what we're believing for in this hour that may be a recalibration takes place may be a reorientation I feel like I can't go anywhere I feel like I'm on lockdown Oh awesome it's jealousy it's the king wanting to hold your heart captive I want no other captivity but I absolutely want a heart that's hell I want to be his most captive audience during this season where I focus on one thing and one thing alone so I'm just here today I love you guys I love the people's faces I can see even though there's only a few of you I love the people that are in this room and I can picture the other faces that are normally here and then I can picture the people that are in Ohio watching this I can picture the people that are in Italy and Australia that are watching are going to be watching this and and the sons and daughters that we've got that are planted all over the country it's just an awesome thing to be able to speak on behalf of the King and find out what is he doing in this I think we I think we've missed the purpose of the prophetic for years I think we made the prophetic to say this is what's coming and it's going to be tragic and we become these prophets of doom and gloom remember what Isaiah said covered the earth during our gloom we don't need to be giving people gloom right now there's gloom aplenty what we need to be giving is a hope that shines a light through that gloom and causes people to see God's gonna take this and he's going to absolutely cause the enemy to see once again you've overplayed your hand you pushed for one result and the opposite actually came to pass the people of God have had their hearts held captive by the king and by way of that they're being promoted into the most significant season of authority the you and I have ever walked in before I really feel like if there's if there's one word that is going to define what we inherited and I think there's a lot I'm careful saying that cuz I think there's a lot of words that are gonna define what we're going to inherit on the other side of this one that really rings true in my heart this morning his authority Joseph came out of a season of lockdown with greater authority and he ever could have gotten to just by way of his own diligence he he's he's on the fast track in Potiphar's house when he gets thrown into prison he's actually in charge in a position seated higher than Potiphar himself by the time he comes out of the prison this is what the Lord would do the Lord is gonna call some of you to leapfrog in this season the word I got I got it I have it all typed out I got it at 2:25 in the morning about a week ago and the Lord said I'm going to catapult people into new positions of authority on the other side of this and I began to write things about I even begin to study the process of how a catapult works but it is actually you looking for a season as if you're moving away from the target you're being taken back moved seemingly away from the target because there's an hour in which he begins to launch you and you never could have gone as far as you're about to go had you not done well in the season where it looks like you're moving away from the target amen I bless you there to be to be to receive this as a gift from the Lord and to pray for light to be seen in hopeless situations to pray for lives to be spared during this whole process to pray for me I've been specifically praying for peace to stay out of a suicidal state during the middle of all this because as the fear and the anxiety and some of the financial challenge comes with this that people would stay in a place of peace that surpasses all understanding and that you and I would be brokers of that peace that surpasses all understanding as people walk through this process and they walk through this challenge so we bless you all of our senior leadership team is here and we love you guys the worship team has been here we love you I don't know what we're gonna do next week probably something like this but maybe change the format up a little bit but we love you we bless you guys I know some of you I got a text this morning's people we're gonna be watching from the dock on the lake house it's that's an incredible place to go to church now you do have to come back when all this is over we're not gonna keep mice see why I don't live stream Sunday morning too many people got lake houses so so we bless you we thank the Lord for what he's doing in the earth I pray your family time is so sweet that the memories that you're creating together as family are just absolutely incredible and more than that I pray that your time with the King even as I'm saying that I'm beginning to think of people say I don't have any family here I'm here alone I'm locked down by myself even more I want you to see that it's jealousy that the king wants to hold your heart captive so that he can have you all to himself so we bless you we love you on behalf of all of us Carolina revival Hope Chapel folks we're praying for you if we can help you in any way Logan is still coming into the office our church secretary and then my staff is still coming into the office so if we can help you send us an email give us a prayer request that's what we're doing we're praying we're locking in we're going after the Lord for our local family and company of people here I miss you I really miss you and I can't wait for us to get back in this building together again and just go after the king so we love you we'll be keeping you updated by way of email as to what's going on I guess Facebook and things like that to help you know where we're headed and this this has been strong today you can feel the presence of the Lord here and I'm believing trusting that you were able to fill it where you were so give us some feedback we love you guys we bless you may your heart be held captive by the king let me pray over you father I thank you for this a really unique group of people that you've given us to run with and Lord you know that I have said to you many times I've never seen another group of people like this in my life I did not know there could be a group of people with one singular focus that would give themselves to the life of devotion and that would be enough and in this hour I thank you that that is enough for this company of people so I bless them to bring light into every situation where there's gloom everywhere there's a gloomy situation I pray that we would be able to emit a great light capture our hearts in a unique way in the secret place we would be happy to have our hearts be prisoners to the king during this season let my heart burn for you and you alone let the people receive fresh grace to finish the exchange and I thank you that our generational consciousness is being stirred in a fresh way our kids are being equipped and prepared to experience the lifestyle of the kingdom that you've designed them for may the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ I thank you that the knowledge of the glory of Almighty Yahweh is covering the earth as the waters do cover the sea that we're asking you and you're giving us Nations as your inheritance this has not changed the plan this has not changed the dream of God nor is it changing the dream God's imparted into us so we believe four great days and great things to come in the days ahead I thank you for the churches that are under our care our authority and responsibility increase them during this hour in this season bless them father bless their finances bless them with health and strength surround them roundabout with a shield and let them come in two great days of growth breakthrough and increase in the days to come we honor you we honor you we honor you thank you that you let us be forerunners to go ahead and prepare for what's going to be a gray turnaround in the nation I agree with the song more than I ever have before this thing is turning around we love you we bless you we'll see you soon
Channel: Damon Thompson Ministries
Views: 7,701
Rating: 4.869565 out of 5
Id: axuUOB-wogc
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Length: 61min 55sec (3715 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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