Presence is Enough | Damon Thompson | Carolina Revival | Hope Chapel

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turn with me in your Bibles to John 21 John chapter 21 I'm gonna just dive in here sort of as the Lord lets this unfold in my heart it's interesting because you - the most challenging types of text to teach from our first of all the one that no one is familiar with because you'll have to as a leader spend a great deal of time familiarizing people with the text you've got to familiarize them with the backstory with what precedes and and and then what we're also just kind of the cultural context at times the more difficult text to minister from in my opinion is the one everybody's familiar with because we have a tendency to sort of check out and say yeah I already heard that story however every season that you go through in life gives you a different lens or perspective into what you're reading or what you're hearing and so this has been a text John 21 it's the story of the disciples who go fishing after the resurrection and Jesus shows up and tells them to cast their net on the right side of the ship super familiar story really familiar for me I began to look back and think that I probably cycle back around to this particular text probably about every 18 months or so and I think I continue will continue to do that because it becomes a litmus test for me as to where I am in the area of beloved identity and the Lord has been doing so much in me personally and I'm ministering a lot out of that experience or what the last couple of months have been like in my own life what I think y'all way wants to finish maybe in the next about six more weeks five to six more weeks of really finishing some things as it relates to being seated as it relates to really coming into a posture of rest and so I'm gonna show that to you out of by way of the text I I may be a little more exegetical than what I would normally do in a setting like this but I'm I'm really stirred about it believe I have a specific word from the Lord so just kind of buckle in and journey with us and we'll we'll kind of see where we end up I'm going to I'm gonna read it out of the passion translation I may come back and read some of it out of the New King James as well but John chapter 21 I'm gonna read probably a little bit more than I'm gonna gonna share not gonna particularly share about the back part of the story where I could man there's some stuff in here where Jesus is reaffirming I believe Peters Apostleship by way of asking him do you love me do you love me do you love me tend my lambs feed my sheep we're going to read some of that I don't think I'm gonna teach on it necessarily but there's really a specific portion of this that has become extremely relatable for me during this season of quarantine where we've been called into the posture of rest I don't plan on talking about the coronavirus I don't the the kovat 19 storm we've talked some about that I feel like we've done what we need to do there I want to now talk about not what the enemy meant for evil but how y'all waste turning this for good how do you and I as believers inherit a deeper seed of beloved identity on the other side of this how do we get positioned to experience the next dimension of Hephzibah how through this are we being prepared to experience and engage the delight within the heart of ABBA for his sons and daughters and this is kind of where I am and so we'll just kind of see how it all unfolds John 21 starting in verse 1 says later Jesus appeared once again to a group of disciples by Lake Galilee your Bible may say the sea of Tiberias there it happened one day while Peter Thomas the twin Nathanael from Cana in Galilee Jacob John or the sons of Zebedee two other disciples were all together Peter told them I'm going fishing Peter told them there's the issue with leadership is its own you regardless of which direction you're moving in the mantle of leadership is there regardless of which direction you're moving to whom much is given much is required so Peter said I'm going fishing they all replied we'll go with you so they went out and fished through the night but caught nothing then at dawn Jesus was standing there on the shore but the disciples didn't realize that it was him he called out to them saying hey guys did you catch any fish not a thing they replied King James there says have you any meat have you meet they answered not a thing Jesus shouted to them throw your net on the starboard side and you'll catch some so they did as he said they caught so many fish they couldn't even pull in the net then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter who had the idea to go fishing who said to Peter it's the Lord when Peter heard him say that he quickly wrapped his outer garment around him because he was athletic some Tech's most Tech's say because he was naked he dove right into the lake to go to Jesus the other disciples then brought the boat to the shore dragging their catch of fish they weren't far from the land only about a hundred metres and when they got to the shore they noticed a charcoal fire with some roasted fish and register means Jesus didn't cook on the gas grill so to another thing that he and I have in common gas grill is an outdoor stove it doesn't count okay so I'm sorry that's just my part of my my thing so so Jesus as a car a charcoal coal of fire some fish roasted and bread jesus said bring some of the fish you just caught so Peter waded into the water and helped pull the net to shore it was full of many large fish exactly 153 but even with so many fish the net was not torn come let's have some breakfast jesus said to them and and not one of the disciples needed to ask who it was because every one of them knew it was the Lord then Jesus came close to them then Jesus came close to them and served them the bread and the fish this was the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection after they had breakfast jesus said to Peter Simon son of John do you burn with love for me more than these Peter answered yes Lord you know I have greater friction for you then take care of my lambs jesus said Jesus repeated his question the second time Simon son of John do you burn with love for me Peter answered yes my lord you know that I have great affection for you then take care of my sheep jesus said then Jesus asked him again Peter son of John do you have great affection for me Peter was saddened by being asked the third time and said My Lord you know everything you know that I burn with love for you jesus replied then feed my lambs we're gonna stop there and I won't know I want to pull some things out of here men that I just they have just fascinated me over the last week to ten days and the first thing that the predominant thing that comes up in my heart when I read this is that Peter is in a period of restlessness they are post resurrection this particular text says that they have are receiving their third visitation from Yeshua after the resurrection this is an unbelievably challenging season for the disciples because they had preconceived ideas of what walking with Jesus would actually lead to they are believing you study throughout all of the text never at any point in time even post resurrection did they believe that Jesus was going away and going to rule from heaven over the earth eventually returning to sit on the throne of his father David forever they believed he was coming to deal with Rome right then they believed that he was coming when he said the kingdom of God is at hand what they heard is we're gonna throw off the tyranny of Rome we're gonna deal with Caesar we're going to finally get the spirit of Herod under control and we're gonna be free to be a free nation what they did not understand was Jesus was not simply coming for Israel Jesus was coming for all of humanity and when it seemed like he was not implementing their plan it was actually an announcement that he had a plan greater than the one that they had conceived in their minds then he goes through crucifixion he goes through death he goes through burial and they're perplexed what do we do now we know the story and it's super imperative to what we're going to talk about today where Peter denies the Lord three times around the campfire outside of the temple courts one translation says when Peter denies Jesus the third time the rooster crows just as Christ had prophesied before the rooster crows that you'll have denied me three times Peter walked in a pride and an air against up until that point that said if everybody else denies you you know that I want so Peter denies him the rooster crows the Bible said their eyes meet Jesus and Peter locked gazes and Peter runs away weeping knowing he's denied the Lord now we're in a place Jesus is consider gone through death gone through burial they're perplexed now they're getting the initial witness of the resurrected Christ in the initial witness of the resurrected Christ this is their first thought what's better than a savior a messiah a conqueror to help us liberate Israel from Rome a resurrected conquering victorious Savior so when Jesus shows up to them again you know what their question is is now the time where you'll restore Israel and deal with Roman oppression he says it's not for you to know the time or the hour of the seasons but go to Jerusalem and tarry until you be endued with power Luke 24:49 is this command from Jesus tarry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high interestingly watch this is where it gets interesting interestingly that's the second appearance of Jesus there are there are 10 to 12 some scholars say that that some of those stories of the post resurrection narrative overlap a minimum of 10 many would say a maximum of 12 this is number three number two number two was Luke 24:49 chronologically Terry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power so what then is let's go fishing what then is I go fishing it's in ability it's an inability to enter into a state of rest when he's asking him to tarry in Jerusalem I want to say that I want to say this to you I believe I can firmly say I'm going fishing his disobedience to the command to tarry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power what what going fishing also is is a return to a vocation that he had been called out of by way of discipleship what was he doing when Jesus found him he was fishing what does Jesus say to him follow me and I'll make you fishers of men I'll teach you how to catch men instead of catch fish what is Peter doing now in a state of confusion in a state of unrest and in deep questions about how Jesus saw him he's deeply questioning how Christ sees him which doesn't really get fixed in the heart of Peter until this post this story are the end of this story when Jesus deals with this do you love me do you love me do you love me do you filet o me do you know the story's just awesome calls him Simon sometimes causing Peter sometimes calls him Simon Peter sometimes he's he's there to answer the question deep in the heart of Peter concerning how Jesus sees him what that question must be answered are you and I will never take the first necessary step to power Terry here I believe in every coronation of a new measure of authority and the life of the believer is preceded by a season where we have to enter into a new measure of rest they that wait upon the Lord as Matt saying this morning shall renew their strength they'll mount up on wings like eagles they'll run and not grow weary they will walk and not faint that lit that's literally the literal translation of that is a you'll begin to be feathered in such a way that you'll have eternal life so there's a really interesting thing where the Lord's trying to in do a group of people with power and many feel in this season like because they can't measure their production that it's a wasted season I'm telling you if you don't see this correctly then you're going to miss that before an in Dumon of power comes a season of being more seeded in beloved identity those that those that struggle the most during seasons where they can't measure their production are those who are wrestling the most deeply internally as it relates beloved identity tarry here in Jerusalem until you be endued with power and Peter's going how in the world am I gonna possibly sit still I don't know how he thinks about me I denied him our eyes met I compromised and now you're telling me to wait for power I don't feel qualified for power and I certainly don't feel that there's enough rest inside of me to be able to come into a posture of rest for the sake of being endued with power do you know that Matt Brown and I were communicating and as I spoke two weeks in a row out of what mark 4 when I'm talking about Jesus in the storm on the boat with the disciples and in Matthew's narrative and marks Matt Brown pointed out to me that after both of those comes a radical display of miracles they're great miracles seen on the other side of a season where we have to get into a posture of rest and and what what was what's interesting about where the Lord has us right now is before this pandemic things were poppin revival we're breaking out I had numerous of my own spiritual sons that we've planted and sent out into the earth many of them were in extended meetings of revival we were in the most significant extended meetings of revival we had been in here and in about four or five years for probably five years since we had said we're going again this weekend we're gonna take two weeks off and we're gonna come back again and we're gonna go to Kannapolis and we're gonna come back here to Bates burg and we're just gonna the Lord's doing something fresh these things were happening all over the place with spiritual sons and daughters in Ohio that we're experiencing a tremendous we saw an amazing move of God down in Panama City Florida we're out where we're they're speaking and God began to move and things begin to pop and you begin to hear witness of greatest services we've ever had it's unbelievable in Canada now where we have a spiritual son and daughter in Edmonton they were in extended meetings God was moving they were saying what do we do we gather want some up healings taking place in the building through livestream and then you go okay we're on the way we're on the way we're moving in the right direction and the Lord says tarry here but wait a minute wait wait no no no no we need we need to move forward we've got momentum right now and he says you know you've not been sufficiently crowned with the measure of power that I've designed you for and I begin to hear the Lord when when we first got called into this posture of rest I begin to hear two things from the Lord concerning what we would come out with on the other side one had to do with finances which is not something I talked a great deal about at all but I felt like the Lord was gonna reposition people for a measure of prosperity that was necessary for us to really leverage some breakthrough as it pertained to the kingdom the second thing was a new measure of authority a new measure of authority in in prayer a new measure of authority in intercession a new measure of authority as it came to making decrees on behalf of the King and just being the sons and daughters the image bearers that we were designed to be within the culture and I begin to now go back and look and say no how does that authority come to individuals who don't have any way to naturally pursue anything that would look let me sit like this that would prove that we have any more authority than we did otherwise so you can't prove that you're walking in a greater measure of authority right now in the natural because there's no outlet for production however you can feel something shifting in you internally as it relates to being more seeded and more at rest within the identity that we call beloved identity is this huge because this is what Peter says Peter said I'm going fishing I'm gonna go back to what I was called away from listen not that was evil he's not returning to sin he's not returning to a lifestyle of compromise he's returning to what's familiar because he cannot find the measure of rest necessitated by beloved identity to embrace what's just over the hill that he has no point of reference for Salah so what does he do he says I go fishing what did Jesus tell him to do Terry here let's look at this word Terry is this really an interesting study this has been amazing to me the word is is cough is oh and it's an amazing Greek word and it means listen this is what Terry means to make to sit down Matt had no idea this morning he started singing I'm gonna sit right here in my seat of wonder do you know what the words for Terry are sit si T Sat SAT set set SE t civic SI TT e th those are all the words for catheters oh so when he says Terry he's telling him be seated to make to sit down to set SC t a point listen to this to confer a kingdom on one you know this is not a season when he's just telling you to chill out this is not a season where he's telling you you make sure your Gardens good if you enjoyed doing that knock yourself out I don't really like playing in the shrubs myself but whatever you do you know what it it's well it's my yard looks like the Augusta National Golf Course right now you just drive mine look at it it's great there's nothing nothing there's nothing nothing left to do it's all fine and good but that's not what he's saying he's saying I want to confer a kingdom on you there's some authority I've been trying to get into you and there's there's been some some breakthrough that I've been trying to deposit into you there's a grace for deliverance and a wholeness and I believe healing and miracles that the church keeps saying this is coming this is coming and I don't even know if anybody's been willing to sit still enough to get that crown what does he wanted to crown us with and we've wanted him to throw the crown at us while we're running with all of our mind toward a destination and he's saying you're gonna have to tarry to get this one I'm gonna in do you with power from on high but it's gonna be necessitated by you saying yes to a season of cathode so to be seated to confer a kingdom on one listen to the rest of this - sit down - sit so this is it to make to sit down to set SCT a point to confer a kingdom now if the if the verb is being used in transitively if you if you wanted to just use the verb an intransitive place you would say to sit down si T to sit number 2 si T to have fixed one's abode to secure n-- to settle to settle down it's literally word-for-word straight out of the lexicon to sit to set to have a kingdom conferred upon one to settle down to have a fixed abode to surgery I think it's to surrender to recognize there's restlessness in me there's a propensity to need to perform well in order to see myself as beloved and the father sent I have to take that away from you because there is an authority that I've designed for you to walk in that it is illegal listen and dangerous for me to give you while you're moving you're gonna have to tear you to get this one when you struggle with beloved identity in a season where you can't measure production watch what Peter does I'm going fishing not evil not evil except that it's not what he told him to do Luke 24:49 tarry here in Jerusalem until you be endued with power let's let's look a little further at cathodes oh because it's an awesome word just an absolutely awesome word I've loved loved loved loved studying this word over the last little while this word is used 48 times in the New Testament keffe it says used 48 times in the New Testament 46 of those 48 times it's either the word sit Sat set or sitteth so it's si T SAT s et si T te th 46 of 48 times the only times it's not sits at set or sitteth you get that the only times it's not is in acts 18 where it's talking about Peter being in Corinth and he says he continued there that's the word that's used here for Terry the other time that it's not set so 46 or 48 it's set set set set a--the okay one time it's Peter continues the other time is the time it's used as Terry here in Luke 24:49 it's the word Terry let me give you some other examples of how the word calf is o is used it's used in Hebrews 1:3 where it says Jesus purged our sins and sat down at the right hand of the Father see when he's telling them Terry here he's not saying hang out for a little while there's an ox gonna come on the door and this is not what he's saying he's telling you need to get in the position where I'm going to be able to crown you with a measure of authority you've never walked in before so that's Hebrews 1 verse 3 Hebrews 8:1 says that Yeshua is such a high priest who is set on the right hand of the throne Hebrews 10 12 says he expelled our sins forever and sat down that's cathodes Oh sat down at the right hand of the throne of elations 3:21 concerning you and I to him that overcomes I will grant to sit tarry with me kathas oh it's the same word revelations 20 revelations 20 verse 4 I saw Thrones they sat upon them in seats of judgment talking about the 24 elders so listen this is interesting you and I have got to get this when he's telling them tarry here he's not telling him twiddle your thumbs and pass the test of a season where you're not able to be productive and all I want you to do during that time is survive that's not what he's saying he's saying I need you to get seeded I need you to come out of an inconsistency concerning your devotional life that may have plagued you for your entire life and if one I know people that's that's hard to hear but this is what he's trying to do where's our excuses now concerning not having time to pray and that's an indictment against me as well where's where's my excuses if I'm busy and I've got things to deal with and there's stuff to do that he takes all of that away and he's going he's how what's he doing in this it did he calls the the pandemic absolutely not however he's leveraging that pandemic to get you and I into a posture and a seat of rest so that when we come out of this we come out what what what we're now we're ready to go and we can finally go again no no no we come out with a measure of authority that causes us to be able to leverage breakthrough that's bigger than anything that we could do it in the area of production I think I believe we're gonna see some phenomenal international moves of the spirit begin to take place on the other side of this one of the early words I heard is that this is going to be a 90-day period like obed-edom experienced when they turn the Ark of the Covenant into his home and at the end of that 90-day period he never leaves the Ark of the Covenant and the experiences tremendous blessing in his own life as a result of that he goes then and becomes a doorkeeper in the house of God because of what he encountered in his home he has a he has no place of authority in the religious structure before he hosts the presence in his home he comes out of having hosted the presence in his home he's now a doorkeeper in the house of God on Mount Zion where King David has established a new home for the Ark of the Covenant of Almighty God I believe you and I will find Zion if we can come into the intended measure of rest we've been designed for in this season and when when when he causes us to be seated in beloved identity and then he releases the breath of heavy ball on us and the desire and the delight of the Lord begins to be encountered it is going to identify that there's still a measure of restlessness present I'm telling you there isn't me there's still a measure of restlessness present if you had asked me before this went on was I at rest I would have answered yes if you ask me a couple of weeks into it I said no maybe I wasn't that rested in but I'm at rest now now getting on that the other end of this are kind of on the down hill side of this I'm able to look inside I'm not as at rest as I know that I can be for what calls because he's looking two crowns people whoa what was he asking them to wait for in Jerusalem in Doom it with power from on high the same spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead was looking to quicken their mortal bodies and Peter's going huh my god what do i do what do i do what do i do what i do i'm just going fishing that's not what he said to do but we end up in disobedience oftentimes not because we want to defy the word of the Lord but because we can't because there's too much restlessness because there's an absence of revelation concerning beloved identity Peter still had not had not had the conversation with Jesus concerning how Jesus saw him a little bit further in the text 48 times that word is used 46 of them it's it sat SAT set or sitteth s ITT ETH 46 of the 48 times we talk a lot around here about being seated and I still don't know if everybody knows what we mean when we say that this is what we mean when we say that that there there is a word I know Johnson what 20 years ago doings God was calling Johnson out of the system this was the verse he used I didn't know that until this morning to call him out of the system tarry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high what was he saying to you I'm about to shift everything in you you're not gonna be able to put the dots together and you're not gonna be able to make sense of it all but you're gonna have to be seated enough in beloved identity that when a real transformation and shift happens in the area of authority all you've got to do is say you know what I can't earn this I don't have to understand this I don't have to have a paradigm I don't have to have 14 prophecies that led me to this I just have to believe there is an hour where you're always looking to crown a company of people with a measure of authority that is gonna calls it that when we pray for the sick in this next season they begin to be healed amen when we declare deliverance in the next season we begin to see the fruit of that and I think we've wanted to wait until we magically entered the abracadabra season of miracles and I don't think we were tracking toward that before this I believe Yahweh was saying you have to be seated to inherit what I really designed you for and then when people say how'd you get it you won't be able to say well I read this and I went here and I prayed this much and I fasted this much you're gonna say he loves me that's how I got it he loves me the way I'm operating in this Authority he loves me and I'm no longer wrestling on the inside with how he feels about me does that help you alright alright so Kevin's Oh Terry 48 times used axe 18 Luke 24 the only times it's not some derivative of the idea of being seated beloved identity that Peter is wrestling with how Jesus sees him Peter then returns to the familiar and I want I want you to I want you to I just pull a couple of things out of the narrative here there's so much in here but Peter says he's going fishing they follow Peter Chuck could talk a little bit about that but I'm for the sake of time let's do it like this Peter goes fishing and learns that he cannot anymore do what he'd always been able to do his entire life Peter should have been successful if based on nothing else just experience if he knew how to do anything he knew how to catch fish I always said the difference between a professional fisherman and an amateur fisherman is not that one that not that they can both catch fish when they're biting it's that the professional knows how to have success when the amateur does not you send him into a situation where you say the weather's not right the seasons not right and he'll find something that attracts the fish in that moment these guys were professionals we we believe they were generationally trained to be fishermen that this was the family business and Peter says you know what I don't know where all this thing is going I gave up everything to follow this revolutionary figure he I know now that he's resurrected he's demonstrating himself but I don't know what my future holds and I don't know what my financial situation is going to be and I put all my eggs in this basket and I don't know what to do and I don't want to turn away from God it's not like I want to stop serving God but I've got to have some stability so I'm gonna go fishing and the love of God ensured that he was not able to be successful based on past experience the love of God kept the boat empty until the voice showed up maybe you're it maybe you're watching this morning from wherever you tuned into this days later maybe you're in that place right now where you saying I'm doing everything I know to do and I just can't seem to find progress I'm telling you friend the love of God will let you stay empty if that's what it takes to get you seated one of the biggest enemies listen listen to this one of the biggest enemies to the success or the fruitfulness of my interior garden was my own ability to produce results your gift can be your friend or your enemy and the season where I could say no I'm not doing well here personally internally but look at all the people being one to Jesus as a result of the ministry was kept me in this place of restlessness well now you're in a season where you can't even measure any of that literally you can't get fish in the boat you still have people trying to do it you still have people who are you know wanting to get a thumbs up from whatever they tweeted or quoted or picture they put out and they're still striving they're looking why because I need I need somebody to affirm me I need somebody to affirm me and I'm telling you you may get to the other side with more followers and more likes but you won't have any more authority because this season if we see it correctly is giving us permission to get into a posture of rest whereby we receive a crown that when we come out on the other side of this all we care about is presence when we come out on the other side of this all we care about is presence Peters on the boat he fished all night with other people who knew how to fish and they have nothing to show for an entire night spent toiling sound familiar they have nothing to show for an entire night spent toiling there in disobedience they're supposed to be tarrying in Jerusalem they couldn't find Kevin so so now they're on the boat they're fishing and you're going well that they cut themselves off from the presence of Jesus no no he came mercy showed up on that sea shore with to a bunch of men who I believe were vacillating between the future in the past I feel the Holy Spirit on me right now they are there in this seesaw between yesterday and tomorrow tomorrow's calling but they have no point of reference tomorrow is calling they're about to have to be asked to establish the New Testament church without the New Testament I say we can't get the New Testament church right and we have the New Testament they're being asked to establish something church they don't know what that term means they're gonna be asked to function as bishops they're gonna be asked to function as elders they're gonna be asked to establish deacons I don't know what any of that means they have no point of reference for any of that they are birthing the mystery hidden from the ages the Church of the Living God the Bride of Christ is about to come on the scene and they're going we don't know how to do that and because we don't know how to do what's unfamiliar let's just go back and do what we know how to do at least it's not wrong we'll just fish and count fish and I wonder how much of the church is just fishing and counting fish because they don't have enough beloved identity to embrace the unfamiliar call into a territory that eye has not seen and ear has not heard we are afraid of the mysteries because we are wrestling over beloved identity but if we knew how he saw us we were dare to embark on the journey above the horizon that says I don't know what's over that hill but I know that I wasn't born to spend my life counting fish mercy shows up mercy shows up on the seashore and asked them are you being successful and they had enough interior fortitude to be able to answer the question honestly this isn't working because we as leaders have not had the courage to say this isn't working said no we don't have any fish but have you seen our boat got a beautiful boat we've got an amazing boat have you said we've got a lot of important people on the boat yeah but have you any meat that's what the King James says Jesus asked them have you any meat what would that have meant to them remember when Jesus is talking to Saint Fotini the woman that we call the woman at the well Saint 14e and he addresses her and he brings her into a place of transformation and and the disciples have gone out to get food and they come back to give food to Jesus and he says I don't want any and they said who you haven't eaten he said my meat is to do the will of the Father who sent me and what would they have heard when he said do you have any meat I think they would have heard are you doing the will that the Father sent you for and are you finishing I'm doing the will are you doing the will of the Father who sent you and are you finishing it do you have any meat is this is this working for you is your nice boat and your past experience and your talents and your gifting is it working for you no the boat is empty the boat is absolutely empty and he said now that you've admitted you can't do it without me I'm gonna take my word and I'm gonna put it into an atmosphere where there's been no success otherwise they apply the word of the Lord and they bring in a boat full of fish 153 fish so many fish that the writers are actually trying to communicate that number of fish should have broken the Nets but they didn't break the Nets because it was the word of the Lord for them to have that many fish they bring the fish onto the boat and something fascinating happens I didn't expect to teach this like this but now I feel the Spirit of the Lord on me so strong right now the safest John says it is the Lord the one man not wrestling with beloved identity to the point that the Bible doesn't say John said it is the Lord the Bible said the one whom Jesus loved said it is the Lord because the one who's not wrestling with beloved identity can find him even in a season where they've not been productive can recognize him that if we were empowered to do what we were unable to do another one another way then that wasn't just a fisherman telling us that we needed to try the other side that makes no sense if the fish are on the left side of the boat the fish are on the right side of the boat they're on the left side he doesn't tell him to move the boat he doesn't tell him to get out into deeper water he doesn't tell him to get out into shallower water he said why don't you just take what you're doing and put my word in the middle of it and see if it'll change it take what you're stressed over take what you're worrying about take what you're fearful about and put my word in the middle of it and see if it'll shift I got a boat full of fish the word of the Lord showed up they got a boat full of fish and John says to whom Peter so the text goes like this the one whom Jesus loved said to Peter let me give you my translation the one whom Jesus loved said to the one wrestling with how Jesus saw him it's the Lord and I think Peter had to say I'll never get away even if I try to go back to the familiar whose presence will come find me wherever I am because he's the Good Shepherd who leaves the 99 and he goes after the one Peter found presence irresistible in an amount in a moment he Gerdes himself with his fisherman's cloak dr. Simmons translates that because he was athletic others say because he was naked and he he dives into the water and he begins to swim toward the one he had betrayed as he begins to move toward the one he had betrayed I realized this I realized that there's now a boat with a hundred and five three fish in the you got what you spent all night trying to get yet in a moment he'll give up everything God gave him the ability to acquire to be in the presence of the one who gave it to him and I feel like this is what the Lord is doing in this hour he's saying in an hour in which you haven't been able to be productive you can either figure out how to use my word to bring the success you desire or you can say this is not about success this is not about fish this is not about anything you can count or anything you can measure for me this season is about presence finally becoming enough swims away from what God gave him the ability to get I want you to feel this and I want you to hear this he swims away from what Jesus gave him the ability to produce what Jesus gave him the ability to accomplish he swims away from it and he chooses the presence of Jesus over what the Word of God can give you the ability to accomplish the word will work the Word of God will work the Bible said this that the word of the Lord will not return void but it will accomplish the thing for which it was sinned the Word of God works I tell people this generosity to the poor and tithing works for the unbeliever if you don't have to be a believer you just have to apply the law of sowing and reaping it rains on the just it rains on the unjust be not deceived God is not mocked whatsoever a man not a believer whatsoever a man so that shall he also reap and I think the church has turned into this sterile environment where we've tried to take the Word of God and turn it into a formula to try to end up with a boat filled with fish and God's gonna have a culture of leaders at some point throughout history who will leave the achievement behind to get in the presence of the one who gave it to him she's been all night with you unable to catch fish he spends all night unable to catch fish he finally catches fish and he's got a decision to make am i content to live at a distance from presence applying the word in experiencing a measure of success I want to say this very clearly am i content to have a great distance personally between me and Christ and stay here and leverage his word to bring a measure of personal success inside of a season or a system of familiarity or am I able to swim away from what God gave me to live in the presence of the God who gave it to me this is where I am personally like where you can't measure success where you can't grow and you can't reach and you can't say who we're changing the world presence just got to just finally be enough and when presence is enough you're really not concerned by what's happening with the boat full of fish behind you here's the thing if God meant for you to have the boat full of fish they'll follow you while you swim toward presence Peter says that's the Lord I mean I'm sorry beloved identity John the beloved the one whom Jesus loved said says to Peter seven guys on the boat he says to Peter it's the Lord Peter new beloved identity was right beloved identity announced it was the Lord I've taught this for years as the picture of the Apostolic and the prophetic working together because although John the disciple whom Jesus loved was also an apostle it's obvious if by nothing else about the book of revelations that his primary gifting was that of a prophet the primary gifting on his life was a prophet in because I don't believe the fivefold ministry that we've called it our offices I believe they're giftings I believe you can principally operate in one while functioning in the others and so so the prophetic voice of beloved identity sees that it is the Lord and for years I've taught the prophet saw it and then the Apostolic goes to retrieve what the Prophet identifies but I'm shifting some of that in my thinking and I'm saying what recognized Jesus Oh what recognizes the man is Jesus on the bank was not John's prophetic DNA it was his beloved DNA the thing that separated him from the other men in the boat was not that he was more prophetic than they were the thing that separated him from the others on the boat is that he was more assured of his beloved identity than anybody else on the boat and that friends what made him prophetic because later on he's gonna hear a voice say come up here and I'll show you what must take place after this and he is going to enter the most unfamiliar realm that any man had ever entered to that point in history and he's not afraid to go into the realm of the mysteries because he's sure how the father sees him Peter swims toward the Christ and the story just gets more and more fascinating he gets there he gives up a boat full of fish he gets there and you know what's on the bank fish except these are prepared so what was raw outside of presence can actually nourish you once you get into the intended measure of present there's a boat full of raw fish behind you if you choose to just live with fish it'll never taste right if you choose to live with what you can count and what you can measure and what the word of the Lord can bring to you if you think that's enough I'm telling you it'll never taste right but if you can give up the success in order to live in the presence then you'll have fish when you get there - but these will be able to nourish you Jesus has a fire waiting on Peter what would that have meant to Peter who the last time he stood around a fire it was to deny the grace and this time there's a fire waiting on Peter and the eyes that he had seen in a moment of betrayal are now eyes that are peering in hid to him saying Peter there's a propensity in you to question whether I love you and we're gonna fix that today there's a question in you about how I see you and we're gonna fix that today and I'm telling you you never find Peter wrestling to Terry again from this point on he's able to move straight into Jerusalem he's able to apple luckily lead a tenday prayer meeting that releases the baptism of the holy spirit when the day of Pentecost had fully come and you know what the inheritance of that is cloven tongues like as of fire set upon each of them Jesus sets up a scene of redemption to bring Peter back into a measure of beloved identity so that Peter can change the world wouldn't know know first so Peter can learn to tarry because he still hadn't done that and he doesn't get to CLEP the course of rest watch this this is gonna be strong but I'm gonna say this he doesn't get to clap the course of rest because he learned how to catch a lot of fish I know leaders are going to listen to this and I know they are I just know I just felt from the Lord early on like I'm talking to a lot of people but I'm talking to some leaders out there that thought man if I had some more fish in the boat and I'm telling you friend I'm telling you it's not about how many fish you have in the boat it's about a fire inside of presence that you'll never experience any other way you can have a boat full of fish and be freezing on the inside be cold on the inside be cold on the inside but when you find that measure of presence the difference between the fish in the boat and the fish in the bank is one encountered the fire of presence and nothing can nurture you until it's passed through the fire of presence and in this season he's asking us is presence enough he's asking me and I think he's asking me to ask you on his behalf today can you Terry can you cut it so I know you can lead worship and I know you can play an instrument and I know you can preach and I know you can administrate but can you Terry because I can't give you the authority that I've designed you for it will not be safe for you to inherit this crown while you're running this authority necessitates that you find a place called seeded to be set to lose the vagabond spirit I'm gonna say this boldly this morning even though I know people are watching you need to find where home is for you and you need to allow yourself to get established and you need to get planted and my recommendation is you go where there's a father present that can help establish you into who you were designed to be and will help you say settle down settle down come into a place of rest why because there's some authority that I have for you that is that you're gonna look back and you're gonna say how did we get into the miracles how did we get into this place the sicker being healed the dead are being raised people are being delivered from things we we started to believe people would never be delivered from they're being delivered in mass all over the globe how did it happen how did it happen a group of people in a season of quarantine saw it as an opportunity to finish the last vestiges of restlessness that were present because we really didn't trust how he sees us really didn't trust how he sees us how do you know you're in beloved identity you have no problem being seeded and with every new measure of a fresh inheritance of beloved identity there's a new grace to come into a place of rest and I know when I know when people hear me say that higher you go yeah we go somebody's got to be out there going forward and don't you can't anymore Kenya you're so mad at me for so long because I was pulling you off the battlefield for the Lord well you can't right now can you so he's gonna do this one way or another and I thank God that I feel he's finishing some things in me that still need yes to rest as long as it's married to production yes to rest as long as this married to a boat full of fish no yes to rest because I believe that it's necessary for me to be a witness of beloved identity that ultimately bears the image of who the father is in the earth Jesus had three and a half years of ministry and never got in a hurry why because he was not there to fill his boat with fish he was there to do nothing he hadn't seen the father do I do nothing that I haven't seen what is to I do nothing that you know the most difficult thing about that statement is the nothing part you know what we're being asked to do right now nothing except what we've seen the father do and I'm watching people wrestle with this and try to use religion as an excuse to say I can't there's too much to be there and I just can't sit still and I'm not gonna let the government tell me to sit still and I'm you know listen listen sit still and realize that we are being positioned to operate in the highest measure of authority I believe of any group of people who have ever called on the name Jesus inclusive of the early church inclusive of the book of Acts you and I are going to be called to measure a leverage at Alette to leverage a measure of breakthrough that absolutely redefines the culture of the kingdom in the earth it's a big statement I and I've laid it and I believe something that historic is what we're on the precipice of last little piece of this the last little part here verse 7 again the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter it's the Lord when Peter heard him say that he quickly wrapped himself in his outer garment because he was athletic he dove into the lake to go to Jesus the other disciples then brought the boat to shore dragging their catch of fish they weren't far from land only about a hundred metres when they got to the shore they noticed a charcoal fire with some foot with some roasted fish and bread Jesus said bring me some of the fish you just caught last part of this come on Gus you bring some for you too because I really had only had enough prepared for me and Peter bring me some when they get there there's fish on the coals Jesus was there to have a conversation with Peter there were six other men present who got to eat but Jesus was there to have a conversation with Peter why because the other six men are only there because Peters what is God doing he's fixing leaders thinking in this hour it's tormenting some of you but he's trying to fix your thinking he's trying to have a one-on-one conversation he's trying to sup with you in the fire of his presence and on the other side of that you're gonna be amazed at how many other people are gonna find their way to that fire of presence because you as a leader have finally surrendered to the posture of rest fish you'll be fine he who began a good work is faithful and just to complete what about the people what about the way I know leaders who are saying we've got to make sure we care for the people during this that's not what you mean sir what you mean is how do I stay relevant what you mean is how do I keep them thinking about me and keep my position of leadership in the state of relevance that it needs to be in their life and I feel like the Lord saying I'm gonna take this stuff away and I'm gonna have leaders who will show my people how to get into the fire of my presence I'm gonna show their all you're gonna do is you're gonna swim toward him and who comes comes who follows you follows you who doesn't doesn't but I'm swimming in to the measure of presence I was designed for because there's a there's an invitation into a level of beloved I didn't do I've never known before those guys come with that boat full of fish and Jesus said there's enough fire for you all go get some fish and bring them over here Peter goes back helps the guys bring the fish in but here Jesus is sitting there at that fire and I'm going so when he tells us to tarry and we can't he doesn't ride us off he chases us even into a place that restlessness led us to and he's coming I feel like this feels like a Wilderness Society in a lot of ways to me because I feel like he's coming to leaders and saying if you'll let me you can come out on the other side of this and presence will be enough the secret place will be enough oh I can't yet but I want it to be said of me that the secret place was enough I know that I'm called to the public square I know that I'm called to a place where my voice is heard in the earth I know I'm good with all of it but I that can't be what I eat people's perception cannot be the place where I find satisfaction it's gonna have to be in the fire of a personal encounter with the living presence of Almighty God that satisfies me and I feel like that could be said for every person that follows Jesus as church become a crutch has as the has the corporate gathering become this scaffolding that is really holding up a faulty interior world and Y always taking that stuff away and saying it's gonna I'm gonna have to be enough for you in this hour I'm gonna have to be enough for you what happens if he finally becomes enough for us when we are able to gather again we have no more of the temptation to count fish we're just able to move forward content that I can live my life as a leader being able to declare I do nothing that I haven't seen the father do so I feel like today is I kind of wrap this up I feel like the declaration that I would make over you it's grace for Kevin so grace to come into rest why friend you were designed for a throne first of all you need to know you were designed for a throne room you were designed for a throne room where you get obsessed with the one who's seated upon the throne but the scripture teaches us when we get there we have crowns and we have Thrones the purpose of the crown is to have something Noble to be able to cast at the feet of the one who is supremely crowned above all others however there are Thrones that are there for you and I to sit upon to be able to judge righteously on behalf of the king what's going on within the culture so that said that sometimes well this thing's gonna come back around in the fall and this thing's gonna come back around in the winter maybe not maybe the church goes through such a shift in the spring that when this knocks on the door in the winter and this knocks on the door in the fall the church is positioned more effectively than she was beforehand and this time when we pray none of our words fall to the ground could that be could you dare to believe that we could this could be the wake-up call I've heard so many say that this could be the wake-up call that positions us to be able to see every different on the other side of this season I'll tell you this God did not cause the pandemic and God did not cause the quarantine but I would be a fool not to receive what he's hidden for me in this season and I would say to you just more grace for Kevin so Matt would you guys just come I just think we're supposed to I think what we need to do is just you know I can't call you to the altar here and say if you're wrestling with beloved identity and you're you're wrestling with being seated and who Yahweh has designed you but I can't call you here but you can build one wherever you are and what what would it do I've just felt this this morning what would it do to the heart of God if there were altars being built all over the world with a group of people who said you know what in this season of quarantine I want presence to be enough for me I want the fire of personal encounter with Jesus what the New Testament called simple devotion to Jesus I want the fire of simple devotion to Jesus to be enough for me I feel the Lord calling me back to to not not the familiarity of production I feel the Lord calling me back to the love of fair at the beginning maybe the issue with Peter he sees his whole journey starts while he's fishing he's called to be fishers of men by the time the conversation is over he's being called to tend to the sheep of God think about that with the first encounter is I'm gonna make you fishers of men the last encounter is feed my lambs tend to my sheep I want to tell you something extremely pastoral has been happening to me personally in this season we're in a day of evangelistic fervor I wanted to see how many of them we could get in the boat and in the day of half of salat Grace I wanted to establish the order I feel something of a shepherding thing in my heart happening during this time and I want to see the sheep of God I want to see the Lambs I want to see them become who they were ultimately designed to be which I don't believe this sheep or lambs I believe you were designed to be sons and daughters I believe you're designed to be image bearers I believe that you were predestined to be conformed into the image of his son so when the earth says what does he look like where is he in the middle of panic in the middle of fear can somebody show me the way instead of us saying you can follow me to my church you can say you know there is a light on the inside of me I have found the seed of rest I've slowed down enough to inherit refraction and on the other side of this he is bending his light through me and that spectrum and that frequency of beloved identity has been beginning to shift the nations of the world I pray the nations of the world begin to be shifted but the spectrum and frequency that he's bending through those that are coming into this posture of rest Hephzibah is screaming to a group of people you're gonna need to sit down for this one have you ever seen in the movies or in the culture somewhere in television where they say I've got news for you but you're gonna need to sit down [Music] I've got news for you and you're gonna need to sit down I hear Abba saying I've got some Authority for you you're gonna need to sit down I'm about to show you what the next 10 years is going to look like and you're gonna need to sit down I'm about to blow you away with a measure of desire and delight that is gonna be your undoing and you're gonna need to sit down for this what is he asking us to be seated for what dimension of encounter were you born for how close were you designed designed to be to his face Hephzibah is coming the delight of the Lord is the new name of his people we're gonna find ourself ruling in a land called Beulah dancing on the mountains of Zions delight and it's gonna have been preceded by a season where he says I need you to sit down for this one this is bigger than you thought this is not going to be a little bit more fuel so you can continue your journey of ministry no I'm stopping that and I'm gonna cause you to be seated and you're gonna inherit a measure of delight that eyes not seen and ears not heard I don't want to just make you know the farmer rain in the latter rain get poured out together in one month I don't - just make the latter rain better church services I want the reign of his delight to begin to fall on a company of lovers until it washes away every question we've ever had about how he sees us can we say how did he how will he who did not spare his own son but delivered him up for us all not all so freely with him give us all things as he is so are we in this life in this world as he is so are we kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ the knowledge of the glory of God is beginning to cover the earth as the waters do cover the sea and yoonah have been put on the forefront of that great unveiling and he's asking us in this season would you inherit a measure of rest where you really can come out on the other side of this and say if all I have is presence I've got more than I'll ever need what's following me I don't know is it is there millions of souls following me I'm not sure I really want there to be millions of souls following me or are there generations that do great exploits I think those are back there behind me but all I know is I am NOT called to focus on what's coming behind me I'm called to focus on the one who's built a fire of encounter and he's invited me to come closer than I've ever been before I feel him inviting you and I to come closer than we've ever been before and I bless you this day with grace for Kevin so with grace to sit to be set to have a kingdom inferred upon you by the glory of God what an example Jesus is to us of one who was seated in beloved identity and crowned with great authority crowned with historic grace and breakthrough I want to pray for you and then I want the team to just lead us into whatever the Lord's given them but I feel such a stirring all day that we're gonna wait on the Lord we're gonna find that last verse of Isaiah 40 Isaiah 40 starts with the declaration of John the Baptist's coming in the spirit of Elijah to prepare the way of the Lord Isaiah 40 ends with a group of people who have learned to wait upon the Lord and he's renewed their strength they mount up on wings like eagles they run and they don't grow weary they walk and they don't faint is the verse about waiting or running they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength they'll mount up on wings like eagles is the verse about flying or waiting is the verse about running or waiting yes it's about waiting that gave us the grace to be able to run and to fly and to soar in a way that we never have before but we do not get to CLEP the course of waiting because we really want to be runners and we really want to be ones who fly this is our season where we learn to wait presence is enough I don't know where he's gonna take us from here but we'll mount up on wings like eagles will run and will not grow weary will walk and will not faint whether we're walking or we're running or we're flying it's all gonna have to have been preceded by a season or beloved identity let us just wait upon the Lord I bless you I bless you with a measure of Hephzibah that will require a calf hit so let me say it like this the delight of the Lord is so extreme that you'll have to sit down and be seated to encounter it the way that you were designed for so I bless you wherever you're watching this all over the world that you would come into a place of kath it so so that you can experience a measure of hepzibah your being seated connected to the delight of the lord is going to crown you with a measure of authority that's unlike anything we've ever seen we bless you today the name of Yeshua Christ [Music] Yahweh or spear - so close face-to-face getting so lost I'll never return from a place neither here nor there unfamiliar everywhere Wow world no I haven't seen let the old way fade away [Music] it's my whole world you read the flame along teach me to be thrown no matter when I see your face ignite the flame along you touch me to a time dethrone no matter what I see [Music] yeah we all should be - so close getting so long never [Music] from a place neither here nor there unfamiliar everywhere while world no eye has seen maybe away fade away my whole world you refrain maybe I'm a fadeaway [Music] [Applause] it's my whole world here ignite [Music] teach me too chime be thrown no matter what I see your face [Music] he cheats me too [Music] I see [Music] see your face [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a bride shiny [Applause] to live I feel Flay [Applause] [Music] let me burn our [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] like a bright shiny my life really [Applause] ha Oh right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh teach me to we grow no matter when I see a pair big night [Music] [Applause] teach me to we grow [Music] what I see [Applause] like a bright shiny really ha [Music] let me work [Applause] [Music] like a bright shining lady when my feel [Applause] [Music] longer in right [Music] Wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow what [Music] this peace [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Damon Thompson Ministries
Views: 14,439
Rating: 4.9107809 out of 5
Id: hW793tQfzCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 1sec (4861 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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