Wild RV Trip to Alaska - Are We Stranded?

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oh my we're sitting here waiting on jois I think the some of the lug nuts like stripped and the tires went flying but thank God we are all safe sure glad I have these three men in my life they always figure it out somehow hey friends welcome to this week's video Welcome to Montana Haven where you going to find Hope and inspiration for you and your family well this week's video is going to be a mixture of things like it always is you never know what you're going to find here in our family uh but we are we've got 3 days left here in our Montana Haven home and then we're going to head to Alaska so the first part of this video you're going to see us finishing all the Myriad of tasks that we still have yet to complete before we leave on Thursday this is Monday and then the last half of the video is going to be us driving back to Alaska and we're going to take a little bit of time driving back so the way down it took us 4 days we just kind of drove you know all day every every day for 4 days straight this time we're going to take a few extra days hopefully and maybe do some sightseeing along the way so guys welcome to this week's video we hope you're going to enjoy it and there are a few things that we're doing today Ethan is uh up cleaning the roof off with pine needles and cleaning the gutters Wyatt is literally out in the barn he's uh picking up dog poop that's a very uninteresting job but somebody's got to do it he's a good man for the job I got to fix this door handle right here so it seems about every 12 months the door handle wears out and I got to replace the interior of the door handle which is right here so that's what I'm going to be doing replacing this and so the day goes we'll see where the week brings but welcome and uh sit back enjoy the rest of the video [Music] look what we got going on here Justin's not feeling well spending the day on the couch I guess Avalon's drawing a world map and the children are almost done with their school actually why it is done with all the school books we didn't take a lot of vacation time this year and Avalon's almost done and Chloe's almost done as well what's happening babe oh doing the laundry lots of laundry [Music] and there we go better are done on to the next thing okay well we have had some interesting developments I spent a few hours in town and just doing all kinds of running around and now look what we have here see this box let's see what we got inside here we have a little baby there's probably more coming so we got another one honey huh yeah oh look at that good girl yeah very nice it is small wow yeah oh very pretty color though all right it went from that Gunk plug sink to that all our sinks are clear now so good news got the sinks all cleared out and we've got another puppy yay that's three now okay what I'm doing now is I am taking these fix trying to fix these RV Windows here so this little lock broke off off and when we close the window it just wants to always rattle open so I bought these little 3D printed ones but they don't fit so I'm having to modify them to make them fit with a grinder and you can see this one here I just got to work so hey whatever it takes right there Ethan started the pile of all the twigs and stuff that we cuting from the grapes and the raspberries and then there were four of them Avalon's making sure they get their mama's milk AVN move your hand so I can see them there's two like Autumn one darker one and one light brown one two girls and two boys she's going to need a bath tomorrow she's a good Mama now you're going to have to name them Avalon tonight we're here at my dad and mom's place and uh got a little group of our family together here and I think we're going to sing a couple songs and um kind of just hang out for a little bit here it's good good times [Music] [Music] all together lot a beautiful sky tonight sitting on the job Ethan and I are down here in the basement and we have a really fun job ahead of us we got two water heaters and what happens is there's a calcium buildup in these hot water heaters and it builds up and then it it burns out the elements so once a year we have to take the elements out drain everything and then we've got this fancy Dancy shop back with this end on it Ethan show them what the end looks like right here so it's a PEX pipe that we duct tape on the end of this thing and then we stick it in there and we swish it around we can bend this this uh PEX pipe and then we take all that uh calcium deposits that fall off the elements and they go in the shop back and we take them outside and dump so that's just one way to save the elements because it literally will Bild up about 8 or 10 in guys I don't think you'll believe it that is snow and the Sun is shin shining that is just so strange snowing again hey good morning friends you can tell it's morning by my voice yeah I spent the night with Mom and it's always a little bit tough when you sleep don't get as much sleep but that's that's fine I just wanted to show you guys look at this we woke up to Winter Wonderland fresh snow are we in Alaska again or what the daffodills are probably covered in snow out there well today is our final day in Montana final full day so we have have a bunch of things left to do but we we pretty much got most of the things done that we wanted to which is really nice this deck looks pretty good I got it all fresh wash yesterday and got everything cleaned off and looks pretty pretty good but yeah all that snow well this morning um couple things on the agenda today we're going to go have coffee with Priscilla's sister and brother-in-law and so that's going to be fun they live down the road here and then we got to do something today that is not fun it's like the worst case scenario type of thing but uh we have to put one of our old dogs to sleep she's got cancer and uh we she's had it for a little while we've been just wanting to put it off until to do this always surprised that actually held out this long um we thought we'd have to do it as soon as we got to Montana but she she held on and uh but it's time to put her to sleep so we're going to have to dig a grave and bury her today and that's not going to be fun at all so the kids are telling her by right now which is tough anyways I'm probably going to get choked up because we loved her she was a family dog and just a dog but you know you get so attached to him it's crazy uh anyways so yeah we got her when abalon was just uh tiny and so we've had her for a long time so that's one thing we're going to have to deal with today that is not fun and we got to go to town or do a few errands get the RV ready and so just follow along today we'll see what the Day brings it's melting look at that steam coming off the ground sun's out it's pretty and let's go see what Ethan's doing he's been working out here while Priscilla and I were gone we ran around did a whole bunch of things and Ethan and Justin even though Justin wasn't feeling wor it very well and Wyatt dug the grave for spring and Ethan is presswashington span getting it all washed out the fans going get the ceiling washed out everything is clean so in Prior years we used to go get uh pressure washer bark from our Mill down here and spread it on here uh but they cleaned up everything there was nothing there yesterday when we went so I just went and bought some bark which is kind of crazy to buy bar but I'll spread it out here and make this look a little bit better cuz we raked all the pine needles off and now it looks a little bit Spar so we're going to put some of this bark on there okay well here we go the boys dug this grave and the children and I guess this is the first of our dogs that we have had to say goodbye to so I've shed my tears I'll probably shed some more because it is kind of sad so let's get her and put her in there oh my well thank you Lord for that you gave us such a good dog and she was a good family fat to us 12 years or so okay [Music] St pupp dog [Music] good all right thank you Lord for [Music] spring hey 2012 it was years old okay spring went where all good dogs [Music] go and there's the Landscaping good job Abby wow we've been working all afternoon doing so many things getting ready to go got that Landscaping wrapped up the barn is squeaky clean oh avelyn what else did we do Ethan is weed burning all the weeds around here the Mullin weeds and it's snowing again a little bit I had to go to town twice I took a big load to the landfill and then realized that there's still a lot more trash that needed to go to the landfill so we'll have to do it tomorrow yeah well we got a lot done that's cool and the thing of it is Justin still sick he's been just laying in bed and he hasn't been feeling well so I sure hope he snaps out of it he's been on I think like day two or three now three I think so it's a bummer but uh my sister-in-law Mary brought pizza for supper which is so nice of her so I think we're just going to chill here in a few minutes and eat some pizza well guys you caught us uh packing up here and as uh sometimes happens it doesn't go as smoothly as a guy anticipates special with it 1996 RV so I'm lying here underneath my RV trying to fix some propane stuff because we don't have any propane which means we don't have refrigerator hot water or uh what else heat so everything else is packed up now we got up and we've been working and working but I can't get this thing to to work so I'm going to have to see if we can do some Jimmy riging to get us on the road and then repair it later uh and anyways it's a bit of a cool day cloudy and uh we got more stops to make we're going to go to our F to Market store to have breakfast and uh have some coffee and go tell the family goodbye and uh then we'll be on our way so it's going to be a little bit of time before we're actually on the road the time has come we still don't have the RV fixed totally but uh it's getting there but what a good feeling we put a lot of time and energy into really making the place be beautiful and getting everything cleaned up and so I'm pretty happy with the results the children did really well Justin's still not feeling well this morning but I think he'll be fine and the house looks it's clean it's beautiful it's fresh we got some new furniture for the outside you guys are going to love it if you come and stay here all right we're going to head to the store and it's time to get some uh food in our tummies and some coffee it's about lunchtime already and there comes my coffee can you believe it Miriam makes the best oh she's the best look at that unbelievable guys when you come to the Amish F to Market you got to get her coffee looks amazing is it any good it's absolutely the best like I don't think I think this is the best coffee no jalapeno Here Comes our hay stack all right this is the breakfast okay well we're all here getting ready to leave yep said her goodbyes to Dad and Mom and the time has come to tell them goodbye mom's trying to take a nap here and nurse is here to help her out so I think we're going to leave well we are finally leaving Libby Montana and what time is it even it's like 5 after 3 in the afternoon we should have just stayed here for another night the way I know we were planning on leaving you know sometime in the morning and everything took so much longer yeah and of course there was things to fix on the RV that we didn't know you know that we had to do slow moving train yeah then we were down at our store eating lunch we met a lot of different you know family and saying goodbye and yeah so this trailer we were going to just put everything in the RV and that little trailer is completely packed full of stuff yeah wouldn't even been we couldn't even like it would have filled up like our bedroom great yeah I got a lot of like spell brain my suut sugar and different things to take back so yeah all I can say is on the road again like a band of gypsies we go down the highway on the road again yeah here we go yeah we're going to take it slower slower this time Andy do some sightseeing maybe some hiking yeah this evening we stopped for a beautiful place behind beside a little river here and a picnic table and we are just uh getting ready to leave again but we just kind of pull off the road here and what a beautiful afternoon it turned out to be here just beautiful so we're going to drive about an hour and we think we might surprise the children and take them to a hot springs as there's a lot of hot springs up in here so we'll see how what happens we're going to drive to one and see if we we'll do it yet tonight or maybe tomorrow [Music] BC British Columbia Canada is super beautiful just no doubt about it fresh snow on the mountains the last couple days real pretty some elk out here grazing here and there oh we're going to Camp here for the night what do you think of this spot babe pretty neat look at those cliffs in the back a that cool pretty neat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey babe hey what do you think feels heavenly so good well Justin coughed a lot of the night so we' thought we'd better go to uh Hot Springs we kind of talked about it anyways but let him soak in here a while maybe it'll help relieve some of that stuff on his chest whatever it is and I still have a little bit too but um anyways yeah it's what a beautiful day just just glorious look at the Sun up there Fairmont Hot Springs there's a lot of um hot springs here in British Columbia and years ago I think we came here Priscilla and I came here maybe with I don't know on our first anniversary Priscilla or our second anniversary maybe the second anniversary yep so a long time ago that was 19 19 years ago time ago hey guys we're going to have our 20th anniversary here soon I know I don't know what we're going to do in a few months yep we used to think we were going to do something really special on our 20th but it this year just doesn't quite look like it we'll see yeah I don't know see what happens anyways we're um just enjoying this beautiful pool for a couple hours [Music] now we're heading into uh Radium Hot Springs this is kind of a cool little canyon area here we cut the road right in through here wow very cool look at this a't that cool look at that looks like Z Zion National Park almost [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're going to head up to Lake Louise here this is uh a place we haven't been in a long time heading up the little Trail here lots of snow still so we were here when Wyatt was a baby and Priscilla was pregnant with Chloe and Justin Ethan were Little Tikes such a beautiful place but it's all iced over at the moment there's a big Lodge up here you can stay in [Music] look at that you guys there's a very thrush on the right and a robin on the left they're both in the thrush family but completely different birds that is very cool the very thrush is actually one of my favorite Birds they're beautiful and they sound awesome e [Music] guys you wouldn't believe it but we met Michael and Emily this is Emily is brilla Sister Michael's my cousin live with us here in Alaska we met him on the road here between Jasper and Lake Louise here on the uh Alaskan Highway so we'll tell you more about their story a little bit later but just want to let you guys know that we met up with them and uh we'll tell you a little bit about this precious little girl here her name is McKenzie and they have uh four children so and Emily is expecting another one so uh we're excited for them but we'll tell you a little bit about their Journey a little bit later but just want to say hey we we met him and it was [Music] awesome sing heav areai Roar an army of Angels Sing praise again sing his praise again and there they go bye and there's W's hand oh my what a deal what a deal time for supper time for nummy nummy what do we have babe salmon of course it's our last salmon we didn't know we had it until we started on the trip and then we realized we still had one and then we got these what's that chicken and rice yeah looks so good little after dinner hike here a't that pretty that right there is pretty pretty wow yep Justin's still hacking still not feeling very well that's beautiful look at that look at this hun this is beautiful that is nice oh just get a load of that that's a picture right there they used to say that was a Kodak moment not something else iPhone moment let it hit your head get some exercise let's go let's go let's go I think Chloe's winning whoa she's going for it Al's oh girl down okay that's good silly girl way not enough energy I mean way too much energy not enough exercise in the RV [Music] okay what does this say Mount klon 2,956 M High yeah that's like 9,000 ft that's impressive [Music] check it out guys look at the elk going across the street that's far out hey how you doing there hey good morning guys well we spent the night here beside this Lake and we just kind of picked a spot on the map and figured it looked pretty quiet so that's what we're doing uh had a had a good night Justin and Chloe didn't have the coughing spell like they did the other nights and uh had a had a much better night so they're still hacking up a bunch of stuff out of their lungs which is uh glad it's actually coming up so hopefully they feel better Justin's been feeling really sick like I mentioned already the last uh since Sunday night he started getting sick now now it's Saturday morning so glad it's uh hopefully it's coming out of his chest we'll keep praying for that so this morning I think we're actually going to get breakfast here in the beautiful little town of Jasper uh BC and then uh we're going to make our way and hopefully we'll see some wildlife and just see some more beautiful scenery and enjoy the ride beautiful day just uh perfectly blue skies this morning and it's probably about 25 de out a little cool but crisp and clear F there there doesn't our beautiful RV and trailer just fit in oh my nice and old anyways hey it's functional listen here so see that mountain up there let see let me zoom in right here see a little tippy top right up there there's a Tramway that goes from the bottom of the mountain to the top of that Little Rock outcropping and I've been up there a few times I think we took the family up there one time I don't think chlo's ever been up there then you can hike all the way up to the Top If you ever come to Jasper you got to go check that out here's the game Wyatt made I'll lose but go space what a man where are we going babe we're going we're hiking to a Falls yep it's called Overlander Falls yeah and it's a 34 mile hike zigzagging back and forth through the woods here I hear it way down below the children are all ahead of us yep oh wow beautiful okay I've seen crazier things well people something happened Ethan was driving and I heard this shaking going on oh my we're sitting here waiting on Joe is so I told Ethan to stop we stopped we walked around we checked the vehicle I could see anything wrong with the tires we kept going another few miles down the road I said Ethan we've got to stop it was getting worse I said there's a wheel bearing going out or something I think the some of the lug nuts like stripped and the tires went flying and all of a sudden he was getting ready to pull over and boom the axle drops down to the ground The Duel sheared off the tires go rolling down the highway but thank God we are all safe one goes across the highway goes up the hill and uh lands up on the hill somewhere it did a little bit of damage right there on the RV so I hopped in the first dat rig that came around around they they drove me to town we're about uh half an hour away from Prince George and we are I came out to the airport I rented a car I'm going to buy a jack some lug nuts uh it's a beautiful day So Glorious it's not cold and so we're just out here waiting till he gets back and there's a few studs sticking out so I'm going to buy a jack I'm going to go out there and I'm going to see if we can jack up the car I have one Jack there but I want to get another one because the axle is all the way on the ground so see if we can get one of the wheels back on the other one the rim is cracked so I don't think we can do that we take one wheel put it on there with three studs see if we can limp into town he should be back and you know 20 or 30 minutes he's been gone for quite a while so and we've had people stopping every once in a while asking if we're okay and yeah so anyways it's good all's good but who knows I don't know when this can get repaired I don't know if the axle's damaged I don't know any of that so one thing at a time okay got my Jack I got my nuts I had to buy some sockets get in the rental vehicle and we're off again there it sits phase two that Dy to do going to put it sure glad I have these three men in my life they always figure it out [Music] somehow threading it spare tires on kind to cross threading it we only like five nuts to five lug nuts that are on there that we can uh screw the nuts on but I think it's going to limp us into town though hope so if not it'll fall off again have another fun time axle destroyed I think anyways maybe partially the not the axle but maybe the I don't okay hope it's working so too no idea was we're having a jolly good time now our battery died cuz our lights were on it's going so far all is well you can see we got the tire back on we got I think four lug nuts uh post that were uh still sticking out one we couldn't get get it on turn on but we got got four of them on so we limped into town we got a mobile service guy that's going to meet us so I'm just grateful that we were this close to Prince George or Big Town could have been way out 200 mi from nowhere so this is a huge blessing to be able to get it right in town so we're going to have him look at it Priscilla is following me in the rental and uh I got the boys with me so we're just going to see what we can come up with and uh hopefully it's not too big a deal and the drum and everything isn't like destroyed so God's got it hey there comes our Mobile Mechanic right now looks like he's ready to go he's got his backpack his tools oh no he's leaving all right our good man showed up and now we're going to see what the what's going to have to happen hey good morning in beautiful Prince George Canada here well here's the story uh so our drum is really messed up on the uh the part that goes over the brakes right so and all our studs were sheared off except a couple so long story short uh he was able to you know take everything apart but this morning uh we stayed here overnight in this big old parking lot here and this morning uh Priscilla and I drove to a uh Parts Company auto parts company and we found the post and the lug nuts but we they don't have a drum so we waited till 10:00 till somebody else opens they don't have a drum either and we really need one uh what we're going to do is I call my mechanic iic he's going to come back put the new posts in the new lug nuts in the old drum uh it'll get us around we'll take our rental car back and through some friends we realized we have some friends we don't know yet here uh in Prince George so we might actually go to to uh uh an afternoon church service with them so that'll be cool I think we'll just you know I think there's a reason we broke down here nothing's by accident you know the Bible says that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and we love the Lord so we just believe that all things work together for good and so there's no coincidence is in life I don't believe and I don't think there's a coincidence we broke down just before coming in Prince George so here we are uh I think we're going to just stay here the rest of the day attend the service this afternoon find a place to sleep for the night and then uh we'll try to find a Auto Parts well actually a it's called PJ's Auto wrecking so like a wrecking yard it's probably windy out here and we're going to um try to find some some spare parts or some used parts and uh we have we need a rim because our spare tire is the rim we put the spare on so one of the other ones the rim was cracked so we got to get a new Rim we don't want to drive too far without a spare uh we don't want to get stuck out there somewhere again and we need a drum so we're going to see if we can find one a used one at a wrecking yard so that's the plan tomorrow morning we'll see uh where it goes but uh right now we're going to play some tag with the kids I'm going to see if I can run around a little bit get some exercise mechanic's going to come and put on what we've got we'll return to rental car go to church this afternoon find a place to sleep for the night and so the story moves on okay guys an update well okay I think I stopped the video with like this morning kind of explaining what needed to happen so let's see it's been a full day hasn't it yep full long day well here's the thing so we're ending this uh video still not knowing uh what's going to happen quite where in Prince George still um basically we uh had the mechanic come out and he put the old uh break drum back on which just to get us around town so we took the rental back we got fresh water and the RV dumped it and all the stuff and then through some mutual friends um we were told we should go and meet these new friends that we might know yeah yeah I had posted something on my Instagram and Facebook stories about uh you know what had happened and then a friend messaged me and said from Oregon yes well actually I don't know if she lives in Oregon anymore but anyways she messaged me and said hey you got to meet these wonderful friends that that live here in Prince George and what is so crazy is that we actually had seen each other before but it was like 22 years ago in this like big Gathering and just we had we have some amazing connections yeah so it's pretty cool so anyways we came to their church this afternoon they had Church in the afternoon right in the afternoon yep and then they invited us to their house for dinner so they had like four couples there or something like that right and us and it was really nice and they knew a lot of people that we knew and we' actually seen them before like Priscilla said and long time ago so it was just kind of Co cool and it was really neat God connection telling you this morning that you know God doesn't uh I don't believe in um random circumstances so so this was actually a total God thing we could have I said this before we could have had this thing happen away off in The Boondocks and I don't know um so it was the mercy of God that it came off here and not somewhere else yeah um so anyways so tomorrow morning here's where we're moving ahead from here is I now have to uh tomorrow morning they don't have any new parts in town I called around and I mean at least all the the places I called that were supposed to have it didn't have it um so now we're going to go to a wrecking yard tomorrow and we're going to see if we can find one in a wrecking yard we need a brake drum and we need a uh rim for a tire and the tire of course put on the new Rim uh that's off the old tire that's broken so anyways that's going to have to happen yeah we believe that's going to happen yeah we're not quite sure that's all going to work out but we are expected that we're going to get all that stuff done done and uh get on the road so guys hey thanks for watching our our little Escapade this week it's been definitely an interesting time and uh I think we're going to have a good rest of the time going home yeah we do have to be home by Wednesday night no Thursday Thursday night Thursday night your appointments on Friday mhm the 26th I just got an extra day I didn't know we had that's a relief okay so we got four days to go home yeah which is nice okay that's good mhm all right fantastic so we have uh we got enough time I think we're a long way we're still uh we are still a long 1,700 miles to go which is a little bit it's not it's totally doable but it's these roads up here just take longer to drive than if you and the RV and trailer just go slower so go slow uphills and all that so anyways guys thanks for watching this week's video thanks for watching us we hope this video encouraged you you guys had fun watching our family and we can't wait to see what next week brings and what Alaska is going to look like this summer and I'm sure there's going to be another trip back to Montana sometime all right guys we'll see you on the next video God bless and we hope this video encouraged and inspired and and gave you hope for you and your family bless you [Music]
Channel: Montana Haven - Alaska Edition
Views: 35,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Miller, Joas, Amish, Farm, Family, Homestead, Montana, Montana Homestead, Homesteading, Log homes, Log cabins, Meadowlark Log Homes, Montana haven, Amish Meadows, hunting, amish community, libby mt, libby, libby montana, Priscilla, Joas and priscilla, Joas miller, Joas and priscilla Miller, Chloe.avalon, Chloe avalon, cloe avalon, chloeavalon, Alaska, Alcan Highway, Prince George, British Columbia, Jasper, Banff, Banff national Park, Jasper national Park
Id: YND67hbhqMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 41sec (2801 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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