I've Gotten Myself Into a Sticky Situation

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[Music] morning well I didn't say anything yesterday but this is a little bit of part of what took up my day yesterday off camera so I mentioned previously that did had had some surgery and she was stuck in the house for a week while she healed up she's going to be fine no big deal Anna also got into some of her own trouble yesterday um nothing negligent on our part so I'm going to set that straight with a couple of you right away she got into some trouble with another dog she's going to be okay but she's got some puncture wounds on her legs and uh we're keeping her in the house right now to keep her clean and happy so she's not running around so yeah we have two big farm dogs living in the house she wanted to go for a walk this morning and the cat wants to join she sounds really silly trip trapping over the gravel with those bandages on I didn't clarify but the other dog was not ditch it was a an unwelcome other dog and we're just going to leave it at that but rest assured the vet says she's going to be fine they gave her some painkillers so she was on cloud n last night laying on the couch in the living room come on dog go poop I got to get to work a jeez are we walking halfway to the neighbors or what's going on here you're such a diva all right that's it I'm not going any further we're not hunting for pheasants do your thing let's go no no you can go right there dog has put away she did her thing now it's time to get to work I looked over this late yesterday and again when I parked it so we're good there everything was running good we'll check the oil and get things fired up hey I'm getting a warning saying I've got a closing wheel fault or not a fault but a not enough pressure I can hear it I can see it there it is right there they're just a Popin compression fitting deal that pops in you don't need any tools but that popped off on me once earlier this morning so I'm think I might have to cut that end off that hose just to put a fresh end on it so these closing wheels that come by after the seed is planted they put a little bit of pressure down that closes the seed trench so when you go by after the seed is planted that trench is open those closing Wheels come by and they push it close so you get you get hopefully the oxygen out of the seed trench and you get better seed to soil contact what happens when those line pops off is it can't hold air pressure in here to keep tension on it and eventually the motor will know something's wrong and the compressor will stop trying and just let you know that hey something's going on with these that's what it did it worked it did what it was supposed to do it's going to be an easy fix but it's the same row both times so pretty sure I'm going to have to just cut that end so it's got fresh stuff in the fitting oh and I apologize for not getting the proper footage of the finger snap when I got the planter going dad interrupted me and you know it's hard on these green screen sets to recreate that I'll have a word with the producer he'll talk to Dad and let him know that we can't have radio chatter going on when the actors are working I'm out of seat so I made the long Trek all the way from this field to the yard we're going to grab the seat tender and fill this thing back up again quick not a whole lot left in this field and then I'll fold up and head down the road to another quarter section we got dad saw me coming I didn't even have to go all the way up there well we made quick work of that 65 70 Acres now time to hold up and get out of here hit the dusty trail as they say I've said it before and I'll say it again I could not imagine living in the city and having to deal with traffic every day this is my reality and I love it I don't want to go anywhere else well sometimes I go on vacations and stuff and I really do enjoy that so I I don't want to live anywhere else except it does get really cold here in the winter and there are places that are warmer where it would be nicer but you you know what I'm saying there I've got my variable rate prescription loaded up so you can see the field there and the different rates so the red is low population the dark green is the high population and we do that based off of soil type and the basically the water and nutrient holding capacity then we layer historical yield maps and that sort of thing over it and take into account the hybrids that we're using a lot of information goes into that pretty cool you don't necessarily always save on seed by planting L but you're putting more where it needs more and putting less where it is going to use less because it can only support a certain amount of plants in that acre okay let's try this again well that was a crappy snap again it's not a good day for the finger snap I've got something going on right here okay looks like it's exactly what I thought it might be mud this area here got a little little softer than expected oh oh hands oh man oh that is stuck so the inside of this tire is plugged I'm going to turn turn the camera off for a minute so I can curse at it all right we got it moving again it's still a little bit sticky it's got some in there but it should come out of it what happens is these Wing Wheels first time you go around the outside is always the wetest wetest pass and then they start pushing mud and it builds up inside there and eventually it gets through this gauge wheel and packs in here and then everything stops spinning and you don't get a good seat bed so nothing's broken it's just annoying I just got greedy and thought I could make it through there without that happening PDS debt can help to provide customized options for people that are struggling with that if you're struggling with personal loans credit card loans medical bills collection whatever it might be PDS debt can help you consolidate that and put your debts in into one low monthly payment everyone with just 10 grand or more worth of debt can qualify for this and again $10,000 racks 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call back we could do like a three-way call for the YouTubers oh my goodness three of us on YouTube would be too much for YouTube so how many acres have you put in so far I got 663 Acres so far all right this will be fun I've got a local genius out here to help me set up the autot track Turn automation on this this tractor so I don't have to push any buttons anymore cuz my hands I already got mud on my hands I can't be wearing out my fingers by pushing buttons how's it going excellent actually you look a little muddy just the hands just the hands yeah that's why I was just telling them you're going to help me set up the turn automation so we don't get the steering wheel dirty exactly I don't want to get yeah I don't want to wreck the buttons and it's just starting to hurt my fingers with all the button pushing yep so you'll click save now cuz that's a boundary based on what we planted so far today and now Auto trctor turn automation on the top row there so it's going to tell us everything that we need to uh once we turn it on there on the top left so first things we're going to do uh enter sequence on the Headlands so click the left one where it says None right now so basically right now at a zero time as soon as that planter hits the Headland it's going to start lifting so so that's going to be as soon as it hits the end rows that last row okay so the last thing we have to do is we'll set a headland off the boundary 60t planter we do two headline passes so we're going to have 120t boundary so as soon as that planter hits the 120t line it's going to start lifting right now all you're doing is just lifting the planter up and slowing down to turn around right yeah okay so that's all we need on here so if we click next and that would just say entering just so we have it marked on which one we're doing and we'll click save I'll put this out there right now this is the max so if we set we could technically set this at 10 m hour and it's going to try to do it at 10 10 but if turn automation knows that it can't make that corner at 10 mph it might only give us to eight okay so if we set it for five it might only make the corner at four because with the turn parameters that we built with that aggressiveness it might not let us turn that fast sure so however fast you've been turning we could start at and that's just going to maximize you know that's the cap might be slower so my sweet spot is where we set that uh the stop on it I've been trying to do 6.4 yep and now the last one to do Max infield speed we have an exact merge planter we're run an exact shot everybody can hold 10 m hour so I'd say that's probably where we set that as long as we don't have a bunch of big rocks or anything boom yeah so now we'll see that little warning that pops up speed limiting increased so whatever you have F1 set for over there is going to stop um turn automation from running against Max Speed okay so now we just sit back and enjoy the ride so it slows down as we come in planter is going to hit it's going to start lifting up it's going to spin us around so far it's doing a better job than I do and now it's going to drop a planer back in the ground a little late a little late okay so we can change it was straight well so we'll change that timing then so that it starts dropping y it came in nice and straight though yeah yeah yeah and it made the turn nice yep okay so we just got to change that timing so instead of 30 ft let's go probably 40 that's what I was thinking yeah so it'll just go I like that it goes to the F1 I set it to so that I don't have to just pick the speed you know I can change it like the way I'm used to okay here we go oh my gosh so now I've got that'll work right or do you think we want to change it a couple more go back a couple a couple more y just to be I would rather see that planter down on the ground okay and let section control work instead of it being close and we don't have to worry about it there's our curve we're going to follow I yeah like now now I just YouTube all day or make like Tik Tock dances uh no don't do that I I won't but I mean I I I don't know if i' look good on Tik Tok I'll wait until you get out there yeah might be weird with two guys too I've seen some weird stuff on Tik Tok well that that is true if we even have Tik Tock around for too much longer right so all right so Colton and I have gone what like 50 acres Now 50 acres without touching anything unless we got to go over drain tile yep that's the only time I've had to touch anything so we're already pretty much running dang near full automation so I just want to put it out there again for the n sers the people that think there's no chance we could have fully automated tractors we we're really doing it we're just kind of here washing off for drain tile yeah that's it the drain tile risers which by that point I'm going to assume and hopefully that doesn't make an ass out of you and me y but I'm going to assume that you can program in your tile risers and it's just going to lift up over them or go around them or probably it's going to send you a picture of the rock or the item in the field that it's questioning and you're going to say go No go yeah drive over don't drive over till over don't till over depending on what we're doing so we were talking we were discussing it like if you're a farmer that has three or four fully automated tractors running are you really going to just sit in the office and manage those tractors but I think what could happen at least to start with is you'll be the guy in the pickup the Jeep the ranger whatever running around and like a gator a gator well you have to say that could be a gator but you're going to be running around moving the rock moving the tree branch making sure it's not scared of its own shadow correct I don't know I think it's coming should be I mean could be could be if it does maybe I'll get a YouTube video out of it I'll get better camera angles cuz I'll be able to chase it with the gator or Ranger or Ranger whatever there's a few more Acres down on to the next now we're in the big city traffic rush hour not too bad my fuel is here I'm getting low enough mostly on DEA to be uncomfortable right now so we're just going to go ahead and put both in getting a little stiff sitting inside there too B anyone in there well that does it for another field I'm going to pull out of here and probably head towards home we got got rain coming in the morning pretty much guaranteed by the sounds of it and we don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves with tillage so I don't actually have anything else ready to go but it's 7:00 now and I got a little bit of a drive home it is a little bit odd that we're quitting right now at 7:30 at night when we have rain coming tomorrow morning but I can explain myself we don't really we don't have fields that are close enough that we can go finish tonight our fields that are farther away are far enough away and big enough Acres that we can't finish them tonight unless we went all night which we could do we've done before plenty of times but we aren't ahead on tillage so we should have had tillage going faster but we didn't go ahead on tillage any faster because it was supposed to rain and we we didn't want it to rain on freshly tilled stuff and have to till it again or you know whatever then then it doesn't dry out as quickly if it's get if it's just gotten tilled and it gets rained on it doesn't dry out as quickly anyway there's reasons to not do that so this is kind of where we are right now I mean it's still 7:30 at night right but I'm a farmer so I feel like why am I quitting so early what am I going to go in and have dinner with the family that's ridiculous but yes yes that's exactly what I'm going to do so thank you guys very much for watching I appreciate appr it uh if you're looking for Merch we got the new hats here don't forget about those this is my new favorite hat we got hoodies t-shirts just like this and we got a whole bunch of other different [Music] t-shirts like this one it's got the Moline on it we got ones with the dogs on them we got different logos we got all kinds of stuff over there but you have to use our website or Farm focused which is going to take you to the same place there's a link right down below that's the only place where you can get our official merchandise so there's my there's my uh what do you call that what have I called that before what do I call that shame Shameless plug Shameless plug there's your Shameless plug okay thanks for watching
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 373,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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