WILD New Claw Machine Roguelike! | Let's Try Dungeon Clawler

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hello everybody and welcome to let's try my name is ration and this is dungeon clawler a Rog likee deck building claw machine game that I'm very excited to be checking out the demo for here today seems quite wild a very interesting combo so in we're going to go to see what it's all about but do keep in mind it is a very early demo everything is extremely subject to change and it's going to be improved over time so hey have that in mind in we go collect items using your claw to fight enemies hover your mouse cursor over things for more info WC to move in the map A and D to move your claw space to both drop and close the claw back space to skip a turn change game speeds in the settings and in the future you'll be able to craft clothes with collected fluff but it has no function yet okay whatever that means gotcha okay all right okay we got 17 damage coming in small Shield increase your block by 10 attack for six rewards two to five coins when collected once per fight we have a different sword attack the near send me for eight damage deals double if picked up alone interesting okay and that's the same thing but for shield gotcha so could we like God this is going to be weird can we like oh I saw what you were going to do to me game I saw what you were going to do to me do we not have sound effects yet yet seems like maybe not quite okay so once per game we can do that piggy bank kind of hoping for the Triple dagger but I don't know how that's going to go I'll take a double dagger also why didn't the enemies go is that every gotcha it's every two two turns gotcha okay so we have two two claws that we get to go for understood I'd like to try and get the three it's a little bold you know what two and a shield is good and this has to be our fluff right yeah okay we need if we get two more daggers we could schmack you oh God I don't I don't see a good spot we can get two daggers and this is so close to the side I'm not sure that we're getting that all right let's do this if we get we could get two daggers but odds are we're going to get the two Shields which should be good enough as well to stop us from having the worry I might take the game's offer up on the old speed up oh thank you so clearly just drops stuff from my deck gotcha holy motherload okay we already have enough block do we try and get this so close to the wall man all right does the fluff count the fluff does not count great to know so yeah the no sound effects thing is is very interesting uh but hey early early attack The Last Enemy for five and heal you for two attack the nearest enemy for five and apply three poison or turn water in into lava what turn fluff into burning fluff that does two damage to the nearest enemy that's fun going to go for the poison dagger hold on can we let's try out fast especially without the sound effects for right now I feels a little a little uh lonely if everything's going to slow speed oh baby wasted poison but that's I mean I'm not going to be too mad at that the dream right here would be the piggy bank and a shield well and the sword would be a dream wow too good too good yeah the speed feels way better come on baby yes papa needs some daggers uh apply three poison to All Enemies gives you a bomb buff that explodes after three turns dealing 30 damage to All Enemies attack the nearest enemy for 1 to 20 I'm going to go for a poison build how about that adds an additional claw wait can we fail it oh my God oh my God if you drop this an an additional claw like a whole third turn what that seems unbelievable to be honest that's a really big deal I mean I guess we do it have a limited amount of stuff that we can grab but the amount of turns we can take is just improved by 50% how are they going to stand at chance man like look at this we're oh man we almost clowned on him completely I mean we did clown on him anyways poor soul yeah okay so the stuff comes down in waves here we can really we can splitz through this one it doesn't really matter uh turn water into poison water I kind of want to take it I don't know what that is going to mean yet though tends to buff itself or others I don't clearly I don't have water right like surely no you're mean all right I'd like to grab this and that perfect and now for our final we'd like the poison vial and the daggers man a whole extra turn is wild unsurprisingly what did you just do okay you added Shield spikes so if we if we get like a little bit of block first then we can kind of just go to town right this spot is absolutely incredible okay doing six damage I wouldn't mind if we could get I mean if there's a world where we could get both Shields and both days I mean it's it's fine Shields first we don't want to grab the daggers there we want the shields first and now I think we grab the two daggers there and the one down here if we can all right that's already good enough so it was what backspace to end your turn Get Wrecked you remove one poison at the end of a turn gain strength whenever you receive damage heal five Health after a fight or we can roll retain up to 10 block each between turns I'll do it yeah considering uh ah I see I see use your coins to gamble for new items use your coins to upgrade your items I want to know considering we can get like a lot done at once and then we might like we might overflow kill a turn basically being able to get Shield that stays feels really useful I want the piggy bank magical turn absolutely magical turn and then I guess I'll just try for all of these little daggers rip well we're blocking everything then we're going to be conserving five you made my dagger really big thanks people pay good money for that uh all right go ahead and do this eight poison I mean we have the extra thing still in case this does not go according to plan no we almost did a trick shot man all right he's already did I feel like this is there's a lot of daggers down there but I think that this is the S safe is B getting the thing on the very bottom is actually the one of the trickier things I think we have to close early for it which is kind of tricky doubles your block once per fight I don't care about any of this fill the machine with water normal water that makes wood and cloth items float that doesn't sound good cuz we have the metal dagger the shields would obviously float let's try we don't have to use [Music] it okay uh wow that's a lot of damage this looks really juicy if we can get the two and the two I feel like that's good enough and this if I could there's a world where I get the two Shields and the three daggers two and two it's good enough as well can't be mad at that cannot be mad at that music goes wild here all right I just wanted to get some overflow in the shield so that we are what is this by the way oh you added a bunch of uh crap I want the water I want I want to see it in action man what what is this going to I feel like this is not [Music] good so these are all poison but can we do like a yeah this feels feels bad this feels like um like a mistake oh okay the water goes down each time all right so like obviously we can get a whole bunch of fluff it's also worth noting that this enemy is giving us a million fluff but yeah I don't know if this is going to be like the kind of thing we want to just do usually God look at all that poison though I mean enjoy all the poison for now my friend though it's good right here that's kind of cool that's a that's a neat idea I mean guy's dead I think so we can really do whatever we want I think we just we just try and grab this one dagger and just finish the fight sooner than later oh you jerk I guess we don't know the order of operations on poison but I think it's first right 36 poison bye-bye yeah I'm going to go for more poison I don't know if I'm going to keep that water thing what is going on here two times equals blank okay okay well that's really good because it also it's also deck thinning wait that's really good it doubles its Effectiveness and it thins the deck God that's really that's a really good thing I don't think I want to grab the water bottle though do I do I maybe I do it's it's kind of fun it's stupid and fun and I like it we do want to make sure we get the bath bomb we maybe want technically the bath bomb first yeah the issue with this is it's really hard to grab the metal stuff at the bottom yeah it seems bad on average cuz you're obviously going to get the full Heap and help in a Fluff if you had like I think it's just going to be a specific build thing yeah I don't know cuz I I I can't I just can't get the daggers I just can't get the stuff on the bottom because we just have too much of this garbage weird okay we kind of just need to get uh two fluff and we're fine though so yeah that's the thing is when we get down to the end and you have started to grab like a little wow that's Overkill a little bit of that it's nice so you have all the thorns in the world there I need I need Shields I need Shields and then I need to somehow avoid oh I need to avoid the water bottle though and gra I need to do avoid the the water but still get all of the the poison stuff there all right please give me all three of these thank you so much thank you that is a that is a godsend that is a godsend it's you're already dead it's you with the old back space getting another poison dagger why not should have looked at the other stuff for sure but oh boy oh boy okay that guy's already dead we just want to get some Shields basically I mean we can get the piggy bank as well there's nothing wrong with that I don't this is all alone but I don't know if I trust myself to actually get it it's kind of in a really awkward spot could go bold there I mean this is the most likely cuz you're going to die by poison we're going to bring five to the next a big old dagger wait we got it anyways nice try guy nope glad we have a retry cuz that sucked what's the plan then maybe we grab over here it's a it's a safer bet okay we literally just need any attack in any of these three PS so it doesn't even need to we don't need to be good here attacks the nearest enemy for 20 damage it increases your block by 10 strength in the block deal damage based on your block I kind of want to skip this stuff the Morning Star is okay though depends how big it is it looks easy to grab so I'll take it for that for that reason well hello okay if it's a if it's a big gold single Target guy I would not mind getting the water and the the poison going right now and tends to buff itself or others oo wait that's actually an interesting gimmick about it that I didn't uh didn't process okay you can kind of like things up in there all right it's it's until it's going to be good cuz we got all of this poison stuff now you're doing 25 damage huh oh yeah like if we can fling some stuff out that'd be really good I don't want to fill it up again God this is all Overkill maybe if I uh same deal maybe I can like fling it up in there nope extreme overkill for the shields please oh what if I flung it up there what happens then God I'm so tanky oh the water bottle is in a very awkward spot like that's the thing the water seems actively bad at the very least for this build it seems actively bad I want basically just to go straight down like that right yep yep yep yep yep block does not reset between turns thank you very much God I hate that the water bottle is sitting right on top there oh the poor this poor guy [Music] though we could try and do like a big old Shield blast as well with the Morning Star there's kind of something a little bit fun there we do want to avoid the water bottle which is a tough cell oh okay hold up hold up hold up hold up shield first please ah I wish that when it dropped down you got to choose the order that it um that it was relevant uhoh I almost made a huge mistake I just wanted to get a bunch of poison out we can kind kind of go like really wild here and it doesn't matter this is kind of our Jam this this fight okay this is our final so I kind of want to get the the Morning Star perfect perfect get poisoned my friend okay he's I think he he's dead cuz I think that I saw poison go through armor but I could be wrong that was a little too tight for me all right we're definitely good to go now end turn if you have only you have only one claw but each collected item is used twice first item is used twice you remove poison at this start end of each turn I think that the first item being used twice seems nuts there's another floor floor's three out of five in the demo wow there's so much in the demo a new perk I feel like perks are really good okay um try and scoop up a lot of daggers rip trying to get like a bunch of daggers mixed in with two Shields and then we go for the Morning Star is sort of the play that being said this guy in the front is already dying let's get the piggy bank then or let's not actually the guy in the front's dying anyways you're being buffed in some way don't know what that means kind of want to go for some Shields into the Morning Star but I don't know if we can even grab that morning star it would be a kill if we can go go go go go go yes bye-bye attracts metal items and charge them increasing their damage by two or another piggy bank that sounds fun you see th the old roulette table Bingle Bingle in the middle of the room what do you do spin on red you win three coins great increase the amount of items that can get dropped into the machine by 10 I hate it that feels so that feels awful that feels awful oh man I feel like you should get two tries two tries but you can only get one item that feels so bad to lose out on a a fullon thing that's okay this magnet is really neat if we can grab both the dagger and the poison explosion I think we're good to go here I don't know is it worth doing the water meme dream I don't know if it is oh you oh you apply poison that needs to go okay so the magnet doesn't have to come with God that was good attack The Last Enemy for two and then gives you a shrink wrap start of your turn a random item gets shrunk kind of like like I want to roll uh considering all stuff gets we do want to have a thin deck since we do not get to drop everything in getting the magnet is definitely the important part of that for sure oh boy they just come with it we're already good to go but okay little Overkill I'd like the piggy bank please just want to think about that long-term econ God the magnet is incredible oh it's so good it's so good the hell man I'll get the water I don't care if I get it I get it increase your strength by two increase the damage of your attacks I that seems kind of nice it's a glass item I could also go for a roll which sounds kind of nice five block at the start of every turn all right fine fine fine fine fine fine 27 damage intends to buff itself or others okay oh God this is tricky that's so much damage but like I really want to oh God I want to get the poison out [Music] but sure so that's already enough I mean the ideal would we be we get specifically the magnet God dang it man oh it's now it's in an awful spot reflect the next attack or debuff back to the attacker interesting we'll get the shielding first now we kind of want it to be an attack now we want to poison but it's I mean what are the odds that we oh God that was awful that was awful oh well I'm so glad we have three freaking moves so yeah first things first thing we do is we want a shield well we actually we do get to keep a little I think I keep a little Shield uhoh this is a bit of a mistake isn't it oh oh God oh God I don't know where to go with this the water is threatening me thank you I I wanted to get this bad boy I'm going to say this is that was that was not great for us there Step One get shields step one scream why God why is that so awkward I'm going to lose my mind [Music] man thank you God it took me to do all of that to do this so you're going to do you going to keep that yeah that Stacks up that's not good all right so we need to U [Music] absolutely get some Shields and we need to get some damage going now it needs to be damage oh God this is awkward it needs to be damaged even though this is going to hurt now we need to get some poison going really bad all that stuff is in such a weird spot down there whatever whatever we get to at least keep a little bit of Shield we clear clear the two this is going to take a while man so yeah we want to reflect the first hit do we just take the water no we take the water we are are screwed shoot are we kind of sort of kind of the magnets in such a bad spot too this is all really awkward this is all really awkward but we're actually not in very much danger okay good shield first please no all right that was a that was a big move there that was a big move for us we don't want to attack first with a um with poison okay that was very weird but it did work well like that was an early close the early close is definitely helping from time to time God this fight is going to take forever oh boy I'm so glad I have the triple cuz this is so [Music] awkward let's do a wild one no it's just it's so it's so tedious here is what it is I kind of want to get the two Shields and the sword like I don't want to take forever on each turn cuz this fight is going to take literally so long in a real life like minutes even if I do it perfectly which I'm not okay cool we're getting there we're getting there the ideal is a dagger or so and the shield Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk now we want to get the poison I wouldn't mind getting this uh like the armor thing but it's just in such an awkward spot it's out of the way now there we go okay we might be able to grab the magnet or at least the magnet stuff okay we got the magnet good good so at least can be dropped in a better spot now thank you thank you thank you thank thank thank you so much all right um grab a normal dagger that's what's getting reflected perfect absolutely freaking perfect I want to grab some Shields first for the uh the Morning Star but I don't know if we're even going to get the Morning Star you know I want to it should be the easiest part of this to grab thank you okay all right that's some move 69 damage from The Morning Star 71 even all right we we've done it God that was awkward remove a poison each turn get 10% of your coins whenever you take damage one remaining item from your deck gets added to the machine we can do better every attack applies a poison I don't know if we're going to do the uh the full thing here but hard fight okay so this should be this should be back to at least a little little bit normal they do have a lot of Health for what it's worth okay the guy in the back does poison and that is not good uh shield first please no that's sad the water thing is uh definitely one of the biggest let Downs so far for us okay I feel like there's got to be a better way to get the water thing going unfortunately we didn't quite make it so they're also we got the poison those jerks sort of want like a oh God I might get the water just hoping for um hoping for the weak weapon just do it if we waste it we waste it okay we got the the weak little dagger first good that that was perfect perfect remove all stacks of poison from you I'm going to say I'm going to regret it I'm going to say no I'm going to say no just a lot of damage coming in this is a gold mine over here though please 22 we gain five block at the start of every turn that does not include right this turn for what it's worth try and go for the Morning Star hoping that the order of operations is in our favor but that's like it's a wishful thinking I think I try and get some Shields I think we just we just do that we we accept the shields this turn is a net neutral well actually not even necessarily oh [Music] boy yeah that work was fine ooh the fact that we keep on getting that is really nice look at that you can actually use the momentum now that is pretty neat bang bang bang bang that's going to be that's going to be the top level uh play for the game bye-bye nerd I'm another the Morning Star I'm going to say okay we actually do have quite a bit we should check what's in the uh the other side of that Cavern though for sure I'm going to lose my mind just like a real machine close early it's good but I do think I I I need to at least get some Shields now we only need one well great cuz that's all I get oh God I love what I see there but we're going to need um we need some shield for it to be not bad but I don't really know where to grab any H awkward it's not this is not a great grab maybe I can try and get this shielding over here perfect actually perfect now we can go for the morning star and it's not stupid go for a little Bonk a little Bonk a little Bonk a little Bonk kind of avoiding the magnet would be pretty good do you do damage based on your Shield is that what that was Dodge is an attack understood so I saw we were going towards the water we got to slow down I could speed up the the game even more cuz like right now it's like knowing that we have the extra floors the pacing feels a little on the slow side uh I guess we could grab the Morning Star already nothing wrong with that fully okay we take it we take it we take it that's uh guy in the front dead for sure overkilled in fact we got the Dodge on the other wait we do get the 10 in between the the turns okay you you are you're you're doneo my friend try and sneak down there and get that's the thing the stuff that's on the very bottom is the uh is by far the trickiest to get you have to close early and you have to close it like a Kind of Perfect time bye-bye nerd five poison to the left Last Enemy sure I lose one coin I got to be honest should we do that the answer is yes heal five after there's always 20% water in the machine now that is interesting oh that that is interesting that is immediately good oh that's yeah that's good we got bombs let grab some Shields first before we grab that morning star also wait maybe we should grab no not yet I was going to say grab the bath bomb we didn't get the magnet which is actually kind of nice but I'm going I'm going to grab it I want to get this kill they're bombs well we we know what they're going to do they're going to try and explode after what like a c x amount of turns kind of a thing some Shields first before the morning St please there's actually like a lot here hold on momentum yes that is actually exactly what I wanted to do explodes for 50 damage in blank amount of turns I'd like the bath bomb in the Morning Star I do not want the water bottle I need to if I can get rid of the water bottle we should I might be able to at least pull these up yep that does help it's it's just a little too awkward yeah cuz I can't get over there fast enough for it to do anything I got a dagger in there we have we have enough Shield that it's irrelevant sure turns water into poison water we already have that we don't really need another one gives do a bomb buff explode after three turns like that guy I'm not going up there I respect my time it intends to buff itself or others okay so first things first I'd like the poison bath bomb double poison dagger I really like I also kind of like the idea of God if I can get the shuriken that'd be great too nice I was going to say in getting the the shielding per turn business would be really good I want to avoid the I want to avoid the water bottle but I'd like to get the magnet so I can move it to a new spot away from the water bottle that'd be great what are you doing doubles the strength every turn huh that's a nightmare speaking of a nightmare this is this is such a bad spot for all of that oh it's such a bad spot for all of it what are we going to do I mean I'm going to just okay okay okay okay okay uh this fight is literally just as is a DPS race spe speed check so I'm hoping the fact that I have three turns per turn is going to give me a leg up in this scenario now he's doing 20 okay hold up hold up hold up please yes yes incredible incredibly oh we got this try get the poison first we could even maybe we can literally greed so hard and get the piggy bank too but it's wanted to do that before we got the the morning star or tried to get the Morning Star at the very least ow okay 57 poison we do not need to do very much in order to uh to get this here I'm even just going to I'm going to go straight for the morning stars because that's just this is already enough end turn bye-bye remove a poison you have one one no I'm not going to do the one claw heal five after a fight oh we're clearly running out of stuff gotcha uh you know I think I'll probably just go fight the final boss and like accept uh defeat like I don't want the amount of fights that we can do is kind of absurd and I mean that I mean like it actually like it's an absurd thing all right I want the poison bath bomb it's just going to help us a lot a Morning Star is a kill on the front guy please thank you morning Stars first too that's Divine cuz yeah this guy's going to uh poison us okay what a clump I think the guy dies fill the machine with water no increase your strength by two I don't think we want to adjust anything I'm just going to just the amount of options here's so wild like what I've never seen a a rogue like where they're like you want to do do you want to do 10 fights or 50 it's kind of overwhelming I feel like narrowing that down like a lot I think is a good call person the ordering is so bummer there so bummer shield and some daggers yeah the poison just being like a little bit on the bottom it works so well for us I don't know what your deal is I now know what your deal is you need to die why' the water bottle get magnetized there okay go for the early that should be enough it it is enough but like let's just for the for the sake of confidence let's just remove you I'll I'll do another magnet sure gain a strength whenever you receive damage start each fight with three spikes that's a tough call between the two this is like a good um you know what I'm going to say this one is literally this one's just easier to [Music] grab that's my that's genuinely my reasoning like I am less confident I will uh drop that one just going to do this one fight yeah uh oh we got the water it we genuinely basically put Junk In Our Deck to the point where I think I will need to um I think I'm going to need to get rid of it like I think I need to do that extra if I'm going to do an extra fight it's trying to go so fast that I could grab this um I think I'll do the extra fight to to get that you know let's just get the Shields and try and kill this guy the EV that right just like it's going to be 100 damage coming in and I can't really do anything about it unless I get the kill with the yes the Morning Star the Morning Star is the Saving Grace there holy crap we're we're totally fine now now it's just get Shield who cares get Shield who care I don't need to kill him cool reduce incoming damage to one per turn but removes all your block once per fight that seems Gra able but yeah I'm actually I'm going to do one extra fight and it's this one over here of course magnet yes okay we just wanted to get that poison in early grab the maget I thought I had it for sure we actually don't have any Shield right now really we have a little bit of Shield can I kill the Frontline guy if I grab the magnet successfully I think I can right it's hard to tell I think there's two daggers in there yeah we can 100% God I love that go go go go go go go God the magnet's so fun all right sure can oh we don't have that much Shield much poison that that's enough okay we're already good we're already good cuz yeah this this fight could could mess us up double your block once per fight more magnet magnet seems so good I'm going to remove this this is the most important thing I can do I think it's just it can actually ruin me and then we go for the upgrade and we get what just another dagger they're upgrading the shield so there's just like I think upgrading the shield so there's just a little bit less of them sounds good I don't really care if I lose at this point I just kind of like I can't uh I can't stay here man a little bit too many magnets perhaps double magnet is a little bit sad what are you going to do and we kind of want to avoid this Shield since it's once per fight and it's annoyingly in where we don't want it to you know I think it's fine okay perfect get a little bit of poison off intends to modify items in the machine block does not reset no he did it he did the meme he filled up my my stuff okay we're at least going to poison [Music] you let's try and do a little little goofy thing here I was hoping I would throw a little bit more in but yeah like the water it's like literally a downside you know the the final boss does it as punishment to you oh 52 okay interesting like isn't that telling enough about uh how good it is of a buff for yourself that the final boss does it as punishment what I did not close that early all right hopefully this water starts going down this water in fact will not go down I don't know if we can actually grab all three of these yep huis got me there Hub was got me there cuz at this point it's like it doesn't even make sense to go for the stuff on the bottom cuz I can't get it oh there we go whoa there's also a random explosion that happens every once in a while okay with the poison and everything I think we're borderline okay you intend to heal God I wish this water would go away thank you whatever is going on there keep doing it okay go we have to go fast we have to go fast thank you getting the magnets the magnets are so beneficial oh okay I don't know what's going on with the water but I'm very much in favor of whatever the hell it's doing to [Music] us I'm just get to great I didn't even didn't do anything there I think it's the fact that there's multiple magnets I think that's kind of messing some stuff up he's got Thorns it's okay God we can't I don't think I can go for the damage paloa here I think that we might explode in a blaze of glory this sounds good that's that's good just one that feels about right okay he's we've won we've won theoretically we've won he still has thorns yeah the greed is unreal it also doesn't matter we can just press the stop turn button then we are already good in fact we can only we basically can only mess things up let's do it get out of here congratulations you beaten the demo Against All Odds you claw your way to Victory temporary one for the evil dungeon Lord is still out there waiting for you've reached the end of this demo you can keep playing there will be no more new content uh at this point however the game will still keep scaling and getting harder oh thank you for playing our demo we'd love to hear your feedback for the demo on the Discord considering it yep uh yeah it's really neat I love the concept obviously I think like getting some really good satisfying sound effects in there is going to be crucial for this uh the the Run length has me concerned if I was on a run in which I was weak I think that this would have felt like a slog considering it already felt a little bit like it felt really slow paced and I was quite strong I was like really strong um so keeping that in mind I think is going to be an important thing moving forward uh the amount of optional side paths you would think is a good thing but I'm going to hit you with a no it is a problem give give decisions cuz otherwise then you're going to have to be like okay I I'm the kind of player where I usually feel like I have to clear every floor in a rogue like and I saw it and I said no that's obviously way too many fights that's like that's too much right um I think that making sure that it's a decision between a couple paths at all times I think that's already like that's good enough cuz an hour feels like a top end of what I would probably stay invested in in a game like this this like the more gimmicky uh gimmicky style of Rog likees they can wear out their welcome if they go beyond an hour for sure and I would say an hour is pushing it I think you're you're going to be dreaming for like a 45 minute or maybe maybe even less on something like this before you're getting kind of sick of your specific run uh but it's really really neat I like it a lot I I hope that they continue to play with the mechanics I think like an upgrade that's like a bigger claw or you know your first Claw is magn IC you know would be a really wild like huge upgrade like things like that uh the Water mechanic needs some ironing out it feels a little awkward obviously there there's some Physics blunders with things exploding all over the place this is all things that I mentioning because it's clearly early on and this is when things can be changed so like for people are like it's early don't don't be so harsh on it I'm not being harsh on it I think it's really cool I'm saying this stuff because I want to play this game again and I want to come back to play this this game again when it has been uh improved off of this demo form greatly cuz I think it can be and I think it can be a lot of fun I think they're they're on to something here uh but last the last that is that that is going to do it here for today for Dungeon clawler I forgot that was the name uh Demo's out now on Steam go check it out with the link at the top description my name is retromation I cover indie games every single day with an extra specialty in Rogue likes and Rogue lights especially the weirder ones like this so if that is something you're into this is a channel that you should be subscribed to thank you thank and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Retromation
Views: 65,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeon clawler, let's play dungeon clawler, let's try dungeon clawler, dungeon clawler gameplay, dungeon clawler review, dungeon clawler preview, dungeon clawler game
Id: Fn-8k_Z4f6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 59sec (3539 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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