What if Legend of Zelda Was a BULLET HELL!? | Minishoot' Adventures | 1

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hello everybody and welcome to let's try my name is retromation and this is mini shoot Adventures a bullet hell Adventure game that I'm very excited to be checking out again here today I played the demo for it over two years ago at this point on the channel I really enjoyed it it's been in the back of my mind ever since then and it's finally out on Steam so in we're going to go to see what it's all about pick a difficulty I mean let's go with the normal intended difficulty we can from there but I do want to stress it is not a Rog likee bullet hell Adventure game kind of like an arch Veil it's Legend of Zelda but bullet hell is going to be a better way to think about it cuz for whatever reason bullet hell and Rog likee typically go hand in hand but it doesn't have to be that way and I'm glad to see another game think so but hey in we are well hello wake up little one the corruption has emerged the unchosen is back search for your shiping friends retrieve my primordial powers and restore the balance to the great Crystal oh oh that's a fun moving tutorial there oh look at us look at us go all right oh right into it I mean I'm assuming we can't go through there correct all right I think we're going to need to get a little bit of a shooting ability first I would [Music] guess okay but yeah we don't have a dash or anything I do know there is a chance it's kind of a it's a tough term at this point but there's a chance it's a Metroid Vania but I think again Legends out would be a better way to think we got our the abil to shoot that was a good sound effect there H but yeah I definitely I'm feeling a desperate need to press a dash button uh and an inability to do so at this current moment I do hope that's going to be a thing we get sooner than later bunch of money going up into a little container up there too this is obviously got to be a secret right it' be a it'd be a surprising one to to miss this one but hey hip hi uh don't worry we'll miss more later but that one's just a bit too obvious right all right so now we have the ability to go down hit that the bhan right up here put down this gate indeed so gentle the sound effect over there you can be just it's barely audible it's it's kind of it's cute little Arena okay ah hello I do appreciate the uh the fact that they gave us some pillars in this first fight that has no dash button I do appreciate it a great deal choose an Aiming mode manual assisted or automat automatically aims and shoots when an enem is near Orient your ship towards your enemies when you shoot I'm just going to go with the manual aiming personally but I do appreciate the uh the other choices if I wanted them I'm glad they're there but nah okay so we filled that up and we've gotten a crystal which means we level up Okay C to upgrade mini shoot apostrophe can upgrade our damage our fire range our bullet speed fire rate critical chance move speed I mean okay so they knew they knew they made damage cost more uh but fire rate is damage For What It's Worth fire range is safety bullet speed is I don't know who would want to pick that first critical chance movement speed I could see the argument for a lot of them but oh we can also downgrade at any time I love that so if we're just feeling oh I got to tell you range actually could be a legitimate a legitimate thing this could be one of those games where bullet speed acts as range as well you know like maybe range is just how long a bullet is alive so therefore if it moves faster maybe it'll you know go further hello there goodbye where where you off to you a shopkeeper or something gun level two okay we need five red gems so I guess we're out of here I don't have a map yet either so we're going to need to find uh where to generally Go full heart upgrade can I nope need to find some kind of a a cave for that so these cannot be killed and we clearly don't have uh whatever that is anyway ooh Bhutan okay I'm assuming we have a couple like branching okay you can fall in the water I don't even I got an achievement called I don't even fly okay good to know what good is a spaceship that cannot fly all right just a shortcut back maybe I do like that we don't have to pick up the red gems too in order to collect them it does help yeah I was going to I was going to say this is 100% going to be a fighting arena okay let's get on the other side here oh spinny boy what's going on on the there's like some Crystal corruption around the edges of the screen as well all right all right I played bu we got a nice clean early fight oo I do appreciate I mean like it'd be kind of uh messed up if this first kind of big arena was nasty okay found one [Music] already map piece hopefully aha indeed indeed all right we got oursel a map now all right main objective does that necessarily mean we want to go and do it right now though you know mileage may vary on what type of gamer you are um this is cruel or is is it so do we just get those uh oh we just get these red crystals from any like big enemy I guess huh all right sooner than later we're going to be able to get that upgrade let's go for damage now since we uh since we can put it back hello what have I done I have no idea we'll we'll hopefully find out it seems like it's filling up some kind of a it would be filling up a meter or something that would be what I would assume cuz those are coming back what is this Dash ability oh it sure looks like it space to boost okay so it's not a dash but it is a uh it's a speed up and I'm assuming that we would go right in the water for that but if we boost we do a little trick shot okay uhoh okay I was going to say I don't know when I'm going to get my uh control back here you know I'm going to Z onon back over CU obviously I know that's where I'm supposed to go I'm aware however what if we could just get this feels like we might need an upgrade to go further no I'd love it if we could just get the one more red upgrade definitely feels like we're approaching a more difficult Zone here cuz like I actually feel a little bit tested here as opposed to before feels like it is indeed a a a tougher one okay clean it out o big boy big big boy sir I yeah I don't belong here I do not belong here oh we can't even do damage to [Music] him I just want one more red Crystal too much to ask okay can we hop over these we sure can good to know it's kind of fun another Health upgrade thing we didn't even get the other one for what it's worth huh how do I I was trying to like do a little bit of a boost backwards how would I get that I mean I'm hoping that we'll find out by going over here but I think that we're just we might need another upgrade or something and this is maybe just like a little bit of a shortcut yeah seems to be the case this just a little bit of a unlock to get back a little bit [Music] quicker sir why are you so much better than the other ones okay something there too I mean let's hit this before I forget so that we can get back a lot [Music] easier you might be a red Crystal boy I'm not sure no I see back there very Zen this world I I quite like it all right some kind of I mean this might just be a different Zone that we're not supposed to be at at all yet yeah I'm not even on the map anymore ah okay this is where okay we've been here gotcha that's how we got up gotcha all right fine I'm sure we'll find the uh the red crystals we would need if we went up in there we could also go towards the uh the little markers there and maybe we can free a pal or something okay what is this about huh this where I came from is this just the yeah just where I came from all right let's check this over here and then we'll go for the main objective cuz it'd be cool if I could upgrade my weapon also it's not to say that anything I'm doing is uh a waste of time because I am I'm leveling up you know so no matter what it's it's not a waste we're we're getting stronger all right so we were going to need to clearly get that from the other side which mean we would have to go all the way around should I do it let's do it [Music] this could just be a shortcut thing dangerous to go go alone take this kind of the situation or I do like our damage up quite noticeable and yeah just being in this Zone after being in um Autumn lands extremely noticeable extremely noticeable sir sir I do Wonder uh what the HP situation is like oh okay so this is we're going to need some kind of a an upgrade for this it looks like okay good to know good to no and also and also this okay so we might need to go like a full new way in order to get any bit of relevance out of that gotcha okay we can kill those there's another level up let's go with the fire rate to go with that damage more damage faster oo oh nice okay so we might need to just like look in some crevices works for me big red Crystal there I feel really I feel quite strong already just just like that I feel quite strong thank you how many do we need two or four we need four why would you do this to me we're being Metroid vaned so many things that I want to grab and I just can't grab yet let's see is this another thing that I'm going to be uh swindled upon ship position unknown need to do a little little bit of patience strats only a little bit what on Earth was this not just where I came from all right hey Buddies thank you big lad please please big lad shoot his butt shoot his butt shoot his butt yes there we go beautiful beautiful beautiful so this is okay so that's not where we came from those are just little divots they just look like there'd be doors there all right you know what depending on where I'm at on the map okay we'll we'll start generally heading back but um grab some stuff on the way back like if there's obvious things I'll I'll grab them we'll be heading over this way at some point I'm pretty sure could only surmise and did we go up there I mean I don't know if we went up this way but we've been up that way start heading back home been through here before okay hello pal I would like a level two gun please [Music] okay so now we just shoot twice as much all right now let's go see if we can get into this uh this critical path Mission with a double upgraded weapon so clearly there's a cave nearby that is going to bring us to that which it's not urgent let's just go do this first let's go absolutely embarrass it we got a dungeon looking for a key oh Mama all right uh critical chance movement speed boost speed bullet speed I feel like a fire range upgrade could be quite good movement speed is really nice for quality of life though it's not super noticeable I don't think we can hop that good morning goodbye HOH I yeah I was going to say we got bullets left over from the other guy still that was not good unfortunate spawn okay so we heal one after that is like after combat rooms I guess nothing here don't think we can do anything with those yet ah okay so I can't get to there so I I mean it better be this way oh there's just a full freaking I see those are non platforms that are not up I do like that there is at least seemingly let's try you know yeah seemingly no fall damage I do appreciate that those platforms absolutely look like they they were raised to me but okay that's on me I suppose okay so it looks like we're going to be uh coming from up there again so now we could like consider getting a different I mean we could go for Boost speed critical chance let's see let's see how much this is it doesn't give us any uh number okay let's before we forget let's go towards this uh this Bhutan perish big big boy okay so we need 22 for the next upgrade so like I don't think uh I don't think we got it crazy early or anything but getting that uh that one room that had three big boys okay well maybe I'm just supposed to use it to get out the other way is this something that could be the case there we go we got our key is this a boost capacity upgrade oh it sure is and I feel it let's go this way first is that another upgrade that's that's what the Boost looked like is it a different type of upgrade oh God hello yeah I don't I don't think it's just the Boost but again like another another upgrade to the Boost I feel like it's going to be a separate power maybe it'll be the fire or like eye frames on the dash or something would be fun currently I don't have anything on like a right click for what it's worth H maybe like a little a little jump would go a long way for us okay what did that key do for us really at this point cuz that was that have we explored all the way over here I feel like I didn't let myself do that yeah so I guess we're just going to need another key to progress further trying to sneak the bullet in there yeah I think a range upgrade is 100% in order there it is yeah there's another key Get Wrecked Get Wrecked I do uh appreciate we have like decent amount of homing on our bullets I saw a crit okay little guys first little guys first makes it a lot easier to do our Dodge here thank you for range up it's exceptionally noticeable that range up there I'll say that that is the thing about you know an adventure game or met like Style game Zelda Style game like you feel your upgrades boy do you feel your upgrades um for the other key slot where was it was there one right here there was oh boy oh fighting the monsters well or I mean the monsters the little spaceship boys well doing this is a little little B okay gotcha I mean we need to get this power I'm sure this feels like it's got to be like a little jump [Music] right I it sure seems like we should be able to get over this okay good all right that opens up a lot of capabilities I do wonder if that is going to be an iframe actual like if frame Dash Okay we could explore up there but I want to before I forget oh where was that HP upgrade it's not up here I'll tell you that for sure okay there hello hello that was a nice little trap you set up there okay so we do know where it is is back up the whole other way we don't need to break these but a they could have um the little red crystals in them be it makes a nice noise so okay do we need we might need the Boost to do this doesn't seem like it takes any of my Boost charge away oh was it just over here it just over here cool all righty there's all kinds of different ways we could go now we could go over there but like we know that the BOS is in that general area but I guess I don't know how to get there at this point because obviously I can't go out here was there a jump Point down here didn't think there was no there's not all right and then what about here just just checking for some Secrets now that we have a new power up just in case something didn't seem possible but now rings a bell like oh yeah that'll work no I think we might have to go up there as suspected but hey look at that now we could do a little little cheaty shortcut I mean that's nice oh boy we are definitely quite slippery with our Dash so we do have to be a little bit careful cannot kill it yeah I was going to say I I respect that we will not get this without a fight okay definitely feel like these guys are one of the more annoying ones not because they are necessarily that bad but because their bullets last so long that even after you kill them they will be uh messing you up on the next wave you know where these guys their bullets move fast enough where it's not that way all right all right so we still need this I don't know have I gone up here no I guess not can't go back that way oh the good old part I've ever game like this where like hey yeah okay this is great all but also how exactly do I get down to the one place that I need to get to cuz I don't think it's going to be up here we had an extra key where was the extra door we have two freaking Keys oh we can that's right we can just actually just jump over this now that's right well we needed both keys anyway so it is irrelevant oh this's a cool down yep yep all right I all right just right into it impatience okay that's actually kind of kind of something oh this is no joke that's no joke I like it so that's our big like our big platformer trial I guess before we probably inevitably fight a big enemy right and I lost HP to something stupid right before it too ah but Zelda logic says of course there's pots with health before for the uh the fight so we're good to go hello big boy well hello indeed can you change in the middle of a fight oh you can interesting would I rather have something else bullet speed damage fire rate I like that we could change in the middle of the fight though that that is really really nice I think we're fine he's currently Invincible there we go he's spinning around dramatically uhoh that's a cute little setup you got there oh that's fun okay so yeah we have to make sure we do our Dash too on that one it's probably good enough to just uh walk out of the way but they clearly want you to uh use your new ability probably even going as far as to use that move to mimic it to remind you to really pal level up in the middle hold on let me level I do wonder about the uh the bullet speed if it's any good in this eat it I took more damage on the trap in the room before you than to you my friend you should feel bad you should feel really [Music] bad we could still go back in if we like Miss the HP though right seems like it all right I see okay so there's four big dungeons seems like it might be a like a nice kind of bite-sized exploration which for me is a very very good thing I I would super appreciate it if that were the case let's put that all into damage now I like a game like this that um doesn't overstay it's welcome I'm so curious about where this thing is now we do have the ability to jump is that just it I mean that's how we can get [Music] out is that been is that like a fairy Shrine oh this is hello okay do want to check the eye frames on on a dash my my guess is no we do good to find out but my huus cannot uh allow me to willingly take the damage in the event that it's uhoh not eye frames which I'd say probably unlikely for her to take a stab in the dark a should tried there kind of felt that one coming would have been a good way to try ooh is that five of them four of them and a level up at that this might be the way this is indeed the way gotcha all right that's [Music] cute I'm glad we didn't try and get this too hard uh before since it would not have been possible we would need the jump you need the jump in order to get it okay so next one's down there with the ability to jump I think that we probably could uh do some of that shenanigan speedruns would probably be like going like you know so like the fact that you can change at any point is is good it's a blessing in a curse you know CU then I'm sure we're going to go bo bo boom boom boom in a speedrun scenario which you know in in a way could be fun to watch too did I seriously not see this before I don't I must not have walked up here something sounds like it's toting wait buddy fight room they they sound gaseous why oh cool that should be an HP upgrade then right boom not bad not bad still nothing to do with that so we'll have to go around and hopefully with a jump I feel like I I was still missing something down there wasn't I checked that yeah I can't I can't hop that and I sure don't feel like I can hop here so I guess it's probably especially since it's right on the outside I think we probably [Music] go I bet you that's the uh the next part of the path here which means going up north like I did originally what the third place you go I like definitely doing a some skips there can't go back up that way for what it's worth oo I like it here okay some of these guys are real tanky I'd like a map okay uh-oh uh-oh that's not that's not the way to do that but it worked level up incoming can also use the slowmo to your advantage y oh I'm going to do it okay so no eye frames that I I had the test I had the test we needed to know at some point all right what what are you trying to tell me we're supposed to okay I think it's just uh we basically got a hint oh man as to where we're supposed to go I gota be real I think the range is quite good it's oh that's you got me you got me rang is both safety and aggression it's higher DPS up time on Far Away enemies and it also means you don't have to get as close to enemies I don't trust you I don't trust you either [Music] little boost flowers and no enemies what's going on okay huh ooh a pal hey buddy hello quite cute um what are you doing another shop maybe like somebody else back maybe back at camp for all I [Music] know HOH HOH [Music] that too there's so many oh we we clearly need the ability to swim gotcha I mean that that would change a lot I can't imagine we're getting it in this place right what you're out of your minds that's too generous no no please you shouldn't have uh-oh yeah that's not going to work this is quite the quite the room here thanks ooh they did it so you didn't feel bad that's why there was all that the loot in the ears so that you didn't feel terrible when you saw it from this angle really do I just not have the oh it does damage now oh okay no I have the distance to it weird don't know why I didn't make it unbreakable that's probably going to be a different type of upgrade as well it's the ability to break more stuff they got a thicker outlines the ones that are enemies like this okay decent chance that there's an enemy right there too all right so there's clearly a little hell thing there [Music] is this really nothing I can do with this wait what did this just spawn again maybe didn't maybe if I just clear out everything then this tree turns into something it does oh it was a little secret this actually could be the thing that takes us over there for the HP improves Crystal restoration okay reducing 10% by 10% the amount needed to level up contains a piece of Forgotten history increase your energy amounts you know I'll take it I should get this I should get that too but ancient history I mean it's l okay for for curiosity's sake just my assumption was that it's like a little low piece no okay or I it could still be I guess all right I just wanted to use uh use it to get gun so we did that clearly that's how you get out there do we want to head up this way okay all right there we go we got our our Bridge up that that should help there we go that that's how we get to this side over here really looks like there'd be something there not this is just for kicks and [Music] wiggles I do love the idea of the Aquatic ships there they're like aquatic spaceships and yes I know aquatic ships are a thing but I you know what I mean goodbye goodbye goodbye tank Lord thank you yeah I would have lost my mind if if there was stuff in there and it was the only one we didn't get all right out of curiosity this is the other one but we clearly need something to break the trees might be the same thing that can break the Rocks like a like a super shot seems like maybe it's probably not just like a damage upgrade I feel like that'd be misleading oh there's a bunch of other stuff here too to collect thank yeah I don't know if maybe this if this is the place to go to find whatever super uh damage upgrade or what clearly we have some kind of like bomb ability to uh to get as well oh really I know you have to hold it what this is just not enough weird that that's feels bad I can get back up here this way do anything for us not really maybe if we have the ability to break this something uh will happen we came from up there surely right and this is how we no this is how we did nothing we did not go here perish okay the fact that we don't we stop shooting while we're doing our Dash means we almost like want to get ready with our Dash before enemies show up which is a little bit funky just AO bunch of money I'm assuming ah another uh secet maybe the Boost speed will help us cross them gaps what do we got going on here I suppose there is a small chance this is where we get the power but I doubt it up here I mean that sure looks like something when I inevitably get the ability to just swim or boost across water or what whatever it's going to be called H odd where the hell am I I I am so far from home maybe I do get my power here I got a shortcut who knows man okay so I think that yeah I think the crit chance is just random I don't think I was trying to figure out if like shooting them uh in the old behind or something would uh would count cool but I guess it's crit chance not crit damage upgrade all right so yeah yeah yeah there's that we already went through here right pretty sure pretty darn sure oh God actually I don't know we we'll we'll head back for now maybe I think this is the room that I was thinking about oh God I do need to find a good stopping point but like it's tough it's tough to find that feels really easy to just be like oh yeah let's go do the next thing ah a map piece beautiful that's helpful good God okay the map is quite big it is just uh struck me just how big the map is uh so we have the distress signal the lost power that stuff okay all right well hey ho I think that is that and that's going to do it here for today uh for mini shoot Adventures out now on Steam I quite like it uh I really really do if you guys want more of this it seems like from what I hear the game is not crazy long I could see myself doing a series on this if the video does well and you guys want more I could see that happening it's not uh not a big big big uh long campaign that way I think that I could could conceivably make some time for that do let me know in the form of comment down below if you you'd like to see that but my name is r i cover indie games every single day typically with an extra specialty in Rogue likes and Rogue lights but I'm a big fan of just the bullet hell genre in general uh and hence while we're checking this one out I was a huge fan of archil arcil whichever one you want to go for uh I I loved that game and this is definitely in that kind of category of like let's take up bullet hell the bullet hell genre which is a very fun exciting genre and let's say Hey what if we just made a like a handcrafted meticulous world around it instead uh and I think it's quite fun to do that but alas alas that's that it's going to do it here for today thank you for watching thank you thank you and I will see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Retromation
Views: 39,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minishoot adventures, let's play minishoot adventures, minishoot adventures gameplay, minishoot adventures review, minishoot adventures game
Id: zsmWlS6H788
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 7sec (3067 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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