How to Beat the CRAWLERS in "THE DESCENT" (2006)

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If your ‘friend’ led you into an uncharted  cave inhabited by man-eating half-humans,   what would you do? In this How to Beat video,   we’ll follow the amateur cavers,  see if we can make better decisions,   and ultimately attempt to beat the  Crawlers in, The Descent.   Think you can do better, let us know in the  comments! Enjoy these How to Beat videos,   like and subscribe! Have a movie you’d like  me to cover, reply to this comment!   Let’s get to it. We start out following   three sassy adventurous ladies white water  rafting. After they break through the rapids,   Paul shares a moment with Juno before driving home  with his wife and daughter. He starts daydreaming   about slowly taking off Juno’s wetsuit while  behind the wheel, and veers out of his lane.   That was some final destination shit. Paul may  have cheated death prior to this, but honestly,   it was straight up his fault for daydreaming  about checking out his wife’s friend. He should   have saved those thoughts for later when his  wife and kids weren’t in the car with him.   Still, who the hell thought strapping an open  PVC pipe to their roof and loading it with   a bunch of copper rods was a good idea.  They’re definitely getting charged with   manslaughter for catapulting half a dozen metal  javelins through Paul and Jessica’s faces.   Sarah wakes up in a hospital bed clueless as to  what happened. She rips off all the wires, tubes,   and gadgets she’s hooked up to so she can wander  the hospital to find someone who can bring her up   to speed. I think they have little buttons on  the beds that alert the staff. You could just   push that and not rip out all the important  stuff that’s probably keeping you alive.   Oh it was a PTSD nightmare. Yah, I  guess it makes sense that you’d be   fairly distraught and impulsive. Junos gotta be feeling a little guilty   about sending Sarah’s husband  bedroom eyes pre-crash.   One year after the ‘incident’, Sarah, Juno,  and Beth get back together to go spelunking   in the Appalachian mountains. They’re joined  by two inexperienced sisters, Sam and Rebecca,   as well as Juno’s half-reckless, adrenaline  junky base jumper friend, Holly.   Holly laments that the cave they are to explore is  just a tourist trap and offers no real challenges   and probably has a gift shop in it. I haven’t  read the brochure for the cave-diving adventure   you’re embarking on, but I have read the  synopsis of this movie, and I gotta say,   I’m not sure we’re talking  about the same cave.   Sarah seems resentful of Juno for ditching  her the day after the crash, as she should be,   and is obviously still traumatized by  the horrific loss of her family. I mean,   she’s keeping antidepressants bedside  to cope with her night terrors.   All this to say, taking Sarah spelunking with  two noobs being led by the person she resents   who will be encouraged to push their  limits by her adrenaline-addict friend,   doesn’t seem like the greatest idea. Maybe it would be okay if the cave was a   tourist trap with a gift shop inside, but  I'm going to guess that it’s unmarked or was   sealed up by the locals for a grave  reason that they will ignore.   Holly mentions that it’s a level two cave  in the fictional Boreham Caverns. I’m not   sure level 2 is even a thing. What cave  they think they are headed into doesn’t   matter because Juno left the guide book in  the glove box for some stupid reason.   Worth mentioning that everyone in the group  should have had a copy of the guide book or   map of the cavern they are entering in case  they get separated or lost, or yah know,   so they can actually find their way around. On their 2 mile long hike to the entrance of   the tourist trap, they run into the throat cut  carcass of a bull elk. Nature, or bad omen?   They reach the entrance and everyone  rappels in. Sarah notices what looks   like a bloodstained handprint on the  wall and neglects to tell anyone about   it because it’s probably nothing. Just like the  elk was probably just attacked by a bear.   Sarah looked like she was about to get impaled by  a copper rod. I still don’t think bringing a PTSD   stricken person cave diving was a good idea. Sam asks which way they need to go next. Juno   replies that there’s only one way out of this  chamber. Down the pipe. Before hard hostering   her.. ice climbing axe? Why does she have an ice  climbing axe? Why is everyone following someone   who brought an ice climbing axe into a cave that  has no ice? If ice climbing axes were required   tools for this expedition, why is Juno the only  person with one? Not looking good here.   You know what would have been a good idea,  bringing ascenders instead of a fucking ice   climbing axe so you can climb out the way you  came in incase the tunnel is blocked, flooded,   your equipment fails, or you run into homicidal  cave gollums. The cave very well could be flooded,   with all the water pouring into it. I’m also gonna take a hot guess that they   didn’t inform the park rangers, let  alone anyone of their plans.   Once inside the cave, they light some flares and  hangout for a few. Sarah hears the giggling of her   deceased child and wanders off by herself to see  if Jessica got a head start on them. Can’t wait   to see how she does in the claustrophobic confines  of the next tunnel they have to go through.   Not well. Sarah gets stuck, both mentally and  physically. Beth goes back and pretty much does   everything right, tells her to breathe slowly,  cracks some jokes, and tries to lead her out.   The problem is that this cave is experiencing  tectonic shifts for some reason.   Good thing nobody was on the other  side, or wait, that would be bad,   because they didn’t bring any ascenders or  let the park rangers know their whereabouts.   According to Juno the only way out is down the  pipe, so going back wasn’t an option anyways.   According to the guidebook nobody brought,  which from your memory contradicts what Juno   said about there being only one way out. You  didn’t say anything at the time, and now you’re   here. Turns out, Juno was bullshitting them  and led them down a different unmarked cave   so that everyone would be dependent on her and  she could play the fearless leader role.   Needless to say, it backfired hard. Leading a group of noobs into an unmarked,   unmapped cave that nobody knows you are at, is  unbelievably reckless. The fatal accident in   the Nutty Putty Cave serves as a stark warning of  this. Even in well mapped caves, with experienced   cavers who had expert backup, a man still lost  his way and got irretrievably stuck.   The fact that this is an unmapped cave means  that there might not be a way out at all.   Which means Juno is even more of an idiot,  if that was possible, for not bringing   ascenders to climb out the way they came. And Juno was concerned about Holly being reckless.   Speaking of, if Holly had experienced Boreham  Caverns previously, she must have known Juno was   leading them elsewhere and didn’t say anything.  Both of you are untrustworthy bitches.   Still, it’s not all on Juno and Holly. In  caving, the consequences for entering the   wrong cave are exceedingly high. Everyone  should have been checking their guidebooks   and making sure they were in the right  area and going to the right cave.   Juno is right about one thing,  if they stay, they die.   While everyone’s fighting, Sarah is  scouting around with her headlamp.   Strange, but she doesn’t say anything.  I could see her passing that off as more   PTSD hallucinations or the darkness playing  tricks on her eyes. The clicking sounds could   be passed off as more bats or something. The journey deeper into the cave in search of   an exit is halted by a gigantic underground  precipice. Judging by the time it took for   that rock to hit the ground, a fall would  be fatal. Juno pops some flares and spots   a tunnel across the cavern. Could be a dead end,  but they don’t really have any other options.   Rebecca volunteers to trad climb the  overhang and rig up a line using cams.   Nice of you to volunteer, and maybe  you are the only trad pro here,   but shouldn’t the self-proclaimed badasses  Juno or Holly be the default choice for   this high-risk operation, considering  they got you all into this mess.   I’m not a trad climber, but I do rock  climb and have some general experience.   Firstly, I wouldn’t clip a giant power drill on  my harness when I'm traversing an overhang. The   trad gear is heavy enough, and dead hanging  from a ceiling is hard enough. Secondly,   some of those cam placements in flared wedges  look a bit sketchy, and she’s not giving them   a tug-check before placing her weight on them.  I get she’s limited on options though.   When she goes for her third cam placement,  she finds an old bolt which had to have been   placed by a human explorer. Might as well  use it, even though you’ll probably just be   following them to the dead end where they died.  If whoever explored this cavern had made it out,   it would have been in the brochure. I’m sorry, I'm not being optimistic.   I’m sure that explorer found a  groundbreak just around the bend.   I’d still place my own cam somewhere around it.  Why solely trust your life to an old bolt some   other dumbass who came down here placed. That  was the first bolt she found on the overhang,   meaning the other bolts they placed must have  been shallow and zippered out on a fall.   Rebecca makes it across and rigs up  a line that they can shuttle across.   Juno is the last to cross. Instead  of shuttling over like everyone else,   she decides to clean the route in  case they need the gear again.   Cleaning the route is a bit risky. Rebecca’s  cams were hastily placed and not to be relied   upon. I think Juno should have shuttled  across, and if they needed the gear again,   they could just go back and clean it.  This play does put you on the wrong side   of another tunnel collapse though. Juno’s struggling hard, looks like we’re   going to be finding out if those cam  placements were solid or not.   What the hell was Rebecca doing? There is no  reason the rope should have slipped her hand   like that. I don’t think her figure 8 belay  device was set up properly, it doesn't look   like the rope was looped around its neck. That  and her hand wasn’t in the brake position, which   it should have been. Her belay gloves also suck  because that little amount of rope slip caused   enough friction burn to cut straight through  her hand forcing her to dump the rope.   I want to say Juno was lucky she  wasn’t also relying on Rebecca’s cams,   but I don’t think that bolt is any better.   Hey, at least you got your gear back. Further into the cavern they find a mural. How did   the homo-sapien artist get up there to paint it,  that’s like 20 feet up on a smooth wall.   Beth remarks that it’s a map.  There’s the mountain they’re under,   with the cave they are in and two exits.  I think that’s a bit of a stretch.   Even if it’s a map and there is an exit, there’s  no directions as to where the exit is.   Nobody notices Smeagol trailing them, so they  blindly march onwards only to end up at a fork in   the cave. Juno, using her lighter as a barometer,  catches an air current in one of the passages,   which means it likely leads to the surface.  At least she’s a clever idiot.   Holly, mistakes phosphorescent rock  for daylight, takes the idiot baton   from Juno and sprints down the corridor and  falls into the mouth of another cave.   You dumb bitch. Escaping these tunnels would have  been hard enough in full health. Now they have to   haul you and your broken leg around too. At least they brought someone along with   medical training. Well, she’s  a med student, so barely.   Sam has everyone hoist Holly out of the water and  v. Getting her out of the water mostly helps them   check for blood loss. Aligning the bone most  likely wasn’t necessary. Her leg could have   been immobilized in its current position and  manipulating her leg just caused more pain,   writhing, and damage. It does provide  a strong dramatic effect though.   Meanwhile, Sarah is tripping balls playing hide  and seek with her dead daughter. She finds an   old rusty miner’s helmet which must have  belonged to whoever put that bolt in.   Looks like he’s not doing so well. Of  course nobody believes her. Why would   they? It sounds psychotic and Sarah’s  been known to have hallucinations.   Sarah has the total opposite reaction that I would  expect. She wants to see if that man-thing she   saw could help them find a way out. I don’t even  know what to say to that. If I was in this group,   and someone told me that, sure I wouldn’t  believe them, but I’m going to place myself   in the middle of the pack just in case. The crew continues to follow the air current,   which leads to a room filled with the  bones of dead animals, and probably some   humans. I’d say this is ample supporting  evidence for Sarah’s monster-sighting.   Best start fashioning weapons out of the  bones and anything else you can find.   Juno can’t find a breeze and doesn’t  know which way they need to go,   so Sam and the others start yelling for  help like imbeciles. Yah, good idea,   let’s attract the thing that’s slaughtered  hundreds of animals that were bigger,   stronger, faster, and let’s be  honest, smarter than you.   Finding the way out is your last priority  right now. The exit could be a mile from here   or nonexistent. The last thing you want to do  is line up in a single file in a confined space   with these things attacking you. It would  be better to all band up in the middle of   the room with weapons in hand. You probably  don’t want to get up next to the wall with   them climbing around like spider-monkeys. Wow, literally nobody stayed together. Now they’re   all easy targets to get picked off one by one.  Juno puts up a hell of a fight against 2 of the   gollums, and shanks one of them dead with her ice  axe. Who knew that thing would come in handy.   Beth runs back to help Juno, but  Juno’s in full rage mode.   Probably shouldn’t have snuck up behind  someone who just fought to the death.   So many movies do the whole, friendlies almost  kill each other, thing, but back down before a   fatal blow it dealt. I’m glad this movie  took it there, because realistically,   friendly fire happens a lot more  than we’d like to admit.   Rebecca’s headlamp ran out of battery. Apparently  she decided that instead of packing spare   batteries, she’d just bring a giant glow stick  that’s totally useless at lighting up the cave.   So useless, that she unwittingly walked  right under another crawler.   Now that there’s a lull in the violence and the  crawlers are distracted eating your friend..’s a good time to assess their strengths  and weaknesses. Strengths: Fast, good climbers,   sharp teeth, sneaky. Weaknesses: They don’t  see so good, or Sarah would be dead.   Basically, shut the fuck up, pick up  something you can use as a weapon,   and no, the glow stick doesn’t count, try to  find your friends, try not to get separated   from your friends, then try to quietly find a way  out. The boneyard is proof that there is.   If you’re feeling frisky, and a couple of you  are together and have fashioned a shiv out of   animal bones, you can bait the creatures in front  of you by tossing stones, then spear them through   the neck or chest. Sounds dangerous, but it’s  better to be the hunter than the hunted.   Or you could spoon each other in a corner  while crying in hopes that your ‘friends’   make a noise which distracts the monsters long  enough for you to attempt an escape.   Oh now everyone pulls out  their ice axes and knives,   where were those when you first got attacked?   Sarah also uses her friend's unintentional  diversion to spark up a fire torch out of   an old oil can on the ground. Clever, but  I'm not going to award her any points for   this. Having to be resourceful because of your  piss poor planning means you’re still an idiot.   Any caver worth their salt would tell you to bring  a couple spare sets of batteries at least.   Rebecca and Sam are trying to link  up with the rest of their group.   Difficult when you can’t make any sound. Fuck yah. Honestly, these things aren’t that hard   to kill if you can group up on them. I say sitting  on my comfy couch in an air conditioned apartment   under zero threat of a gruesome death. They can hug it out somewhere else.   The sounds of their fight and the crawler’s  screeching will attract more of them, and we   don’t know how many of them there are. Juno tells Rebeca and Sam about a way out,   marked by the explorer that came before them. That  it should lead them to the cave entrance which the   man-eaters use to go outside and hunt animals.  First, they need to find Sarah. Tall task,   but it’d be damn hard to live with  yourself if you just left her.   Not sure why Juno holstered her ice axe. I’d  have that baby cocked back ready to strike.   Although Juno has been a bit trigger happy with  it, so maybe holstering it was a good idea.   Sarah finds Beth in the carnage. How  the hell is she still alive? She took   an ice axe through the neck. Beth tells her  that Juno killed her, and to not trust her.   I know Juno pulled a dick move dragging you guys  into this cave, and wasn’t the best friend, but to   say that she is a murdering psychopath is crazy.  You jumped up behind her when she was fighting   for her life. You got caught in the cross-fire.  It was just a shitty case of friendly fire.   Beth’s lamentations are drawing the attention  of the humanoids. Her dying wish is to have   Sarah finish her off with a rock so she doesn’t  have to experience getting eaten alive.   Love each day. Sarah doesn’t even make a step  before another albino flesh eater descends on   her. Sarah’s in no mood for it’s shit, and head  stomps it like Ryan Gosling in Driver.   Best get some distance from the commotion now.  You gotta shoot and scoot with these fuckers.   The caveman’s girlfriend shows up for date night  and finds what’s left of his head after Sarah curb   stomped him. Needless to say, she’s pissed. Sarah makes a run for it and trips into the pond   full of god knows what. Haven’t we learned  by now that running only makes things worse.   Standing and moving so incredibly still that  you become invisible is the best defense.   And where is that pocket knife you had. She is smart to hold her breath, collect herself,   and ever so slowly Navy SEAL out of the crawler’s  toilet so she doesn’t make more noise.   Doesn’t help her though, the  albino bat-bitch is onto her.   Pocket knife. Where’s your god  damn pocket knife? If everyone   did a little preparation and planning they  wouldn’t have to struggle for a hail mary   everytime they found themselves  in a near-death situation.   Sarah climbs up onto the rock and freezes when  she hears another coming around the corner.   It steps on her but thinks it’s just another  animal carcass and moves past her.   She carefully grabs another bone club and by the  look in her eye, it’s time for vengeance.   So the tally is 1 for the crawlers, and  like 5 or 6 for the girls. As long as they   have light, they have an immense tactical  advantage. These creatures are only human,   and have all the same weaknesses. Sarah lets out a bloodcurdling scream.   I don’t think she was doing it to get the  attention of the others, however if she was,   outright screaming isn’t the best way. Your  friends may just think you got whacked. Best   to yell something like, “I’m Okay, Help Me.”  This way they know you aren’t a goner and it   wasn’t a man-eater yelling or something. Juno and the others hear her scream and try to   get to her, but when Juno turns the corner she  finds an entire family of these things.   Juno’s team is in a pretty good spot. The corridor  is narrow enough that only one crawler can attack   at once, but tall enough that she can stand  and fight. She could pull a Leonidas and make   this passage the proverbial hot gates. The last  place you want to be is surrounded in the open,   or forced into a crawl with them behind you. They opt to run for it but get forced back   to the precipice. So instead of pulling a  Leonidas, you guys pulled a persian.   Sam, in a utterly moronic move, tries to  trad climb back across the overhang. There’s   just no way to fight in that position, it’s  physically demanding so you’ll be making noise,   it achieves literally nothing, and  it goes about how you’d expect.   At least she took one of them with her. They all keep forgetting that after   every noisy altercation they need  to relocate, and another crawler   gives Rebecca an involuntary c-section. Juno’s brain is misfiring from all the action,   and ditches Rebecca to leap off the cliff into  the water. She finds no salvation though.   You’re telling me this thing was holding its  breath this whole time after getting shanked   and falling. Give me a break. Sarah jumpscare pulls Juno up from   the slippery rocks. She’s lucky her  face didn’t catch an ice axe.   Juno and Sarah go back to back tomb raider style  against the rest of the crawler family.   Damn! Some badass ladies. If there’s more  of them, they are definitely on their way.   Unless you plan on fighting some  more, I suggest you get moving.
Channel: Nerd Explains
Views: 805,516
Rating: 4.9634976 out of 5
Keywords: nerd explains, how to beat, the descent, the descent explained, how to beat the descent, the descent ending explained, the descent kill count
Id: BwL6s53evrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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