Why you shouldn't swallow your toothpaste

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I'm gonna talk about whether you should swallow your toothpaste after you've brushed. Not a whole lot of harm for adults the main problem that I see is for children who swallow toothpaste that's part of the reason that children have their own toothpastes children's toothpaste has lower concentration fluoride in it because children swallow all the toothpastes that they put on their toothbrush or their parents put on their toothbrush and if a child swallows a whole lot of toothpaste while their adult teeth are still developing their adult teeth will often take on the appearance of fluorosis which you can see in this picture is a white speckled quite unsightly appearance and that can actually be quite difficult to improve when they get older and they don't like the look at their smile it often involves having veneers put on. Bleaching doesn't do a whole lot bonded resins you can struggle a little bit to achieve any sort of reasonable outcome so ideally with children they should when they brush spit out if they can or at the bare minimum thin amount of children's toothpaste. If you have any questions in the comments down below hit like I'm Steven from Clubb Dental. Thank you.
Channel: Clubb Dental
Views: 8,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clubb Dental, Dentist Chapel Hill, Dentist Kenmore, Dentist Indooroopilly, Swallow toothpaste, Children's toothpaste, Spit out toothpaste, Dr Steven, Steven Clubb, Fluorosis
Id: OsOBpEK4lF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 36sec (96 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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