Apple's new augmented reality headset unveiled - BBC News

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uh we're gonna come back and keep an eye of course on events in Ukraine but we're going to take a look now at some other stories we're actually going to head to the U.S we're going to head to California where Apple has been announcing its newest products including uh something quite new it's called Apple Vision Pro take a look at this with Vision Pro you're no longer limited by a display your surroundings become an infinite canvas use your abs anywhere and make them any size you want capture photos and videos and relive your most important memories in an entirely new way watch your movies shows and sports and immerse yourself in games on a giant screen surrounded by special audio and connect with people as if you're sharing the same space so in the same way that Mac introduced us to personal computing and iPhone introduced us to mobile Computing Apple Vision Pro will introduce us to spatial computing so there you have it I don't quite know what to make of it but I'm not the technology expert thankfully we have one our technology editor Zoe clyman talk us through your reaction to this well here I am you can just see behind me Apple's HQ here in Cupertino it's called Apple Park and we have just heard uh what Apple boss Tim Cook hopes is going to be a future direction for Apple a very transformative moment he and other people have compared it to the moment that the iPhone was unveiled now we're gonna have to wait and see whether that is actually the case what I can tell you is this is an AR headset that means it's augmented reality and mixed reality you put it on over your head and you can see apps you can watch TV there was a lot about using FaceTime video calling your friends but with this um augmented experience if you like this kind of extra experience of seeing it large on a screen in front of you while still being able to see wherever you are in the home behind you let me tell you about the price tag because it's even more eye-watering than we thought it was going to be it's three and a half thousand dollars which is nearly 3 000 pounds it will be out in the U.S at the beginning of next year but it's interesting to see who's a fan of this Bob Iger who's the boss of Disney is also here today he's throwing Disney's weight behind this he really thinks that this might finally be the piece of Hardware that gets us all using virtual reality it's been around for ages hasn't it but it's never quite become that essential bit of kit that everybody has can apple do it and do enough people have three and a half thousand dollars to spare to make that happen interesting so is the idea Zoe that it kind of instead of having your head down on your phone all day or getting home and then putting a slightly bigger screen on on your TV you just wear this headset and instead of looking down at your phone everything is there right in front of you and then if you want to watch a film you just hit play and it appears in front of you as well exactly right exactly right so it's small device and into a much bigger environment Apple's really good at having an ecosystem you know if you have an iPhone you've probably got an Apple computer as well it's hoping that the Apple Vision Pro will become part of that family to keep you completely hooked into Apple products what I think is quite interesting is that virtual reality and augmented reality in the past has been massively targeted at Gamers we've seen lots of games lots of kind of you know exciting roller coaster type experiences Apple really isn't saying that this is the device that's going to do that although obviously you will be able to game on it as well but it's very much aimed at communicating with your family it's saying you know you can flip through your videos and your photos on your phone you can see them at an enormous uh you know very in a much bigger way than you would see them on your screen you can interact with them you can share them with other people who presumably also have the headset um they are looking at a very different way of I think building a community and interacting with your friends but the question is whether enough people will take the leap because you know the problem that VR has had in the past is that Hardware is clunky people just don't like to wear it for long periods of time can this more lightweight kind of ski goggle-like device be something that people are happier to keep on their faces for a bit longer you know that's something that the whole industry has been struggling with yeah we'll have to see whether apple is able to make that work and so just last year we've only got 30 seconds left but just uh tell us or show us I suppose how are you going to control this thing so you put it on your head and there's a sort of dial that means that you can make the picture bigger or smaller depending on how immersed in your environment you want to be you can speak commands you can use gesture control as well so it's very much about using your body and trying to make it as easy as possible to make this thing work as we know sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't oh great stuff Zoe thank you so much for that great to get immediate reaction uh to that release that may or may not be changing our lives uh next year
Channel: BBC News
Views: 112,274
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Keywords: bbc, bbc news, news, world news, breaking news, us news, world
Id: 7UyMt7Czhus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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