WEGOVY: What You Didn’t Know! Endocrinologist Explains

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hey guys this is dr ahmet hergen i'm an endocrinologist and a diabetes educator today we are talking about we go be we gobi so this is a new weight loss drug but here's a trick it's the same molecule as a diabetes drug let's talk about it now hi guys thank you for watching uh quickly i have a quiz for you in the description below so after you watch this video take the quiz answer the questions the more questions you answer correctly the higher the chance and one in three will win a chapter from my book it's going to be delivered electronically to you a real chapter from my the ultimate diabetes book so go ahead finish the video take the quiz and win okay guys so this is not an advertisement okay it's new it is uh creating a lot of noise and i'm gonna talk about it because i feel like i have to open a doctor come on all right because if you don't hear from me you're gonna hear from someone you better hear from me so that you can get the right information so what is it for it's for weight loss why there's a lot of noise because their studies are pretty damn good for when it comes to weight loss i know i know you're gonna be like a duck you know just do keto and um you know just don't eat food you'll be okay well if that was the case there will be no obesity right so preaching is to a point works and after some point you're like you know what you gotta do something okay so if medication is needed sometimes it is needed not the first choice not the last choice but you need to know your options right so it is a molecule called semiglottis so some of glutathide is the same molecule in ozempic now you probably heard of ozanpik either on tv or you're on it or somebody's on it so it's a well-known medication for diabetes and it has been the strongest pretty much medication in terms of helping diabetes and the way semoglothide works is that it is an intestinal hormone so they basically mimic that intestinal hormone that is broken down by the body very quickly so you eat and that intestinal hormones really get released and that makes the insulin in the body and then disappears because you know it is designed to take care of that food ingestion now in overweight individuals in diabetics that mechanism is broken so in a way that they're either not responsive to their hormone anymore or they're just not making enough of it so as a result you know scientists come and say okay how are we gonna you know defeat that well we can make a molecule and we can prevent that molecule that is very similar or almost the same molecule as the intestinal hormone that our body makes but instead of letting that broken down it sticks around okay so as a result you know the action of that hormone continues now one of the most important action of that hormone is that it it keeps you the sense of satiety so it makes you feel full it's there are receptors in your gastrointestinal system all over your body brain the glt-1 receptors are pretty much everywhere and in the satiety center as well so there is direct relationship you can tell between the food we are ingesting and the rest of our body and the hormones released as a result of the the food we are eating when you take the molecule like this like a semi-gluotide you basically feel like you are constantly in a fed state so you feel like you're you don't need to eat isn't that great i mean it's great well we're gonna talk about side effects right so you're gonna be like it cannot be that great right there are of course downsides to it and we'll come to that now the reason that they changed the name not trying they're not trying to do a marketing trick or anything like that what they the reason they change the name is because it is a different molecule and is studied differently it is not studied in diabetic population it is studied in normal population actually and one of the difficult populations that we deal with every day is like the 45 50 year old middle-aged women trying to transition to menopause and their metabolism just boom hits the wall and they are like so desperate i feel so bad for him every day in my clinic i'm like i don't know what to tell you it's just that's the way it is you know like i can't i can't just tell you just stop eating the rest of your life now the thing is with this they increase the dose but what happens in a lot of medications you start a medication and people get used to it right and then if the maximum dose indicated in the label you cannot go any higher than that and you don't know if it is safe or not to go higher than that then you don't go highest you know higher those are so so with these what they did they did safety studies on thousands and thousands of people to make sure that even over a year the weight loss happened the weight loss was maintained and people tolerated in a safe manner so 80 to 90 of people i think 85 percent of people were able to complete this huge humongous very long study and they had of course double blind you know some people had placebos some people did not have plastic some people did have the real real thing and they wanted to see how much these people are losing weight and they even at some point stopped people from using this and they switched them over and to see what happens right so with we gooey people lost a lot of weight so around 15 percent of their body weight so 15 is a huge number to me and not just losing it and maintaining it now you're gonna be like doc you know how do you maintain do you have to stay on this medication forever well in a way unless you in time you decided that you don't want that the bad habits that you used to have that you used to crave those ice cream you used to crave those candies and you don't crave it anymore because you're on this drug uh and we're gonna do an unboxing in a second i'm just not holding this i'm gonna show you the real thing but the the bottom line is you will need to either stop those habits the bad habits that you used to have or stick to the drug you know i never say anybody that you have to stay on this forever but you can't stop it and if you can go without it and you can maintain the weight loss be my guest is forcing you to stay on any medication at all right so use medications as a supplementary right so same thing with herbal preparation same thing with anything you use extra to help your appetite your diabetes whatever so let's open this up let's see what is in there so i sneaked this out uh well not not me the the wrap so nobody has samples yet i don't have a sample in my office yet but i told the drug rapper i said look you know my my viewers are gonna be like wandering about this they're gonna eventually hear it on tv and all that and they're gonna be like doc what what about this here's the deal that is the box it comes in the four pin now what is the difference the difference from ozempic that it is not a multi-use pin they made this super easy and i'm gonna actually try to show you over here maybe i can put it right there now what they did is this is a single use pen 0.25 milligram is the starting dose and it goes all the way up to 2.4 and you increase the dose once a month and the reason for that is the side effects which we'll talk about in a second so you basically i don't even know how to use this pen by the way you know just to be honest oh there you go you just removed the cap you know common sense and then i think oh there's a needle there don't look don't look but they they hit it pretty well but if you really look and don't get too close to your eye but it's there anyways um i think it's smaller than to listen to the needle anyways this is listed until it's humongous all right so i'm going to push this just like that this is your skin let's say this is your belly and then you go you don't actually push here you basically push the whole thing against yourself against your body bam and then you hold it and it delivers the you see you can see the the liquid is going in and i think oh yeah i can see it's all wet here all right so and you can see it's yellow after it's complete you can see that it's all delivered and you're pretty much done and now what happens now you got the injection now you're like what did i do what's gonna happen am i gonna die no i don't think so i think you will be just fine now what's gonna happen is you will have probably some nausea especially within the first 48 hours okay now some people they're gonna be like uh nothing happened to me again everybody is different right so you can be big you can be small you can be a high metabolizer low metabolizer some people may have severe side effects that is pretty much a minority i would say you know people who are like vomiting and stuff is probably in my experience with semogula type which is the ozone the other drug with that dose in my experience is like maybe three percent or so you know i don't even remember the last time somebody vomited on these very elderly individuals are more susceptible you know people are on multiple drugs some people are on like 20 30 drugs and that's like a 31st drug you know that may be a problem right but overall it's pretty well tolerated and the good thing is the nausea tends to go away now what other side effects well cigars are intestinal hormone right it's like a new guy in the block you know you already have some gastrointestinal hormone and this guy is coming to your body and saying what to do so that's not welcomed always by your body and you end up getting some maybe diarrhea abdominal pain can happen but people tolerate this pretty well and the reason is they lose damn weight so when people lose weight they can take anything so but the thing is they also you know that tends to go away let's say you have a little abdominal pain you go for the second shot third shot by the fourth shot most of the time the the side effects go away unless they are super severe if you have this really severe side effects i wouldn't increase the dose i would stick to the same dose and maybe stay on the lower dose until the the side effects go away but definitely they tend to go away now what other side effects now uh occasionally people report headaches uh people sometimes report fatigue and people report all sorts of things uh but not common stuff you know people they may say oh i hallucinated i highly doubt that it is from this medication because it's not really reported but i don't tell people that you're lying or anything i'm not okay well if you think that causes hallucination then it's causes hallucination what can i say but but in real studies with the placebo-controlled studies you know i can tell you that the nausea abdominal pain diarrhea sometimes or constipation headaches fatigue are most common now who should not be using this drug at all well there's something called methylary thyroid cancer and and the pancreatic cancer now pancreatic cancer is kind of uncommon and medullary tyro cancer is even more uncommon now don't confuse the medullary tyro cancer with the regular thyroid cancer because regular tyro cancer is everywhere so medullary thyroid cancer is a unique type of cancer very rarely seen it's like a one in a million kind of situation but if you have a family history of it you know maybe you should stay away from this because the animal studies show that the rat studies uh that the cancer medullary thyroid cancer risk may go high or pancreatic cancer risk can go high so if you have pancreatic cancer in your family or medical retirement cancer definitely stay away from that but if you don't have any history your risk increase is going to be dismal i would say now the other thing is pancreatitis so if you had pancreatitis in the past especially if you don't know the origin why you had pancreatitis there are a few more cages out of a few thousand patients with pancreatitis pancreas inflammation which is presenting with severe abdominal pain and it can radiate to the back it can end up with vomiting and abdominal pain together so if you have those symptoms go to er but as i said you know this is something again very rare i don't even remember again last time i had a pancreatitis with ozempic but i hear that sometimes you know people start on you know semiglottite uh or other glp1 agents and end up with pancreatitis rarely that that's not unheard of retinopathy is another one that's reported so if you have an active eye disease like let's say you have bleeding in your eye because of diabetes the retina blood vessels have some glp1 receptors and blood sugar changes also can induce that there is a slight increase in progressive retinopathy not that if you if you have mild retinopathy or no retinopathy like eye disease diabetic eye disease it wouldn't cause problems according to studies but if you have progressive retinopathy bleeding already in your eye and stuff like that then it may make it a little bit worse potentially not for sure but potentially can make it a little bit more worse so these are the side effects guys but definitely the the weight loss is so far the best in the market and if you want to try what you have to do is you need to talk to your doctor if you have a private insurance not a medicare or medicaid in the united states i'm talking about you can talk to your doctor to order that for you it goes to a special pharmacy it is i don't know the deal because the the way the the company operates as they talk they told us that it has to go to a special pharmacy because sometimes using those coupons are like you know pulling teeth uh and the pharmacies are sometimes confused what to do so they try to centralize uh that so you know only a few pharmacies in your neighborhood may be doing that so your physician will probably know where to send it but in any ways guys uh this is by no means to promote this drug um the best weight loss is to work with your diet and exercise if you have a diabetes coach these are the best ways if you have a weight loss coach do it yourself as the best option but if your efforts of do it yourself have failed you tried also diets and you're not going anywhere sometimes you gotta pull the trigger and do something about it because it's your health instead of just staying overweight and unhealthy you have to do something about it so guys make sure you do the quiz below to show to prove that you have learned something and to win my chapter from my diabetes book and maybe potentially the entire book if you win enough times see you next time give a thumbs up like and share all right thank you for watching and i want you to be more informed and more educated so to do that go ahead and watch this next video right here
Channel: SugarMD
Views: 328,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wegovy, wegovy weight loss, semaglutide, diabetes, rybelsus, how to lose weight, best weight loss drug, best weight loss products, the best weight loss surgery, ozempic, weight loss, weight loss tips, obesity
Id: 9iQkWG-wUb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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