The 2 BEST Foods for Your Teeth and Gums

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you know growing up i had the worst teeth i had cavities and every single tooth i was always at the dentist the only thing good about the dentist is they would give you a lollipop and i really wish i would have known what i know now back then because it could have saved me a lot of problems with my teeth but i want to share with you the best two foods that you should be eating for your teeth now you can skip forward to get right to those two foods but i want to first talk about why you should consume these two foods the first thing is vitamin a in relationship to your teeth and gums okay vitamin a supports a lot of things but it's especially important in the internal skin and mucous membranes of your body especially the gums and vitamin a increases the resistance to infection of the mucous membranes so if you're deficient in vitamin a you're much more susceptible to getting an infection especially of the gums and there is a condition called pyrea which is basically gum disease that occurs when you're vitamin a deficient and so there's various degrees of gum problems it starts out with inflammation of the gums called gingivitis and then it can progress into something more serious called periodontitis which involves more complications with the gums redness chronic halitosis bad breath infection plaquing things like that one thing you should know about the plaque on your teeth or tartar that's not just bacteria that is also candida a type of fungus that can grow so in your mouth you have friendly bacteria and you have friendly yeast or fungus that hacks that keep everything in check it's only when things get out of balance that you start developing an overgrowth of yeast and fungus and bacteria and that can develop tartar and plaque and the byproduct of those guys is acids that then create cavities now of course the thing that starts the whole thing is the fuel that you're feeding these these pathogens and that would be sugar so people that have high sugar in the diet or carbohydrates have a lot more of the unfriendly bacteria in their mouth that create the cavities and so this data between sugar and cavities was suppressed in the early 70s there's some really interesting data i will share down below so instead they shifted their attention on saturated fats and away from sugar but out of all the foods you should avoid for your teeth and gums sugar is at the top of the list so vitamin a is really really important with your your gums now if you have periodontitis okay and you have enough vitamin c you probably retain your teeth okay you're not going to lose your teeth and you probably won't have as much bleeding but if you actually combine a vitamin c deficiency you'll tend to get loose teeth or you'll lose a tooth and you'll have bleeding so in scurvy for example which is a severe vitamin c deficiency one indication of a vitamin c deficiency would be bleeding gums because of what vitamin c does to your connective tissue and it keeps the capillaries from leaking blood so vitamin c is very important in keeping the connective tissue especially of your gums really nice and tight and strong as well as building up your resistance to infection so as you know vitamin c is important in your immune system then we have vitamin b1 now the reason i'm bringing this up is because if you have a tooth that's hurting you have like some nerve involvement okay neuritis and vitamin b1 is the best remedy for any type of itis or inflammation of the nerve so taking b1 can help a toothache now of course the underlying cause of that needs to be corrected but at least can give you relief as well as chewing on a clove okay clove will help numb the tooth okay so you might want to try that as well now then we have this thing called vitamin f now what is vitamin f well it's a combination of the omega fatty acids and vitamin f works with calcium it helps to unload calcium as one of its functions so if you look at vitamin d and vitamin k2 and vitamin f they all work in this one specific function of helping you absorb calcium transport calcium and then dumping calcium in the right places so vitamin d is vital for absorbing calcium from your intestine to your blood and then vitamin k2 is important in transporting calcium to the right areas of the body to the bone to the teeth okay and not in the wrong places and then vitamin f has a function of helping unload this calcium and uh pushing it into the tissues so given that information what foods would have most of these vitamins well butter in cod liver oil okay now when we're talking about butter we're talking about grass-fed okay and organic or you can do the ghee this is loaded with vitamin d f vitamin k2 especially and vitamin a okay and so all these are fat soluble nutrients or vitamins so butter is really good for the teeth and gums as a child of course with a lot of teeth problems i craved butter so much i would literally sit down and consume a stick of butter without even questioning it i just love butter and reflecting back is because i needed these nutrients okay unfortunately i was consuming a massive amount of sugar and refined carbs at the same time and one point about vitamin c and sugar is that the chemistry of sugar and vitamin c is very similar so if you're consuming all the sugar you're not going to be able to absorb vitamin c at the same time okay so that was my problem and the second food is cod liver oil now why is cod liver oil so good for the teeth and gums and why is it so unique and different from regular fish oils okay well cod liver oil not only has the omega three fatty acids that other fish oils have but it also has vitamin d and vitamin a whereas other fish oils usually don't have vitamin d and vitamin a so it has these two extra things that are very very good for you it's very difficult to get vitamin d from your foods but cod liver oil has a really good amount of it so with with collard oil you get these fat soluble vitamins and this nutrient which is you can call it a vitamin or you can just call it a essential fatty acid combination now you could also do cod liver you can buy this in a can it's very fatty it's actually quite delicious i've recommended it i will put a link down below if you haven't tried it you should try it but it's a really good food so it's it's actually comes in all the oil as well but if you consume the whole thing it's a bit too rich so if you're going to consume it you have like maybe half of it and then half the second day but eat it up within two days because if you leave it too long it does get a little fishy okay eggs also have a lot of these fat soluble nutrients and then greens okay and i'm talking about leafy greens that's the vitamin c but you also have my favorite which is sauerkraut or even kimchi that's a great source of vitamin c as well as probiotics and vitamin k2 so sauerkraut is really really good for your teeth and gums and then as far as the b vitamins go nutritional yeast is a good source but you have to realize that your gut also makes a lot of your b vitamins so if you don't have the gut flora or you've had antibiotics chances are that could be the reason why you're deficient in bees so just realize that these microbes can give you these b vitamins as well now probably the next best video for you to watch would be the one on cod of oil i've done quite a few but this one is very interesting check it out you
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 830,995
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Keywords: the 2 best foods for your teeth and gums, best foods for teeth and gums, teeth and gums, teeth, gums, teeth health, oral health, gum health, healthy teeth, tooth decay, bleeding gums, receding gums, teeth cavities, cavity, teeth problems, foods for teeth health, foods for teeth and gums, vitamin for gums, gingivitis, periodontitis, grass-fed butter, cod liver oil, teeth plaque, teeth tartar, dr. berg on foods for teeth and gums, dr. eric berg, eric berg, dr. berg, berg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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