Why You SHOULDN'T JOIN the Reserves?!

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so you're considering going either active duty or reserves that this video is going to explain the difference between them and what my suggestions are after being in the military almost 12 years stay tuned what is up guys you're tuning in to nikki mgtv for another video as always you can hit me up on instagram snapchat twitter or down the comments below if you have questions make sure you guys smash the subscribe button literally down below and so we will first start off with active duty the first pro is there is a set amount of time knowing that you're gonna have a four five or six year contract that is set exactly you know when it starts you know when it ends and that's it every contract is technically eight years which means that if you get a four year contract you get four years of active duty and four years of inactive reserve that does not mean you are a reservist okay there is active reserves i know it's confusing but inactive reserves just means they mail you something every year and you just send that back and you say i'm alive and that's it so if you do a five-year contract three years are going to be enacted if you do a six-year contract there's two years inactive makes sense out of eight years it just varies how much time is versus on active versus inactive reserve i don't want to confuse people with that the next part of this i think is holding weight in some things that are not tangible benefits but experience your experience in the military on active duty is going to be inherently more traditional route right that you would expect out of your military service and if you're a reservist deploy a matter of you know win rather than if typically and also you're going to have that camaraderie and things like that so your experience is going to be a lot more normal that like for what you're what you're wanting out of the military if you're joining versus reserves but we'll talk about that on their side later on next two things here i added were networking and job experience so while you're active duty you're going to be able to interact with a lot of people that are contractors government service workers people that have gotten out already a lot of other people that you can ask how to go within your field beyond where you're currently at people that have been the little e3 that's worked in the shop before that understands you're probably looking for how you can be them and make six figures or whatever else so that is good that you can actually do that on active duty you're gonna have more exposure to those types of people and what the and what comes with this is job experience as well so you can ask these people hey if i get stationed here what experience will i get that i can carry to the civilian world that is very important so that way you can make the most out of your one enlistment maybe two enlistments you know that way you can maybe get out and do something where you're not as mobile as you are during active duty this next part is the pay and okay i get it on a consistent basis first and 15th active duty hands down is a better pay than reservist yes reservist can earn money but we'll cover that on i also want to say you're gonna get your full benefits it's set just like your four years you do it you're done you leave it's set you have your benefits your gi bill you have your veteran status 214 you've got everything given to you healthcare you're not paying towards that like everything is just set it forget it you worry about being in the military versus you having to worry about something else so yes i will say the full benefits do make a nice incentive that like once you leave the military you are able to actually just walk free entirely and be able to kind of shop around for what school you want to go to what you want to get into whereas reserves is not as much like that and that goes into college as well because obviously we do have tuition assistance which is you know a great benefit that you get to not touch your gi bill your post 9 11 gi bill um so that way you're able to knock out classes uh throughout your entire career and not have to actually touch that and usually you're probably going to be able to get an associates done i would say with the timeline they just changed the rules on how that goes but i would say you're going to be pretty close with your active duty credits that you're going to get plus your ability to take a couple classes where you'll be probably pretty close before you leave the service and so um for the navy there's three to four classes a year i believe the air force i think has four to five classes a year um there's a limit on credits and as far as money the next part here is the retirement now since i made my last video kind of about this we did have the old retirement system which was like you did 20 years you didn't put any money in and there's a defined benefit now it's to find a contribution which means that the military will match you five percent uh of what you put in so obviously and that's at two years so you'd want to put that in right away um that has changed a little bit not what it's about but still the retirement is still better than what you would get from the reserves as far as getting a pension quicker and contr contributions and things like that so i will say you know if you're looking for a retirement that wouldn't be a bad option also i wanted to cover va disability because um you know it is a thing that you can definitely get if you've been injured while you're active duty you can get uh compensated as you leave with your veteran affairs rating which will give you a certain amount of money per month for the injury that you sustained um you'll you'll see people all the time trying to milk this system but um i want to say you know while you're reservist you can only be covered for things that happened during your reserve time while you were activated and again that goes with the benefits of health insurance and activation and stuff like that so my advice for someone active duty is somebody that is looking to be 18 to like 23 24 maybe 25 right a younger person typically age isn't the main bearing here but i would say somebody that doesn't have a lot of ties meaning do you have a ton of debt meaning like is there a house involved is there a wife and kid involved that kind of brings you lesser on my opinion someone that i would want to bring on the active duty and also i would say career as well if you do have a stable career where you went to college maybe and you're working somewhere where you can move up and you just want the taste of the military i would advise you to go uh reserves on that point for all the young guys which is the majority people watching this i'm gonna say active duties where you guys probably should wanna be because you don't have much going on back home but we're going to go right into that onto the reserve side of the pros and cons of that first off i want to say reserves is great for flexibility which is why the person that does have some form of you know stability at home and they need to maybe move their drill somewhere else there's stuff so called flex drilling i don't want to go into that that's not what this video is about but there is ability to um kind of do your time some other way if it's being inhibited from other things and hopefully your unit allows that also there is the ability to pick different locations that you want to deploy to there's a list that people are able to look at obviously i don't have that list to publish to you guys here but uh if you guys do become reservist and you check in you can definitely ask about that kind of stuff about how you can get deployed to certain areas i've had people that have been activated or deployed to germany for two years and they enjoyed it so um and then i've had people have also been a year activated to norfolk virginia and i've had reservists also here in japan with me as well so there's a big range of possibilities that you can do while you're reservists next pro of this is going to be you get to stay home but i'll cover the con of why that's not a good thing but i mean staying home does have its benefit benefits as far as the infrastructure obviously you've got your family there you've got your friends there you've got a bunch of people that are there to support you so you know if you are wanting to just have the uniform and do your time and earn a little bit of your benefits while staying at home with mom or dad and go to school i would say that might not be a bad idea if you really have that good support system but also if you have another job you know like i said if you're a career person that's got something pretty stable uh some kind of salary that you're okay with or maybe even a business you might be a business owner um that might be something you want to consider also i'm going to say there are the basic benefits of like base access and you can't get health insurance for yourself and your family while you are a reservist health insurance in general is pretty pricey i do know people that are on reserve just to have the health benefits because it is pretty good and cheaper maybe than their employer but overall you also get the base access you get the commissary you get the exchange you also get the gym to go on to you have the benefits of being a military member you get discounts on certain things because you do have your id card um so there are those inherent benefits of just being related to the military also there are some benefits as far as being a reservist where you will get like a gi type bill that you can use as well definitely you can google that as well but this is more of an overview now some of the bad parts of being a reservist are it's not steady so like if you are looking to go to germany for two years and you get that and then there's nothing lined up afterwards to still keep you activated on something you want you're out of a job technically and you have to go back home and then work somewhere else so um it doesn't have the same stabilities of active duty where you do get that first and fifteenth you're guaranteed employment the entire time and you're not really searching for the next task tasker that you can go out on now to tack onto the pro of staying home the con is staying home because a lot of times you'll see people that are back with their friends they are not or family they're not typically near people that are trying to promote them to to be better where i do believe there is some benefit and change in environment being able to actually meet new people and being able to experience new things that you never thought you would and maybe get some new ideas on things you might want to do with your life even after the military so i will say there is some of that in the reserves obviously people come from all different backgrounds even on the reserve side but i'll say it's more so where you're encountering these people every day um but you know i would say you're going to get more dose of that on the active duty side the next thing here is it's inconvenience it can be very inconvenient for a lot of people that are trying to go on reserves because you work your job monday to friday and you're like crap now i gotta sit here and go to drill on saturday and sunday that can be very frustrating for a lot of people when maybe that saturday sunday you had a hard week and you're like i really just want to chill now you're working 14 days straight and that can be very difficult on people and tiring so just anticipate that and some of the drill areas are further away which may require an hour or several hours to even get to your drill site depending where you're at you know obviously middle of nowhere can be very difficult but just consider that as you're looking at reserves as well also there is a retirement aspect of this so this is very different than the active component because your retirement time is different it's done by a point system not breaking that down here but it is different to where um that can be something you have to consider as you're going through your career obtaining points and trying to earn your retirement and ways that you can be activated to get there as well so also i want to say that employment i know i know i know i know i know i know it's you're going to say it's illegal to deny somebody reserves that they cannot be employed because they are a reservist you're right but i will tell you this if you are telling somebody that hey you're going to be activated hey you're going to do this or that or you've been activated or it's been high up tempo or whatever it is it is going to be difficult i know it's illegal but on black and white it's illegal but i'm telling you i've heard of people talking about how that can actually be a difficult thing i'm just saying for my personal anecdotal evidence not something that's a factual thing right i know that it is it is illegal but this is one thing i want you guys to understand is like when you tell someone you are a reservist military member that does drill that means two weeks out of the year you are already gone and if it's weekends they can't schedule you for weekends if you work a job that you need to work on weekends so just anticipate that being an issue that you're going to have to navigate now to finish this video i know this question will likely be asked can you jump from active duty to preserve reserve to active duty most times people are going to say i want to do reserves go to school and then can i jump to active right after good question you can it's just more difficult to do so than what you're probably anticipating and that's because there has to be what are called quotas available and that's meaning what i mean by that is you may have to jump from your job to a different job active duty that you may not want right if you wanted to do that um and so there's not always a one-to-one ratio of hey you're a corpsman on reserves you're going to be a corpsman on active duty so just to give you a heads up on that there is a little bit easier transition i would say for people that are going from active duty to reserves because the reserves isn't spending any money to bring you over and it's almost like just an administrative process of taking you over to the reserves and then telling you where your new drill site is and where you're going to be at and kind of just baking breaking them and kind of just breaking down the basics there but as always if you guys do have questions about this or anything else you can always hit me up on instagram snapchat twitter or down in the comments below if you have questions i love you guys
Views: 24,891
Rating: 4.870801 out of 5
Keywords: military, army, air force, marines, navy, active duty, reserves, military benefits, military pay 2020, military travel, military life, should i go active duty or reserves, navy seal, special forces, bootcamp, basic training, asvab, meps, joining the military, should i should the military, how to join the military, military informarion, navy information, army information, air force information, marine information, military training, educational, what is the army like
Id: 9Wj9fF0K8rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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