Air Force Reserve: Pros and Cons

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they YouTube today's video requested topic pros and cons about the air force reserve air force reserve is a great option there are pros and cons and that's exactly what I want to talk about the training is positive in the sense that you will get the same active-duty that air force active duty gets you're out of your basic training then you'll go into technical training whether you're enlisted or officer so the training is equivalent it's the same remember that air force reserve in most cases is a part-time job which means you are allowed to be a full-time student on the civilian side or you can have your civilian career out second they call it citizen airman you are both citizen civilian Airmen when you are on duty when I say it's a part-time it will depend on your status you could be a traditional reservists also known as weekend warrior one weekend a month plus your two weeks of active duty time annual tour and you can be an IMA that's another category individual individual mobilized augmentee and you're a sentient active duty unit I've been both you can also be an AGR which is four time active duty for the reserve that's where it gets a little bit confusing better always explore your options always ask the expert whoever that person is well I know what do you know about this what can you teach me and always continue to learn when I say it's it's part time the reason that's important for you to remember is because it's a part time paycheck if you are part time often people ask me how much am I going to get paid that'll depend on your rank how many years you have in and how much time you work if you work two days out of the month it's that's all it is another positive so you can look at that as a positive or negative I told people or if you really want to do something for and maybe a fresh start go active duty for four years because you're beat you'll be immersed in the active duty lifestyle often people say I want to go reserve and then I want to go active duty down the road a year or two that's not easy to do it's the Air Force total force is three you have active duty of reserve you've guard so it's different money and you really can't go from one to the other from reserve to active to guard to reserve again it's not the way it works it's different money and there's more to that than I'm talking about but if you are Reserve and you want to go active duty it's going to depend on the career field this is a critically banned career field where they actually need you they mean active duty so definitely remember that it's easy to go from active duty to reserve part time because the Reserve will welcome you or the guard will that going from reserve to active duty is a lot tougher no matter what a recruiter tells you I speak from what I've seen and and I've seen a lot so so remember that if you want active duty then go active duty from the beginning if you can they pro for the reservist or many pros you have access to the commissary which is your grocery store good prices you have access to the BX base exchange for the Air Force and it's tax-free you have access to anything on base and in most cases you qualify for everything two exceptions that I can think of is your medical medical unless you have the reserved TRICARE which is a good deal I don't have that even when I was a reservist because I have civil service my civilian job the Air Force civilian job has my medical so I didn't qualify for that but TRICARE reserve from what I've heard for many people is a good deal per month for a family consider that that's a positive negative is our con is that the educational benefits you eventually can earn up to forty five hundred which is the max per year like active duty but you have to build yourself up to that especially if you're starting on the reserve side if you were active duty for X number of years it could be four and then you go into the reserve you qualify for the max which is 4500 another con about being in the reserve is that if you want the VA home loan you have to serve at least I believe it's six months of active duty time that does not include your basic training and your technical training that's separate a friend of mine just deployed for six months maybe a little bit more than six months he's back home and now he qualifies for the VA home loan the ID card looks exactly the same as it does for an active-duty it just says Air Force it doesn't say Reserve anymore so people actually think that you are active-duty they're not going to know the uniform is exactly the same as active duty I used to work with Guard Reserve active duty we all looked the same we were different statuses hops hops are taking flights from let's say the east coast to Europe or the west coast to the Pacific you can take a hop usually it's free sometimes they charge you ten or fifteen dollars but you have to be active duty for that as as a traditional reservist technically you won't qualify for that the best thing that you can do is check with the base that's nearest to you logistics management LRS Logistics Readiness Squadron and then they'll explain that or you can look it up online like I said earlier if you have your civilian career and you want something part-time to serve and do and be a part of a team that's way bigger than you and myself the Air Force Reserve is a great option I am extremely thankful for the Air Force Reserve because when I was four shaped reduction in force when I had to leave active duty not because I wanted to be of course reserved welcome to me and I just continued you get promoted you get as long as you meet all the requirements you get to attend professional military education just like active duty there are a lot of opportunities but you as an individual have to go out there and learn from people and ask questions and make sure that you qualify promotions is a positive you can get promoted you can retrain in the Air Force Reserve pretty easy overall it's not automatic and it depends on the needs of the Air Force first and foremost negative you may have to wait toast age 60 for your pension if you complete at least 20 years of service in my case I have to wait so on 57 years and three months no big deal that's ten and a half years from now I'll have to pensions combined what part-time job offers you a pension and medical not many in the Air Force Reserve and guard you're still part of the Air Force you are part-time Air Force Reserve in the sense that you're still still one of the uniform you have to follow the exact same guidelines and regulations as active duty Guard and Reserve everyone's on the same page you may deploy that could be a positive or a negative to you I think it's positive and you'll go do your mission with people that you don't know for the most part and some people that you do know and then you come home so there's a lot of opportunities like I said if I miss anything the best thing that you can do is ask your question down below in the comment section because I'm talking from just the top of my head where I may forget something but just ask the question if you know any insight that I may have misspoken on put it on there as well and share that information for the individuals who may be interested in joining the Air Force Reserve who want a big picture of the pros and cons should I do it the H for the Air Force right now is 39 entry on the enlisted side and if you do 20 years you could be 59 and have a you know part-time retirement one more positive or Pro that I can think about is if your schedule allows for you to work more I'm in there two days per month you got to find a unit that needs you and has funds to pay you and then you get paid on active duty whether it's two weeks extra or a full year it happens the Air Force Reserve is like I said several times the best-kept secret I would recommend active duty if your life allows that if your interest allows that even if it's for four years because you get that everyday lifestyle you see what it's like you continue you like it you continue you don't you can separate or you can go go to reserve always explore your options I just wrapped up 22 years of airforce military career I was enlisted I commissioned became an officer I was a firefighter then I retrained in two personnel on the enlisted side active duty officer reserve officer traditional reservists individual mobilized augmentee AGR active Guard Reserve I've served in a lot of capacities and now I am in my office as a retiree working Air Force civil service hope you've enjoyed it again use the comment section below with any input that you may want to share or anything
Channel: YOUR Military Money
Views: 75,750
Rating: 4.9514785 out of 5
Keywords: united states air force, hugo escobar, kyle gott, united states air force reserve, united states air force academy, united states army, united states coast guard, united states marine corps
Id: jsAG3w57aZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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