Why I decided To Join The Army Reserves | and Not Active or National Guard

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what's going on guys so your sides join the Army Reserves in this video I'm going to talk about why I actually decided to join the Army Reserves and not Exedy or National Guard [Music] so first off before I get into everything I just want to thank you guys so much for all the like freaking support you guys have been giving me recently all the nice comments like I've yet to have a negative comment I think I've had one thumbs down on my first video that I made so that is amazing like I've had hundreds of thumbs ups hundreds of comments and you guys are just freaking awesome and I just can't thank you guys enough and I'm happy myself for being able to make some videos that are helping you guys out so I just want to say thank you to you guys for that but anyways why did I just decide to join the army so it's almost mumbled really bad right there but the reason I decided during the I'm reserves is for a couple of reasons is really no one reason I think if you ask a lot of people who decide to join the military for whatever reason it's not normally just one specific reason and for me I had my time back whenever I was 18 I was going to join active duty and I was going to do Special Forces actually I had my contract ready for 18 x-ray I had gone through the process with everything with the recruiter and everything and I was ready to go to Metz and all that stuff and this was right around the time Obama was what was it reelected and I did not agree with him on some things I don't want to get political or anything and for whatever reason I think is mainly because I just wasn't fully ready yet I decided not to go through with it mainly because election didn't go the way that I wanted and I think I just put a kink in things I think other other cases I had told people you know if they had gone the other way out 100 percent going to go in but for whatever reason I decided not to do active duty NZ special forces and some years later go by I go to college and stuff like that and I'm basically two years in the college tour I think about three years so I ended up on a community college transferred went to UNC Charlotte and eventually I decided that one of the reasons I should first of all I decided school was freaking expensive right so if you guys go to the University and you're paying for it yourself school is pretty expensive and I got turned on to the Army Reserves by my grandpa he had told me about the reserves and all stuff so I went research this you know military thing where you can go to your training once a week or once a month and you know you don't have to you know be away and have difficulty go into schools and stuff like that so it really really intrigued me I actually thought that when I first signed up like I literally went through the whole swearing-in process and did everything thinking that the monthly drills was one week a month not one weekend a month so whenever I found out that it was only one week in a month I was pretty happy and I was like and I made the awesome choice doing this so that was pretty cool I was I was going to join even this was one whole week a month so but anyway so I joined the Army Reserves now what are some of the factors that contributed to the armed reserves and why did I not choose active duty now I'll go ahead and tell you guys right off the bat why I didn't pick AXA duties the biggest contributing factor to that was I was in school currently and I wanted and I want to because I'll be graduating next year I want to finish school and get my four-year degree before anything else I do not want all these other outside things I don't want to get married yet I'm holding off getting married until after college my girlfriend is not too happy about that but I'm holding off till after college I did not want to do an active duty because I knew I had a couple of years left and regardless of what anybody tells you your recruiters will blow your heads up with yeah you can get your four-year degree in four years when you're in activity which is the biggest load of crap on average is going to take you about twice as long so to get a four-year degree it's going to take you about eight years of active duty time and if you're really busting your butt you could probably do it in six years but regardless unless you're like the top like one percent you're probably not going to finish a four-year degree in four years without having no social life whatsoever at all because you're not gonna be able do your schoolwork during the work day right you'll have to wait until you get home so anyways that was a big contributing factor I wanted to finish schools like no matter what I wanted to spend school and deal the Army Reserves allows much easier allows you to much more easily as a not a word but it allows you to finish school with all the worries and stuff that activity will give you and also give you the GI Bill wait for your if your attitude you'll get the full GI Bill but since you're reserves or since I'm in the reserves I get a portion of it which for me since I have a kicker on my contract it's about 580 dollars a month which helps out with school a lot right the other thing that I want to do with the reserves is I wanted to be an officer and I knew if I did active duty I would have to spend some time in a couple of years before I even had a chance to become an officer and for the reserves I knew that as soon as I finished training I could start the ROTC program at UNC Charlotte which is where I'm at now and I could start that program and already be on my way to become an officer so this time next year in May I would be officially a second lieutenant and I'll have gone from an enlisted private first class all the way up to a second lieutenant that's gonna be a really weird feeling but then is something that I really really wanted to do and is extremely important to me because I went into the military knowing that I want to be an officer I'm not I'm not as happy whenever I'm being bossed around and told what to do and stuff like that like I for sure I am a much better I'm much happier when I'm the person who is in charge and making the decisions and you're not going to be able to do that for years as an enlisted soldier you're gonna have to make your rank you're way way up there before you can really make some big-time decisions but when you're an officer you can make some decisions like right off the bat and I knew that's me I'm much more of a critical thinker and I can lead people and I'm much happier doing that so that was one big reason why I decided to do the reserves now the I guess this will be the second or third biggest reason why I did the reserves is because like I said before I wanted to do active duty but I wasn't quite set on it because like a lot of you guys you're kind of not sure you don't know what the heck is going on and I'm the kind of person that does not take these kind of decisions very lightly and joining the military is probably aside from getting married or who you choose to marry or maybe even greater than it is it will be the biggest decision of your life so a lot of you guys and girls right now are making the biggest decision of your life and it's going to change you for forever you know even if you only do your first contract you've gone into the military you went through the training you experienced that lifestyle it is going to change you in a way that will affect you for forever and it'll say your family and it will affect your your children like your media family and your future children it will affect all of that just because of one decision you made and all that stress I guess is stress put on myself I'm like you know I need to make the right decision here and for the reserves it allows you to kind of figure out what you want just a little bit longer and I knew if I really enjoyed it I was going to go from reserves and switchover to active duty and if you're in the reserves you can also get deployed kind of whenever you want you can request appointments and stuff like that so I knew if I joined active duty I didn't have a choice I had to stay there Ike it would take me longer to graduate college it'll take me longer to do all these things and if for some reason I didn't enjoy and I didn't like the military I didn't want to be miserable for however many years four years or whatever my initial contract would have been what since I did the reserves I did a six-year contract with an eight-year commitment and it kind of allows you that freedom of choice you could do the reserves and you could hate the military and you know you know it's you only got a couple more years or five more years basically after your don't training and it's only one week in a month right one week in a month two weekends a year or two weeks a year and that's really not that bad so I knew that even if I just even if I figured out that I really didn't like the military or the Army Reserves is not that bad and I tell people that all the time Reserves is not that it's actually a lot of fun like getting paid a couple hundred dollars a month to go do something on the weekends one week in a month and every now and then you get to go shoot you get to deal with really cool equipment you get to meet a lot of cool people and that's freaking awesome like I plan on staying in the reserves and I'll talk about that in a little bit but even if I do just stay in the reserves for twenty years like that's gonna be really cool like once I make it up to the rank of captain which will be in about five years I'll be a captain and the pay as a captain even in the reserves is ridiculous right you're not going to make that much less you get paid a ton I mean I'll be a primer programmer so I'll make a good bit of money but making $700 like after taxes on a weekend as an officer's like ridiculous like that's really good like $300 a day plus so I knew that even if things went horrible I was going to be okay now if I decided that I wanted to do active duty this is kind of the only reason really why I didn't pick the National Guard and that is for schools as an Airborne School and Air Assault school and switching over to active duty I wanted I like to give myself as many options as possible I don't like to pigeonhole myself and only allow myself one option right and one from what I was told by my recruiter and other people other soldiers researching it myself the National Guard is a state military right so that's kind of owned by the state the Army Reserves and the Army is like basically a national kind of thing like for the country a National Guard is state based right and from what I was told and everything if I wanted to switch over to active duty in the reserves it's pretty simple if you want to switch over from active duty from National Guard it is darn near impossible from what I was told and it's a much bigger and longer process to switch over from National Guard to active duty because you're like switching branches if you're in the Army Reserve to go active you're just switching your status basically from Reserve to active if you want to go from National Guard's our army it's changes branches like pretty much completely so even though our basic training and AIT and stuff like that is the same the basically the branch that you fall under is going to be totally and completely different now lastly the thing I want to talk about is why I want to stay and the Army Reserves and why I'm actually not going to switch over to active do the number one reason that I'm not going to switch over to active duty it's because I like my civilian job and I don't want to not be happy right so what I tell all you guys is going active duty if that's going to make you happen you'll be content there's nothing on the civilian side that you want to fully do then go back to go go for that you know that's fine but for me I got a whole lot of stuff over here on the civilian side that I'm doing my programming passion my compassion for computers and working and stuff like that I can do that in the reserves I can't do that in if I'm active duty now I do want to deploy a couple of times I'll clean up like I said you know reserves for you know at least 20 years and I like to deploy a couple times but the difference being between Reserve and active duty is if your active duty you deploy and you go to some base somewhere in your station there for a couple years and in the reserves you'll deploy and you come home so you can work and do your drills and drills drills deploy come home I have two duties you deploy and go back to the Sun base somewhere and you know do some bullcrap PT in the morning and stuff like that so you know active duty is not something that would allow me to fully be happy and accomplish things in life that I want to do now one of the things I want to do and my life or wanted to do was number one be a soldier in two I want to be a programmer I can't be in both those things activity but I can in the research so that's something really big and the reason why I want to stay in the Army Reserves the other cool thing about the reserves and one of the reasons why I'm saying is there's a whole lot more opportunities and things to do than I ever thought in the reserves right so I could probably make a video on this topic later like different opportunities if you're in the reserves that people don't think about like number one I did the best warrior competition which allowed me to travel to Raleigh North Carolina I got to go to Orlando Florida and another place in Florida I actually where I did a competition and you know I went to a ball and I went to the ball in Orlando Florida you know I got that sword I did that I've done so much stuff through schools you can go to you can go to trainings all the time there's these this for family program you can do there's just a lot of stuff that I didn't know about that you can still do and again if I ever want to deploy II if I don't want to make it sound too simple but I can basically request to change units with to some unit that's the pulling and I can just to blue with them and it's really it's really always there if I want to deploy if I ever change my mind and stuff it's much more simple again than the National Guard and you know if I was active duty I can't do that so you know that's in a nutshell why I decided to join the Army Reserves it's basically it allows me for more freedom to do with my life that I want certainly joining the Army Reserves has taken away a whole lot of my freedoms freedom of choice you know you lose all your rights when you join the military but even being in the reserves and have my stuff one week in a month um my training times have fallen on family events and birthdays and I was still mixed up but as far as a net net gain I think it's it's been a really big positive and over the course of my life over the course of my career I think it's going to be one of the best decisions I've ever made joining the Army Reserves so that's pretty much it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it this was basically just me talking about why I did the Army Reserves and not active duty and not the National Guard so I hope this was somewhat informative for you guys and I hope you enjoyed it you know I've been trying to make videos that are informational and or informative informative and kind of talk about my experience because that's what I can talk about I can talk about my experiences some of you guys are asking me questions that I have no clue about the army and the military is huge and no single person even like the sergeant major of the army he does not know everything so no single person is going to know every aspect of about the military and in the future for this channel like probably way down the line you know if I were to keep growing I would like to get different sergeants like my brother our videos are going to come up here soon talking about his basic and auntie experience but I would like to you know add in different people different soldiers talk about their experiences so that this channel can be like a one-stop place for all of you guys to to come and look at all kinds of different experiences because even one person if I were to tell you guys from start to finish my experience about through the military it could be totally different than somebody else's experience so I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did please leave a like if you want to stick around for some more videos later on you can check out the videos in our playlists or you can subscribe for my videos I've been pretty much pumping these out on a daily basis and yeah so leave it in comments if you have any questions down below and I will see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 127,335
Rating: 4.6856866 out of 5
Keywords: Shootemup89, Army, Army Reserves, So you decided to join the army, What is the army like, What is basic like, What is basic Training like, What is AIT like, What is red phase like, What is white phase like, Blue phase, Red phase, White phase, Army Training, How To, Army Basic Training, Army BCT, Army BCT Red Phase, Army Failures, Failing Basic Training, Basic, Training, USAR, National Guard BCT, USA
Id: r1UnPmH5V7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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