Air Force Pro's & Con's | Watch Before Joining!!

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hey what's up youtubers in case you guys didn't notice I changed my YouTube channel name it now reads 21 shades of Jay all I did was space everything out and remove the last wife from the Jay so it makes it easier for people to find me [Music] every day so for those of you who click the video I'm just gonna assume that you guys are interested in joining the Air Force each is way in the perspective of somebody who's actually in the Air Force so just give you guys a little background information about myself my name is Jarvis Edwards and I'm from the south side of Chicago so I've been in the Air Force about seven years now on January 3rd of this year made seven years for me not sure if I'm gonna do 20 but I take it one day at s we'll see I originally joined the Air Force for six years then I decided to reenlist back in 2017 so currently I've been stationed in san antonio lackland air force base guam engine air force base and back to san antonio lackland air force base in between those times I did get deployed to ru the air base in Qatar so currently I'm Staff Sergeant which the e5 and have a line known for tech sergeant which is e six so for those of you who don't know a line number simply means that I'm projected to put on the next rank alright so there's the backtrack a little bit back at my two-and-a-half year mark I got senior in below zone it's hearing below zone just an early promotion program it's not given to everybody is only given to a select few it allows you to put on the rank of senior Airman which is e for six months earlier than anybody else that join with you unless they got promoted to senior and below zone as well so once I was awarded btz I was able to test for Staff Sergeant earlier than my peers I'm hit Staff Sergeant about my three and a half year mark then I ended up testing for a tech about two and a half years later ends up making east six and six years and now I'm just waiting to put on that next rank so my job in the Air Force is a dental assistant for those of you who are familiar with the terminology my AFSC was just my job it's for y0 x1 so when I first joined the Air Force and I'm with the EMT and then tech school and learn my job after that I'm stationed at Lackland Air Force Base and that's where I sit the doctor for the first two years of my career we did crowns root canals extractions all type of things just day-to-day operational stuff then after two years I became Probie training so promy trained just means that I'm certified to clean teeth so day in and day out I started cleaning teeth every single day for about three years that was back in Guam and then some at Lackland or the base when I got stationed here again I'm the doing clearance for three years I then got sent to the front desk where I ran the front desk for about a year and a half then I got deployed so after my deployment I was sent to the logistics section and inside the logistics section we just make sure that we have all supplies needed in order to perform the day-to-day operations of seeing patients simple easy that's it whoo all right so now that all that is out of the way let's get back to the meat and potatoes of the video the pros and cons of joining the Air Force so number one probe for me of joining the Air Force it's gonna be the free dental and health care so with that free dental in health care you can get seen for almost anything whether you want to get LASIK done to your eyes PRK what do you want to see mental health you're going through some things you need some assistance with that what do you want to get braces you want to get root canals you need crowns anything like that I mean no you don't want to get a root canal but if you do need that stuff as far as dental care goes you want a cleaning done you can get that stuff done and if you are joining the Air Force after being on your own for some time not fresh out of high school then you do understand how much that stuff does cost how much health care costs how much braces cost how much dental care in general costs so it's a huge benefit of joining the Air Force as far as dental and health care goes so ii Pro joined the Air Force would have to be the free College originally that's what I intentionally joined for I was told I can go to college for free the military would pay for and I could get my degree through the military and I accepted it so you are granted 4500 dollars in tuition assistance each year to attend classes when I went to Ashford University for my bachelor's degree in Business Administration every single class was 750 dollars so if you take that $4,500 that you're granted and you take away each class 750 you're only allowed to take six classes per year and if you're anything like me that's not gonna be enough so you do have other options so after about two or three years you are a word yeah bill and you can start using your GI Bill even while you're on active duty status I've been using my GI Bill to take extra classes because six classes a year didn't cut it for me so I kept using my GI Bill and if you don't use your GI Bill you just want to take those six classes a year and just keep your jab bill at a later date you can transfer that GI bill to your spouse or your dependents so the third pro of joining the Air Force for me would have to be once you get out the dorms you receive vah vah suggest the housing allowance so the money you get paid to have an apartment or a home so I'll give you guys an example just so you have some type of perspective into what you get from that bah so my previous apartment was about $800 in rent and I was awarded 13 about 1350 for bah monthly so my real most 800 and I was awarded 1350 so I paid my rent and then my utilities everything and I pocket the rest when you guys do join you get out the dorms get a cheap apartment just start now if you know unless you're married whatnot you know that you won't be in the darn but get a cheap apartment spend less save more that's gonna save you so much money like pocketing ibh is so helpful so I suggested you guys make sure once you get in and you get your first apartment make sure you get something cheap what you can save some money all right so the fourth pro of joining the Air Force is the potential to travel so now I want you guys to pay attention I said potential to travel because the thing is it's all based on the Air Force needs so you might want to go to Greece or Germany or Japan or whatever but it all depends on what the Air Force needs in the job that you're in so like me for instance I've been stationed Lackland Air Force Base Guam and right back to Lackland Air Force Base so all the pins on what the Air Force needs they need me more at Lackland Air Force Base so they sent me here at Lackland Air Force Base and just because you want to travel doesn't mean you're gonna be able to travel or yiling a station exactly where you want so just keep that in mind when joining so there are a bunch of military installations throughout the world and if you are lucky enough to get stationed somewhere nice you can go to other places for instance when I was in Guam I went to the Philippines I went to Thailand I did a bunch of trips one of my friends he's in Germany he went to Paris and all that good stuff like the thing is once you get stationed somewhere you can still travel so my biggest thing with this pro is just keep that in mind that it is the potential to travel not meaning that you're definitely gonna travel the world so just keep that in mind guys I want you guys know but I still consider it a pro because you probably will at least once in your career alright so the number one Cohen of joining the Air Force to me would have to be that it's a contract once you join the air force it is a written contract you cannot break that contract whatsoever or you will be considered a wall so once you enlist the military essentially owns you not saying that they're gonna do terrible things to you or nothing like that but they do only you can't break that contract so there are other ways that you're gonna get released early out of your contract for instance getting pregnant or you get kicked out so I mean you can pick what's right you want to go but once you're in you're in the Air Force owns you for how much time you reenlist it for alright so number two of my cons list would have to be the rules in which we're told to follow some people aren't good at following rules some people don't like people tell them what to do but the thing is even if you work a civilian job you're gonna have somebody telling you what to do unless you own your own company your own business or whatever you're gonna always have somebody over you who's gonna be telling you what to do so there are a couple rules that some people feel is unnecessary I say some people because I really don't care about it I'm okay with following rules so even though I'm from the south side of Chicago I don't let that stuff bother me like you tell me what to do I get it done that's it but some people aren't good at following rules so there are a few rules that people feel are unnecessary for instance you have shaving for men you have to shave every single day making sure you don't leave anything unless you're on the same waiver like me then you do have to shave I'm gonna shave wherever and my beard isn't supposed to be lined up it isn't supposed to exceed about 1/4 of an inch and I'm supposed to shave at least Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays it's pretty simple only way you can really get a shaving waiver is that your face is affected from shaving so another rule that people feel is unnecessary is welcome and talk in a uniform so the only way you can walk and talk in uniform on a cell phone is if it's an emergency so I never understood why you would be walking and talking while it's an emergency I feel like you can always just step aside and just stand right there and just get on the phone and talk but even yet still if it is an emergency you can't walk and talk in uniform so in regards to rules most servicemembers feel like one rule is unnecessary above all others not saying I feel this way but some people have expressed that to me and that role is fraternization reionization happens between an officer and a listed member so it can be man and woman vomiting man or man man mommy woman whatever so if you're an officer and you're enlisted you're not supposed to come together if you know what I mean so even though you and that officer might be the same exact age you might love each other like each other anything like that you guys cannot be together it's against the rules so only thing with fraternization is the fact that the only thing that separates you and that officer is that that person came in with a degree and you didn't some enlisted members do have degrees do come in with degrees but they didn't decide to go to officer route so if you are thinking about joining the Air Force and you have a degree please please become an officer so number three on my cons list will have to be the money in the pay in which we receive for being in the military so despite what majority of the world may think we don't make that much serving in the military everybody thinks that we get paid so much money but we really don't know no I saved all this so we don't really get paid that much money even though we're serving our country and myself on the back burner we don't get paid much for what we do day in and day out my recommendation to everybody who is considering joining it's gonna be to go look at the Air Force pay chart and see what you'll become an ENS and what the starting base paid for that rank is so you can see all the other ranks and everything like that so if you do plan on coming in I would take a look at the pay chart and just make sure you're comfortable with making what we're making so it's somewhat of a sacrifice because we go through so much and we don't get paid as good as some people believe we should I'm okay with the pay I've never had a problem with it I manage fine but some people really have a true issue with how much we get paid so if you're thinking about joining make sure to type in Google Air Force pay chart and check to see how much we get paid so that brings me to the number four on my cons list so with making a sacrifice we also make a sacrifice of being away from home so you have to know prior to joining that you're gonna miss birthdays holidays funerals weddings graduations all type of things you're gonna miss so much stuff joining the Air Force or join the military in general the thing is don't get me wrong I'm not saying you're gonna miss every single event every single life event that your family your friends go through but you're gonna miss some of them whether it's due to Manning whether it's due to not having enough leave saved up you're gonna miss some things like the thing is just prepare for it I've missed graduations I've missed weddings I've missed funerals it's just one of those birds that you have to carry the thing is you're an adult now and you just have to carry that burden that's something simple and easy so guys there you have it those are my pros and cons of joining the Air Force I first want to say that this is just how I feel all this is based off stuff I've either heard or stuff I've been through myself so as well as you guys know sort of like a disclaimer like don't take anything I say word for word I want you guys to take everything I tell you with a grain of salt and that goes for anything anybody else tells you what is your recruiter whether it's a friend then join the military take every single thing with a grain of salt that's it that's the whole video I'll try to make it pretty short I think it's about 15 minutes so my bad hopefully you guys watched it make sure you guys like share subscribe comment make sure you guys ask me questions give me some video ideas give me something to talk about that's all likes so until next time peace love to y'all I'm out hey I like turtles good look perfect what's up youtubers in case you guys didn't notice I changed my youtube channel name it now reads 21 shades of Jay all I did was space everything out and take the extra wire off of Jake so it makes people the in so as I'm sure you guys know my name is peaches the best I know I got a note so when I first joined in gotta take school I assisted a doctor for the first two years [Music]
Channel: 21 Shades Of Jayy
Views: 168,183
Rating: 4.9463615 out of 5
Keywords: Pros and Cons of joining the a, USAF, Air Force, Air Force BMT, Usaf BMT, Air Force Recruiting, Air Force Pros and Cons, Join Air Force, Joining The Air force, 21 Shades Of Jay, 21shadesofjay, Jarvis Edwards, SSgt Edwards, Lackland AFB, JBSA Lackland, Missy Lynn Says, Missy Lynn, Tell'Em TBo, Tell' Em Tbo, MissyLynnSays, Bully Juice, Al Udied, Joining the Air Force, Military, Military Youtuber, USAF Deployment, Pro's & Con's of Joining The Air Force
Id: zJLg5A3pHx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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