I quit a secured job for a startup | Omar Suriel | #codingphase

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[Music] that's the [ __ ] man so now you you work in as they developer in in a start-up how is that different from what you have now compared to how it was before so at the startup I really love it there and uh and it's it's been a really good experience so far it's being one of those things in my life that uh the house worked out exactly how I planned I feel like things almost never happen like that like you you expect something to be certain way and then he happens to be a different way even if it's for the better or for the worse but in this company like at least so far I've been there since about four months now three or four months I don't even know but so far he has been exactly every everything I thought it would be and um and the reason why I switched to the to the startup and left the other company was because somebody that I met on the first company and you know when he was a great mentor and then after he left about six months after he came back he came back to me healed he messaged me and then we went out and and um and we talked about things and he asked me if I wanted to work for his for his company and that was a startup and he told me you know he told me that experiences that he had working for a start-up at the beginning of his career he had mentioned those things to me even before they when we were just friends working at the same place before and he tells me there's a lot of opportunity to instead of like just being a small less than 1% of the development force of a company all the sudden you go to a small company that only has four or five developers all the sudden you're 25% of a development force so it's a lot more responsibility but you also get to learn a lot more and that's why I switch because I wanted the opportunity to to learn more things and to learn how to build a you know small well not small company but build our company installs start small and build it up to be a big thing with a small team of people instead of working with seven 800 other developers and and I just find that amazing the fact that companies can make things without with a small amount of people with four or five developers and you know install they develop a nice product and I just wanted to see how that happened I already seen the corporate side and I wanted to see you know what he or everything that I could learn taking all these new responsibilities and things like that and and I also think it was the main reason why I got into development was because and the reason why I took that chance that I talked to you guys at the beginning of this about how I was only making 200 bucks a week cuz I was only working on the weekends in the and dedicated all my weekly time to being a developer or learning development the main reason for that was that I took that chance or the thing that made me go like yes I'm just gonna do is screw everything I'm just gonna do this and this is gonna work out and I want to put all my eggs into this one basket was because besides the fact that I did a lot of research and and so people like like caught like Joe from coding face saying that um that it is possible you know it's not like a it's not like I'm something that's almost nobody gets A's it's one I research and I found out that um if you put in the work people need developers so there there's no way that you're gonna have all the skills needed to be a developer and be like and not be able to get a job if that's what you wanted so that was one of the reasons but the main main reason was I wanted to learn how to create stuff I wanted to build I wanted to have the ability that if I think of an idea I can actually make an app for that idea I can actually make a product just the fact of the ability of creating stuff from nothing I just find that amazing and that was you know that was what I when I took decision that was the thing that made me go like okay even if I don't get a jump and nobody wants to hire me because I don't have a degree screw that I'm still gonna be so knowledgeable that I'm gonna be able to make my own things that I was gonna be able to create income for myself so the fact that I always have the mentality about I wanna learn how to create stuff that online a lot better working for the startup because you know there I'm learning how to create stuff with a small team of people rather than just doing small stuff for a big big company where I'm only a small percentage of our development force in and I want in obviously the process is totally different building something from scratch a small company it's totally different than working out a big corporation where you just want to find the stuff that they already have five years from now I don't know exactly what the future is when I hope if you would have asked me that question when before I got my first development job when I was just training I would have tell you a year from now I'm gonna I'm probably gonna be working on a company as a developer but now that I am actually a developer in five years from now and I'm working at a start-up I don't know exactly what the future is gonna it's gonna hold I do think the startup that I work at has a nice chance of making it so um I think there's there's a good chance that I'd be there for for a long time no five years from now I don't know I'm just kind of playing it by ear I'm working on my side projects obviously the dream of anybody that has a side project is that that side project is so successful to the point that you can quit your main job and just focus on that so that would be the ideal but um but I also wouldn't be if if the startup were to take off because if he wants to take off with me being one of the first people there obviously I would have a much higher opposition and things like that personally some people they see me online they don't even know what all this jewelry so far you if we came chill you able doesn't hang out with the family your son loves you like what do you think about Cody freezing not even could've is just gentlemen general like me yeah would you think about me what's your first impression about mine it just feels like family honestly and I know everybody says nobody like it actually does like um when I first started watching your videos like your accent is not as strong as mine so and and I know you mentioned that you were from New York and things like that but I didn't know if you were like you know I know you would probably you probably have like Carribean descendants but I don't know if they could be Puerto Rican or or Cuban or anything they don't necessarily have to be Dominican so I knew that maybe you have like Latino descendants and things like that but then the fact like I then I eventually I found out you were Dominican so I'm like oh crap like he's Dominican see and now it's like I don't know like now that I came I feel like the fact that we have similar interests obviously in the fact that I started watching your channel since the beginning like just because I like to know I don't like the information but then after that eyes like I found out that we have a lot more other things in common and that's nice and it really feels like family so that's that's what it is probably somebody that might be watching NYC hey this is a character this is some guy from YouTube this isn't never know maybe people don't know you and then when they get to meet you and real life in this like yo I'm actually a cool dude I'm just a family know you know like I'm just trying to do a lot of positive things out here and so you could see me we out here we're working we you know I really want to say thank you to Omar for coming here and helping me honest you guys can see the still a lot of things on the floor we building things right let me doing this you know hand-to-hand like we freaking toured this from the ground up you know by ourselves I know this stuff isn't profitable and I think that's actually I think that's actually the main biggest surprising thing it's like but like even though like I've been watching your video for a while and even though I didn't like know you in person like you know I still can kind of tell that you're like not really here like used to get like a buck out of people that you actually just want to help the community and things like that but it doesn't really it didn't really hit me that hard like until like now like you literally have this whole space like you are literally paying like you're paying rent on office space and you're making a single dollar out of it like I never met anybody in my whole life obviously it's not like and probably most people having that invest into office space when they don't even have a profitable business like like you're not charging anybody to come in here like you like we went out shopping yesterday spend like thousands of dollars buying like you know chairs tables you got a projector already here like such a big investment and you're not even making any profit like that's you know that's crazy like I'm sorry like that's crazy like I was I always thought like like before like when I perceived that you first got the place and things like there's gonna be a master planner he has to have some he has to have a master plan I'm how he's gonna make money of this and like I come here and you're just like no bro like like like basically like the money that you make up stuff you just like even it right backing it damn like yeah you know what's crazy you know when in the beginning when I was doing uh you know like my youtube channel right and I'm gonna tell people hey man come and go to checkout or coding phase not going to face a compa the course is on the description right yeah for six months all of those courses I don't even have an affiliate link and I have you and then I will give people $300 $300 that was my pledge sa three hundred dollars a month on body courses for people online for free just give it up and in reality what I want is to make a difference you see how you you know you're Dominican I'm Dominican in reality in the industry there's not that many people like us right you guys are you if nobody comes to you and says hey guys you know this matter fits women it doesn't matter if it's Latinos blacks are you know Asians Indians are freaking you know Caucasians who are living in poverty PTL everybody's in poverty you notice you notice at least sixty five seventy percent of the United States living what the United States called poverty line right so in reality if I can come here and give them another option another saying you know when I was like eight years old like all of my friends from high school but broadly higher in athletics yeah that's all my friends like a lot of narrow woman but like the big memory of my friends as does that's that's why they talk about their brain 15-hour bro brother you make you make people even know that but to me is that that's out there and that was me too by the way well yeah but then now them here in I'm in a better position I'm not Melanie I'm not rich I'm just comfortable now that I'm at this position like more people could be comfortable it's not happy to be worried about you know paycheck you know how you was I was in the same situation where that meant if I spend this I'm not even gonna have for me was going to school so if I spend it I'll send a lot of money why go out to the movies or to drink or whatever I have money to go to school or on the bus you know me so that you gotta manage yourself yeah right so it's like you're in a position where I could actually show to people how coding actually affected in my life it actually was sort of better and I can do that you know this is what I want to do you know what I mean because in the long term it pays off I feel like it picks off you know it's like tomorrow I don't know what you're gonna be you're like I defected you some type of way in a positive way right I don't know if tomorrow you might be CTO in a company in Cincinnati sometimes I might move over there you don't want to know that now you're the CTO now you see me out there oh shoot jump what about boom now you hired me you know like that's how life is you know what I mean we can do something positive later on it pays you back in the movement know it right so same thing is he I just want to build a community for people to come here and actually you know get to meet other saying Network you never know who's gonna get anywhere and be like okay this person works here hey they hired me here to let me bring you away I knew you know how you told me that your company they were asking you like oh do you know anybody will even give you $3,000 they started like that like you have a network now you could refer somebody to it ya know so that's what I'm trying to do out here man but you know man I really appreciate that you came through man and I hope people love this this interview with Jabbar Omar finally we got here the next time he also he also convinced me to invest more in my youtube channel yes for me just kind of like I honestly haven't paid much attention to it like as muscle you guys know like I'd release a video like what not maybe once a month sometimes longer than that and it's just like I like I'm obviously I'm not making any money off of it like whatsoever like any time that I put into it it's just like to help other people if anything but um but he couldn't convince me to you know to actually get my my stuff more in place and I actually just made a big investment and financially so I better stick to it now why not camera my kids you know a visa you know begin to look out for that I'm gonna put the link in the description for Walmart's Channel I'm also gonna put it in the comment section I'm gonna pin it so you guys to double check on this channel and yeah man you already know she employed Joe back at it again coding phase
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 2,160
Rating: 4.9223299 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase, codingphase.com, simple programmer, chris hawkes, chris sean, traversy media, I left a secured job for a startup | Omar Suriel | #codingphase, quit my job, quit job for, quit job for a startup, omar suriel, #codingphase, new job in a startup, got a job in a startup, working for a startup
Id: ZnYF72Z6x8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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