5 Projects to Get You Hired as an HTML Email Developer

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but you want to get higher as an HTML email developer or you are a marketing specialist or you are a designer right but you want to jump into HTML emails okay how do you get higher for this position I'm gonna give you five projects that's gonna help you get higher as soon as possible ASAP all right so let's get started all right if you don't know my name is Joe Santos Garcia aka coding face aka your boy okay I do this okay I know this alright so sorry I have to throw a little bit of sauce in there some people don't like it some people love it but here you go that's the sauce all right so here you go kids so let's get started if you go to coding phase comm and you want to learn how to do this thing how to do HTML emails how to do it with a framework hey it's gonna freeze calm that's the best place all right the best ways were you gonna learn all the different techniques on how to do this you know in our HTML CSS JavaScript everything that you need get you started create amazing emails now why am I talking about this type of job or this type of skill and it's because it pays it pays really damn good okay especially when you are a specialist when you're somebody who knows what you're doing and you're able to convert any type of design that a company throws at you and you're able to convert it into HTML CSS and it works in all the email clients if you could do that you're gonna get the back ok you can pretty much go to in decom search HTML email you're gonna find jobs everything from the range from 40 thousand plus all the way to a hundred thousand plus okay you could do the math you could do the research yourself alright look it up alright so let's get to the projects project number one you want to create a promotional email okay some of you guys might not be that good with design okay and if you don't have to design skills it's fine go to your Gmail and in there there's gonna be a section that says promotional all right click there and you're gonna find a whole bunch of emails that companies have sent you so you can take the assets are there right and basically create those HTML emails over so you wonderful so you could practice into so you could have then your portfolio because I hey man this is a type of quality that I can actually give you right you give me a good design I can build it for you and I can make it work in Gmail and Gmail for iOS Gmail for Android Yahoo freakin hotmail wherever you want me to put this email I can put it for you okay if you can do that a company's gonna hire you so this is a promotional email right this is a Lord and Taylor they're having a charity day right you can see this is not that hard if you look it's a lot of images all right so pretty much it's a very simple email that they created here most likely the only thing that you really have to code it it's just the footer in the header and that's pretty much it all right and that's how it is a lot of times with promotional emails there's a lot of pictures so in reality all you're doing is just putting pictures there and aligning them all right now the next one that you have here this is called a newsletter so this is from Robin Hood okay Robin Hood always sends you a newsletter if you are a member of their platform okay and they give you like little details all right now newsletters are important for a lot of type of businesses even for myself I have coded face calm sometimes I send a newsletter and I have to create my own template right a lot of companies they need a template for the newsletter okay this is something very simple where you could put in a lot of text and a lot of information there's not gonna be much of a design as far as like hey we're doing one column here one column there another column here like no it's just more about sex being printed to the screen okay now you want to be able to you know tweak it be able to say hey man whenever I put in this class so strong this is how it's gonna look strong right this is how it's gonna look in you well you own you ELLs and the allies write this how my links is gonna be this color right so those little things like that that's what makes a good-looking a newsletter alright and at the end you put it on a little footer nothing difficult nothing hard I don't know right so it's let's go alright the next thing that you have here is transactional emails transactional emails can be anything from a receipt to even an email of somebody sending you like let's say hey welcome to our service or hey free if we can click this link to activate your account like all of those things are transactional emails okay this website customer the IO shows you the best transactional emails so you can actually take these designs that are here you don't have to have the same pictures right but you could take hey this is the color there's the way how the layout looks this is how a receipt looks right this is how the mailing address whoever this person is right so pretty much you could come here and get this idea from from this website customer dial / blog / - transactional emails there you go can they have a lot of different designs from different companies that you can basically take ideas from and put it into your portfolio okay as you can see this is just a simple reactivate now email from Hulu alright you could pretty much do this on your own guys alright the next thing that we have here let me see we got one two three then from there I want you guys to do landing pages okay so one other thing that you're gonna find out working in a marketing team or working in the Department of developers from you know in collaborating with with all of this marketing geniuses that's out there is that a lot of them what they need is landing pages so there's this website called leadpages.net where people pay to actually get landing pages created for them okay and they're they could just go in there go drag-and-drop you know different little things but there's a lot of times that they need customized emails or landing pages so you could come here and go - I'm gonna show you how to do this go to leadpages.net and right here you can look at the the work that they have right this is different templates you can click on Co templates alright and you could get ideas of how to do a landing page for a client right like this is very simple okay like you see free training April 10th 2 p.m. Eastern Time learn the five steps to generating more leads and sales like this is the type of landing pages that actually work when you have email setup right and this is what most companies or you know digital agencies want you to do something like this simple you can do this yourself guys you can do this on your own it's not that difficult as you can see just two column one picture here right h1 3 columns okay come here have another column picture here like this is simple you can do this alright you could get ideas from leadpages.net and create a couple of you know landing pages alright and I'm showing you two of them because that's how much you should have if you was to create a portfolio right now as we speak right the best thing to do is to really go in and say have three emails right and then have at least two landing pages that you can say hey guys this is what I can do for you the emails and I can also do the landing pages for you okay so it's very simple very easy okay now again once again guys if you are looking to learn how to build this type of websites this type of pages this type of emails visit coding phase calm guys if you go to coding phase comp right now you're gonna find this page very simple I'll put it right there right in front of your face $20 you learn all of these things right you can go ahead and learn this wherever you want or another platform or whatever right you even have my timeline right I have a timeline what I tell you the things that you need to learn right and I put it there so I can give you the option to say hey man you can learn from me you can learn it from whoever you want to learning but at least I want you to know hey man we teach that according fees.com and we teach you very damn good okay so I want you guys to support the the platform support the channel and I want you guys to leave me a comment right now make sure you subscribe make sure you like hit the notification bell and leave a comment below let me know are you planning on creating a portfolio for HTML emails okay a lot of people might think like man this thing is you know it's out of my reach I don't want to do this this thing is boring this isn't that like bro it's a bag it's money that you can be making right now and it's a skill that's not that hard at all you know while guys is over here killing themselves like well I gotta learn react I gotta learn view I gotta learn angular I gotta learn PHP I gotta learn down net broan with HTML CSS you could be making a really good income right now if you don't believe me through your research go to over here indeed.com HTML emails go to dice comm search HTML emails go in there look at the jobs that's in your area write the jobs that you can't apply because you don't have the skills to to actually do the job not because you can't do it just because you just don't know it yet but once you know it you're able to apply to this thing it's not that hard I don't know okay like I said guys vision coding face calmly for coming I want to know how many of you guys are planning on adding some HTML emails to your portfolio all right I'll see you guys later super job back at it again coding face.com your boy is backing out and did it again peace
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 15,339
Rating: 4.9463806 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase, codingphase.com, simple programmer, chris hawkes, chris sean, traversy media, 5 Projects to Get You Hired, HTML Email Developer, html email projects, html email developer, html developer, html skills, create lead pages, leadpages.net, web development, html email, web developer, email marketing, email developer, life of a developer, why learn web development, 100k salary, html email developer salary
Id: 3I2gLI7k_Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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