Why You Need to Speak in Tongues | Lesson 4 of the Holy Spirit | Study with John Bevere

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the Holy Spirit comes within us for relationship he comes upon us baptizes us to empower us to do what we're called to do [Music] well welcome to this week's session and the title of it is the baptism of the Holy Spirit oh my goodness I'm excited about this Acts chapter 1 verses 4 through 6 and being assembled together with them he commended does not say he suggested it doesn't say he recommended he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father which he had said you have heard from me for John truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now now Jesus looks at them he says don't start your ministry don't start preaching the gospel all over the world don't start churches until you have been endued with power okay you have to understand something when we're pouring again the Holy Spirit comes within us he sanctifies us he seals us we are the guarantee we are children of God but when we are baptized we are filled and endued with power so there's a difference between position and power now we're talking about power are you with me and so you have to understand Jesus made a very strong statement he said hey don't do this and you know what's amazing is he talked to 500 people and I believe 500 people were told to go to that Upper Room you can see that First Corinthians 15 to 500 people but I believe 380 of them left after one day two days three days four days five days Six Days Seven Days let's go back to the synagogue let's start churches let's do this but there were 120 that waited because they obeyed the master to wait now some of you are thinking well of course they needed the holy spirit because they didn't have him yet let me make a statement in John's gospel Jesus breathed on them and said receive the holy spirit that Greek word received means immediately right now it is not a forecast of what's going to happen so they received I believe the New Birth when Jesus breathed on them and said receive the holy spirit this is when they were empowered to do what they were called to do so if you want to think of it like this the Holy Spirit comes within us for relationship he comes upon us baptizes us to empower us to do what we're called to do are you with me and so now when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as a rushing Mighty Wind doesn't say the Holy Spirit was a rushing Mighty Wind he entered with the sound of a rushing Mighty Wind and by the way he did that on his first entrance into the Earth to fill them and Empower them that was the only time he did it but however he can do it again if he wants however he wants because I remember when I was in Brazil and a rushing Mighty Wind came in in an auditorium of thousands it was amazing and it filled people actually wrote us for nine years afterwards about it it filled the whole house where they were sitting then there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire god remember they were baptized in the Holy Ghost and Fire I don't believe they were little tongues on top of their head like your Sunday school manual showed they were literally baptized they were immersed that's what baptism means it means to be immersed they were immersed in Fire and so there appeared unto them divided tongues as a fire one sat upon each one of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance notice they were filled they began to speak in tongues the Holy Spirit didn't grab their mouths and rattle them and make them speak they began to speak in other tongues what is a tongue simply it is a language not recognizable to your understanding that is what a tongue is are you with me it's like when I'm in Spain and I meet somebody and it doesn't sound like they're speaking in Spanish and I say what is your mother tongue they may say it's Italian it is still a lang which I don't understand I don't look at English people and say what's your mother tongue I know what their mother tongue is okay are you with me all right so there was a bunch of Jews visiting Jerusalem at this time they were from every nation under Heaven they spoke different languages and they were shocked so they came running out to see what was going on when they came out they discovered these untrained unlearned men speaking in their different languages and dialects perfectly the wonderful Praises of God they were completely in awe they said whatever is this Peter stands up you know the famous message that he preaches on that day he says they're not drunk because it's nine o'clock in the morning and he goes on to preach Jesus to them right and then he makes this statement Peter this Jesus God has raised up of which we are all Witnesses therefore being exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit remember Jesus said in the Gospel of Luke and John go and wait for the promise of the father he poured now listen carefully he poured out this which you now see everybody say see and hear everybody say here so notice see and hear I want you to remember that okay the Gathering crowd then asked what do we do Acts 2 38 and 2 39 then Peter said to them repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit for the promise being the baptism of the holy spirit is to you and to your children and to all who are afar off as many as the Lord Our God shall call so you can see what happened to them in Acts chapter 2 of being baptized with the Holy Spirit was not only to them to their children but to everybody afar off down through the generations of the church as many as the Lord Our God has called amen so what I want to do now very quickly and briefly is I want to go through the other four accounts in the book of Acts of people being filled baptized with the Holy Spirit there are two things I want you to make a note of first in every single one of these situations except one it is a separate experience from them being born again okay even with the 120 on the day of Pentecost second thing I want you to see is bystanders with c and they would hear when the spirit of God baptized people are you with me let's go to Acts chapter 8. Philip goes down to a city in Samaria he preached Christ to them he is a classic evangelist the Bible says the city had great joy why because demons were coming out of people that were possessed people that were lame and crippled were walking there was great joy in the city now listen to what Acts chapter 8 verses 12 and 13 says when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ so they believed Philip preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ they were baptized in water both men and women Simon himself believed and was baptized now I want to make some notes Here the people believed the good news of Jesus Christ are they born again yes or no absolutely when a person believes the gospel they receive Jesus Christ baptized in water they are a child of God correct all right so they were baptized in water and according to the scripture they are now reborn into the kingdom of God but listen to what verses 14 through 16 says when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received accepted the word of God another incident that we know they are born again they sent Peter and John to them when they arrived Peter and John they prayed for them that they might receive the holy spirit because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus now this really gets my attention Peter and John are in Jerusalem Jerusalem I have found out from two different sources is 35 to 42 miles away from Samaria now they do not have automobiles they're not jumping in the car and getting there in 45 minutes all right they gotta walk down there baby you know that's a three-day walk or if they got a camel or a dog or a horse or a donkey it may be a little shorter that's a good trip but they send Peter and John just to get them filled with the Holy Spirit that's how important it was for those disciples to get filled with the Holy Spirit okay so we have further confirmation in Acts 18 14-16 that I just read you because it said they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus all right we know they are saved because nobody can say Jesus is Lord except by the spirit of God right so they have the spirit of God but it is one thing to have him in us and influence us and to be saved sealed and Sanctified by him it is another thing to be filled to overflowing with him right that's what Peter and John came down for how do we ask for the Holy Spirit Jesus simply tells us Luke chapter 11 verses 12 and 13 if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father now notice Jesus says your heavenly father you're already a child of God give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him Jesus made the statement the world cannot receive the spirit of Truth so then we read in Acts 8 17-19 then they laid hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit so these people were already saved already born again but they laid hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit and when Simon saw everybody say saw that through the laying on of the Apostles hands the Holy Spirit was given he offered them money saying give me this power that anyone on whom I Lay My Hands can receive the holy spirit this is one of the incidences and one of the few I might add that you do not have it actually saying they spoke in tongues and prophesied however we do know this occurred because Simon saw it happen so you got to understand when the Holy Spirit comes there's usually an outward manifestation it's usually biblically speaking in tongues and prophesying so much was it noticeable that a sorcerer who had gotten saved as well all said I'm going to give you money because I want that are you seeing this and so you know what happens Peter said your money perish with you you need to ask God to forgive you right so we want to review here number one these people were born again they had already received Jesus and then they prayed to receive the Holy Spirit number two when he manifested they saw the outward manifestation when he baptized or filled their life the next incident would be Saul of Tarsus Acts chapter 9. We Know This falls on the road to destroy Christians and Jesus speaks from heaven and he says Saul Saul why are you persecuting me Saul immediately asked who it was the Lord responded I am Jesus Saul then said Lord what do you want me to do he was told to go to Damascus and there he would be given instructions do you notice he said Lord what do you want me to do when we confess Jesus Christ as Lord we are born again I believe Saul was converted on that road to Damascus all right let me tell you if he wasn't he wouldn't have gone and fasted three days secondly when Aeneas comes because God speaks the Holy Spirit speaks to a disciple in Damascus and he says to Aeneas go and pray for brother Saul that he can receive his sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit Aeneas comes into the house of Simon the Tanner and Aeneas looks at Saul got to remember Saul can't see and says brother Saul he does not say Saul he says brother Saul Saul is born again he got born again when he encountered Jesus on that road the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road came and has sent me that you might receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit if you get the holy spirit in filling when you get born again why does Aeneas have to go pray for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit now Saul does not speak in tongues in Acts chapter 9 however later on he said I thank my God I speak in tongues more than you all when did that happen I believe when he got filled with the Holy Spirit we go to Cornelius he's Acts chapter 10 he is the first Gentile to become saved he is actually a centurion he is an officer of the Roman army an angel appears to him because this guy loves God so much he doesn't know God but he's given alms to the poor he's praying to God and an angel stands before him and says you better send for a guy named Peter isn't that amazing the angel didn't tell him how to get saved you got to go find Peter and so he goes and he sends his company to get Peter Peter's on the roof he's he gets that Vision God says I've sent three men go with them asking no questions why does the Holy Spirit have to say ask no questions because Jews didn't socialize with Gentiles because what was about to happen was completely out of the custom Peter would not have dared enter into a gentile's house but he was about to because these three men were bringing him into the house of Cornelius Peter is in shock whoa I know the holy spirit's voice but I just walked into a gentile's house so Peter says okay you saw an angel I'm preaching so he starts preaching about Jesus you know what's amazing he gets five paragraphs into his message and the Holy Spirit falls on Cornelius his entire household and listen to what it says while Peter was still speaking these words the Holy Spirit fell upon those who heard the word and those of the circumcision who believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also for they had heard them speak with tongues and magnify God this is the only incident in the Bible that you find God baptizing somebody in the spirit and getting them saved at the exact same time I have a reason that I believe this I know you can challenge it but I got a reason Peter if you remember when you prayed with somebody you received Jesus you're not going to see any outward manifestation Peter still thinks there's no way these guys can get saved they're gentiles so God says I gotta override these guys mentality and I just got to give them the whole package at once and that's the only time you're going to see it and the way Peter knew that God had had given them Jesus was that he saw them what speak in tongues because he had given them the Holy Spirit are you with me all right the last one is in Ephesus this is acts 19. the Apostle Paul and his team came to Ephesus and found some disciples the first question they asked him now this really gets my attention is they said did you receive the Holy Spirit since you believed that should be the first question we ask a brand new believer did you receive the Holy Spirit you know I was just over in Bulgaria with Lisa preaching the gospel and I remember the pastor over there he got saved when the Communists were reigning with an Iron Fist and people were getting saved in underground churches and the moves of the spirit were going on and that Pastor told me he said I opened up he said here I am this worldly man I'm full with full of drugs I'm an alcoholic I'm on the the the the the the the the USSR Army whatever you call it the communistic Army and he says I go into this secret meeting and this woman throws up in the door and says have you gotten the spirit yet and he thought what spirit is she talking about but you know it was so real to those persecuted uh Christians in those communist Nations back then remember they were really persecuted for this that that was the first question she asked him did you get the Holy Spirit of course he said I didn't I had a different Spirit he got the holy spirit before he left he got saved and filled with the spirit are you with me all right so these people they had only heard about John's baptism so they then begin to preach to them Jesus Christ and they believed and they were baptized in water and once they were baptized in water they are now saved and when Paul then laid hands on them we read in Acts 19 6 The Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied so they spoke in tongues they prophesied these men of Ephesus who didn't even know the word of God very well were now speaking the wonderful Praises of God because they were filled with the Holy Spirit you know what let me tell you something I'm so glad I could never have to preach without the Holy Spirit I would be so boring you'd be falling asleep right nobody can preach apart from the Holy Spirit now a common question that comes up is this I thought tongues are supposed to cease when that which is perfect has come well let's read it you hear this this is constantly asked by people and so let's read First Corinthians where that occurs Love Never Fails but whether there are prophecies they will fail whether there are tongues they will cease whether there is knowledge it will vanish away for we know in part and we profit prophesy in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part will be done away with what these people say is the Bible was that which was perfect they say when the perfect came that's the Bible that's when we don't need tongues anymore well let me let's look at this in context okay first of all he says knowledge is going to seek cease when that which is perfect has come has knowledge ceased no it hasn't let me let me go on to the next verse so we make sure I'm not taking anything out of context Paul said for now we see in a mere dimly but then when that which is perfect has come face to face now I know in part but then when that was perfect has come I will know just as I am known now are you seeing Jesus face to face right now no are you knowing Jesus right now exactly as he knows you no then that which is perfect has not come that which is perfect is talking about the two new heavens and new earth when we have our glorified resurrected bodies that is what he's talking about that's when we are going to know as we are known and that's when we're going to see him face to face as he sees us are you with me so the answer is tongues will cease but that which is perfect has not yet come therefore tongues has not yet ceased all right second question I hear constantly is the Bible says this the Bible says hey John do all speak with tongues do you remember that question in First Corinthians chapter 12. well do all speak in tongues what's the answer no they do not all speak in tongues okay so there not everybody needs to speak in tongues well you got to read this whole thing in context and the way you read in context is to realize that the New Testament speaks of four different tongues if I say four four two of those tongues are for public Ministry what do I mean by public Ministry they are Ministry to where you are ministering to one or a group of people two of them are for private everybody say private all right let me talk about each of the four first of all tongues which are a sign all right listen to First Corinthians 14 22 therefore tongues are for a sign not to those who believe but to unbelievers what does it mean tongues are assigned to unbelievers let me give you an example that illustrates that one time I was preaching here in Colorado Springs one of my staff members was in the back of the church while I was preaching she thought she was praying in tongues the whole time I was preaching she just felt this urge to pray in tongues when the service was over a gentleman stood up who was a couple rows ahead of her and he turned around and said to her your French is perfect not only do you speak French perfectly but with a perfect accent of the ancient dialect of French he said I'm a French teacher and I've never encountered somebody speaking so well as you she said I don't speak French he said you're kidding me she said no I don't speak French I can say polit say but that's it he said you were speaking perfectly it was a sign to him he's then he looked at her and he said not only that you were quoting in French scriptures and he would then say turn to your Bibles to that scripture you quoted it before he said it it was a sign to him are you following this is the kind of tongues that manifested on the day of Pentecost these guys were untrained unlearned but they're speaking perfectly in the languages and dialects of those Jews that came from all over the world it was a sign to them my goodness these uneducated men who have never learned my language are speaking my language perfectly the wonderful works of God it was a sign and they got saved that is tongues for a sign got it all right the next one is tongues given for interpretation the second one is public as well these tongues are Heavenly languages in which there are no dialects like them on the earth you say heavenly languages there's more than one language in heaven yes there is do you know that Jesus has a name that nobody knows other than himself do you know that he's going to give you a stone and something's going to be written on that only you and he are going to know there are Heavenly languages are you with me and so don't be surprised by that okay I don't know how all that works but I will know that that's what the Bible says all right but it's when a person begins to speak a language of Heaven it is not a language of the earth that we don't know and haven't been trained in but other people know this is a completely different language that nobody on the face of the Earth knows and to be honest with you that's the rest of the three tongues I remember when I was in Singapore I'm telling you I will never forget this as long as I live I'm getting ready to preach to a large church over there there's a balcony all of a sudden this man begins to speak and foreign tongue it is not any language of the earth it was a Heavenly language it was so amazing I'm sitting there in the air hairs on my armor standing up and then that man began to interpret the tongue see you have to understand this tongue is not translated it's interpreted because it's a Heavenly language okay he began to interpret it and his interpretation was the message I was going to preach that night I'm like oh my goodness literally here on the arms standing up that is tongues for interpretation that is actually one of the nine gifts of the holy spirit that First Corinthians talks about now these are the tongues in the category that Paul was asking the question do all speak in tongues okay so let me read it all in context has God appointed these in the church first apostles second prophets thirdly teachers after that Miracles then Gifts of healings helps administrations varieties of tongues are all Apostles no are all prophets no are all teachers no are all workers of Miracles no do all have the gifts of healings no do all speak in tongues what tons is he talking about public tongues of a Heavenly language that nobody understands the answer is no do all interpret the answer is no Paul is speaking about the ministry giftings that God has said in the church for public Ministry so certainly not all are Apostles or prophets or teachers or pastors or have the gifts of Miracles and healings and all do not have the ministry get the speaking in tongues or interpretation of the Heavenly languages why is that why is that the answer is found in the following verse First Corinthians 14 22 23 listen carefully Paul said therefore tongues now the tongues he's talking about right now are tongues for a sign the first one I told you about therefore tongues are for a sign not to those who believe but to unbelievers but then he goes on to say listen to this if the whole church comes together in one place and all speak in tongues now he's talking about tongues for interpretation the Heavenly tongues and there come in those who are uninformed and unbelievers will they not say you're all mad and out of your mind so he says tongues are for a sign then he says if you speak in tongues they're all going to think you're mad and out of your mind now if you didn't understand there's four different types of tongues in the New Testament you're going to go he just contradicting himself Tums are for assigned to an unbeliever then he says unbelievers are going to say you're all mad he contradicts it he doesn't contradict himself the first one he says is tongues for what a sign that's when you're speaking another language of this Earth that you've never been trained of that French teacher it was a sign but if we all would have been speaking in tongues the Heavenly language when that French teacher walked in he would have said you're all out of your mind you're crazy right that's the two different public tongues all right now let's go to the third one are you getting something out of this tongues for personal prayer Paul says in First Corinthians 14 14 and 15 for if I pray in a tongue my spirit prays but my understanding is unfruitful did you hear that what's my understanding that's my head right what is the conclusion then listen to what Paul says I will pray listen to the word pray not speak out in a congregation I will pray with the spirit I will also pray with the understanding that's English I will sing with the spirit I will also sing with understanding that's English so what Paul is do with doing here is he's identifying tongues as a prayer language are you with me because he talks about this in First Corinthians 14 when he says he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God now wait a minute the other two public tongues we're talking to men when that guy Pro spoke in that tongue in Singapore even though it was a Heavenly language he was speaking God's message us as a congregation and interpreting that message he was speaking us when the apostles on the day of Pentecost spoke in tongues for a sign they were speaking to those people the wonderful works of God Paul said when you speak in tongue When you pray in tongues speak in tongues he's doing talking about either one here when he's when you pray in tongues you don't speak to men you're speaking to God that's tongues for a prayer language are you getting this when we speak and with one of the two public tongues we are speaking to unbelievers tongues for a sign or to the church tongues for interpretation but when we pray in tongues we speak to God not men now listen to what Jude says but you beloved building up yourselves on your Most Holy Faith praying in the Holy Spirit that's why every believer should pray in tongues now let me make a statement people say well John is the evidence that I have been filled with the Holy Spirit is the fact that I can speak in tongues let me say this a person can be filled with the spirit and not speak in tongues why they're not yielding to the river just like I can wade into a river and I cannot float on that River Downstream stream because why I'm not yielded to it I will say this every person that has been filled with the spirit has the ability to pray in tongues it's just that maybe they haven't stepped out in it yet because everything comes by faith are you with me so make this clear make this known you can be filled with the spirit and not speak with tongues why because you simply haven't yielded to it yet I'll talk more about that in the next session all right tongues for intercession this is the fourth one is the private as well likewise the spirit also this is Romans 8 26-28 likewise the spirit also helps our weaknesses what is our weakness for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit himself makes intercessions for us with groanings which cannot be uttered now he who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the spirit is because he makes intercessions for the Saints according to the will of God now he's talking about tongues for intercession I'll never forget the time I was in a fraternity in college and I had a Bible study going on for all the fraternity and sorority people the night before I preached on the Holy Spirit and there was a girl in our in our Bible Steward we had about 60 kids coming you know for turning sorority people come into the Bible study and this girl had been raised in a denomination that taught her that tongues had passed away when the Bible came so she came in and she started listening to me teach the Bible and she went oh my goodness there it is right there so she got filled with the holy spirit that night well the next morning her sorority house was right across the street from ours they wake me up on the intercon that's at like 6 30. I'm a college student I sleep in until 8 okay so I come you know put some clothes on I'm rubbing my eyes I walk out and there she is she's so excited she's beaming and I said what's going on she oh my gosh she said God woke me up at five o'clock and I just felt this urge pray in tongues so she said I just started praying and I felt like I was interceding I asked God to show me what am I doing and the Lord said you're praying and interceding for a older man's life his life is at stake so she said I just kept praying in tongues she said six o'clock my roommate got an emergency call her her grandfather had an emergency heart attack they rushed him to the hospital they were able to save him his life has been spared she said the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said you were praying for him that's tongues for intercession are you with me you see let me tell you something I don't know what's going on with my mom right now she's in Florida I don't know what's going on my sister in California or my sister I don't know what's going on with my sister in Michigan I don't know what's going on my friend in North Carolina but you know what the Holy Spirit does and so I can make intercession by yielding myself to him are you with me all right so how many are missing out today because they believe man's ignorance teaching why tongues have passed away yet here God's hard cry First Corinthians 14 5 I wish you all spoke with tongues somebody say that's Paul writing that no no scripture is any of private interpretation and all scripture is given by inspiration of God that is God crying out I wish you all spoke with tongues Paul makes a statement First Corinthians 12 verse 1 and this is actually the spirit of God saying it he said I don't want you to be ignorant when it comes to spiritual gifts speaking in tongues and the other gifts but then at the end of first Corinthians 14 he makes a statement that's amazing but if anyone is ignorant let him remain ignorant in other words if you don't want to understand this then stay ignorant you're going to miss out on a really wonderful ability to communicate with me that's why Paul said in First Corinthians 14 38-40 do not forbid speaking in tongues why does God wish that we all spoke in tongues everybody I'm going to share that with you in the next session see you then [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John Bevere
Views: 72,513
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Keywords: the holy spirit, john bevere, john bevere teaching, john bevere the holy spirit, the holy spirit teaching, john bevere curriculum, who is the holy spirit, understanding the holy spirit, theology, the trinity, what is the trinity, study with john bevere, john bevere study, holy spirit teaching, holy spirit, holy spirit teaching series, speaking in tongues, baptism of holy spirit, baptism of holy spirit and fire, pentecost, power of the holy spirit, sermons on the holy spirit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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