How to EASILY Activate the Gift of Tongues

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I believe that now is the time for you to begin to use your prayer language I believe that the Holy Spirit has already imparted that gift to you I know that it's been frustrating watching others receive their prayer language or watching others activate that gift in their life only for you to go asking and asking and asking without receiving I want you to know that this is going to be a moment of breakthrough and I want you to get your hopes up I want you to exercise your faith this message that I'm about to teach you has helped thousands of Believers from around the world receive their prayer language and this is because of the testimonies that we've received we know this people are messaging us from all around the world we hear all the time that people finally received their prayer language they finally activated that which God had given to them just by stepping out in faith and I believe that's going to happen for you as well now as I begin to teach there will be some groundwork that I have to lay so I want you to exercise some patience I know that when we hear messages like this we can say things like just jump right to it give me steps one two and three but there are some mindsets that we have to work through there are some thought patterns that have to be broken and as you exercise that patience as you begin to hear the word go forth I believe that there will be a transformation in your mind that ultimately re removes the blockage to that flow of that beautiful gift of the prayer language so I want you to comment by faith right now three simple words I receive it just write I receive it let that be a bold public Declaration of Faith as we get into the word right now now as I mentioned a moment ago yes we've received thousands of testimonies from Believers all around the world many will come to me and say David I was so frustrated I had prayed for years some Believers tell me they've prayed for decades to see that gift activated in their life and finally after hearing the word of God they were able to step out in faith and finally make use of that spiritual gift now what do I mean when I talk about activating or receiving your prayer language what I mean by that is not that you can force God to give you something that he hasn't decided to give you we understand that the Holy Spirit decides who gets what gifts but the groundwork I want to lay for you here the biblical framework I want to give to you will show you that every believer has been given a prayer language now I know that when you hear that maybe right off the top you might think of some verses that would seem to contradict that we're going to go in and explore what those scriptures are actually saying in context but I believe that the Holy Spirit has already deposited this ability within you and because of that when I say activate or receive I'm not talking about getting the gift or practicing the gift or even being being taught the gift because this word activate it scares some people they have uh many panic attacks when they hear the word activate they say there's that word again when really all it means it's it's actually very practical it simply means to make use of that which God has given to you and when you really think about it there's nothing that God does within the Earth generally speaking that doesn't require our participation he does work through our will and he does work with us and so the gift of tongues is no different so as I said we're going to lay some groundwork I know you might want me to jump right to the Keys and I will give you those keys those simple biblical keys but they're going to be more impactful if you just allow the biblical framework to be placed so let's first look at this question what is the gift of speaking in tongues in 1 Corinthians chapter 6:1 17 the scripture declares but the person who is joined with the Lord is one or joined to the Lord is one spirit with him now this verse in particular is not talking about the gift of speaking in tongues it's talking about the fact that you are one with the holy spirit that the Holy Spirit lives within you and so if we go to another verse here in Romans 8: 26 and the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness for example we don't know what God wants us to pray for but the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words now even that verse sometimes people misunderstand and they think that this particular verse is talking about the gift of speaking in tongues and it is not and some might say well David then why are you even bringing it up it's because I'm laying the foundation for certain biblical principles premises that will help us to lead uh help us find one conclusion so first and foremost we see that you are one with the Holy Spirit your spirit is one with the Holy Spirit there's that con connection that's already been established if you are a born again believer then the Holy Spirit lives within you you could not be born again if the Holy Spirit didn't dwell within you so every believer has the Holy Spirit and I want to clarify this so that there's no room for legalism just because you don't pray in tongues does it mean you don't have the Holy Spirit just because you don't pray in tongues doesn't mean you're not saved in fact salvation and the baptism with the Holy Spirit which coincide with one another have to take place before the gift of tongues can even be used so what I'm trying to establish here are these two principles so far your spirit is one with the Holy Spirit you're not working for a connection with him you're working from a connection with him and then in Romans 8: 26 we see that the Holy Spirit prays for us so context considered we can take those biblical principles to heart we are one with with the spirit the Holy Spirit prays for us now let's go to a portion of scripture that's talking specifically about this expression of the gift of tongues that I'm talking about here in this message 1 Corinthians 14 2-4 watch this now for if you have the ability to speak in tongues you will be talking only to God since people won't be able to understand you you will be speaking by the power of the spirit but it will all be mysterious but one who prophesies strengthens others encourages them and Comforts them a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally but one who speaks a word of Prophecy strengthens the entire church now many have misunderstood the writings of Paul here and they imagine that he's condemning the use of the gift of speaking in tongues or that he's looking down his nose at the gift of speaking in tongues or that he's begrudgingly accepting the gift of tongues as an operation within the church nothing could be further from the truth Paul is not condemning the gift of speaking in tongues he's comparing the gift of speaking in tongues with the gift of Prophecy he's not saying that speaking in tongues is bad he's saying that prophecy is better in the context of public church assembly because prophecy will edify the entire body but look here in verses 2 and 4 specifically and we see that when Paul writes the gift of speaking in tongues at least this specific expression of the gift of speaking in tongues he says that you'll be talking only to God since people won't be able to understand you so this actually helps us to rule out the idea that the gift of speaking in tongues is only the ability to speak in an Earthly language yes of course we understand that's a part of it we're going to cover that in just a moment but this idea which maybe you've heard pared and repeated often uh you know people sometimes imagine that they repeat something enough that it becomes true so this has been repeated again and again you may have heard it everyone just kind of speaks it chanting it the gift of tongues is an Earthly language the gift of tongues is an Earthly language uh but that's not the case we can see that clearly here in Scripture that there is a supernatural expression of this gift that would cause you to speak to God or only to God to where people would not be able to understand you so no the gift of speaking in tongues is not just an Earthly language though that is a part of it that's one of the expressions for sure now look at verse number four a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally now this is very interesting because Paul here is making it clear that when you pray in tongues you are personally edified so never mind with this idea that the gift of speaking in tongues Bears no fruit here the scripture couldn't be clearer When you pray in tongues you're speaking to God it's not always an Earthly language and it can edify you personally personally so he's not saying it has no use whatsoever he's simply again comparing it to the gift of Prophecy and saying that in the context of public church assembly it's better to prophesy than to speak in tongues without interpretation and again we're going to cover more on that in just a moment so let's tie together some of these threads we see 1 Corinthians 6:17 context considered we can take away the principle that your spirit is one with the Holy Spirit Romans 8:26 which is not about the gift of speaking in tongues makes it clear that the Holy Spirit prays for you 1 Corinthians 14: 2-4 which is talking specifically about the gift of speaking in tongues makes it clear that it's not always an Earthly language and that it can actually edify you personally so there's some fruitfulness that can result from this 1 Corinthians CH 14:14 puts it even more clearly for if I pray in tongues my spirit is praying but I don't understand what I am saying now again some might try to nitpick at the specific meaning of each verse and say well the context says this but the context would in no way take away from the specific truths that we're gleaning from these particular scriptures so we can put together this idea you're one with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit prays for you when you pray in tongues your spirit is praying so then when I pray in tongues I'm praying according to my spirit and my spirit is in agreement with the Holy Spirit therefore When you pray in tongues the holy spirit is praying for you through you all of these things being true based upon the scriptures that we read that is the inescapable conclusion in regards to the biblical definition of the gift of speaking in tongues granted there are other Expressions as I'll cover in just a moment but in a very basic sense we see that to pray in tongues is to pray in the spirit in agreement with the holy spirit so it's a very supernatural act it's a spiritual act it has actual results that can affect your spiritual life that's basically what the gift of speaking in tongues is that when you pray in tongues you're praying in the spirit in alignment with the holy spirit's prayers and again the Holy Spirit prays for you through you now let's take a look at the different expressions of the gift of speaking in tongues There Is the personal tongue the proof tongue and the prophetic tongue now I created these terms to help us see the distinctions between the different Expressions but you will not find those terms in scripture but you will see the different Expressions there I'm just adding terminology to it to help highlight the differences uh we just read 1 Corinthians 14: 1-4 that is the personal prayer language and this is for self- edification then there is the proof tongue as I call it in Acts 2: 4-6 six and everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability at that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem when they heard the loud noise everyone came running and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the Believers so here we see that those who had gathered after hearing this noise heard the Believers speaking in their own languages it doesn't say by the way at least specifically that the Believers were in fact speaking those languages rather it says that the hearers heard their own language so we don't know if the supernatural power caused the disciples or the early church to speak in languages they did not know or if it caused the hearer to hear what they were saying in their own language the Bible doesn't give us specific um Clarity on that so the interpretation could have been on either side of it but that is the proof tongue that is the expression of a language that one does not know then there is the prophetic expression of the gift of tongues we see an example of this in 1 Corinthians chap 14: 26- 28 well my brothers and sisters let's summarize when you meet together one will sing another will teach another will tell some special revelation God has given one will speak in tongues and another will interpret what is said but everything that is done must strengthen all of you no more than two or three should speak in tongues they must speak one at a time and someone must interpret what they said but if no one is present who can interpret they must be silent in your church meeting and speak in tongues to God privately now this is interesting because Paul the Apostle is putting some restrictions on the prophetic expression of the gift of speaking in tongues uh but this has nothing to do with the prayer language that we referenced earlier so I want you to imagine a scenario here imagine that you walk into a church you're an unbeliever and you're being ministered to by the worship ship they're singing hymns you're being ministered to by the sermon you're being ministered to by the prayers and then all of a sudden someone stands up in the middle of the congregation takes the attention away from the word that's being spoken and begins to pray in tongues that's all well and good so long as there is an interpreter present who is going to be able to communicate a message from that particular expression of the gift of tongues that will actually edify all of those who are present this is what Paul the Apostle was addressing specifically that chaos that would result from everyone just speaking in tongues at random no one would ever be edified because they would be constantly interrupting one another and when one spoke in tongues without an interpreter how would other people receive from that if they didn't receive that interpretation so we have to remember that Paul is talking about the public church assembly and the specific problem that he's trying to solve here is that everyone is supposed to receive edification when you gather together now some will try to twist this scripture like a pretzel to make it seem like it applies to all the different expressions of the gift of speaking in tongues uh but that's not at all the case we see clearly here that other believers are gathered now if there is order to sharing that moment where you're speaking in tongues together then that doesn't cause the problem that Paul the Apostle was trying to address for example if you have everyone praying tongues at one time there's a moment for that in the service that's perfectly acceptable as I'll show in scripture later that when they received the gift of speaking in tongues and when the gift of tongues would manifest in the early church they would often all pray in tongues at the same time without an interpreter this just has to do with the disruption of a church service taking away from the fruitfulness in that others would not be edified by this particular expression unless there is an interpreter so specifically he's talking about anything that would command the collective attention of all of those assembled in that Gathering and thus taking away from their ability to receive otherwise now let's embolden the lines of distinction between these particular expressions and it becomes clearer now that in fact there are different Expressions to the gift of speaking in tongues number one we see that there are different benefits the personal tongue benefits the individual we see that in 1 Corinthians 14:4 the prophetic tongue benefits the church that's 1 Corinthians 12:7 and 14:26 the proof tongue benefits the unbeliever that's 1 Corinthians 14:22 I mean just the fact that you can compare self edification with the edification of others that alone is concrete proof that there are different aspects to this gift then there are different interpretation requirements the personal tongue requires no interpreter or interpretation to be beneficial to the individual 1 Corinthians 14:4 again the prophetic tongue requires an an interpreter to benefit the church 1 Corinthians 14:26 the proofed tongue and this is amazing requires no interpreter for the interpretation to be understood by the unbeliever that's acts Chap 2:8 and then we look at how it's understood the personal tongue is understood by no one but God 1 Corinthians chap 14:2 the prophetic tongue is understood by the church with an aid of with the aid of an interpreter 1 Corinthians 14:27 and the proof tongue is supernaturally understood by the unbeliever we reference Acts 2 again for that so these are obviously different expressions of the gift now here's the key thought there are many misconceptions about the gift of speaking in tongues that can be addressed and actually even completely done away with by simply understanding the different expressions or the differences between them for example when Paul the Apostle writes one speaking at a time well that didn't apply to Acts chapter 2 nor does that apply to the personal prayer language so long as it doesn't disrupt the flow of the church service um think about the fact that Paul the Apostle writes that an interpreter is required well again that doesn't have anything to do with that personal expression of the gift nor does it have anything to do when the church would receive the gift of speaking in tongues nor does it have anything to do when the the unbeliever was able to hear their own languages uh being spoken by the Believers uh then he writes about not all can pray in tongues well there again he's talking about not all have been given that public expression of the gift that is tied to the gift of interpretation um some would say it's just an Earthly language well yes if you're talking specifically about Acts chapter 2 it can be heard as an Earthly language possibly spoken as one we don't know but there are different Expressions that would actually clue us into the fact that it's not just an Earthly language but that there's a supernatural element to it as well and so when you understand that there are different Expressions to this gift all of those misconceptions just go by the wayside so now that there's been some groundwork let's just address one more misconception here and then I want to talk to you about the obstacles that Believers face that cause them to not receive this gift so you've been believing you've been praying you asked God for the gift and something in you says I know I've received it and I just want to be able to make use of that gift but there are all of these thoughts in my mind there are all of these obstacles that seem to prevent me from walking that out I want to talk to you about that and again I want to emphasize I'm not saying you can be taught to pray in tongues but you can be taught to surrender to the Holy Spirit through the teaching of the word and you can be taught about the reality that the gift of tongues does require your participation it says as the spirit enabled them not as the spirit forced them so when I talk about the howto again I'm not saying you can force God to give you the gift I'm not saying you decide to have a gift that God hasn't given to you I'm saying that God has given you a prayer language and it's just a matter of walking in that gift so gifts cannot be taught in that sense now the idea that not all can pray in tongues uh stems specifically and most often from a misapplication or misunderstanding of this particular portion of scripture 1 Corinthians 12: 29-31 where Paul the Apostle asks rhetorically are we all Apostles are we all prophets are we all teachers do we all have the power to do miracles do we all have the gift of healing do we all have the ability to speak in unknown languages or tongues do we all have the ability to interpret unknown languages of course not so you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts but now let me show you a way of life that is best of all now context matters and it's very important that we take a look at what Paul is talking about so for example when he asks are all Apostles we understand that that means no not our all our Apostles but does does this mean there for that not all believers can Aid in the establishing of new works does this mean therefore that not all believers can help other leaders in the way that would help guide them forward that doesn't mean that in in particular it's talking about a specific office or for example are we all prophets okay not all of us have the office of a prophet but does this therefore mean that the Holy Spirit only speaks to prophets and not to Believers in general no we understand that the holy H Spirit speaks to all believers so even though all are not in the office of the Prophet this doesn't mean that the Holy Spirit doesn't speak to all believers are we all teachers well no not all of us hold the office of the teacher but the scripture tells us clearly that we ought to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us how are we supposed to give an answer for the hope that is within us if we're not able to teach why study to show ourselves approved unto God or study to be able to rightly divide the scripture if not all of us are teachers that's because some have the office of the teacher but every believer should to some degree do some teaching even if it's just evangelizing and teaching people the way do we all have the power to do Miracles well this is talking about the gift of Miracles no but does this therefore mean that not all of us can believe for miracles of course not this is talking about a very specific area and focused area of ministry Grace namely in the area of Miracles but of course all believers can believe for miracles do we all have the gift of healing no not all have the gift of healing in that not all have been called to The Healing Ministry but all of us can believe for healing I mean has anyone ever prayed for their loved one who is sick and been stopped wait a minute you don't have the gift of healing you're not supposed to do that of course not because we understand that all believers can still believe for a healing even though they don't have the gift of healing do all speak in unknown languages do all have the ability to interpret unknown languages so what Paul the Apostle here is describing he's talking about the gifts that are used in the context of the community of the church because we know that 1 Corinthians 12:7 says a spiritual is a spiritual gift is given to each of us why so that we can help each other but wait a minute 1 Corinthians chapter 14:4 makes it clear that the there's an expression of the gift of tongues that's not for the edification of others but for the edification of s so clearly he not talking about the expression of the gift of tongues that is for the edification of other or of of self he's talking about the the the expression of the gift of tongues is for the edification of others so that's a different expression of the gift um we would have to do the same for example with the word of wisdom does this mean none of us can have wisdom no it just means none of us or not all of us can have the word of wisdom the word of knowledge does this mean all none of us can have the word of knowledge unless we have that gift no or have knowledge unless we have the gift no it says not all of us can have the gift of the word of knowledge what about the gift of faith only those with the gift of faith can have faith brother I'm sorry no Paul is talking about the gift of faith in the context of the community of Believers in other words it ministers to others do all have gifts of healing no or that means only some Believers can believe for healing no why do we only specifically say this in regards to the gift of speaking in tongues it's because it's a religious spirit it's because it's a Mis understanding of scripture it's because it's it's a preconceived idea that we are trying to force upon the scripture when it doesn't say that each one of the spiritual gifts is intended to help the body of Christ in other words the one who uses the gift isn't the one who benefits from the gift we are given spiritual gifts to benefit others not self so the gift of faith couldn't be having faith it would have to be the ability to stir faith in others the gift of healing isn't being healed it's the grace to heal others the same would apply to every gift about which Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12 all of the spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 are others focused never self-focused therefore Paul is not addressing uh the use of the personal prayer language uh so the expression of the gift of tongues he's not talking about or he's talking about is is others centered not self- edifying Paul also wrote this in 1 Corinthians chap 14: 4 and 5 a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally but one who speaks a word of Prophecy strengthens the entire church now watch this I wish you could all speak in tongues but even more I wish that you could all prophesy prophecy is greater than speaking in tongues unless someone interprets why would Paul the Apostle wish for something that was contrary to the will of God in an instructive letter and why would the Holy Spirit allow for that desire to be recorded in the Holy Scripture if it were indeed contrary to to God's will this would not be included not all have the gift of tongues and tongues interpretation that public expression of the gift but every believer can pray in a personal tongue to God by the way the Bible doesn't say that some were filled it says all were filled acts 2:4 all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues nobody said everybody stop wait a minute you can't have it this is only for some of us not all of us oh wait a minute everybody stop this is this is this is not orderly everybody stop praying in tongues until we have an interpret one at a time that's not what happened here and again U this is another reference in scripture here we can look at acts 2:39 the promise is to you to your children and to those far away all who have been called by the Lord are gone so this is what Peter is saying about this manifestation of the holy spirit's power this is a gift for all who have been called by the Lord our god what was he talking about well acts 233 says and the father as he had promised gave him him the Holy Spirit to pour out upon us this is this couldn't be clearer just as you see and hear today what did they hear they heard them speaking in tongues what did they see they saw the power of the holy ghost moving and he says this what you see in here today this is for all who have been called by the Lord Our God so what blocks someone from receiving well first of all those types of mindsets now I already can hear several different objections I've heard many of them throughout the years several different objections to what I'm presenting here today I don't have time to go in and address every single one of those um someone will even if you check the comment section afterwards you'll probably still see we can't be taught to get the gift of tongues or we can't be taught uh to practice the gift of tongues and by that you're being clued into the fact that they probably didn't even watch the whole lesson so search for that in the comments uh but there will be other objections raised on I'm sure but I'm just trying to help you get unstuck from that kind of thinking so that you can move into this portion here again we don't have time to cover every single misconception about the gift of speaking in tongues or misapplication of scripture uh but but I think that's far enough for now you at least understand there are different expressions of the gift of tongues when Paul writes about those restrictions he's talking about the one used in the context of public church assembly not your personal prayer language and and as you look at the book of Acts Church the early church you're going to see that there are many instances where they prayed in tongues collectively uh so that's not even necessarily the issue he was talking about order in the church and the disruption of church services um but let's take a look now at the obstacles and I want to really help you walk through this now because this is going to be where it comes down to activating that gift and when I say activate think about as Paul wrote to Timothy stir up the gift is within within you stir up that gift you have to do something with it God is not going to force you to pray in tongues so the biggest barrier and I'm going to give this to you and when I say this at first it may offend you but don't be offended just hear what I'm saying the biggest barrier to the reception or the activation of the gift of speaking in tongues whatever term you want to use there I'm talking about making use of what's been deposited in you the the the biggest obstacle I can summarize in one word and some won't like this but I want you to hear what I say and then let me explain it the biggest obstacle is ego and by that I don't mean pride pride can be a manifestation of ego but I'm talking about self self gets in the way if you want to flow in this gift by the way Paul the Apostle wrote in 1 Corinthians 14 of how we are to manage this gift that implies by the very nature of his writings that the use of the gift has at least something to do with the exercise of your will the gift to Healing you have to lay hands the gift of teaching you have to open your mouth whenever there's a spiritual gift given to a Believer there's always some participation that's required on the believer's part where they in fact must submit themselves to God's use and actually act out in faith in certain ways in order to step into the use of that gift or the function of that gift and so when I talk about ego I'm talking about the fact that we get inside our own head we hear all of the different um you know misconceptions and half-truths from the naysayers in regards to the gift of speaking tongues and we let that get in our heads and then we're we we get all clogged up in the spirit there there's there's stoppage there's this hesitation there's reservation when when when the Holy Spirit has given you something that is very powerful that you can use to see advancement in your spiritual life Paul wrote I pray in tongues more than you all how would he know that unless there was some fruit that came with the gift and so you have to get out of your own way I'm going to give you three keys and then I want to pray with you and I believe you're going to begin to pray in tongues if you do these things you will pray in tongues and if you don't end up praying in tongues it's because you didn't do these three things not really number one request request and we can actually say and receive if that's how you want to ter term it Luke 11 11-13 says this you fathers if your children ask for a fish do you give them a snake instead or if they ask for an egg do you give them a scorpion of course not so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to the those who ask him so many Believers are afraid well what if what if I get a demonic Spirit are you serious first of all you're a born again Spirit fill Believers a Believer Christians cannot have demons I have a whole different message on that so never mind with that legalistic superstitious fear and then on the other hand this idea that that God would abandon you in that way is just I don't it just contradicts the nature of God I trust not in my ability to receive the gift of tongues but in his ability to give and impart the gift of tongues in other words I trust that when I ask for a gift of the Holy Spirit In The Name of Jesus that God is not going to allow something else to come in so request it and then number two and this isn't going to sound so spiritual but it is it's one of the most spiritual things you can do just relax I mean the fear the overthinking the doubt it's right there right on the edge of your tongue and and and you're you're telling yourself well this isn't me or this is probably just the flesh or maybe I'm just faking it or what are people going to think or what if they think I'm silly can I just tell you bluntly people are going to think you're silly look people all the time that's one of the main criticisms of this ministry is the expression of the gift of speaking in tongues but I make no apologies for it and you shouldn't either we are tongue talking Spirit-filled Believers we believe in the gift of speaking in tongues for today you ought to walk in boldness in regards to the gift of speaking in tongues you do realize it's the tongue talkers who've seen the greatest advancements for the kingdom of God globally in terms of missions and church planting and Outreach and evangelism and soul wining this movement of the holy spirit is growing exponentially it's God's Mark of fruitfulness and abundance on that movement and the kingdom is advancing Don't Be Afraid just because someone else put something in your head don't be afraid just because others misunderstand the scripture and force their reading upon it don't be afraid just because others think you look ridiculous Don't Be Afraid just because others lie to you and tell you that you can get a demon from doing I rebuke that lie in the mighty name of Jesus God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world stop with the fear stop with the super Superstition stop overthinking it this is just me oh my goodness what if God gets mad do I really have the gift stop with the overthinking stop with the doubt and come with childlike faith and just relax and then number three release it all spiritual gifts require some exercise of faith on the part of the one using them why would speaking in tongues be any different why do we imagine that the holy spirit is going to Ren the heavens grab your tongue and begin to move it around for you against your will my goodness there's no spiritual gift that functions like that I mean even salvation to some degree had to had to require the surrender of your will in when you believe and so the gift of speaking in tongues is going to be no different he's not going to force you so you you you say well this is just me it is partially you because you are surrendering by your own free will to the work of the spirit and so you request it and believe youed it believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in you I mean every spiritual gift that the holy spirit gives he gives of himself and he lives within you in the first place and then just relax stop overthinking stop doubting stop lying to yourself that you're making it up or that that it's just something else and then release it how do you release it you give them the syllables and sounds as the spirit enabled them remember as the spirit enabled them not forced them so if you're waiting for the Holy Spirit to force you to do this it's never going to happen even if you hear stories from other say well I didn't I didn't even try I was forced to maybe they felt like that but we go not by their experience but by what the word says it says he enabled them and so you have to make a decision am I going to listen to religious ideology am I going to listen to to nitpicking and Superstition am I going to listen to my own voices of fear and doubt and pride where I say I don't want to look silly or am I going to go all in and say holy spirit I will give you the utterance I will give you as you enable me I will I will speak forth the utterance and I will trust you to fill those sounds with your intention why he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him the Holy Spirit prays and when you pray in tongues your spirit is praying even now I can sense for you that there's this breaking there's this this uh you can almost sense like something is about to happen that is the work of the Holy H Spirit stirring Faith within you that is the work of the Holy Spirit stirring Faith within you and so I want you to step out in faith I'll tell you a story and then we're going to pray there's a story about a father who is teaching his daughter how to pray and the first night he tells his daughter I'm going to pray and I want you to repeat what I have to say and then you're going to learn how to pray she says okay dad so he says father in the name of Jesus she says father in the name of Jesus and so on and so forth and finally they conclude with amen then the next night the father does the same thing then the next night the father comes in and he says okay tonight I'm going to let you pray on your own he listens sir good she's praying he does this consecutively for a few more nights until finally he says now I want you to pray all on your own without me here and so he's helping her to do that and then one night as he's heading off to bed he places his ear on the door to listen to his daughter praying and he hears her saying AB B CDE e FG she's singing the alphabet he laughs to himself continues on but then this continues night after night ABCDE e FG ABCDE e FG now he becomes concerned he knocks on the door and he tells her you know when you pray you're supposed to actually speak to God you're supposed to actually say something and communicate with him you're just saying the alphabet she says but Dad I am praying and I love her response she says Dad I am praying I just give him the letters and he arranges it how ever he wants though that's not exactly what I'm talking about that is in essence how the gift of speaking in tongues works at least the personal prayer language where you give him the utterances and trust that he's filling those utterances with his intention with his nature with his own meaning their surrendered syllables and sounds and leave it to the Holy Spirit to leave such untapped potential such immense power hidden behind such a childlike Act of Faith So Close Your Eyes lift your hands it's time to release that gift don't allow any distractions right now to clutter your mind don't look at other videos don't click on other things I want you to focus Here Close Your Eyes lift your hands and begin to allow the Holy Spirit to do his work in you and I want you to ask him ask the precious Holy Spirit for your prayer language ask him to stir up that gift within you and then I want you to relax I don't mean that in the meditative sense I simply mean I want you to stop with the fear mongering stop with the Superstition stop with the religious thinking many have Twisted the scripture to try to explain away this beautiful expression of the gift of tongues don't allow that take everything that God has for you and I want you right now to let go of that idea that it's just you it's partially you but it's not just you let go of that idea that a demon could enter the Holy Spirit dwells in you and no demon is stronger than him I want you to let go of that idea that you'll look silly though it's probably true let it go anyway I want you to let go of that idea that you're forcing it or that God will be angry with you for using what he's given you like go of these ideas and then I want you now to begin to release surrendered syllables and sounds you're doing it right now it's right on the edge of your tongue and and you're maybe even again that hesitation came back up no that's not me or that's not the Holy Spirit that's just me and you're fighting within yourself that's proof that you haven't let go in the mind just begin to release syllables and sounds surrender them to Jesus now and trust that the holy spirit will fill if any anything just treat it like beautiful Expressions that come from the heart Given In Worship to God don't overthink it don't let religious people condemn you for it just release that sound let the Holy Spirit work now and and and even as you be began to utter that you maybe pulled back and said wait what's happening that's just me you'll find that as you begin to release those sounds there will be a moment where it goes from being just you and then there'll be this this grace that comes upon you and then there's a flow and that is partnership with the Holy Spirit but you have to step out in faith you have to give them something to work with Holy Spirit I pray you cause them to surrender all stir up that gift within them I pray thank you Jesus I give you glory and honor many right now are receiving that if you received the gift of speaking in tongues or activated it again whatever terminology you want to use I want you to just write in the comment section I just spoke in tongues or in any way you want to word that I spoke in tongues or I finally received it just write something in the comment section that tells us that you finally activated that gift and tell us also if it's been a long time that you've been believing for that gift to be stirred in you make sure to leave a like so that others can receive this message every like spreads the message just a little further don't foret get to subscribe so that you can continue to receive my teachings on the Holy Spirit click that notification Bell when you do and I want to invite you to pay this forward maybe you're having encounters with the Holy Spirit through our content you're being drawn deeper into the word of God things are making more sense your life is being impacted I know you love Jesus I know you love the gospel I know you love souls and I know you love the work of the ministry you are generous you're a giver you are for others you are selfless and I want to invite you because of that to participate in the furtherance of the Gospel through this ministry so would you step out in faith and become a monthly Ministry supporter today would you right now go to David hernandes partner and sign up for our automatic giving plan become a monthly supporter today for any amount it's going to help us out tremendously when you do that pay it forward your life's been impacted now it's time to pay it other pay it forward so others can receive you can also give a single gift by going to David hernandes donate uh we accept currencies of all kind we accept currencies from around the world we even accept Bitcoin and cryptocurrency so you can sell there on the ministry website do make sure to do that right now I know sometimes because of this being online there may be a disconnect maybe you're tempted to just go click on another video or on another stream and you say okay I received I'm on my way now but but don't allow this to become impersonal don't allow this to become disconnected you're a part of something here and I want you to sew into this work and watch how God uses your gift to further the gospel be a part of something bigger than all of us be a part of the solution be a part of the spreading of the light all around the world be a part of the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ globally sign up today to become a partner or give a single gift ask the Holy Spirit now say holy spirit what would you like me to seow and then obey one more time partner David hernandes partner and give a single gift by going to David hernandes donate well that's it for this message until next time remember nothing is impossible with God
Channel: David Diga Hernandez
Views: 220,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Easily Activate the Gift of Tongues, How to Receive the Holy Spirit & Activate the Gift of Tongues, How do I Activate the Gift of Speaking in Tongues? Receive Now, How Praying in Tongues Every Day Will Change Your Life, How To Finally Receive The Gift Of Tongues!, activate the gift of tongues, how to speak in tongues, how to pray in tongues, praying in tongues, david diga hernandez, david diga hernandez holy spirit, david diga hernandez speaking in tongues
Id: OY95e8olxGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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