Knowing the Holy Spirit at the DEEPEST Level | Lesson 3 of the Holy Spirit | Study with John Bevere

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this is the end goal of communion of Fellowship the spirit of God desires to be your friend he yearns for your fellowship [Music] hey welcome to a new session kind of continuing from what we talked about you know let me let me just review some of what we said you know Jesus said it's to our advantage that he went away why because if he didn't he wouldn't send the Holy Spirit you know if Jesus would have stayed we had a flying fly all the way over to Israel get in line might take a couple months but talk to him but now with the Holy Spirit we can talk to him every day and for this reason the Apostle Paul made this statement he said May the fellowship the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you communion is the Greek word Koinonia which means Fellowship companionship communication intimacy sharing together social intercourse partnership joint participation close Mutual Association we're breaking it up into three different major categories category number one is fellowship category number two is partnership and the third which I'm really excited to get to in this session is intimacy first of all Fellowship Fellowship means a relation relationship of friendship it means sharing together it's keeping one another informed we see statements like Paul made that the Holy Spirit told him in city after City that chains and tribulations await him we see the guys forbidden to go into certain cities by the Holy Spirit we see situations where they said the holy spirit said to Philip Go Near That Chariot and join up with it second word is partnership partnership means this it means to work together it means your comrades together he's the senior partner of messenger International I always like to say when we walk into our board meetings we got the Holy Spirit we welcome him and I say you're the senior partner here you're the one that's really going to be calling the shots because you're the Supreme Lord of this ministry of my life and of my family amen Partners work together we look in first Corinthians chapter 3 verse 9 we are laborers together with God that is a mind-blowing statement you see the apostles they know the holy spirit so well they said it seemed good to us and the Holy Spirit they were able to represent him without him speaking they knew him so well and then we look at people who have tried to have a relationship with Jesus apart from the Holy Spirit how sad because what happens is Christianity becomes very dry they really don't come to know the person they come to know a historical figure in a book I remember before I became very close to the Holy Spirit I'd read the Bible and I think you know what I love God with all my heart but it's a bit dry do you know the Bible has never been dry since the Holy Spirit came to dwell in his fullness in my life it goes deeper than partnership it goes to close Mutual Association I talked about Lisa and I we're mutually Associated I love the fact that when people hear John bevere they think Lisa bevere when they hear Lisa bevere they hear John bevere just like if you hear Ringo you think of Paul McCartney and the Beatles If you hear curly you think of Mo and and who's the other one Larry Larry yeah close Mutual Association but it goes deeper it's when you communicate you partner with the Holy Spirit you're fellowshipping with him now what happens is people are aware of your partnership with him there are ministers of the Gospel I have to say when I see them I realize there's a real close partnership with the Holy Spirit you can sense his presence you know we've done something in the church I'm deeply deeply concerned about and that is this we have substituted atmosphere for presence you know I believe we need great atmospheres in our church services and I believe that this past 10 years I I tell you I believe God is pleased I'm so pleased of the atmospheres we create with the lights and the smoke and the great worship but you know what I've almost seen some leaders settle for atmosphere and substituting it for presence I say let's have atmosphere and let's have presence amen I don't I don't really like going into a service and leaving a service without people feeling sensing the manifested presence of Jesus Christ who's the one that does that the Holy Spirit Jesus said part of Christianity is I will manifest myself to you how does he do it he's on the right hand of God he does it by the spirit of Jesus Christ can you say amen and so there's an association and now we come to intimacy we started talking about intimacy that intimacy can only be developed by Fellowship what we first talked about but it goes deeper than Fellowship it goes into sharing our thoughts our secrets the desires of our heart I believe you can have a relationship with the Holy Spirit where you desire what he desires to where you can go deep in intimacy secrets and thoughts you know God has secrets and he shares it with those who are his intimate close friends when you develop that friendship with the Holy Spirit God then starts revealing his secrets that's what I yearn for that's what I long for it all comes down to Friendship this is the end goal of communion of Fellowship the spirit of God desires to be your friend he yearns for your fellowship James the Apostle made this statement in James chapter 4 verse 5 the spirit who dwells in US yearns jealously what does he yearn for he yearns for year and my intimate communication but yet he yearns jealously jealously means he's not going to tolerate other lovers yeah and if you look at James chapter 4 he's talking about if you make yourself a friend of the world what's the world the world goes after the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life what is the pride of life it's status you ever see the world they're always going after status position that's the pride of life the world seeks those things if you seek those things like the world what happens is you put enmity between you and the One You're supposed to be close with that's what gets him quiet that's what suppresses his voice is the way I should say it are you with me so he yearns jealously he wants you just like a man would not want his wife sleeping with other guys around the town and coming home and expecting her husband to treat her with intimacy and closeness so the holy spirit is not going to be intimate and close with us if we're flirting with the world are you with me we're to go into the world but not be of the world Believe Me Jesus was going to Mafia parties he was he was he was having prostitutes follow him around he was going into some pretty tough places but he wasn't going there to be a part of what they pursued he was going in there to reach them are you with me and so when it comes to intimacy we discovered in one of our sessions we found out that the Holy Spirit if we had to look at it he's Mighty Like a Warrior but yet he carries some of the feminine aspects I'm not saying the holy spirit is a female never ever am I saying that he's not some goddess however he can be saddened he's the comforter just like a female if a child gets hurt runs to Mom first he's the one that the father and the son protects said you better not speak against him you sin against him you're done just like a husband say you speak against my wife you're done are you with me so in relating to him intimately when we understand that yes he's tender in communion and fellowship but yet he's Mighty in manifestation when we go into our closets and we have funnel ship with him let's realize you're dealing with the tender member the sensitive member the one who can be easily saddened of the godhead so understand his personality when you go in to have fellowship with him all right again I'm not saying that he is a female now a final secret that I've learned when it comes to intimacy with the Holy Spirit and that is this if you don't engage with him he will be silent you know something I've noticed I've traveled to churches for 24 years and when the person driving picks me up do you know if I go to a really good church where they've developed good workers do you know the person who picks me up you know what they're trained you know what you know what one of the things they're trained to do not talk to me their leaders say don't you talk to him unless he engages you are you following me so I've gotten into cars before and I do it on purpose I start asking my driver about his family about the church how long has he been with it because I realize these guys they won't talk to me if I don't say anything I can sit there and open up and do emails and all that and they won't say a word to me all the way to the hotel because that's the way they're trained now I find the holy spirit is a little like that he will not engage you unless it's an urgent matter of Jesus like hey there's three men down there waiting on you get down there or I want you to go join this Chariot okay but if you don't engage him he remains quiet he's waiting for you to engage him this is why there are some Christians the Holy Spirit has been quiet to them they go why doesn't God talk to me are you engaging him do you understand his personality are you realizing you are talking to the third person of the godhead yes they are one but don't separate them don't confuse them are you with me so talk to him you would be amazed at how he will respond if you talk to him are you with me and this is why many people go I God didn't talk to me isn't talked to me in you know weeks years why they don't engage him he's almost like that driver he won't say something like they'll look at me they're trained they're saying okay the service is at seven we're going to pick you up at 6 25. they know they have to say that to me but if I don't get engaged in conversation we're not going to have it so I as a speaker I have to make a real point to engage in the people that are picking me up Lisa does the same thing because I want to know why I go to places and they go oh your wife is amazing this is oh she talked to us she made me feel like I was the most important person in the world and you know that's my wife she will just make you feel so at home now Jesus continues his instruction to disciples at the Last Supper and listen to what he says now here it really gets good he said oh there is so much more I want to tell you but you can't bear it now listen he's looking at these 11 guys I want to tell you so much more but you can't bear it you cannot handle it right now that gets my attention that puts my radar sensors up right there when the spirit of Truth is comes okay he will guide you into all truth so in other words there are things I want to tell you I can't but when the spirit of truth comes he will did you just see that yeah he will not be presenting his own IDs Diaz he will be telling you what he has heard he will be telling you about the future he will bring me Glory by revealing to you whatever he receives from me all that the father has is mine this is what I mean when I say the spirit will reveal to you whatever he receives from me remember Jesus said it was best everybody say best that he goes away the best thing for you guys is that I go away right now we see the continued benefit of this in these words I just read you there's much more Jesus wanted to reveal to them but he couldn't do it but then he said but when the spirit of truth comes so if you recall after Jesus was raised from the dead ten of the disciples were in a room with the doors locked and boom he appears now remember he's not a spirit because he said handle me a spirit doesn't have flesh and Bone like I have but he walked through a wall now that's pretty cool that means we're going to get to walk through walls when we get our glorified body okay so the disciples are amazed and so Thomas is not there and they all come to Thomas a few days later said dude we saw him I mean he like came in we touched him Thomas went you're nuts have you I mean what have you gone back to drinking since he was crucified you saw him I will not believe it unless I put my finger in his hands I put my hand in my side I won't believe it so what does Jesus do he pops in a few days later again this time Thomas is there he said okay Thomas come here let's take care of this first put your hand in my side put your fingers in the holes see I'm alive and Thomas collapses and goes my Lord and my God right now listen to what Jesus says he said Thomas because you have seen me you touched me you handled me you believe blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed now I used to say Jesus that was kind of hard I mean the guy's already graveling on the floor he's already gone please forgive me my unbelief right and then Jesus looks at him and makes a statement like that I'm like that's a little hard the guy's repentant and the Lord spoke to me and he said I wasn't rebuking Thomas I was making a statement of fact right he said what I was saying is it's much more blessed to not see me because you can go to a deeper level of relationship now let me explain what's Happening Here There are three levels of relationship you need to write this down number one it is the lowest level of a relationship that is the physical everybody say the physical okay this is the level of relationship unfortunately that many people get married off of she's got a great body he's got a hot body and they ignore everything else I can ignore that I know we don't get along I know we don't talk very much together but my goodness I need this girl and they get married so they get married on the physical level right unfortunately the soul level wasn't developed so what happens is after marriage after the honeymoon basically wears off she goes to her interest with her girlfriends he goes his interest with the sports and they lose contact with each other because why they got married based off the physical okay are you following me all right the next level up I've already mentioned it would be the soul or the personality of a person now this is the level in which David and Jonathan went to the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David that was a comment that the writer of Samuel wrote David made this comment I am distressed for you my little brother Jonathan you have been very pleasant to me your love to me was wonderful surpassing the love of a woman he was not talking about a perverted relationship with Jonathan he was talking about their souls were so tightly knit they were so connected in their souls that it went even beyond the connection of Soul he had with his wives like Michael and Abigail well actually was just Michael then are you with me because Michael was the only wife he had then now I want to say this this is the level where hopefully marriages connect to don't get me wrong physical is important I love what Josh McDowell used to say physical aspect in a marriage is the 112th aspect but boy what a 112. okay my wife is really really physically attracted to me okay and that's a big 112. but you know what Josh was saying is 11 12 are another aspect it's not the physical it's the soul it's the personality and the one I'm gonna get to next and so let me tell you something unfortunately we've heard situations where married couples have left each other for somebody they met on the internet you want to know why I'm going to tell you something I'm I'm preaching one night I go back to my resource table there's a guy he's got six kids two kids in his arms two kids grabbing his legs and two kids running around right and the guy had this most depressed look on his face I said sir are you okay he goes not really I said what's wrong he said well my wife left me today and my six children from man she met on the internet she developed a soulless relationship with this guy on the internet to where it surpassed the physical and the soulish relationship she had with her own husband with six children this is why sometimes long distance relationships that they start out long distance they end up being some of the best marriages because you don't have the aspect of oh look at his biceps or who boy look at her curves you know you don't have that standing in the way blocking you from going to that level of the Soul are you seeing this and so that is the soulish or the personality level the highest level of relationship would be the spiritual level now this would be the level that Jesus was talking about with Thomas all right First Corinthians 2 11 makes this statement for who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of man which is in him in other words you don't know the true hearts of a human or thoughts and intentions and motives of a human being except for the spirit of that person that's in him right the closest relationships I've had Are Spiritual so I didn't realize this in my early walk I remember there were people I got closer to than Lisa I remember early in our marriage there was a guy I prayed with this guy we talked about the word constantly and we became very close to where there there became times I started listening to him over my wife stupid stupid really stupid okay after God revealed how wrong this was and I got out of this I realized I got to get close with her so you know Lisa and I were celebrating our 30th last week you know some of my favorite times I remember with Lisa is when we were sitting by the pool talking about the word of God we were talking about this curriculum taping I was sharing with her things that God was putting in my heart and she was sharing with me and I was getting so enlightened when Lisa and I pray together you know our staff prays together every single morning why there's a reason this leader does that I want my staff connected spiritually are you following me you get connected with people on the spiritual level when you fellowship with them around the word and you pray with them you walk with them you you understanding what I'm saying because why you really don't know a person until you know their Spirit you know what's so interesting people walk up to me and they'll start trying to talk to me out of the Bible and I know they're talking out of their heads want to know why because it's so tiring my mind gets exhausted but then people come up to me and they speak from their spirit can talk to those people for hours I could talk to Lisa for hours about the word and not get tired want to know why because it's coming out of her spirit First Corinthians 2 11 says this for who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him now listen even so the thoughts of God know no one except the spirit of God so just like knowing a person's Spirit he's saying now how you think you're ever going to know God unless you know a spirit because no one knows the thoughts of God except the spirit of God and then he goes on to say now we've not been given the spirit of the world but we've been given the spirit of God that we might know the Deep things of God are you getting this I said are you getting this you see Paul went to this level Paul made the statement he said but I make known to you Brethren that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man for I neither received it from man nor was I taught it but it came by Revelation he got it from the spirit of God right so Paul goes to this depth of this relationship with Jesus it's so deep that Peter finally writes a letter towards the end of his life and he says this guy Paul he knows Jesus so well so deeply I don't even understand some of his writings I'm going to read it to you second Peter 3 15-16 this is just as our beloved brother Paul wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him speaking of these things in all of his letters some of his comments are hard to understand what's going on here Peter's probably still reverting back to when he walked with Jesus on the shores of Galilee to when he was with Jesus physically when he fed the five thousand and he keeps reverting back and that's actually hindering him from going deeper see Jesus said you're more blessed If You Don't See in other words you can go deeper with me if we connect on a spiritual level rather than you seeing me physically so God in his goodness you know what he's done he said I understand flesh I uh no no don't get me wrong one day we're going to have a spiritual body and that spiritual body is going to be redeemed do you know that your physical body right now is not redeemed your spirit is redeemed it's in the exact image and likeness of Jesus your soul is being transformed it's in the process of being redeemed right but your physical body is not redeemed you ever notice you get bored of stuff you can buy a brand new car and one week later it's old hat why because physical gets tired physical can't go deep right so God says I'm not revealing myself to him physically I'm going to show them the Deep things of God by my spirit so they can really know me so God says I'm gonna have a long distance relationship with you so you can really get to know my heart so when we get to the marriage we got a good marriage because remember I said some of the best marriages are the ones that started with a long-distance relationship so God says I don't want your physical it's not redeemed I don't want it hindering you and so Jesus isn't rebuking Thomas there he's saying Thomas you can't go to the depth of knowing me if you just live in this Physical Realm you got to get into the spirit and that is why Paul writes from now on WE regard no one according to the flesh even though we have known Christ according to the flesh yet now we know him thus no longer we know him by the spirit the spirit of the Living God why because Paul says the spirit searches all the things yes even the deep intimate things of God for who among men knows the thoughts of a man except a man's Spirit within him in the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the spirit of of God we have not received the spirit of the world but the spirit who is from God that we may know the things that he's freely given to us his Intimate Secrets of his heart etc etc etc so if you want a deep relationship with God I'm not talking about weird we're you spooky I'm talking about a real knowing of God you have to know him by his spirit because no one knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of man even so no one knows the thoughts of God except the spirit of God see you next session [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John Bevere
Views: 67,271
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Keywords: the holy spirit, john bevere, john bevere teaching, john bevere the holy spirit, the holy spirit teaching, john bevere curriculum, who is the holy spirit, understanding the holy spirit, theology, the trinity, what is the trinity, study with john bevere, john bevere study, holy spirit teaching, holy spirit, worship, bible study, holy spirit teaching series, sermons on the holy spirit, who is the holy spirit and what does he do, the holy spirit explained
Id: Jzl7gwXlkoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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