Episode 1 | Tiny Log Cabin in Montana | Amish Dream Homes

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this song is a bit of a bear once it's in my hands I'm supercharging Bobby and Mike they're great people is he made fun yeah bTW all over it so I know it's Bobby Taylors she is a little spitfire and I think it's gonna be a blast Wow good good choice mama oh thank you total domination so happy for my mom like happily ever after it'll be a great cabin [Music] in the mountains of northern Montana lives of family of Master Craftsmen LV Miller and his wife Rebecca have six children but this Amish family don't ride horse and buggy they use cell phones hi I grab my technology and our tools timber oops Elvie heads up one of the biggest cabin businesses in Montana is he handcraft one-of-a-kind log homes ship them to families across the country and fit out their interiors turning dreams into reality [Music] it's the start of summer and an Elvis yard in Montana business is booming I want to start cracking the whip here Elvis crew have jumped right across the country they are working 24/7 to keep up with the orders you can lean that bean fill LV has just received a call about a new cabin from a couple in southern Montana apparently the lot is right on the edge of Yellowstone National Park so it should be a great spot for low cabin [Music] I'm Bobby Taylor and I live in Livingston Montana and this is my partner Mike whiting and he lives in Livingston Montana and we've been together for about 20 years I have a son Robbie he's 25 years old he also lives here in Livingston Robbie comes over quite often he knows that his mom will feed him I love to recreative a bike I hike and ski in the winter so I do it all keep myself busy my only real job right now is to make the lunch for Mike every day should be like this big around he feeds me so yes why I don't see them separate lived here all my life and we've always admired this lot and one day we came by and there was a for sale sign so we called the people and bought the lot that day it's a great little piece of property they have good views and what a beautiful spot to have a cabin the three things that are really important to me our front porch I want a single level and then I was considering a place to hang coats and such and maybe take off boots we'd like to have some barbecues and have some friends over and move in before the fall [Music] it's our job to build the homes with the logs but we also work with an interior designer called Abby she's smart she comes up with ideas I would never think of good to see ya today we're meeting Bobby and Mike your budgets are limited but I'm still looking forward to see what when you for their dream house I'm LV I'll be your Bobby I'm Bobby nice to meet you the tricky part about it is we don't have much space but I think it's somebody's last it's only a little bit more about your a lot so we have two acres and mike has a big shop that we built so we're interested in putting just a little tiny cabinet right next to the shop we got our children raised and we're gonna get rid of some of our stuff and we don't even have a dog anymore you have Mike we have Mike yeah I've drawn up some initial ideas at 600 square feet this will make a small but beautifully crafted log home Bobby and Mike's two acre lot will be a stunning setting for this cabin alvey's team will build a large l-shaped porch to wrap around the house this will be a great place to enjoy the Montana summers they'll fit handcrafted railings that will provide a rustic finish to the porch inside the living space will be to the lens with a separate side door out to the porch this whole area will feel spacious with a high vaulted ceiling and exposed log purlins the kitchen will be at the back of the cabinet a large window will provide stunning views of the backyard and the rocky mountains in the distance the bathroom in the sleeping area will be on the far side of the cabin it'll be cozy and to finish even this small cabin by the end of the summer is going to be a massive challenge for LV and Abbey this is nice this is great like the railing it's a small cabin you know a lot of homes are like that nowadays it's gonna be wonderful she wants a log cabin and that's what she's gonna get we're really going to have to get moving if we're going to get this done by end of summer it's going to be tight [Music] at LG's yard in Montana the crew is starting work on Bobby and Mike's cabin they must work fast the couple wants to move in before the end of the summer my son DRI is drawing the plans for Bobby Mike's house it's his first project most people think that all Amish people just ride around in a horse and buggy and milk the cows but our family in our community use technology on a daily basis so how's Mike and Bobby's plan coming on I added an extra row of logs here it looks really good this first time I've seen that 3d I can't wait to see the real thing going together at their yard elby's crew must cut all the logs besides and piece the walls and roof together to check everything fits then they must dismantle everything's to truck the cabin to Bobby and Mike's lot in Livingston my nephew Joseph is going to be in charge of cutting all the logs to size here in the yard Bobby says he want something a little different here you can see the L of the porch we set it up we'll just make sure we get this porch tied together the porch headers it's gonna be a good good house so let's get her done huh let's do it over in the rail shop my brother Jose and his wife Priscilla are getting started on the railing for the porch we take small pieces of wood that grow up in our high altitude for us and we actually hand peel them that's what my wife does here you don't want to arm wrestle with her she's got muscles from feeling you know I'm joy coming down and just getting some physical exercise my arms get tired but I like the feeling we have four children together two youngest ones course they tagged along with dad when they can if I'm working a lot of fun they keep us busy did you we have to measure each rail for the specific length and make sure everything fits so everything's preassembled here and then once we take it on site to actually put it together at Bobby Taylor's home and everything's supposed to just pop together while they finish at the rail shop I'm working on some of the more difficult notches on Bobby Mike's cabin preparing the logs on site is a tricky job the hip log is important because it's the way you join the porch roof together as it turns a quarter first I joined the to porch header logs together and then I make it notch [Music] bring the hip login and results in three logs in one night today's a big day the readings are done and the boys are loading the logs onto Joe's truck [Music] let's take its ease in the other that's wonderful Joe's got a long journey ahead of him I hope he can get done quickly because he's also got a pickup an extra load along the way so yeah the only thing I'm really worried about is that lumber other than that just making sure you get Bobby Taylor's log home tour safely and all in one piece make sure my straps are good and tight so I don't mark upper lives [Music] Joe has a 100 mile journey to Columbia Falls where he'll pick up Bobby and Mike's decking then it's about a 350 mile drive south right through the heart of Montana if everything goes to plan Joe should make it to Bobby's lot in around six and a half hours we're all loaded up next stop Columbia Falls when the Bobby and Mike with the logs on their way welcome to the shop Bobby heads over to Abbey's store in Bozeman to discuss the design for the inside of the cabin I wonder who would put a horse in their house someone would you might have know or how about a mannequin you want a naked man today I'm hoping to discuss with Abby things like the furnishings yeah I've been collecting teapots for 40 years so that's important for me to get my teapots in the cabin let's start the layout okay okay space management is really important to make this cabin feel like a home Abby will create a seating area in the corner with a sectional and an ottoman or a coffee table this will leave enough space for a small dining table or mobile island with stools in the center the fridge freezer will fit in the far right of the kitchen with cabinets all the way along the back wall open shelving in the corner will display Bobby's teapot collection and above the kitchen window another large shelf who run all the way around the cabin making use of the tall walls Abby is also considering a six-foot half wall for mounting the TV and to provide some privacy in the bedroom this will preserve the open feel of the cabin [Music] you're out here hanging out because like goes to bed early what's the opposite I'm the one that goes to bed early okay and I bet he parties he's pretty loud huh no so dream and she said this is on her bucket list and remake all the reality for it I know Joe the truck driver should be pretty close to making his first stop to pick up the decking from Mike and bobbies porch he's already got a full load of logs so we're hoping there's room for the extra lumber we can't afford any holdups on this job there's a deadline summer [Music] well we're here let's go find out what we got how's it going I'm just picking up one piece I guess one skiff that's what I was told you never know if it's two boards or if it's 250 boards do you know what the hell it looks like if it's too much and then we get a problem exactly oh we got a problem in Montana alvey's trucker Joe is on his way to Livingston with Bobby and Mike's cabin he stopped off to pick up some extra lumber for the decking but there may not be room for it on his truck gonna be a little odd just what I had for the piece that they're gonna put on it wasn't wide enough see that big tall thing sticking up you can put it there [Music] yeah it looks good it's gonna fit up there perfectly I should be good right so I actually had to throw it on top of another piece a little bit higher than I want it to be hopefully we get there before nightfall [Music] by the wind and the Sun I figured about five hours so it should we should make her here we go live in Montana with the logs finally on their way Elvie has one last morning with the family before heading off to start the build it's time for school morning's can be kind of hectic at her house the two girls are going to school Brina she's 12 and Jana she's 7 have a nice day at school well let's not be late what a nice morning we tried to teach the children good morals and good instructions in the basics you know reading writing arithmetic they also learned German and English so they're bilingual teslic sistiana is this little the setting of the school is beautiful with the mountain views and the meadow there in the pines and it's a real blessing we're really happy to have it have a good day at school bye girls [Music] [Applause] I'm on my way to Bobby and Mike's Joe should be almost there with the logs but he's not out of the woods yet we still have to work out how we're gonna get the logs unloaded this is really going to challenge Jones driving skills you got three foot ditches on one side you got dead stumps on the other little trees let alone it's tight doing log homes like this you're on the back roads or on road you shouldn't even be on I mean you're trying to do the impossible a lot of things it's kind of fun I like it I like the challenge Joe has to be really careful with those logs if a log rolls off the truck it can break that ditch is gonna be a killer for me and I can't go that way cuz of that tree Joe's sim I can't make it round the tight corner but Bobby thinks he could drive through a field on the other side of the property what do you think they're played ray of that truck in here I don't want it just to go poop well it's rained here the last couple of days so it's spongy and weighing that much weight I'm probably gonna sink down about two feet there's no way I could make it so we just chose to offload right here I'll unload the back end and then we just move back and forth as we need to unload all the rest room I got close enough for the forklift to have extended boom and so they're happy I'm happy they're making light work out of it with the sixth time forklift whoa Bobby Bobby is a well girl she's so excited so pumped up for this house when I come to a job site and I see an owner like that that smiles right away when they see the log that's beautiful to me that BT all over it so I know it's Bobby Taylor so that's good oh goody they're just about done trading the sun's coming out this is her dream and she's got it I'm gonna have to swing by when you're done and get a picture Oh that'd be nice have a cup of tea bring your four-wheeler with the logs on site alvey's crew can start reassembling bodies captain first job construct the porch dammit this will provide a great seating area during the summer months then they can start laying logs to enclose the 600 square foot inside space that Abby is designing [Music] to finish Bobby Mike's cabin by in this summer we need a good crew Benjamin's Foreman he's in charge of the job Phillip and Chris are also great and last but not least the youngest one of the team Jerry he's a character bull domination he dominates things we have a great crew of guys here that can dominate together dominating unity I guess you would say the Amish crews they just don't quit working I'm so happy hardest-working boys I ever seen [Music] hold it hold it jump it's a whole series of stuff you got to do when the log gets there you know you're gonna set it put it in the rebar and put in two 6-inch spike you got to screw it then you got to glue it it's kind of like playing banjo after a while you get some muscle memory going and then then it really flows [Music] [Applause] [Music] no swinging the log Jerry Phillip does a good enough job I love giving people a hard time sometimes it goes a little far but it's the inner redneck I guess the boys have worked really hard to get this first seven rows off but tomorrow the cream will come and that's when we'll really see bobbies Kevin come together I think it's about time to call it quits well that's a pretty good day hi guys today is the definition of ultimate domination [Applause] [Music] in Livingston Montana LG's crew is gearing up to put together the upper half of Bobby and Mike's dream cabin today is a really big day on site the crane is arriving and the goal is to finish assembling the end walls and the roof permits we want to minimize crane time so we've got to get moving when you look don't say on until it's on let's work together here today I'm on site but my voice is not too good a lost my voice over you got to give him a hard time every job that he comes on to work you know he always comes up with something he can't use the same excuse every time this morning idea rake its analyst I think the guys are probably happy I lost my voice cuz I can't yell at him who's off there way too long so I'm just gonna jump behind the forklift and move something's wrong caste other guys away cuz I can't talk to him and he jumped for the loader I said yeah that's a good place for you Alvey you know out of the way every crew boss runs her crew a little bit different so we're always butting heads and I had fun week he's he's my boss so what he says I do until he leaves not we do good job can you tilt it a little yeah give it a little drop we work together well he was here this morning just in time for doughnuts Thor throat was gone ear a so we can lose this cable real easy bring it down slow please well there's a little bit of a trick doing the Gabel okay bring it down the rebars you know the metal that we put in there just didn't match easy it's gonna be a very soft touch it was a little bit of tricky was a little bit the way crane operator set it and a little bit me maybe but anyway we got it yeah we're looking good [Music] in Bozeman Montana Abbi is visiting a local craftsman to discuss storage solutions for Bobby's home the reason I wanted to come meet with rust today is because I think he can make something as simple as storage be almost like an art piece which I'm really excited to see in Bobby's face what I'd love to do is create almost a wall storage unit that almost look like floating shelves till it hangs uh-huh I like to think of furniture is something that the grandkids are gonna fight over it's there forever when you make it it's done and when you make it out of steel and you make it out of wood it's not gonna fall apart it's not going anywhere in the cabin I have two large windows a front door I'm really excited to work with rust on this I think he's a really refined craftsman so what I want to do is I want to create a shelf that's 22 feet long I have such a struggle to work with him because I can't even look him in the eyes it's dreamy I think this would look close to the pine and I think these have too much of a banana so I think almost something that has a little espresso brown in it yeah would be really pretty I think ice I'm like a little bit idea that sounds cool yeah it's really cluck [Music] every day is different every project is different every client is different people like Abby who bring creativity what makes all the difference in the world I like working with people like that hey come check it out so this is it it's still hot this should be able to hold a lot of weight it's gonna be epic when it's done I think she's gonna be stoked the guys have done an amazing job so far the cabin is looking great you got the porch posts up and the porch header log up and the roof will come here over this looks really good so here we've got several kinds of wood this is a spruce log right here and you can see how incredibly fine these grains are which means it's very slow growing very dense being so dense this type of wood makes the montana trees some of the most desirable for building log homes because they're so tight so you have this open area with a vaulted cathedral ceiling so this could be nice and airy and open even though it's a small area then the bedroom will be back in this corner and the bathroom is right here the bathroom window and it's gonna be beautiful [Music] looking amazing it's amazing to see the cabin coming together but there's one thing that's bothering me I've been thinking about having a separate entrance for a mudroom in the winter and the spring it can get really muddy around here so I think I'm gonna have a talk with LV about it and see if you can add a mudroom to this cabin I hope it's not gonna be too late we're making good progress on this cabin but Bobby's thrown a wrench in the works she wants an addition on the end of the cabin so we have to go back to the plans and figure out something as fast as we can now that's a tough one let me do a little thinking here [Music] [Applause] [Music] in Livingston Bobby and Mike have asked LV for a last-minute design change to their cabin they want to add an extra room Bobby's decided she wants to attach the mudroom on the end of the cabin which makes things a little more complicated [Music] Bobby would like to use part of the porch to create some extra internal square footage alvey's crew will have to shorten the original roofline so they can build an extension on the corner of the cabin it'll be narrower than the rest of the structure so the challenge will be dovetailing the two different roof profiles but once complete the mudroom will provide a buffer zone when you walk into the house and the additional storage will really help Abbey manage the interior space I think the mudroom is a great addition to Bobby Mike's cabin hopefully we can stay on schedule and get this done by the end of the summer [Music] [Applause] my mom wow it looks great hey what do you think coming together wow that's great yeah let's take a look yeah this is no but the guy just thought through and at the end of it wow the smell is amazing that whole place is just gonna smell so wonderful in the craftsmanship and the amount of work that something like that takes it's breathtaking very excited for her so they'll be railing like there and here and here and here looks beautiful I think I could sit on this front porch right here yeah watch the chickens across the way first thing I thought is I hope she's not trying to build the cabin because she's got the work ethic of an ox and she's always trying to go go go yeah I wanted you to check out the ceiling the knotty pine depart yeah look at this log how beautiful it is not these three logs spanning the ceiling are probably the most impressive yeah well it's everything you wish for more I've been waiting all my life really good choice mama oh thank you thank you yes [Music] in Clyde Park Montana Bobby is meeting up with her dad Bob she's asked him to build a custom kitchen for her cabin are you doing I'm doing good make sure I get this measurement right for this next panel is gonna build oh wow that's nice yeah I've been a cabinet maker now for 22 years and I enjoy it I build all my kids kitchens I wanted to go either with maple or with the Hickory I thought you said you wanted alder no this is a maple it's harder than all of it well I don't know if it was between alder and maple I think I'd rather go with maple we're actually still hung in the air on this one we're not so sure this is all dude it looks so much nicer with not actually maple head no not we have any trouble working with the nuts nope well then I think that's what we should do we kind of debated about the wood a little bit we're going alder I won't change my mind again I promise we finally decided on Hickory yeah typical customer change your mind five times before the kitchen it's great that my dad is building my kitchen cabinets there's no slowing him down he's a young 84 years old back in Livingston alvey's team is installing Bobby's railings on the porch focus on the bottom there you go railings are like the icing on the cake they give the cabin that wall factor the pre-made pre-measured where you've got to line them up okay hold on okay there we go we're in installing the railings is not easy if one part is missing or doesn't fit it'll really hold us up this one's the test for Joe is too long we made it too long in Livingston Montana Benjamin and Jerry have discovered a problem with bobby and mike's railings we got all the way around I mean there's only five or six railings okay and but Joe us manages to get one wrong we're gonna have to send Joe it back to school while we mostly like to do is blame other people when things go wrong yeah I knew Joe us for a long time from the first day we've seen each other it was just competition climbing hills biking and this ain't on the log home we got a little trick up their sleeves that's gonna fix it make it just as good it'll just make us look better well I don't know about you but maybe me [Music] it is what it is but an ain't what it was right that's exact we are dead on I hope so we cut the thing in half and mold it to the side of the house often that's perfect looks really good looks like it grew their total domination total domination the railings in the portrait turned out beautiful I hope Bobby's gonna be happy with them the trick to saving like know that you're playing a little bit if you want to do it fast this is the first time that Chris was cutting out windows in this challenging the boss guy usually cuts them all out Benjamin said he'd like me to try it it's tough to be able to keep the cut straight so that they don't look ridiculous [Music] he did amazingly well for the first time I think Chris was definitely in full animal mode no doubt about it Alvie started to think saying that he's an animal but I think if he is an animal cutting out he's more something like a beaver if those two animals got together something stuff could happen pretty wild I don't think I'm gonna be an animal yep but I'm working towards my animal nests and cutting out windows and doors [Music] I better go back to work the next task facing Elvis team is to install the windows and doors and cut out the electrical boxes this is my son Nels he's an electrician he's here helping us out he's gonna do all the wiring on the cabin I got to drill some holes first [Music] well today we just looped some outlets in the living-room area the blog guys pre-drill and cut out the holes for your boxes my dad was upstairs and he just fished the wires once he seen him come up the holes and pulled him out good oh yeah that's foot and a half out glad take a little more really looking forward to see it finished it's gonna be really cool and I'm really happy for him hanging out on the porch and drink beer you up drink some beer so I heard he's and stuff good at that the crew did a great job in bobbing Mike's cabin now it's over to Abby to transform the interior today we arrived in Livingston and we're gonna finish up Bobby and Mike's cabin we have some shelves to be installed I'm just really excited to see it all come together [Music] longer almost exactly level that means your guys did a good job yep do they get a raise nope so it looks really good you know what the shelves look great rusted a good job on them they're very strong I was a little concerned that the shelves weren't gonna be able to hold all Bobby's treasures I think we're not gonna have any issues nice work they wanna hire this guy we have a lot of teapots I'm really not sure how we're gonna put them all away the LV I can help you photos I'll take this all right I love the mix of the Amish pieces with modern pieces with pieces that Bobby owns [Music] thanks for helping me carry this big boy in Bobby and I went back and forth about building a wall or building a screen that would separate the bedroom from the living room call this price it's a screen you see through it I know you can still see through it but I wanted to make it so it wasn't too heavy we'll see if she likes it it's something we kind of threw in there to test the waters some of the ideas that Abby comes up with seem kind of crazy but in the end they really work out she's got a really good eye yeah B can you help me out here what are we Dan installing really can you hold these for me to help me a little bit I needed Abby's help to put in a railing can I try the chainsaw you think you'd handle it let's try I'm always learning things from Abby so I thought I'd teach her a thing or two about putting in railings but one hand hear what I hear and hold on tight okay let's rock and roll I've never used a chainsaw so this could be really interested she's just sticked Interiors I think do you think I could get a job doing this I don't think so oh it was really important for us to make multiple seating areas on the front porch that she could enjoy with her family and friends I just like a good end table or what are they for yeah use them at end tables I've also used them as stools they're nuts right in there nice you keep on sitting on me we got to keep going I'm just so excited for her to come and see it I can't wait [Music] looking forward to see the cabin all finished yeah I'm really excited about seeing what Abby has done I wonder what Abby's done with my teapots how long have you got a nice couch to crash out on or getting clothes I can't wait to see what she's done to the porch Oh [Music] Wow check it out oh my gosh it's beautiful don't they got the really knob this is great oh wow that is so awesome I love it I can't hardly believe this dream has come true me and that porch looks beautiful that's awesome yeah welcome to your house what do you think Oh wonderful wonderful this is great well let's go check out inside I can't wait okay come check it out and I'll let you guys come on oh my gosh it's beautiful it's cute isn't oh my gosh it's so cute it's so nice oh oh I love it Abby did amazing with interior oh yeah if you see what you did with her teapots oh my gosh I had no idea I had so many of them either denied yeah how you can see it all and see every one of them teapot when I came in and seen what Abby had done but I was overwhelmed because I I didn't know I had that many teapots it's pretty wonderful I love my bookshelf is my car oh my gosh that is so so this is made by a local guy out of Bozeman uh-huh our goal was to come up with a way for you to display the things that you love that is so nice happy one-of-a-kind yep for sure made especially for your space Wow are you good it's solid forged iron there pretty hefty right over there very strong and heavy it took two of us to relate to hang them yeah you like the dark wood yeah I do if they look good against the logs are you happy with the mudroom I'm really happy with it it's a good thing you caught it before it was built so we can make that change with the double door like that it's gonna keep the weather out so much better [Music] you know and we first started talking our meetings we talked about the wall that was six feet tall and so we were able to accomplish that with the screen I know it's not like a sound barrier but visually it kind of makes it I like it I'm gonna like it especially for if we have guests and stuff I was actually surprised that this full fit because when we looked at the plans I wasn't sure that we were gonna even be able to have any space yeah I'm thrilled I love what you done with the bed it's beautiful you fluffed it up good at people you're gonna sleep well tonight it's amazing how small a space you can be in with a bedroom and still be comfortable I think it's just right that's all you need just a nice little cozy bed well let's go take a seat in the living room and enjoy the space Oh oh yeah it had a nice leather couch there I'll go take a nap okay uh-huh nice cozy I ain't moving yeah one of my favorite parts of this cabin is that Bobby's dad spent the time making all our cabinets he'll be 84 September 16th and there's some light colored so it makes it bright in here yes they're maple it turned out really really nice I just love it so is this everything that you dreamed of for so long oh it's everything I dreamed about it's beautiful happy yeah you guys make a great team I'll tell you what you guys did really really wonderful this is everything and more than I even dreamed of wow this is beautiful she's got the house of her dreams and it'll be sweet for the rest of her lives [Music] I couldn't believe how beautiful Abby had fixed up the porch and how she actually made it like a another living space those rockers are beautiful I'll be stuck in that rocker hurt Kelly gets to the couch I love this cabin I think it's really adorable it takes a team to do one of these and it's not just one person it's the homeowners dream it's LV building the cabin it's us meeting with the craftsmen and I think it's an amazing opportunity we're loving it I'm happy it's done well we still got some summer to enjoy it before the winter sets in I can't wait to have a few barbecues and have my whole family over to see it [Music] it's lovely it's finally come together they've got it all decorated you know the teapots or the cabinetry that my grandpa did to see it being built from the ground up and understanding what goes into it is just amazing I'm so happy for my mom and Mike you have such a beautiful kitchen love your new cabin mama will put my cabin right over there you know other side of the shed [Music] our dreams come true would this be the happiest couple in Livingston mine at the Tea Party sir Elvie did a great job on the outside Abby did a wonderful job on the inside what a dream team that made our dream home come true
Channel: Amish Meadows
Views: 381,241
Rating: 4.8337545 out of 5
Keywords: meadowlark, log, homes, amish, meadows, libby, Montana, cabin, cabins, handcrafted, rustic, custom, series, building, tv, show, amish dream homes, dream home, dream house, tiny house, construction, 20x30, montana lifestyle, country living, tiny home, tiny cabin, tiny log cabin, tiny log house, montana tiny cabin, anish tiny home, tiny log home
Id: XZywHDtATz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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