Why You Need Jesus AND a Counselor

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and this is why you need jesus and probably a mental health professional [Music] hello everyone my name is mary pablo and this is ascension presents okay it's a little bit about me i grew up in a catholic home you're actually in it right now super exciting after i got into my faith i used to be studying public relations and communications fun fact and then i switched over and in that semester of lapse i decided to take a couple of mental health classes because why not and i ended up falling in love with it and i have this idea of getting a double major in theology and psychology and i've been in ministry for a long time you don't have to know how many years um i've been in ministry for a while and i promise you that i use both degrees every single day of my life i always tell my students all of you should take anatomy because you have a body so i really think that all of us should know something about psychology because we have brains right john hopkins says that one out of four the statistic actually shocked me one out of four americans struggle with a diagnosable mental health illness and when i say a diagnosable one i think sometimes i'm going to talk gade about the power of words sometimes we throw words out there like oh i'm having a bad day i'm so depressed or oh man i'm so anxious like i'm not talking about just like moments of sadness i'm talking about clinical depression where there's like hormone chemical imbalances and there's something deeper so this is why i want to talk about this because i don't think it's being talked enough so let's do this first of all there is a lot of like stigmas in regards to this topic um why i actually talked to one of my friends who's a counselor i was like why do so many people hesitant to go to a counselor number one reason is probably going to be the stigma you kind of think that you have to be having hallucinations before you go to a counselor and that's a problem because all of us i think can benefit from a counselor because we live in a fallen world and i'm going to talk more about that later but one it's the stigma of i'm not messed up enough or things are just not bad enough i can handle it i i got this right self-sufficiency can totally ruin you fun fact but it's this idea of no like we need to do what we can to get help when we can so number one the stigma number two culturally speaking i'm hispanic so i'll speak for hispanics but i've actually talked to other friends that are from other cultures and they all kind of agree my family was super supportive when i wanted to study theology and psychology when i said i needed to go to a counselor some people were like um why is that i think one because families think like you have a problem we're gonna handle it in the family like me and you we're gonna talk about this and that's really beneficial that sounds really nice but they're in the same messed up family as you and that's not gonna be very helpful so we need to get that third opinion to be able to do this and another one and i'm seeing this a lot especially with catholic and the catholic world we have this lie in our head that if we go to a counselor it means that god's not good enough that god's not enough like oh you have issues with just and i've literally have heard people say this i retweets to my students and i'm like no you struggle with depression you struggle with suicidal thoughts like you're just not praying enough i'm sorry um if someone is bleeding out and next to you are you just gonna be like oh you're bleeding out like just pray hard and and the bleeding's just gonna stop thankfully god works through these things god works through mental health professionals in the same way he works through doctors and we need to be able to use both faith and science yeah they're friends they go together we need to be able to use both of them to be able to do the best we can and the coolest part and i'm just going to nerd out real quick because i'm i'm a jesus nerd let's just face it jesus knew this like just dive into scripture i teach morality in sacraments and i and i love going down to the beginning the beginning genesis right we all know the story seven days one two three we're the best part what's up that a part day seven there's a whole day for rest did jesus need to rest like did god need to rest god is god i promise you god did not need rest but he dedicates a whole day for it the sabbath day why for my mental health because i need help i need a day where i just am relaxing and going on nature walks and praying and just taking a minute have you guys ever noticed just look around on sundays at mass sometimes people just have like breakdowns at mass why is that it's probably the only hour out of the whole week that you're silent and that you have time to process and think so yeah jesus definitely cares about our mental health god definitely cares and we see that not only in genesis but jesus himself when he was curing people he didn't just cure them physically he cleared them like forgave their sins and emotionally and freed spirits he cared about the entirety of the human person that's awesome and and on another note right because there's so much more can we just talk a second about the sacrament of confession hi like can i get more mental health than that the entirety of the church um and i can go off for this for every single sacrament and every single like commandment they all care about not only like making you a better person physically but emotionally spiritually and mentally and that's why i love our church because it's awesome why do i think all of us can benefit it's because we're all messed up if you're human you have a chosen so do i in the beginning it was not so that wasn't god's plan in the garden of eden everything was perfect then sin came we just messed it all up but we needed that for freedom and well that's a whole another this wasn't in the original plan but we are in a fallen world and there are major trust issues and you and i have been hurt and if you're in a family i'm sure they're awesome i'm sure they've hurt you and i'm sure you've heard them and i don't have children yet but i promise you they're gonna need a counselor because of things that i do and that's okay because i'm not perfect only god is and that's how i'm going to baptize my kids and reclaim that they first belong to god who is perfect and not me because i am broken and this is why i think we can all benefit from jesus and a counselor because we all have areas in our lives that need healing and god wants to meet us there and he wants to restore so how do we take action i'm a very like let's do this kind of person step number one is going to be really obvious are you ready for this pray i know well duh mari i honestly if i was you i'd probably roll my eyes at myself at this point there's been an increase in the past year in all this and i think it's because we've had more time to stop and and be in silence and in a silence like god is able to bring up all those areas that sometimes and i do this myself i just rather keep busy than actually address my brokenness and in the silence and in prayer when i'm isolated when i retreat right retreats another way thing that god does when we retreat when we do all these things when we meditate the rosary it's supposed to be for meditation when we do all these things god can show us hey marty i know you're trying to avoid these but i really want to heal you i really want to make you better will you join me on this journey with me he doesn't just like push us down like a shaft and be like have fun like he walks with us and he enters those areas with us so one prayer silence so that god can show us what areas we need to work on and then once we know the areas we can actually seek help and that help can start off by first talking to your friends and talking to your loved ones that you trust start start there that's a great place to start actually but once you identify like i have depression issues you know i struggle with depression i struggle with anxiety i struggle with issues from childhood abuse i struggle with being like trust issues that have been deeply rooted in my childhood i have relationship issues i have commitment issues i have addiction issues like all these different things that maybe we need help in when we know the areas then we can seek proper help and so that's gonna be number three actually do something it sounds really nice oh yeah i'm gonna go see a counselor actually oh man as i'm saying this this was me a couple of months ago yeah yeah i'm gonna go see a counselor my friends were like have you made the appointment did you do it and they literally would check in on me until i did great friends by the way you should do that okay counseling can go really good it can go really good if you have the right counselor it can also go really bad if you don't finding a good counselor is going to be important if you care about your faith i would suggest finding a faith-based counselor that really understands you and if that means that you have to go to a couple of different counselors until you find one that fits that's totally fine and if that means you have to go if you're struggling with addiction that means you have to go to rehab go to rehab and if that means that you need more help because there's you know chemical imbalances get the help love yourself enough that you want to help yourself we're so big on helping other people but what are we doing for ourselves and if you need help seeking a catholic counselor or someone that's going to be good in the area or books or resources go to the description below we have a link that goes to my resource link on my website can you tell i like this stuff it's important and the best part of all this and this is why i love jesus and a counselor right jesus you know because jesus everything we're doing we'd do with him i love that image of saint thomas the doubter where jesus is like pointing and drawing saint thomas into the wounds he's not like saint thomas do it yourself i think that'd be really oh let's not talk about that that's gross he guides the hands of saint thomas into the wounds we're all broken and we all have things from our past that it's gonna hurt but like any wound in order for it to heal you have to go in take out all the gunky pus and so that it can heal properly and only god knows exactly how to pick things up and only god knows exactly what to do so that you and i can truly be healed so can we please put our pride down put our self-sufficiency down look into the eyes of the one who knows you and loves you and who wants to heal you and set you free and all you got to do is say yes so go out and take care of yourself because he loves you enough and because wait for it you're worth that thank you so much have a great day you
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 29,300
Rating: 4.9707928 out of 5
Keywords: ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, ascension youtube, mari pablo, mental health, spiritual health, counseling, mental and spiritual health, counseling and healing, catholic psychology, catholic therapists, catholic mental health
Id: UPzftuJ2URs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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