The Power of Words to Tell Lies or Speak Truth

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lies are like air they're everywhere oh that's hilarious [Music] hello my name is mari pablo and this is ascension presents so let's face it on a serious note um lies really are everywhere and the more that i think about it the more it frustrates me and because you and i are catholic and if you're not catholic super cool awesome great to have you here because you and i like know and and know that god is real the best part is that we know that truth has a name and truth has a face and as it says in john 16 jesus is the way the truth and the life and it's not about what i think and it's not about what you think i mean i'm sure you're super cool but it's about what actually is if we know this and we're all striving for truth and we're longing for truth why is it so complicated to discover what truth is how much time we got okay simple terms because we live in a fallen world because there's humans because there are major trust issues because we've been lied to and we lied to people because social media super cool but also such a hot mess so many filters and so many people doing so many things to alter their faces their voices their everything they don't even know who they are the real world do you remember that show mtv if you know what i'm talking about you i know your age it becomes a really big issue uh when we're so surrounded by it that it affects the way that we view ourselves so i teach juniors and there's a retreat that's all about what it means to be a son or daughter of god and that seems really simple but they can't get it like if i tell my student and i say this all the time like you're worthy and you're good and you have a great heart like they don't even know how to accept compliments and a part of that is because they've been sold so many things since they're little have you guys noticed that the closer you are to someone the worse you can call a person has anyone ever thought that's weird it's like oh i'm yeah i really love my brother and sister so i can call them x y and z not good things that i won't say on camera and that means that we're super tight uh no the words of maya angelou now don't want to butcher her words because she's awesome and she has way better words than me someday we'll be able to measure the power of words i think they are things they get on the walls they get in your wallpaper they get into your upholstery and finally into you and here's the problem the world is forgetting that words have power and they can be really good or really bad so what are we doing about it and all those labels that my students have said honestly like so many of them break my heart that they're not loved that they're a child that they're never going to amount to anything that they're a failure they're too fat they're too skinny um that they're never going to be like their siblings oh this is a big one that they're a burden oh man like these are really intense things you don't just say these things like oh you're so stupid and the worst part is is that our own students and our own self i catch myself doing this i say it to myself like i'm so stupid like oh man like dude no like i need to be careful with the words that i say about myself too because when you start believing these things when you start believing these lies you're gonna settle because you're gonna think that you are the lies and then the worst part is satan knows that and especially if you have a mixture of like anxiety or you struggle with all these different things then it's like mental health is a real thing but so spiritual warfare and satan who is the father of lies do not like that guy satan who is the father of lies is gonna tap into that and it's gonna tap into your deep wounds and it's gonna happen to your lies and when you're down he's gonna whisper those voices in your head and if you don't catch that it's gonna be really hard for him not to win and we do we can't let him win because jesus already won like the battle already won so like we can't go back to that so what are we gonna do about it and this is where i'm so excited to tell you one of the best kept secrets i don't know if it's a secret but one of the best things that i've ever discovered about our faith um and honestly catholics have a bad reputation on this are you ready it's the bible that's right i know i love this thing but if we're being honest i didn't fully understand this i thought it was just like growing up just like you know you've got your stories but scripture is truth hi you're welcome scripture is actually truth and as catholics we should know it and we should be quoting it and we should be speaking it and we should be doing something and proclaiming it if you understand that this is the truth when the lies come you can use scripture to combat it and jesus he's so smart jesus literally did this in the desert 40 days and 40 nights satan came in with his little being his little annoying self you know saying all these little voices to jesus and how did jesus combat every single one of those lies through scripture i'm going to be speaking a little bit about something i learned when i was in austria by a very smart priest and it's called rhema and so rhema is a greek word for spoken words so logos is words like the word and rhema is the spoken word so what happens when we can actually speak these out i want to be able to give you practicalities on how to actually claim truth and live in it the first one i think you can know this from my last video is going to be to actually stop and recognize the lies before you claim the truth you have to first bring the lies into the light so i want to invite you and if you want to do this right now like please go ahead it's a video you can put me on pause okay um go find a paper and pen [Music] now i want you to stop um and just take a moment to pray and i want you to write down every single lie that you've ever believed about yourself and then i want you to one by one say these words with me in the name of jesus i reject the lie that i'll give you some examples in the name of jesus i reject the lie that i am alone i reject the lie that i am not loved i reject the lie that i am forgotten this is a big one i reject the lie that i am a burden i reject the lie that i'm a failure that i am defined by my mistakes i reject the lie that i will never find happiness i reject the lie that i am stuck here no now that you've done the list this is the cool part um i want you to get those lies and i want you to crumble them up if you're pyro like me i'm kind of a pyro you can burn them and really like just put a giant x on them and what i love about this activity is this is something i've had to do not only about lies about myself but lies that i have believed about other women lies that i believe about men lies that i believe about marriage lies that i believe about a lot of people and honestly you'll see later um lies that i believe about god so now i want you to make a side list and write all those truths that go opposite of that i'll give you a minute and now in the name of jesus repeat after me in the name of jesus i claim the truth that i came to truth that i am never alone for you or with me i claim the truth that i am loved i can the truth that i belong to you and not my sins i came the truth that you can't forget me because literally you're god i claim the truth that i am not a burden but i am a gift and that my life has purpose i came to truth that i belong not only to this world but first and foremost i belong to you that's right and we can claim these truths then we can move on to round three and that's gonna be where we involve scripture so rhema is spoken words so the first thing you're gonna do is every single week i try to do this every week honestly i have better moments than not every week i try to pick one bible verse that i am going to read and meditate on for the whole week and so this bible verse is something typically that goes with like what i'm going through in my life an example that i always use like today when you hear god's voice heart in all your hearts okay the rhema would be today when i hear god's voice i will not harden my heart so all week i'm saying that all week and that's gonna be like something that i'm meditating on all week and proclaiming again power of words out loud and the lies and activity that we just did and speaking truth that shouldn't just be done in your head it needs to be done out loud because the more you speak things out again we see this in confession when you actually vocalize something you're breaking those chains like you know how we say um there is power okay i won't sing there's power in the name of jesus right like jesus just that one word by saying his name satan will leave just one word he will leave because that's how awesome he is um so by speaking these things out loud we are shedding the like taking it out of darkness and bringing it into the light and satan has no hold on that break those chains people this past week my rhema is a new one i actually found it it's from colossians 3. i admitted a mixture of like five three five and two six and it says put to death their forward is earthly in you and then later on it says um as therefore you received christ jesus the lord so live in him rooted and built in him and established in the faith so i kind of made a mixture and i put i will put to death what is earthly in me so that i may be rooted in and live solely for you o lord it was a stressful week and i was struggling with some pride and some of just my brokenness um some of my earthly things and so that verse i said it a lot and so what i do i text it to my friends i literally if you go upstairs i have it on my mirror in dry erase marker and i'll put it like on my background on my phone all week i am saying i will put to death what is earthly in me so that i may be rooted in and live solely for you oh lord if i'm tempted to gossip i'm time to do something bad i will put to death what is earthly in me o lord if i'm angry because someone at work really upset me i will put to death when it's earthly in me o lord so that i may be rooted in and live solely for you and by doing that i guys i promise you like if you just pick a rainbow every week it will change your life when you have really good friends that can keep you accountable that's a huge gift and so i have really awesome friends and there's a lot of times that i'll call and i'll be struggling with something and they'll literally be like okay mari what's the lie and i'm like like come on say it i'm like oh out loud like yes like okay in the name of jesus i reject the lie that i'm a failure they'll be like and then they'll say something like yeah that's dumb like what's the truth it's like okay in the name of jesus i claim the truth that i am not a failure i probably have to do this on a weekly basis um but the more that i do that bye bye father of lies i belong to he who is the father of all truth and that's how i'm going to be able to live this out i hope you have good friends if not we can be friends jesus is your friend jesus is a friend of mine so you want to live in truth you want to be freed from lies submerge yourself in the truth and i promise your world will be different and you'll be able to focus on what is good instead of all the junk that we see in this world which we don't belong to take that satan okay go to truth know it claim it live it breathe [Music] you
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 23,083
Rating: 4.9745598 out of 5
Keywords: mari pablo, ascension, ascension press, ascension presents, power of words, lies vs. truth, speaking truth, claiming truth, the way the truth and the life, jesus is the truth, scripture is truth, fighting lies with scripture, fighting lies, power of words sermon, rebuking lies, deliverance, deliverance prayer, rhema, rhema prayer, rhema with scripture, biblical truth, lies we tell ourselves, mental healing, mental health for catholics
Id: tWpRM8bLUwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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