Why you NEED a Modded Xbox 360 in 2024

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[Music] # damn bro I can't believe it's about  to be 2024 literally in one year it's about to   be nuked down 2025 and that is why on today's  video I'm going to be showing you why you need   a Modded Xbox 360 in 2024 because honestly  I've had my Modded Xbox 360 for about a year   and yo the amount of [ __ ] I learned didn't  know about and what it looks like today will   literally blow your [ __ ] mind mate  so let's open it up like And [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] subscribe [Music] ladies and gentlemen introducing the  fully custom Coba station and what you just   seen right there was a fully customizable Xbox  360 boot up I made myself and yo this is orora   you're not familiar with Aurora it's a custom  dashboard once again I fully customized it which   brings us to our first reason is customization  yo bro on a Modded Xbox 360 AKA and RGH console   bro the customizations are endless man as you  just seen I had my own custom boot up and the   loading screen the transition was a Coba station  like quick picture type thing you know and yo we   got the custom background kid Kenny AKA Kobe  team custom Song and all of this is possible   with the modded Xbox 360 yo and you can also apply  um custom covers where where's a this is a custom   cover this one test your controller test your  controller buttons and [ __ ] yeah cob like yo   you can do [ __ ] like this bro it's hella sick  man it's like literally making your own console   for you it's amazing man oh and before I continue  honestly there's like multiple types of uh Modded   Xbox 360s but we're going to be specifically  focused on RG hes they're more accessible than   jtags but they're more or less the same thing  it's just it really comes down to um the physical   Hardware of the console but for the sake of this  video and this console we're going to be referring   to Modded Xbox 360s to rghs all right number two  is mods now remember back in the day in Modern   Warfare 2 people would use mod menus or like GTA  money drops this is exactly how they did it with   a Modded Xbox 360 obviously like it's more or  less outdated that type of [ __ ] like first off   there's not as much players as there was before  and second off it's very accessible so every   like fifth person has a Modded Xbox on these type  of games but yo you could have mod menus online   and offline but yeah mod menus definitely like  something you can do with the Modded Xbox also   applications modded applications such as Aurora  which is what you're seeing on the screen right   now this is like a Modded Xbox 360 dashboard look  it shows my processor Graphics memory chassis   whatever the [ __ ] that is like the degrees  like it's fully modded with this interface and   like has its own menu like this you can restart  reboot shutdown file manager customizations you   know themes how I did my theme skins see like  Aurora is arguably the most popular and used   Modded Xbox 360 dashboard out there because of  how easy and custom it is like these are like   some of the custom themes I got look one color I  have no idea what this is but we can display it   real quick let me just restart the dashboard  see look already another custom like loading screen oh [ __ ] video SE G yo damn see this one  displays my avatar it's a bit glitchy but you see   there's there's custom skins there's no audio it's  green now type thing let's check out this Gears of   War skin out yeah I'm telling you guys this is  one of the best investments I've ever done in my   entire life regarding video games like dude look  at this custom Gears of War and as you seen before   like the catine and all that that was custom I  made that myself oh [ __ ] this is loud wa this   is sick check this out pictures are changing hey  hey hey he but that's so I also got to be careful   because yo as you can see this is in Spanish  o okay that's a bit loud sometimes it's in a   different language so you just want to be careful  hold up let's rever back to the custom cotin one   hell yeah nice calm Blissful and yeah this is what  I wanted to show also within Aurora um display no   wait not display cover layout I downloaded custom  ones off the internet but there's multiple cover   layouts like this the original one it's like  simple easy like this flip the covers and all   that there's multiple yo there's uh lazy stack  you know like some real video game type [ __ ]   like in your room it flips differently yeah I'm  just like it's so endless what you can do with a   Modded Xbox bro minimal this is the one I used to  have like go-to look easy boom boom zoom in flip   but now I be having what was it called ZM flip I  think I don't know well I don't know see it flips   pretty dope man yeah and there's also other modded  applications such as Dash launch Dash launch is a   hell great application because it's like a think  about it as like a file explorer in your Xbox   360 so it's more to set up like configurations  plugins settings this is the main menu type thing   behaviors it's real complicated and I definitely  do not recommend touching a bunch of random [ __ ]   like look at tutorials or I'm I'm I'm honestly  going to make a new video in the future like   indepth tutorial on specific things that you guys  want to know on how to use applications like this   but I'm just letting you know be careful with  these settings and yeah and another essential   modded application is called where is it at XCX  menu this is like Aurora it's like an interface   but it's my opinion like not as nice and easy  to navigate but it's a directory you know show   your like files your games and and all that to  manage this can definitely be used to boot up   games to install like dlc's and see the files  on your Xbox you know but obviously I like to   use Aurora and many other people do because  it's just nice to look at you know it's more   it's more of a a dashboard dashboard instead of a  directory like it's definitely a directory to you   know check your files out and whatnot but it's  aesthetically pleasing and all that [ __ ] all   right another modification you would like to do  on your Xbox 360 is getting a stealth server now   stealth servers is basically like it creates like  a hidden layer for your Xbox 360 to go on Xbox   Live because as you might assume if you connect  your Modded Xbox 360 to Xbox Live AKA Microsoft   servers they're going to detect it and you're  going to get console banned and to avoid that and   avoid spending money on key vaults you can invest  in something called a stealth server there's paid   stealth servers and there's free stealth servers  and just to like not get anyone confused this is   not free Xbox Live it just allows your Modded Xbox  360 to look like uh a retail Xbox 360 so you don't   get banned and some games out there do require  Xbox Live Gold but games like Modern Warfare 2   you don't need Xbox Live Gold so getting a stealth  server and hopping on a game like that is an easy   way to get your Modded Xbox 360 online and last  segment in the modification area is plugins so   basically plugins are mods that you install  on your Xbox 360 to do a certain function you   know it could be a custom color dashboard or a a  mod menu or a offline GTA I don't know fly menu   it's basically the mods itself they're called  plugins and this is why applications like Dash   launch are super needed because that is where you  put your plugins if we reopen Dash launch plugins   these are the slots to put like your mods at  and just as a disclaimer I want all you guys   to be super careful on what you put on your Xbox  360 because some of these plugins can definitely   crash and even corrupt your Xbox 360 even being  a trusted Source like I've downloaded mod menus   for Modern Warfare 2 specifically just to trick  shot offline and just [ __ ] around and it was a   bit scary because sometimes my Xbox 360 wouldn't  open like it wouldn't boot up I would turn it on   light turns on it's all good but it wouldn't like  ADV it wouldn't like go to the menu it wouldn't do   nothing there's ways to bypass the plugins and  disable them but just be careful guys do your   research properly and avoid websites with like  not a lot of like um what's it called like proof   or like credibility that's the word credibility  so yeah just do your research be careful and be   safe out there all right number three on the list  is that Modded Xbox 360s are extremely affordable   for what they really are and the reason for  that is there's a great company out there called   console Warehouse that make modded Xbox 360s I'm  not sponsored by them in any way but this is just   where I got it they install the main applications  such as Dash launch XCX menu Aurora and Etc and   they offer Xbox skins with affordable prices and  I can say that they're a reliable source because   their customer service is great and I've had this  Xbox 360 for literally exactly 1 year I ordered it   like around this time December like 23rd and got  it in like 2 3 weeks and honestly like I said it   was one of the greatest Investments I've ever done  regarding video games and Xbox 360s I'm learning   a lot I'm having a blast with this and so can  you all right next next topic this is a bit of   a sensitive and controversial topic I would say  but you can get free games on your Modded Xbox   360 now there's two ways to do this you can either  burn CDs on your Xbox like basically put the CD in   your Xbox and download it or you can pop them AKA  go on like a website and download Xbox 360 I'm not   saying I condone it or I don't condone it but you  can definitely get free games for your Modded Xbox   360 just takes a little bit of research and safety  on the internet so do what you will with that info all right last reason why you should get  a Modded Xbox 360 is something I never thought   would be ever possible on an Xbox 360 and that  is emulation guys when I tell you you can play   Xbox original games PlayStation 1 games Game Boy  games SN Sega Genesis Nintendo Diaz Mame and Amiga   360 games on an Xbox 360 I'm telling you it's  1,000% possible and that's another good thing   with console Warehouse where I got my Xbox 360  from is that they already downloaded a Playstation   1 emulator on my um console which is right here  they even made a custom cover with it damn let   get it I I don't got much but look I make custom  covers for them some of them don't work for some   reason I don't know maybe it's the copy I got but  bro you could literally play Playstation One games   on your Xbox 360 as so load it up this is all on  a 360 bro technology that moders can do in this   day and age is phenomenal bro like who would  have thought I'd be able to play Spyro with an   Xbox 360 controller on an Xbox 360 in 2024 bro  and yeah this console personally like only has   PlayStation 1 emulator cuz I don't know person I'm  not really well for now I'm not really interested   in other emulators but yo this is sick man Spyro  one PlayStation or not PlayStation [ __ ] Xbox 360   Bro Look I dashboard boom it's an Xbox 360  bro that is wild but like I said guys this   investment is 1,000% worth it you can do so much  you can have endless fun you know split screen   offline mods customization with everything I  showcased today I'm sure you guys would have   a blast for a console like this and let me know  down in the comments below do you think you're   going to get a Modded Xbox 360 in 2024 honestly  that is totally up to you my friend like I said   they're affordable customizable modifiable  and in my opinion Unlimited fun with friends   and family definitely worth it and yeah guys  as always if you enjoyed this coob video like   comment subscribe swag on stay lit and your boy  going to catch you in the next one take it easy [Music] peace
Channel: Cobatine
Views: 28,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox 360, xbox 360 memories, xbox 360 nostalgia, halo xbox 360, nostalgic xbox 360 games, mw2 nostalgia, xbox 360 in 2024, xbox 360 store shut down, modded xbox 360, xbox 360 rgh, xbox 360 aurora, modded xbox 360 in 2024, xbox 360 emulator, xbox 360 modded console, xbox 360 hacked, xbox 360 modding tutorial, xbox 360 jtag, emulators for xbox 360, custom dashboard, modded xbox in 2024, xbox 360 aurora skins, xbox 360 games, mw2 mod menu, xbox 360 mod menu
Id: dug57pa4PBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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