Why Yellowfang let ASHFUR in StarClan (Warrior Cats)

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so daco and i were talking and she brought to my attention an article written by the story team titled ashfur did star clan make a mistake and this article is huge it fully explains the plot reasons behind ask for being accepted in the star clan something the fandom has been debating since 2011 with the famous his only fault was to love too much quote spoken by [Music] yellowfang hi everyone akira here if you like warrior cats be sure to subscribe now let's talk about ashfur to summarize this quickly the ashford article considers killifang's judgment to be a major factor in the decision to allow him in this star clan which makes sense as squirrel flight's hope revealed that yellowfing is part of a group of starclan cats put together to judge the living the two factors and asked for being saved are said to be the following 1. yellowfang had a skewed perception of what love is after her troubled relationship with ragazar she saw ashford's love for squirrel flight as genuine because rocketstar was the example she was going off of and two star clan pitied aspher because he was brutally murdered by holy leaf let's talk yellowfang first raggedster in yellowfang's relationship was problematic raggedstar did abusive things and this isn't just my opinion the story team says the exact same thing from their article i quote he often manipulated her with guilt trips regarded her with resentment and openly mocked her when she made choices he disagreed with or when she rejected him but this is a very vague statement so i decided to pull out some specific examples from yellowfang's secret 1. raggedstar kills his own father in cold blood and lies about his motives saying he was defending yellowfang so he uses her name to cover up for a heinous act 2. he teases yellowfang for working on medicine just for the fun of it 3. when yellowfang decides to become a medicine cat he gets furious as if she was his property and he had a right to her kits 4 he constantly presses yellowfang into quitting medicine training despite that not being his choice to make 5. after yellowfang saves cloudpaw's life raggedstar is thankful only for a second before he berates her for practicing medicine yeah he's putting yellow thing down for what is an objectively honorable act 6. he completely disregards yelping's existence once broken kid is born and seven when yellowfang has genuine concerns about broken tail that are 100 founded in evidence he tells her to shut up and never question him so yeah ragged star was a bad dude but still he made it to starclan he did have his moments of admitting guilt and for whatever reason that was enough so if ragged star could do all this and still get in the star clan it actually isn't too big a stretch for ashford to fly under the radar morality is a slippery slope and ragged star certainly didn't help that without a doubt ragged star showed remorse and yellowfang believed in that remorse i mean she continued a relationship with raggedstar after he constantly mocked her and talked down to her she is a very forgiving cat too forgiving if you ask me so yellowfang can look at raggedstar and say that he learned his lesson so when ashfur comes in the trial she sees ragged star in him both cats are very bad at handling rejection and both cats brought danger upon others with their emotionally driven decisions also both cats were brutally murdered ragged star showed a lot of remorse for his actions and chances are when faced with the trial ashford did too yellowfang didn't feel right turning away ashfur because then it would bring into question whether rocketstar the cat she loved so deeply deserved to be in starclan so rather than face that emotional dilemma she lets ashford in and later on while ashford was in star clan it's obvious that the ancestors were riddled with guilt and uncertainty yellowfang is fast to change the subject when jay further questions her and when she player questions bluestar bluestar says that if ashford found his way he must belong that is what they all have to believe these are not the words of a cat who is confident these are the words of a cat who was praying she made the right decision so the final piece in this ash for making it in the star clan puzzle is holy leaf her decision to kill ashfur is described in the article to be what clinched ashford's place among the stars there was an element of pity in play a cat like holy leaf can kill ashfur and still make it in the star clan because she went on to help thunderclan out and sacrifice herself in battle but ashford being a dead cat didn't have the luxury of getting his own novella epic comeback plot twist and redemption arc who's to say he wouldn't have tried to be better and this uncertainty coupled with him probably acting very remorseful was just enough for him to become a starclan cat which of course was the wrong decision with all the impostor drama and the blockage of starclan that we're now facing but that's the whole point of the plot starclan made a mistake which is completely possible as the cats there are still subject to character flaws i think recognizing the fact that the warrior ancestors can make mistakes is important it will definitely be relevant with the questioning the warrior code plot that's already in place we'll see how things play out as more books release alright thanks for watching bye everyone you
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 42,162
Rating: 4.9831781 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, ashfur, analysis, animation, erin hunter, books
Id: S4ymvY9jchc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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