Top 10 Tomcats in Warrior Cats

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[Music] hi everyone akira here and welcome to my top 10 tomcats in warriors last month i did she cats so it's time i talk about the other half of the cast number 10 tiger heart star to start off list we have tiger star 2 tiger heart star i just find him to be a very interesting take on dads and warrior cats they found a way to make a dad that really cares for his son without necessarily making him soft and that's interesting considering most dads in these books just ignore children also i did think his super edition was nice number nine tolstar tolstar takes number nine on the list because his super edition is seriously among the best probably the best prequel super edition i like a flawed protagonist i like seeing him discover himself through his revenge plan and also him with jake is cute of course number eight shadow sight overall i do enjoy each and every one of the broken code protagonists so far and shadowside is no different i really just love the conflict of him being told what to do by several voices inside and outside his head and him just struggling to figure out who to trust it was interesting seeing him interact with the imposter asper and it is interesting seeing him interact with spire site i can't wait to see more number 7 older heart my opinions on alder heart are complicated to say the least two years ago i said he was my third least favorite cat because he was so darn boring but nowadays i just feel this warm feeling when i think of him there are a lot of male characters who are flat out jerks so it's nice to have a sensitive guy every once in a while his character arc wasn't amazing but there were a lot of cool things he did such as caring for twig kit and saving puddleshine number six tree tree is weird and you know i like weird it's always refreshing to have these cats with interesting stories pop up he had my heart the moment he told us to think bush it's super wholesome to have a character in the books who not only has the sole purpose of preventing fighting but is also outright unable to see the purpose and getting heated over trivial disputes and his ghost vision was an interesting touch because it's not often we see a non-main protagonist get special powers and i did absolutely feel for him through the isolation he faced in his novella he's a cool cat with an interesting backstory number five firestar if firestar wasn't good there wouldn't be warrior cuts in 2020 so we can start there the only reason so many people myself included don't have him as their number one favorite is just that as the original protagonist he does have some more basic qualities to him however i still see him as very good because he takes these basic hero qualities and makes for a very exciting good versus evil story both the times i read through the original six books i thoroughly enjoyed the challenges he faced having a single focused protagonist works really well and it's a shame warriors doesn't do this sort of thing for the main series anymore number four clear sky clear sky is the best villain in fact he's the only villain on this list as important as villains are to the story it's not often that i can really look at a villain and say wow this cat is so interesting and i want to learn as much as i can about them i mean tiger star and dirk tales serve their purpose as well and i wouldn't want to see the books without them but they're just not top 10 tomcat worthy in my opinion clear sky however is rather than just being born out of pure evil his downfall is very prominent and calculated you can see his pride in his protective nature slowly lead himself to be more shed off and more hostile around those with opposing viewpoints when he does bad things you can see exactly where he went wrong and of course his redemption arc was also interesting number 3 grey wing i really need to read john of the clans again sometime it really was refreshing having that whole new cast of cats and the terry on top was having grey wing as a protagonist there's something oddly relaxing about having a cat who really lacks much stake in the conflict at first only for him to slowly find in his heart what's worth fighting for the rivalry between him and clear sky was great i like how clear sky's moral grayness brought out some of the moral grayness that existed in gray wing as well also his relationship with turtle tale was adorable even though it had a sad ending it was nice to see them number two root spring my feelings on root spring are complicated i need to make another video on him sometime i just feel this emotional connection with root spring partially because i can relate to his feelings of irrational embarrassment especially when i look at my younger self and also he's just a cute sensitive boy he's like older heart but more expressive with his emotions and i do like the root spring bristle frost pairing just in the sense that the scenes they're together feel so emotionally charged if that makes sense like not just love but also fear embarrassment and a fierce back and forth between hope and doubt rootspring just feels alive to me alright before i go into my number one i have to share something that's a little embarrassing i was halfway through editing the video when i realized crowfather didn't even cross my mind when i was putting together the list i do like crowfather but at this point i'm too lazy to rearrange the whole list so let's just have him as an honorable mention even though he probably ranked number seven yeah i just find it interesting seeing how he developed and matured over time he caused his fair share of drama and he really overcame being an outsider on both the quest and in wing clan everything from his role on the quest to his sleeve pool relationship to his super edition was interesting he's a cool guy number one jay feather i always had a fondness for jayfeather from the very first moment i heard about him a little blind cat with a bad attitude and incredible powers will make some people roll their eyes and it's fine to have that opinion but i personally just find him to be interesting the perspective of a blind cat is unique to jayfeather the perspective of a cat with supernatural emotion sensitivity is also unique to him in the perspective of a more cynical and sarcastic cat again you really only see it with jayfeather you just don't get an experience similar to jayfeather and that's really important when a lot of male characters do have personalities that get duplicated bramblecloth to lionblaze elderherd to shadow sight greywing to hawk wing and tiger hurt but there is only one jayfeather and it's a good one i enjoy a character that is intelligent and likes to investigate makes the books more immersive and i find his sarcasm to be good humored for the most part especially as we find out how deeply he cares for certain cats as the books progress alright that's all for this video as always these are just my opinions feel free to disagree and goodbye
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 60,601
Rating: 4.9554849 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, analysis, animation, top 10, erin hunter, books
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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