Why Yandere Simulator Became a Disaster

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This is a great video, but I have one tiny little correction on my mind: his Update() function does not slow the game that much, at least as for now. Pathfinder and renderer are the main offenders.

Giant Update() function slows the development instead.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Dezhitse 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was a really good video. Detailed in all areas (both game and "Dev").

One question: where can I find all the scripts? I want to do a thorough search of some of his scripts and make a detailed post about it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Great video

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
recently there's been a major resurface of yandere simulator a game i haven't heard about for a long time 2015 was when 13 year old me first saw the game through some let's plays from markiplier and yeah it was just markiplier i didn't know at the time that this was in its early access stage but it's in early access so it'll be finished sometime soon right fast forward to 2020 i'm now an adult and not only am i confused that the game still hasn't been finished but what do i find questionable behavior endless exposed videos discord band speed runs which is funny how that became a thing and to top it all off someone made a similar and fixed version of yandere simulator a game that has been in development for six years in just two weeks the anime game that's all about killing and getting rid of rivals has been killed by yandere dev and his actions now i'm not here to [ __ ] on yandere dev and make one of those exposed videos that's already been done a million times instead i'd like to go over yandere dev's history not just to explain how his game went from establishing a massive fan base to the disaster it is today but also what he could have done to save his game and actually get it done way earlier before we get into the development cycle i think it's a good idea to give some context for those living underneath a rock so what is a yandere in the anime world a yandere is a person who is kind and loving at first but has an extreme level of devotion to a love of interest often acting all psychotic and such often they will demand undivided attention and will make sure absolutely no one develops love interest to their crush and that their crush won't fall in love with someone else or in a nutshell it's someone that's way too obsessed with her crushed so now that that's out of the way let's jump into the beginning all the way back to 2014. mean alex mahan as a freelance video game developer and a guy that watched a lot of anime alex developed an idea that would bring this yandere character to the video game world so 25 year old alex pitched the yandere simulator idea to the v board on 4chan on april 1st 2014. get it because the game's a joke after receiving a lot of positive feedback alex now had a reason to develop the game three days later on april 4 2014 the youtube channel yandere dev was created as a devlog to report the development process for yandere simulator his oldest videos show the prototypes and early builds of the video game releasing a new video whenever he adds new content eventually he released an early build to the public to try out and unfortunately i couldn't find when exactly he did that so i'll assume it was since the prototype existed his channel was relatively small at the time compared to the millions of subs he has today january 2015 was when youtubers started uploading some less plays of the game and at first the game still didn't gain much traction then slowly but surely with big youtubers such as pewdiepie and markiplier uploading their own let's play series the game exploded in its popularity and peaked around august of that year and everything seemed to be going well yandere simulator is getting populated yandere dev's channel is exploding and he seems to have grown a massive fan base but there was one huge issue the game faced on twitch on january 22nd 2016 twitch permanently banned yandere simulator meaning that if you ever dare to stream even a micro second of the game your account is banned and to make matters worse yandere dev was given absolutely no reason as to why it was banned it's no surprise that twitch has been notorious for its unreasonable bans especially to where it is today hey twitch why was i banned because i said so oh okay that's very reasonable okay so if the game got banned for a reason then why did the game get banned from twitch's guidelines the game would most likely have been banned from violence nudity torture or even from those panty shots now there's been a debate questioning twitch's decision on the band with some people saying what that's [ __ ] if these guidelines exist then why are games like grand theft auto 5 not banned and other people saying well it's no surprise since there's underage students involved in violence and panty shots yandere death announced his band the same day on both youtube and twitter however it took exactly one year later for yandere dev still no explanation from twitch to upload a video titled a warning to all game developers in which he questions more about his band from twitch on february 11 2017 yandere dev uploaded a video saying that he finally got a response from twitch well he got a response saying why it was ben but it still didn't really help much and unfortunately fixing the game would not get his game unbanned because twitch doesn't feel like checking frequently to make sure the game fits its guidelines so in other words there was nothing yandere dev could do the guidelines are just an excuse and twitch personally decides who lives and who dies i guess they're not fans of anime games unfortunately this is where all the happy fun times end because 2017 was also the beginning of all the bad things yandere dev was doing so it's been three years since development started and the game is still not released so what's the hold up yandere dev released a now deleted video titled yandere simulator's biggest problem talking about the one thing he was doing that was making the development process take longer to complete was it fixing bugs nope spending time with friends and family nope taking care of yourself nope enjoying yourself nope believe it or not the biggest problem here was the emails that's right folks yandere dev blames emails for the game's development taking so damn long he says he spends 8 to 12 hours a day looking at emails and that the only solution and i mean the only solution is to stop sending me stupid emails first let me respond to this by saying is it even humanly possible to be spending to 12 hours a day looking at emails so either this 8 to 12 hours excuse is total [ __ ] or alex is going insane from reading too many emails now here's the thing if someone like pewdiepie is getting like a million emails per day then it would be impossible to read and respond to all of them per day so the best thing to do is to either spend way less time looking and responding to emails responding to only friends family and other business opportunities helps or the better option don't look at the emails at all it's just as easy letting your fans know by saying hey i know you guys are sending me emails but please be aware that i won't be able to respond to all or any emails sent to me and this is the best solution because not only can you stop wasting your time scrolling through emails but whenever your fans send an email and never get a response they'll go well he did say he's too busy to look and respond to emails oh well it was worth a shot which means that they won't be mad at you and you might receive a lot less emails and be able to respond to more of them yet yandere dev didn't follow this he felt like he had to look at each and every email sent to him and ironically his video telling people to stop sending stupid emails led him to receiving even more stupid emails on march 1 2017 yandere dev announced a partnership with tinybuild an indie game publishing studio tiny builds all the game in its current state and partnered with yandere dev to help finance the game and send one of their programmers to help with the code what the programmer was supposed to do was to help port the game from unity 4 to unity 5 the game engine yandere dev was using and support the code written in javascript to she sharp that was until he read the code thousands upon thousands of garbage code involving a mountain of if and else statements yandere dev practically wrote an entire novel where the book was written with some egyptian hieroglyphics i know everyone has talked about how yandere dev's code is all spaghetti and such but i'm sitting here legitimately surprised he spent so much time writing this code without the single thought am i doing something wrong here no wonder development is taking too long yeah the code may work but it certainly doesn't work well in the unity engine there are two default functions every programming script has the update function and the start function the update function runs whatever code is in it every single frame while the start function runs whatever code is in it right when a scene loads the reason i'm bringing this up is that yandere simulator's code was running a lot in the update function and since tens of thousands of lines of code was running every single frame that means the game was running very very badly look whenever you develop a game you can't just go it just works and not bother to fix any problems since this game is running on the pc you have to make sure your game not only works but is also quick efficient and easy to fix valve develops games almost exclusively for the pc and if they're games such as team fortress 2 our portal can't run well on the average pc which isn't super powerful then they'll be losing a lot of numbers luckily the programmer was able to rewrite a lot of the code to make it more efficient and easier to look at but oh no yandere dev couldn't read the code this isn't supposed to be good it's supposed to be some egyptian hieroglyphics unfortunately in december 2017 the partnership with tiny bill broke because yandere dev was more focused on finishing the game which he said he couldn't because the programmer was too busy fixing the code he couldn't read the code and that the programmer was rude so tinybuild packed her bags and left with the disgusted fakes look i've coded with c-sharp and have used the unity engine to make games which is also the same engine yandere dev uses and even though i still barely know how to code it's okay to not know how to code as long as you're willing to learn heck the internet is full of answers and be open towards suggestions you don't have to take on every or any suggestions but it's still a good idea to listen i'm not sure if yandere to have had that feeling that he didn't want everything to go to waste which if that's the case then i totally understand but the problem with yandere dev is that he had the mentality it's my game so it's my rules 2018 was the beginning where it was very clear that not only was yandere simulator not going to be finished anytime soon but the true yandere dev was beginning to rise above the surface there was some drama and some videos going on in 2018 talking about the issues with yandere dev but it wasn't as well known as it is today this is the part where i go over a list of issues with yandere dev and a lot of these issues are still relevant today there's a lot to cover so we'll break these issues into certain parts first let's talk about the game itself in general the game fails to show what the game is supposed to be sometimes it's an actual stealth game and sometimes it's more like a sandbox game looking at the game itself it feels more like a sandbox rather than a simulator or stealth game plus if i were to play this for the first time without ever looking at a youtube video or some wiki page i would have no idea what i'm supposed to do from what i've heard one way to obtain in-game information is by getting instructions from infochan but that requires you to pay with believe it or not panty shots what it would have been helpful to at least throw in a dialogue or something but it's still possible to teach the player the main objective of the game without any sort of dialogue i'll quickly throw in minecraft as it's a good example here even though it is a sandbox game with no rules whatsoever and you can play the game however you want you'll still get what you're supposed to do in the game as it's all about mining and building things and for crying out loud that's what it says in the title of the game itself yandere simulator also suffers from feature creep which means that yandere dev is adding more and more content that doesn't ultimately affect the game while also making the game much more unstable some dialogue here and there is fine as long as it affects the game but adding a pointless feature like riding a bike to school because it makes you more healthy is better off being cut from the game after all when you're developing a super mario bros game you don't want to throw in some unicorns and ninjas all over the place and the final and biggest problem with the game is the stolen assets yandere simulator has had a history of various assets taken from creators without their permission the main character is a recolored version of the aoi character patch you can find in the unity asset store which is a problem considering that this was yandere dev's way of claiming the models were made by him various mmd assets where the creators state that they are for free use only so yandere dev isn't allowed to make a profit if he continues with this and there's a lot more essence to point out but that would be a long list to read out we'll stop here and move on to the other part yandere dev himself yandere dev's past self on the internet was under the username and face you may known as eva xf fun who he started out on the websites like 4chan on the v board and gia online throughout the 2000s he's been infamous for annoying people and spamming his stream links as long as posting some questionable stuff and while some people may think well this all happened a long time ago and i'm sure he's changed instead of learning and owning up to his past mistakes yandere dev pulled some excuses and still has the same rude behavior today due to the stress and aggravation over years and years of the game's development 2018 became the year yandere dev started to crack he would often give incredibly rude and unprofessional responses to fans calling them stupid or whatever long ran he goes on in fact he probably spent more time giving these responses in moderating his discord in reddit than actually developing the game itself he hardly had any volunteers as he frequently complained about volunteers saying that there were too many quote-unquote edgy teenagers and when he did have volunteers they would often receive bad relationships and communication with yandere dev i mean a google form having you explain who you are and what you want to volunteer and upload some examples isn't such a bad idea and most predominantly yandere dev couldn't take even the slightest form of criticism let me just say that it is totally understandable that negative criticism is a scary thing to deal with and nobody likes to receive it negative criticism is meant to point out some issues with any product and to help the developers understand those issues and learn from their mistakes there's a big difference between someone being constructive and someone being toxic you think when scott coffin received negative criticism for his old game chipper and sons co he sat down at a computer and typed in angry response saying listen here you little [ __ ] no he accepted responsibility from his mistakes and he used that negative criticism he received to create his biggest success finance at freddy's but unfortunately yandere dev wasn't scott coffin it didn't matter whether would help his game or it was harassment he's gone on a massive spring to delete people's criticism on his discord server subreddit and place false copyright strikes on youtube for anyone criticizing him or his game also please don't do that to this video the banning on discord has gotten so bad that someone had the idea hey if he's banning so many people let's see how fast we can get banned and thus the yandere dev discord band speedrun was born and a lot of them were really fast from a few seconds till literally when you press the join button and there were a lot of people banned not just including the speed runs according to yandere dev as of july 13th 2020 over 48 000 users have been banned from his discord server he also made an entire page on the official yandere similar website with the sole purpose of debunking criticism which was pretty useless since it was just him saying while providing some weak excuses he also uploaded a video on november 11 2018 titled hate and shame where he uses young girl and some gremlins to represent him as a young girl and the critics as the gremlins that's right folks i joseph r carroll emmanuel for speaking the truth unfortunately for yandere dev this video became infamous and received some backlash for him playing the victim card and him attempting to gain some sympathy so those were the main issues revolving around yandere dev there's plenty of other stuff like him streaming too frequently on twitch instead of coding using his money for whatever he wants instead of development for the game and just being a not so great person in general all the issues exposed have spread like wildfire especially in 2020 and now after his asset got leaked in late june 2020 an indie game programmer by the name of dr apis recreated a version of yonder simulator called lovesick which is now known as love letter fixing most of its issues such as the optimization problems in only two weeks yandere dev tried everything he could to stop this from being developed but there was nothing he could do now there is no reason for him to finish the game and now there are millions upon millions of videos saying that after six years of development hell this is the end of yandere simulator was there anything yandere dev could have done to save this game and himself absolutely could he still save himself judging by his repeated actions i highly doubt this would be possible i do think the game has some potential i really do yandere simulator could have been this idea that was well experienced and well enjoyed by the internet but it was horribly executed what yandere dev was doing overall was way too ambitious i wish he would define a goal to meet scale his game down much further focus on making the most important features work and then build just enough extra features that would affect the game's experience and prioritize his time better it would be great if you take a break spend time with friends or family take care of yourself and even enjoy yourself there's plenty of good anime and video games for you to enjoy but instead he let his pride get in the way his desire to want more and more to add to the game let him facing consequences without him realizing it he spent way too much time on the internet moderating all the criticism he was receiving on all his social media platforms and most importantly he didn't take any responsibilities for his repeated bad actions so let's all raise our chalices up in the air for our fallen video game developer titan yandere dev my name is joseph r carroll thanks for watching this video and i'll see you soon
Channel: Joseph R. Carroll
Views: 453,694
Rating: 4.9034386 out of 5
Keywords: yandere simulator, joseph r carroll, the truth behind yandere simulator, joseph carroll, yandere sim, yandere, the real yandere dev, yandere simulator 2020, yandere dev, love sick, love letter, yandere dev discord, yandere dev discord ban speedrun, evaxephon, commentary, video games, video game development, kabloosh, yandere simulator drama, yandere dev drama, love sick game, love sick gameplay, video game development hell, yanderedev meme, yanderedev, yanderedev reddit
Id: HlFtrW4qSGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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