Why We’re MUCH More Related Than We Think | Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson and Ken Ham

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oh hi everyone guess who's back dr. Nathaniel Jenson the radical revolutionary man who's well scientists it was actually rewriting the history of the human race and dr. Jenson we're doing this series and you've done an incredible amount of research and because of all your genetics background and so on you have a series of presentations of giving and this really leads up to the publication of a new book in 2021 but you're calling this series the new history of the human race and we're much more related than we think and so part three that you gave last night well you talked about were the ancient Persians black black in quotes in other words dark now this one how to silently take over a country now that does sound revolutionary how to silently take over a country could most of Europe have had recent African ancestry might most Caucasians about dark-skinned ancestors for thousands of years man this is gonna have all sorts of political ramifications here I can see that but anyway it is over to you for part or yes we often think of our nationalities ethnicities in tight defined boxes and assume it's always been that way and you look at genetics and all those dearly cherished ideas get blown to smithereens but it gets blown to smithereens because the only way you can really answer these is either you've got a long family history that has been documented which there's nothing we can do about we have to have ancestors who decided well I'm gonna write down who I came from most people haven't so an absent absent that you can then look at genetics or you can look at some of the indirect clues which is what we've been doing the past three episodes we'll look at one more now and part of the reason I'm taking this approach again is one we do look at the genetics in detail some of the stuff is so shocking and hard to believe this this plows the ground a little bit to see okay I can see how it works I never would have thought it would have worked that way but it does play out this way so this is the new history of the human race and we're gonna uncover some really really revolutionary things about the history of who we came from and that's the main question that all this is revolving around who were our ancestors how do we connect to one another is it like the history books say and or as they imply that people kind of pop into existence and then disappear and there's no connections among them obviously that's not true but that's kind of the way it's presented and that's the way it's presented because we haven't had genetic data until now even the research I've been doing this is really new within just the past few years that we've come to these conclusions it's also helped us answer the question of what happened to these civilizations and how did they relate to you and me could we have some of these famous glorious civilizations the people there as part of our own family tree and we've seen increasing evidence that what we take for granted is not true I used to think that the ancient peoples were the ancestors of the modern ones the ancient Greeks the ancestors of the modern Greeks and I found this is not true and part of the clues to that conclusion come from looking at the history of human population growth the world is smaller than we think fewer somebody's in the past than the present in a dramatic way and then when we trace our individual family trees backward we do the math you can't go back and definitely you can't keep doubling your number of ancestors every generation just a few hundred years ago there's more ancestors in theory in my family tree than people alive can't be true so my mother and father must be more related to each other that I'm used to thinking about and maybe comfortable with me and my spouse my wife must be more related to each other than we think make her comfortable with and ultimately this isn't just something unique to one ethnicity or another at some point these ethnic groups have to start combining that's what the math implies we saw that genetics makes this extremely possible you can go from one very defined taken-for-granted ethnicity and become another one in just a few generations and today we want to look at how to silently take over a country and how easy this is to do with just a few consider patience is it possible that most of Europe has in their family tree recent African ancestry could it be that most of Europe traces back to the Africans just a few hundred years ago and when we think about African ancestry especially for our American viewing audience there is a history that comes to mind first a sad history the history of the transatlantic slave trade for which we have a tremendous amount of data I want to start there before I move on to a neglected slave trade that has potentially bigger impact on Europe so for Americans people of dark skin by and large are the result of the transatlantic slave trade begins around the 1500s twelve million Africans were loaded onto these ships against their will over a million died in transit a ten point seven million arrived in the Americas and this comes from logbooks of the slave ships we have fairly detailed documentation for this in the mainstream community this isn't really something that's disputed it's a very sad history now in terms of where in the Americas people ended up we again have detailed documentation for this a large chunk of people and I've drawn these arrows appropriate to the population size a large proportion of that ten point seven million ends up in South America another chunk ends up in the Caribbean in the West Indies and I've been surprised to learn that only a small fraction ends up going directly to North America which of course I live 10 lives many of our viewers probably live and an even tinier fraction less than 9,000 are brought to Europe now if you think about the purposes for the transatlantic slave trade back then in a sense it makes sense the gender ratio makes sense twice as many men as women were brought over and the purpose of course was to work in the fields we'll talk about the history of the Americas around the time of the arrival of the Europeans and prior to that in much more detail in future episodes for our purposes right now though when the Europeans came Oh there's many of the conquistadors and such the Portuguese the Spanish came over looking for gold plunder so forth and to extract usefulness from the land so eventually turns into having plantations in the tropical areas sugar cane and so forth the intention I think was to enslave the native peoples they underwent a dramatic population collapse due to introduced diseases overworking so forth the culture collapse and so Africans then were brought over to essentially take their place in the fields that's the sad history and it begins around the 1500 so Columbus arrives in 1492 I think it's the Portuguese ships that come around the west coast of Africa and and things don't take that long to get into full swing and if you look at the that year by year data you can see in this graph that it it's a trickle of slaves coming over in the 1500s to 1600 and 1600 it begins to pick up some more and you can see that the bulk of the slave trade happened 1700 early 1800s and it drops off quickly as legislation is introduced in Britain and Brazil the specific end to the slave trade varies by country as it's a result of when people pass anti-slavery laws the legacy of all this of course is seen in the populations of the Americas today if you look at the 2010 US census data and how people list their race so to speak of course we're not talking in them in an accurate sense per se race is simply different shades of brown as we emphasized over and over again it's worth repeating the racial categories we invent and use to put people down and elevate people are an artifact and in a consequence of man man's depraved nature but when we think of dark skin light skin often called black and white majority of the u.s. of course still says white what over ten percent now would say black and these are the descendants again the the offspring of those who came over during the slave trade this is probably people more detail than what people are familiar with but the concept is is something that rings a bell for many Americans what's less well known because it historically precedes it and perhaps because of politics is another African slave trade quite shockingly this slave trade involved about the same number of people eleven and a half million Africans enslaved the gender ratio was reversed because the purpose was different there were still and I'm getting to who these people were doing enslaving there was still some fieldwork that they were recruiting slaves and I'll say who that they is in a minute but the primary purpose was household labor household servitude and women for their harems so that's why there's this two to one females to males ratio in this neglected slave trade it began in the 600's and when to the 1800s so instead of lasting just three hundred three hundred and fifty years like the transatlantic slave trade it lasts twelve centuries and the geography of this slave trade is oriented differently obviously if this is the 600's and the old world Europe Asia isn't even aware that the new world the Americas exists they're not going to be sending slaves there instead this is across the Sahara into Europe into the Middle East and such and so now that you know the direction our viewers might begin to guess as to who this is and of course if you know your history and dates you might have a guess as well shaded in red here is some of the geographic realm of this kingdom and series of kingdoms what I'm talking about of course is the Islamic slave trade Mohammed arises in the 600's begins conquests and the Arabian Peninsula which is modern Saudi Arabia and such Oman Yemen and his followers eventually begin to conquer North Africa Middle East they reach Spain they're in Spain for hundreds of years in fact the last so in the band about the 700s the Islamic Raiders and people pursuing an Islamic Kingdom arrive in the Spanish to the Iberian Peninsula they're there for several hundred years they aren't finally pushed back out until after Columbus arrived in the New World so they're sitting in the America not just the Arabian Muslims but their slaves are sitting in Europe for hundreds of years and a lot of the slave trade even continues in the 1800s so if you think about the 1800s the dominant Muslim kingdom that is reaching into Europe is on the other side of Europe the Ottoman Empire I think 14 fifteen 1600s it's into the Balkan Peninsula modern Greece and Bulgaria and such and they even last into World War one I'm more familiar with World War two but if you think of that the dominant powers at the time the Ottoman Empire is there on the scene so this whole time twelve centuries you've got slaves moving from sub-saharan Africa into the Islamic kingdoms they're bringing people with them where they go you've gone Africans now in Europe what is the legacy of this centuries long over a millennium long slave trade what I want to do to answer that question is run through some hypothetical scenarios we'll make them as realistic as possible to see what a small difference between African descent people and Caucasian descent people can translate to in the modern day so I'm just gonna pick the year 1400 as a good starting point 1400 is after the Black Death has wiped out perhaps 30% of Europe so there's a big population loss there it comes from the east so in AD 1400 the population has dropped about 60 million Europeans and let's say just for sake of argument these are all Caucasians because I want to run a hypothetical scenario with that just to give you a sense for with maybe a more extreme case what a less extreme case would look like so let's say there's 60 million Caucasian Europeans so that the number 60 million comes from historical documentation it's a number that you can see and published works on historical population sizes I'm also going to say just for sake of argument that there were 60,000 African slaves that's a number I'm just pulling out of a hat saying what if there was just a small fraction we know that there's Islamic empires in Europe Spain and so forth that was there there's still not kicked out of Spain an ad for 1400 they've been there for hundreds of years so let's say they had 60,000 African slaves with them or maybe that the African slaves when she gave rise to this number of people my point here is just say what if a small fraction of Europe consists of African descent people's so just to give you a sense for what a dramatic difference this is 60 million verses sixty thousand what I'm saying is in AD 1400 just for fun let's say there's 99.9% of Europe is Caucasian in only 0.1% is dark-skinned the African descent because the Islamic slave trade what sort of consequence what sort of legacy would leave in Europe could could the African people take over Europe silently in a sense it's a much bigger scenario we're running of what we discussed in the previous episode thinking of individual family trees like my own and my wife's so I'm saying at this point given the numbers I just described in the previous slide one out of every thousand people in Europe is dark-skinned so if you're just wandering through Europe and 80 1,400 you're not going to run into a dark-skinned person much at all they represent just a small fraction so what legacy might they have going forward let's say that for the 60 million Europeans we give them a modest earth rate not a high one just a modest one and let's say for the peoples of African descent we give them a modest but slightly higher birth rate let's say that on average they have 20% more children it's not a big difference and to illustrate this let's put some real numbers on this let's say that the people of Caucasian descent let's say there's 10 to adze of Caucasian descent they have 10 sons that's population replacement I'm going to change these numbers a little bit but this is a good starting point because it's tough it's numbers we can wrap our minds around and put on the screen 20 percent more would mean the African descent people have 12 sons so to look at it visually tangibly you've got dark-skinned peoples light-skinned peoples this difference in reproductive rate would look like that and in fact I gave one of these slides to a person to make prettier and they didn't even notice that there was a difference between the left side of the screen and the right side you're wandering through Europe and there's 60 million Caucasian Europeans they have a modest birthrate the people of African descent have just a little bit more you probably wouldn't even notice it I don't think anyone would have written this down my point here is it's it's silent nearly so what happens next we talked about in our previous episode for an individual family tree if you've got an African who's part of the family tree where the vast majority of people are light-skinned he's likely to marry someone who's a light-skinned and so the next generation is middle brown skin tone this is genetics we covered in the last episode so I'm gonna change the lower left part of the screen to reflect the genetic reality they're probably middle brown skin tone is the offspring okay let's change these modest numbers that are easier to wrap our minds around is something a little bit more realistic so population replacement ten dads with ten sons means the Caucasian population doesn't grow let's give them some growth so I'm gonna change this to 100 dads have 110 sons I bump these numbers up because I don't want to talk about fractions we don't have half a son I don't have whole numbers so 100 dads have 110 sons it's a slow growth rate 20% more means 100 African descent dads have 132 sons so now let's convert this to absolute numbers we said n 80 1400 there's 60 million Caucasian descents 60,000 African descent what that means is the Caucasian descent people would have 66 million Caucasian offspring the African descent were just below 80 thousand so once again even though they have a slightly higher birth rate there they're still the dominant there's still the overwhelming minority there's an overwhelming majority of light-skinned peoples and even their offspring I'm saying here most likely would be middle brown the generation in the lower half of this screen becomes the ancestors of the next generation they're the parents now what would their children look like same song second verse once again the people of middle brown are likely going to marry Caucasian people's because they're still around point one percent or so there's still tens of millions of Caucasian people so their offspring are likely gonna be lighter skin tone and so you repeat this next generation these become the ancestors of the next generation the lower half of the screen ancestors of the next generation and in just a few generations as we covered in our last episode you can get light-skinned peoples so the genetics is the same what I'm altering for this episode is the numbers to see what a little difference in reproductive rates can do so let's say this difference in reproductive rates that again no one would probably even notice wouldn't bat an eye what if this continues for several hundred years what happens by the time you get to 1975 again everyone's probably gonna look Caucasian even though you had some dark-skinned people's back then they're in a overwhelming sea of light-skinned peoples yet they're producing more offspring again because of the genetics they eventually are light skinned but the peoples of African descent if they kept their genealogy well then by 1975 represents 6% of the population a small difference in reproductive rates over multiple generations can produce pretty big long-term effects so to go from 0.1 percent to 6 percent is a pretty big jump now viewers might look at the right side of the screen and say 99 percent to 94 big deal it's still an overwhelming sea of light-skinned people some of whom happen to have African ancestry well think about this in AD 1400 I said the peoples of African descent were one out of a thousand 8075 there now 1 out of 17 6% you're much more likely now to encounter somewhat of African scent you might not know it because they're light skin but that's the reality of running these numbers now let's take it one step further the Islamic slave trade didn't start in 80 1400 I said it starts when Muhammad begins his conquests shortly thereafter he starts in the 600's let's double the length of time this difference in reproductive rate can occur so I so I said from eighty fourteen hundred nineteen seventy five produces these numbers that's a that's a length of time of five hundred and seventy five years let's go let's let's double that length of time go backwards five hundred seventy five years and so make this even longer let's say this sort of difference happened beginning an eighteen excuse me an 825 ad by then the Muslims were in Spain let's say an eighty twenty five the first African descent people's Islamic slave trade people's dark-skinned people's come over to Spain and begin reproducing and they have a slightly higher reproductive rate than the Caucasian descent peoples and this sort of difference lasts for twice 575 years so it lasts from eighty eight twenty five to nineteen seventy five what happens then how many people's how many people in Europe would be of African descent the majority the majority of people's in this scenario in Europe would be light skinned but of African descent because of a small difference in reproductive rates this math is not intuitive but hopefully what you've seen is I've just given you a historically plausible scenario one that's gonna be very hard to know yay or nay who records for a millennium percent difference in reproductive rights it's very possible not something you notice you can easily have most of Europe be of African descent the only way to know for sure is to look at the genetics and to find out what the numbers are but hopefully our viewers can see that just running through these scenarios there's all sorts of possibilities taking over a country silently there's a lot easier than we think now just before we go on dr. Jensen would it be possible by having your DNA looked at you know and could they tell from that whether you have that sort of ancestry that's exactly what I want to discuss next some some of our viewers might say why I've taken a DNA test I know some of my colleagues here dancers and Genesis have they might say I already know the answer to your question I can tell you that I'm of European ancestry and I can tell you whether or not African shows up in my DNA well let's look at that to see what some of these popular tests can actually tell us some the major companies today include Family Tree DNA I've actually spoken to folks there 23andme ancestry DNA any one of these major companies our viewers may have already submitted a spit sample of blood sample to and they've said well here's your ancestry how much can these tests actually tell you you give him a hundred bucks did you actually learn anything beyond what you already know well this kind of goes back to what we discussed in the previous episode but instead of thinking in terms of visible features like is their skin light-skinned or dark-skinned I want to think about this family tree my family tree hypothetical family tree in terms of genetic percentage because that's what one of these companies is gonna email back to you mail back to you they're gonna say okay we sequenced your DNA now you're of twenty or twenty percent British 70% German these are the sorts of results they're gonna report you well let's think about what happens here let's say that this African man is part of my family tree but is in a dominant light-skinned group everyone else in this tree is light-skinned we saw how that changes the skin the descendants what about the genetics let's say this man is a hundred percent African at the genetic level well if he marries a Caucasian lady those children are gonna be fifty percent at the genetic level African it's probably best case scenario dark-skinned man marries a light-skinned lady children are fifty percent African because they get half their DNA for Mom half their DNA from dad well now the next generation what happens again in my family tree it's likely another Caucasian person so that fifty percent African child grows up marries a one hundred percent Caucasian person now they're children in other words the grandchildren of this dark-skinned man are going to be twenty five percent African at the genetic level every generation it drops by half so the next generation there's twenty five percent African individual marries another 100 percent Caucasian person now the children are 12.5 percent you get down to me I'm only six and a half six six and a quarter percent African at the genetic level well you might say ah see you can still detect this well drop it you know three percent is the next generation it drops off very fast here is the practical reality that many people don't know these commercial genetic testing companies do not look at your entire DNA sequence unless you pay them a lot of money your hundred-dollar test isn't gonna look at your whole DNA sequence it's only gonna look at the subset that tends to vary that's the first thing to consider second thing to consider is what these companies call African Caucasian British Chinese it's all proprietary and it differs best we know between these various companies and you might actually get different results and I have a colleague who said hey had my parents tested and I got tested and something showed up that wasn't present my parents well that's and and they used a variety of companies to different companies that's what happens that's a that's a practical reflection of this the biggest disaster though those aren't really that accurate thing below 10 percent practically what this means is below 10 percent tends not to be reliable the biggest factor that will we'll probably discuss in much more detail when we talk about Adam and Eve is there is a tremendous amount of DNA sharing why that exists is another topic for the day but as an exam ken and I might differ at a certain number of our DNA positions certain number of our DNA letters well those positions those letters work in and I differ I might actually have in common with a dark-skinned African man and where the dark-skinned African man and I differ at the DNA letters I might actually haven't come with the Chinese there's a huge amount of DNA sharing despite these visible differences in skin tone eye shape and so forth so what even mainstream geneticists have been talking about is that it looks like the genetics behind the so-called races represent just a small fraction of our DNA for our purposes in this discussion because that's a whole other discussion for another day it becomes that much more difficult to assign at the genetic level the label African how can you say this is African DNA if he shares it with people around the globe that's what makes it so difficult that's probably the biggest factor in the uncertainty in these genetic analyses so basically what I'm saying is if you've taken a DNA test five hundred dollars you probably haven't learned much more from what you already know in your family tree three four generations and if you want to know if most of Europe is of African descent the $100 test isn't gonna tell you you're gonna have to look somewhere else which is something we'll discuss in subsequent episodes its DNA test you can't find in the mainstream they're gonna tell you much deeper history so to answer the question where you came from your family tree DNA test your honor dollar ancestry.com or one of these other commercial genetic testing companies that's not gonna tell you who you came from beyond just a few generations so it's it's quite possible given what most people know today about their genetic history it's quite possible that most of Europe is of recent African descent we're gonna have to look elsewhere at a different type of DNA test to figure out whether or not this is true what we've seen today though is to take over a country is a lot easier than we think all it takes is a slight difference in reproductive rates that's virtually unnoticeable and boom you can have most of Europe be of recent African descent and at the same time be of light-skinned so you look at history the things we take for granted the things we assume are true may be very different from reality that's what we can see today and what we saw before of course was that at the genetic level looking at how genetics works racial ethnic change can happen a whole lot faster than we think well you know that our family trees must be much more connected than we think we like going back in history the world is much smaller than we think and so however you might answer the question and who do we come from there's a whole lot more possibilities at play then probably when you first started watching this so this is the new history of the human race there's a whole lot more left to discuss there's a lot of history we've yet to dive into but I trust this has expanded our viewers realm of possibilities as they think about the history of the human race well that is absolutely fascinating I get I gather you're not gonna be a marketing guru for some of these DNA companies it's maybe not for them but I anticipate many of our viewers will eventually ask us well what does it mean and I hope that as we go through this series they'll be able to make some of some sense of their own DNA results but there's there's there's huge potential here for understanding who we came from in a way that's different from the typical companies in fact I've been discussing with people internally do we start ancestry in Genesis to help people understand who they came from because the mainstream genetic testing companies because of looking at DNA that's inherited from both parents can't tell you much beyond a few generations and if we look at other DNA compartments they're assuming a hundreds of thousands of year timescale and so in theory even if evolution were true they couldn't tell you anything but the deepest history so the history of civilization is virtually inaccessible to the evolutionist by the way they've concocted their ideas and what we'll see is and not to give too much away the 6,000 year time scale is really the hero of this story it opens up the history of the human race and it radically rewrites it well this is gonna be fascinating I can't wait till that book comes out I think it's gonna be it's just gonna blow people's minds so we've done part 1 2 3 & 4 and people can go to our Answers in Genesis youtube channel where they'll be archived and then next week Saturday night Sunday night we will do part 5 and part 6 so how many parts you think there'll be overall dr. Jenson oh we might get up to 1520 there's just so many crazy things to discuss here we'll be here for a while and I hope that the content is as radicals we're selling it's radically rewritten how I view history and I trust to do the same for our viewers I've never heard anyone do it like this ever so this is really unique and God's given you a phenomenal gift so with that we will be back next week Saturday night and Sunday night 7 o'clock for parts 5 and part 6 in the new history of the human race we're much more related than we think the only changes take much less time than we think really fascinating so thank you dr. Jensen thank you
Channel: Answers in Genesis
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Id: mK9ZDMV_F8s
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Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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