Neglected biblical clues to ancient history (Part 20)

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well hi everyone Ken Ham here co-main says in Genesis Christ Museum in the I can count along with dr. nathaniel jean cindy has a PhD from Harvard University in biology and dr. Jason has been doing a lot of study in history because of his study in genetics and bringing them all together you know one of the things Nathanael that I have done over the years is made sure that we position Answers in Genesis is not just a Ministry of our creation evolution and the age of the earth and fossils it's a biblical authority ministry an evangelistic ministry but a biblical authority mission that's how I boys position this ministry because really what we're doing is to getting people to take the Bible seriously from the very beginning and you know we've been emphasizing that in biology and geology and astronomy and anthropology and what you're saying is we need to do that also in its history its genealogies looking at the history of civilizations and you're bringing the science of genetics and that history together and so in this particular episode which you've entitled neglected biblical clues to ancient history in other words I'm guessing from the description you gave me that you're going to be looking at the text and saying look what the text says if you take this seriously you have to rethink certain things about what we see about different civilizations and so I'm gonna hand over to you and let you take it from here and we'll sum up at the end and see what happens very good and I want to give cautions at the outset again and encourage all our viewers to be Bereans when we discuss the text of Scripture especially in Christian circles this is often a point of contention and if you've been a follower of Answers in Genesis for a long time you should know the right approach and the wrong approach especially that eisegesis exegesis terms how often do we hear people say well science says and therefore we need to reinterpret the subscription eisegesis reading things into the text instead of reading the Bible and viewing the world through that lens exegesis is letting the text speak for itself comparing Scripture with Scripture and then viewing the world through that lens I'm going to talk about today's some of the some of the other biblical clues I've missed going along in the text have been changed the way I view the world and events we see in the Bible that leave echoes in our DNA but all that's to come momentarily we've been focusing in early episodes on the relationships among living peoples today we're getting now closer and closer to the relationship between ancient cultures in the very first cultures post-flood cultures and you and I could there be relationships we've missed before now for me personally what I'm gonna describe today has its origins more immediate origins in 2015 back then I initiated a collaboration with a linguist from Wickliffe Bible Translators at that time I had been doing work on mitochondrial DNA which is just the technical term for the DNA inherited through the maternal line and if you followed previous episodes and work we've done Answers in Genesis we you know we've talked about the signature of the three wives of Noah's sons showing up in DNA the echo of the biblical account so that's that was published done by well let's let's keep going in the biblical text and look for the next major biblical event after the flood which would be Babel Genesis 10 Genesis 11 can we see the signature of Babel and my thought was this is a primarily linguistic event the cause effect is God confuses the languages that's the cause yet the effects commit there's gonna be a profound genetic signature surely so I said and asked him to work with me to say can we find an overlap between the genetic map of humanity which is what we see here in this slide and the linguistic map of humanity so I was looking at the the maternally inherited DNA the D it that the family tree based on that and the isolation or mixing of various lineages and trying to create a map of humanity and seeing if we could see parallels well we found a lot of disagreement and agreement is what led to some major discoveries and actually much of the history we've been discussing in previous episodes and it also forced me to go back and read the Bible with a closer eye and in more detail and more depth again I think I'm saying you should view with suspicion because I would do it with suspicion anytime someone says ah there's something we've missed in the Bible uh-huh you think this late stage in history we've been missing this all along so that you should view this with suspicion however another thing I've had to remember is we're all fallible human beings were finite and the infinite God has condescended to us given us his word which is a gigantic book that takes a lifetime to master it oftentimes it's sin that keeps us from seeing things in Scripture I can think of my own life in I've missed the beauty of holiness for many years because I've been enslaved to pornography in times past and and not wanting to see things the Bible says so there's that aspect to in the Bible teaches that so we're gonna compare Scripture with Scripture and I think we'll see some clues but I've neglected in times past that have big implications for how we look at the history of humanity and also lead to other confirmations of what the text says this is no episode 20 I'll review very quickly just in case some of not view the earlier ones what's come before episode 1 we looked at the history of people's history of human population growth to see that the world is a lot smaller than we think politics and people's are two very different entities there's overlap but there's different histories and different implications episode 2 we we reached a similar conclusion looking at the math of how many ancestors each of us have in our family trees to see connections we didn't expect to exist episodes 3 & 4 looked at ethnic change we all have stereotypes about how fast or slow so-called races can change well there are shades of brown but we still have this idea that we're all so different it takes a long time no it can happen very fast and your ancestry can be very different than you think you have the genetics of racial change ethic change combined with slight differences in reproductive rates one family is two kids one family is one and this can have dramatic consequences within a few hundred years episodes three and four episodes five and six form the foundation for all we've been discussing since we saw that there's clocks within each of our bodies marking off the passage of time the passage of generations and it's the male inherited DNA for technical reasons we discussed in those episodes the y chromosome the male inherited DNA that's the key to human history and this is a history you will not get through Family Tree DNA and it is commercial genetic testing companies because they have the mainstream time scale the real hero of the plot in all of this we've been discussing is the biblical time skill you don't see these echoes of history you don't see the smoking gun of human history unless you have the biblical timescale and this is this is a big shift for many years people in the apologetic creation/evolution debate have viewed and I've had the same view for a while viewed the age of the earth question is a geological astronomical question has little to do with biology so you can have old earth creationists we can we can fight evolution biological evolution but let's not disagree with the time scale I'm sorry now you can't do that anymore there's profound echoes of the time scale in biology you have to take a position applying this tree then to the question of human history we've seen lost relatives of Europe in episode 7 connections to India we didn't think possible in the recent past the explanation seems to be the Mongol Empire in its aftermath episode episode 8 there's Chinese connections to Europe we didn't think were present episode 9 we looked at the history of Western Europe and the Americas episode 10 to see a hidden history we didn't think was present before there's a there's a recent Central Asian connection for the majority of Western Europe and Caucasian Americas pre-columbian Americas is where we looked at episode 11 beginning episode 11 a revolution in mainstream archaeology so many of our stereotypes have changed we we saw applying this family tree of humanity to the question of the pre-columbian America is a shocking find the Americas will resettle at least once the today's Native Americans were not the first Native Americans and it may be the Native Americans themselves who recorded this episode 13 the Mayans they're down put down fall one of the great unsolved mysteries of archaeology maybe due to this invasion that we see now in genetics and the invasion we see only in the context of the 4500 year timescale from the Bible there's connections between Native Americans today's and Americans and Europe that passed through Central Asia episode 15 who were the first Native Americans the first Americans could they have connections the Pacific to the Australian Aborigines that's what we looked at in episode 16 we returned to Europe and episode 17 to look at the Vikings and other early European peoples and why they are not the dominant group today and may have something to do with the Black Death episode 18 we began to look at the Middle East and the Jews specifically and saw that the dominant Jewish lineage that's what it's been called in mainstream science is probably not Jewish in origin we'll return to the Jewish Question in future episodes we've listed the ancient Egyptians and Africa sub-saharan Africa as well and the connections between the two who would have connected them in the first millennium before Christ we saw that episode 19 well today wouldn't look at neglected biblical clues to ancient history and just to get our bearings to orient ourselves with the familiar before we get to the unfamiliar let's go to the seven seas of history which is a tremendous helpful tool for getting the broad big-picture scope of the history of the universe and the major points of departure from mainstream science and evolution creation corruption catastrophe confusion Christ's cross consummation you have the beginning of all things in Genesis one creation that traumatic fall of mankind corruption flood catastrophe in fusion of Babel and then the gospel Christ crossed consummation the future hope for believers so just to explore this then in the context of human history and anthropology creation as it relates to human history is God creating the first man and woman Adam and Eve not from primates and evolving them over millions of years but in six days about 6,000 years ago and creating them perfect without sin free from corruption that changes in Genesis chapter 3 when God curses the ground because of Adam and Eve's disobedience and sense and death follows both human death and animal death in this of course is a gigantic contradiction to those who hold and try to synthesize mainstream science evolution with the Bible Lucian's built on the survival of the fittest death and destruction of the unfit which happens in mainstream science for millions of years before humans arrived on the scene that's the opposite of what the Bible teaches and of course the gospel is that the most fit Jesus Christ comes and dies for you and me the unfit so the whole narrative direction of the Bible is reversed if you try to synthesize and harmonize so-called harmonized evolution with the Bible doesn't work catastrophes sin grows so pervasive and global that God judges the planet and reduces the human population size which had been growing to just eight for men for women Genesis 9 says as we're thinking about human history that from these three boys and my implication their wives these three couples Shem ham and Japheth the whole earth was repopulated so that means the y chromosomes that we have today come from now on his family and specifically those three boys this text seems to refute the idea that there may have been other children of the descendants of Noah and his wife after the flood it's these three couples that are our ancestors well sin returns the depraved human nature of mankind rears its ugly head in short order after the flood the whole earth Genesis 11 was one language in one speech but instead of spreading out like God commanded the people decided to try to build a tower to heaven and God judged that and forced that tower to stop being built and forced the people to scatter by confusing the languages it's pretty hard to work on a gigantic pyramid or other such tower when you can't talk to the guy next to you so this is what we rightly viewed as the impetus to the formation of the major Ethel enlisted groups that we see today now in 2015 as I mentioned I was working on this mitochondrial DNA this is that this DNA inherited from moms so the three boys of Noah and his family would have inherited their mitochondrial DNA from their wives but mrs. Noah's lineage would have stopped with her three boys because the boys don't pass it on I have my mother's but my four children have my wife's which means that our medical DNA comes from the three wives of Noah's sons were they sisters were the daughters of no oneness Noah I don't see much in the text that implies that and intriguingly we've seen these three ancient major groupings of mitochondrial DNA that truly inherited DNA in the global human family tree could this be the echo of the flood that's what I thought in 2015 so I thought let's take it the next step further after the flood these three wives of Noah's sons comes Babel and dispersion of people's so could we see an overlap between the genetic map of humanity and the linguistic map as I mentioned we found many points of contradiction which gave me pause for some time until the light bulb finally went on so I'm gonna to highlight be able to highlight more clearly the discoveries we made I'm gonna I'm gonna darken this map so you can still see in various shades of grey the major linguistic families and then show you the genetic implication so where we did find overlap was in those regions of the world that have in my mind at that then at that point in time were the most isolated regions of the world so linguistically you've got families here in Australia Papua New Guinea genetically look at maternally inherited DNA these were some of the most isolated ancient lineages on the planet in places where there's a long history of fighting conquest violence rape pillage and murder constant conflict in the Middle East so forth as an example we saw this agreement now a light bulb finally went on at some point which one I tell you it you're gonna say well of course why didn't you think of that before that's kind of what we thought why don't we think of this before but this is how it went one of the key light bulbs for me and which makes tremendous sense in retrospect came from looking at Africa so linguistically we've talked about this previously especially the last episode there's these major language families in Africa after is the attic which I'm saying is probably do that the geographic extent of it is probably do that the recent more recent Muslim conquests you but nilo-saharan Niger Congo and green coin and lime green and then the light at this teal green down here in South Africa due to the European migrations during the Age of Exploration okay why do I bring this up whoa genetically you can see lineages in Africa that connect to the new world why is that go back to the language map you can see these languages of Africa do not exist in the Americas sure you've got indo-european languages in South Africa and you've got in this this teal green also in the Americas notes on Europe you speak English in the US Spanish and Portuguese in Latin America you don't see Niger Congo spoken in the Americas you don't see after AC attic spoken in the Americas except for recent African immigrants middle-eastern immigrants you don't see a linguistic overlap by and large between the Americas and the in Africa but you do you see a genetic connection why is that well the sad explanation is the transatlantic slave trade and the resolution to our little dilemma is straightforward you can change your language you can't change your DNA the people who were forced onto the slave ships spoke these African languages but as they were forged under plantations in the new world and their descendants grew up in English speaking Spanish speaking Portuguese speaking cultures they learned these languages and grew up speaking them but their genetic history embedded in their DNA reflected their African origins well of course you can change your language you can't change your DNA why did you think of that sooner well that's what we thought why do we think of this sooner that began to resolve some of these discrepancies it also forced me to go back and look at the Scriptures anew and it's right to think about the seven seas of history there's seven days of creation it's a great number to think of it's a great overview of history this forced me to go back and look more carefully at other perhaps smaller events in the text that fill out some of the details within this larger framework of the seven seas so let's go back to the text and see what it actually says if you start with Genesis 1110 as I did you might be tempted to go looking for a Semitic line let's see what the Bible says it's about the Semitic line beginning in Genesis 12 one chapter later Genesis 12 Abraham in the line of Shem in the line of Eber the Hebrew peoples Abraham because of a famine goes down to Egypt which is the Hamitic line and it were not for the divine intervention of God they would be mixing between the Semitic and Hamitic lines at the very earliest stages Sarah was taken into Pharaoh's house and would have been his wife because Abraham told her to lie and say this is my sister well God intervened and nothing happens Sarah was returned to Abraham Sarai was returned to Abraham but that wasn't the only event that happened in Egypt Abraham brought with them perhaps due to that migration down and back out an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar and of course famously infamously Abraham fathers a child via Hagar Ishmael which many of you then is the long-standing explanation for the conflict between the Jews and the Arabs to the state my point is there's mixing between Hamitic and Semitic lines at the very earliest stages of human history and this is from the Bible not from science this is from the Bible itself fast-forward just a few generations Genesis 41 Joseph isn't Egypt and what I want us to notice here is that his wife is an Egyptian and if you think further forward in Israel Israel's history you'll know that Joseph's two boys Manasseh and Ephraim become part of the 12 tribes of Israel and Canaan those two whole tribes of Israel have as their mother in Egyptian of course Jacobs whole family comes to Egypt Pharaoh sends these carts that carry him down they multiply in Egypt Joseph and his family fast forward into the book of Exodus after hundreds of years of slavery depending on your review of short or long sojourn there they're quite some time and they come out of Egypt with 600,000 men plus women and children but not just Israelites a mixed multitude comes up with him who were these people were they of the Hamitic line where they have a different line there's mixing at these earliest stages in Israel's history and it doesn't stop there before they ever get to Canaan that people fall into sin commit harlotry with the women of Moab so how many peoples in the Middle East were running around it points in time thereafter of mixed Moabites Israelite ancestry they get to the land of Canaan they're commanded to wipe out the Canaanites and of course infamously many of the tribes failed to do so judges chapter 1 who will go up and fight against the Canaanites well Manasseh did not drive out the Canaanites they they failed to obey this command Ephraim did not drive out the Canaanites Zebulon did not drive out the Canaanites nastily did not drive out the Canaanites the amorite forced the children of Daryl into the mountains so even Israel here they're in the promised land and their dwelling among and perhaps intermixing with the peoples of the land the Semitic line doesn't stay a Semitic line necessarily King Solomon marries limit the Moabites the ammonites Sidonians hit heights in huge numbers he has 700 wires 300 concubines how many Israelites in later generations of the Israelite monarchy are running around being a mixed ethnic ancestry then of course the monarchy Falls the northern tribes carried away to Assyria part of the beginnings of the Jewish Diaspora and I say Jewish knowing that we've just discussed all sorts of this mixing prior to this the southern tribes fall twice to Babylon Nebuchadnezzar initial conquest carries people off into captivity he leaves some though the poorest of the land stay they get conquered again that boozer aden carries away captive people who remain to the king of babylon leave some of the poor the land yet even some of these people go a different direction all the people small and great a rosin went to Egypt Jeremiah records the same event johanan the son of Korea and the captains the forces would not obey the voice the Lord to remain in the land of Judah but took all the remnant of Judah who had returned to own the land of Judah went to the land of Egypt and this is all before the time of Christ and this is straight from the text this is not throwing in science this is what the Bible says about the history of the Semitic line and of course they get conquered by Rome Greece so forth this is from the arch of Titus them celebrating conquests the sack of Jerusalem around the time of Christ my point is this if you've been around Jewish people today you know there's long sighing traditions of maintaining Jewishness my time spent in Boston around Jewish people grew up be a lawyer dr. Mary good Jewish girl so let's say there's this tradition history among these peoples who have strong religious traditional reasons to stay within their groups and to marry people within their group if you have people like this who despite all this basis and reason for staying ethnically pure so to speak if they have all these reason to do so yet they're still intermixed and conquered and moved among and within groups around the globe or groups wider than just their local Israelite community how much more so would this be true for everyone else around the globe who does not have traditional cultural reasons to stay marrying within their group if this is what happens to Israel who has much reason to stay within their group yet they still get conquered how much more so this rule of thumb be true around the globe that's my point and this is from the Bible so when I add to this broad overview a specific point that I think is relevant one you're trying to answer the question of human history which is what we're trying to do in this series from the Bible I want to add to our sees conquest so this is I think the naive mistake I made going into the study with the linguist let's look for the echo of Babel well if you just read forward in the Bible you know it's Babel plus thousands of years of conquest and you're mixing just from history of Israel so you might say well this point well okay if you have to think about human history is the flood and Babel lots of conquest is it still valid to talk about the genetic echo of the three wives of Noah's sons if Babel is obscured by thousands of years of violence and carrying people away from their homelands planting them among other peoples should we expect to see this echo I think this is probably still a legitimate signature given the evidence we have so far but it's worth thinking about it critically going forward what about the y-chromosome though is it legitimate think about tracing our ancestry through these three boys and back to Noah yes of course typically it is the question that weighs should we expect to find that signature to this day yes these are ancient real events but have they been obscured by all this other mixing since then well let's take a look I've mentioned frequently in previous episodes that there's question about where exactly Noah is in this tree we're gonna look at that now in more depth and the reasons why he may be here versus there and we're future research will hopefully resolve this now I've said Noah is gonna be somewhere around here and we're sort of zoomed out so it's hard to see exactly what I mean I'm gonna say he could be up here and you might say oh I thought you said down here well yes it's vertically higher what matters here though is that time moves from left to right so this point up here is not that far removed from back here was so sort of talking about this this horizontal position from left to right ancient recent is still very ancient history could no I'll be up here could he be right here where I've been saying or down here it may be hard to see what I'm talking about we're gonna zoom in here momentarily let's start with that that upper one if you were to zoom in on this part of the tree you'd find a triad structure so if you're thinking about Noah having three boys and these three boys being at the fountainhead of the entire human race that's a good place to start could this be the signature of the the lineage of ham Shem and Japheth well if you use that point as the starting point for humanity and then you try to reconstruct the history of human population growth as a way to test whether or not it matches geology excuse me archaeology and in written history it matches quite well you might say well it's not the graph you showed earlier and it's there's good reason to be forgiven for thinking so because we'll see momentarily that the match between why chromosome history name in history is really good at multiple points in this tree so let me show you what I mean so if you drew no at that upper portion you get a good match between the tan lines and the blue blue is what we know from archaeology and from written history I've started it at a thousand BC because from that point forward there is lots of overlap between mainstream science and what the Bible says even mainstream people who don't believe the Bible will acknowledge yes David exists at around a thousand BC bill deny the exodus 3,000 BC but from this point going forward fine we'll acknowledge that the Bible is probably right big run Jing Li so that's why I'm using a mainstream science as a it's a way to test the history of human population growth well what about this position down here once again you can find this position the tree that triads structure which again if you're looking for Noah and his three boys that's the type of thing you're going to look for if you reconstruct human population growth again you get a great match you might say well what's the difference from a thousand BC going forward there's lots of overlap the real differences as you might expect from these various points in the tree deal with the pre a thousand BC history so let me just show you side-by-side that's the history from that lower point of the tree you compare it to the upper point of the tree and it looks like this you can see the shape here is slightly different back here versus draw Noah down here it's flatter well if you know draw Noah where I've been drawing him put him right here you get a little different answer number one you get two major branches that come out you might say hold on why would you even consider a position for Noah and the tree where there's only two branches we'll get to that momentarily so is that Shem and ham are we missing Japheth why would you even consider that again from the from the overlap there's once again lots of overlap there's there's differences back here we'll get to those differences back there momentarily again to put it side-by-side where there's a three-prong structure back here looks like this it kind of comes up where it is fairly slow growth if you put them down low it's fairly flat then it starts growing in fact if you put them down here it implies there's any growth and the lineages don't diversify around the global until about 1200 BC so that doesn't make much sense to me where it's almost like there's a Babel event and 1200 BC I don't see any good biblical reason to think that that's part of the reason I haven't used that lineage this one down here though that I just mention where there's two branches coming off where I'm calling Noah has a good match well why would I even consider this let's go back to the text of Scripture another potential see another detail to add to this broad overview and I want to go to an early biblical events around the time of Joseph Genesis chapter 41 you might recall that Joseph is given a coat of many colors his brothers are jealous of him the text says this repeatedly how angry they are with him and they send him they nearly kill him they sell him to slave traders who take him to Egypt he's brought into Potiphar's house he's falsely accused of abusing his master's wife sent to prison rots in prison for two years interprets the dreams of two of Pharaoh's servants they forget about him one is killed one is restored and finally two years later several years later the servant of Pharaoh after Pharaoh has a dream says oh I remembered this guy there was this this Jewish guy in prison who could interpret dreams you shouldn't haul him out and interpret your dream that's several chapters of Genesis history in a nutshell so then Joseph skits gets hauled out of prison brought before Pharaoh and and Joseph says to Pharaoh God has shown Pharaoh what he's about to do he interprets and tells Pharaoh his dream he says the the the heads of grain and the the fat and skinny cows seven years of plenty will come throughout the land of Egypt after that seven years of famine and all the plenty of the land will be forgotten land of Egypt that famine will deplete the land and if you know the rest of the story all the way down to Genesis 15 there's a larger theological purpose in all this Joseph who has been done tremendous injustice by his brothers comes to recognize their God's divine providence that it's God who's sent him to Egypt because there's this famine coming and God sends Joseph to Egypt so so Wow is it even look at Genesis 50 while you were plotting evil God was intending good the text is revolutionary and strong he's saying that while you were enslaving me and God wasn't ending a great purpose of saving you God made a promise to Abraham and he keeps that promise by preserving Jacobs family in Egypt through this injustice God is not the author of evil it's there's profound theological things going on here in the text well in this theological rescue of God's people there is some profound implications for human history this is this is real history with profound theological implications it has profound practical implications probably think about you in history that's what I'm gonna argue so Joseph said the family's gonna be severe Pharaoh promotes him to second-in-command to take charge of preserving people's through this famine so he stores up lots of grain well watch what happens in the text verse 53 of Genesis 41 then the seven years of plenty which were in the land of Egypt ended and the seven years of famine began to come as Joseph had said the famine was in all lands but in all the land of Egypt there was breath so when all the land of Egypt was famished the people cried at Pharaoh for bread then Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians go to Joseph whatever he says to you do the famine was over all the face of the earth and Joseph opened the storehouses and sold the Egyptians in the famine became a severe in the land of Egypt so all come all countries came to Joseph in Egypt to buy grain because the famine was severe in all lands now I wanted to read that in one sitting so you could see the sweep of the passage but I want to go back and emphasize certain phrases that I think are significant notice with me the famine was in all lands there's four instances of what sound like to me global phrases and there's a reasons why I think they're global first of all as creationists if you're watching us a creationist that's why I'm seeing us as creationists we've been reading Genesis 6 7 8 11 as global when it says all the earth was covered all the earth verse one language one speech we've taken that as global plane global why wouldn't we be consistent and take this as global and I realize even among conservative commentators they may not say that well isn't this regional isn't this Egypt and Canaan I mean why would you say this is the globe it raises lots of questions but before I think about science let's just take the text straightforward panel isn't all lands first instance famine was over all the face of the earth second instance all countries all lands third instance fourth instance well what's the Hebrew I'm not a Hebrew scholar but I can use a concordance a what's the Hebrew word I've been working with some folks who have better knowledge of Hebrew well the word in in each of these cases that's translated various ways in English is the word arrest the famine wasn't all arrests translated as lands famine was overall the face of the pets earth famine all countries pets same wording in all lands Arats but the same Hebrew word in each case what I find interesting is there seems to be a formula in this passage for separating local from global what do I mean well when the author wants to talk about the land of Egypt it's the arrest of Egypt it seems to be when the author wants to say we're talking about this local area he says Arats of and then designates the local area the Arats of Canaan the arete savita but when he wants to talk global he just says all I rats that's seems to be the straightforward interpretation this passage I realize it's as many troubling implications perhaps for archeology for history but this to me I think is what the the plain reading is and I realize there's many who might disagree but this is what I want to work with for the time being where does this lead I think that's a straightforward interpretation again maybe some controversy about it but that to me if you take the Bible at face value read it consistently in context that seems a bit implies out again I recognize well what about what about the Americas what about Papua New Guinea what about Australia how could all these countries and ions come to eat it hold on that's extra-biblical data let's get to that momentarily let's not let science dictate the text look at the text dictate science let's answer the next question that arises textually when did this happen if you add up the genealogies and such in the text this is about six to seven hundred years post flood why do I bring that up for a couple reasons number one I've been in discussions with my chord who's got a model of the ice age and there are many models the ice age than the young earth creationist community I'm not here to arbitrate which one is right which one's wrong what I found intriguing is he told me that in his Ice Age model six to seven hundred years post flood is when he sees global droughts I can't think of a better cause for a global famine than a global drought so could this be an echo of the Ice Age I don't know but I find that correlation intriguing is there a global effect here because there's a global ice age that's going on we're talking about genetics though so let's think about this for human history and the intertwining of genetic lineages if it's true that all lands all countries come to Egypt even peoples of the Americas now what I'm going to show you is there may not have been peoples in the Americas at this point in time we'll see we'll get to that eventually but if there is multiple ethnicities returning to Egypt could they've been intermixing well let's think about what this might mean what it might not mean does this mean that every single person alive comes to Egypt I'd say textually not necessarily because initially Jacob doesn't come to Egypt Jacob sends his sons and not all of a sudden he desperately wants to keep Benjamin with him of course that's a major event in the text getting and prying Benjamin from him because he's he's lost Joseph he doesn't lose Benjamin too and of course any discovers Joseph's been alive that's a significant event in this text so it could be that many of these cultures and ancient tribes and peoples sent representatives to Egypt and the majority of the people who stayed back home go get grain and bring it back that could have happened there's biblical reasons for thinking it so Jacob comes to Egypt after he finds out it's Joseph who's ruling oh my son is here so you know come and live with us it could be that some people's send representatives some of them stayed and those people who far away died out it depends on what they decided to do there's a lot of potential scenarios here my point owes the text talks about all lands and one of those lands in the land of Canaan Jacob sends representatives eventually they all come so there's potential here for mixing that's my point it talks about all lands it seems to be a global phrase and I'm taking this slowly and carefully because this this is not something I'm used to thinking about and perhaps many of our viewers don't used to thinking about so back to this controversial position for Noah where there's only two lineages coming off well at the point at which those two lineages come off you see there's there's basically a blank line here this is the actual tree there's not other lineages coming off multiple lineages all across the globe start coming off at this tip right here so there's if you put Noah right here there's a there's a time period where there's not ethnic diversification and then at this point there is ethnic diversification this is a family tree in which we can put calendar dates well the point at which multiple lineages start diversifying Papua New Guinea China India Europe Africa happens to be in this tree the point in time that overlaps the timing of Joseph's famine so could this be an echo of it well what about Japheth or hammer who's mixing who's missing we'll talk about the math of this family tree momentarily we've seen that human history biblical history is conquest you might have noticed if you read and tabulate Genesis 10 carefully two of the lines and I think it's Shem and ham have twice as many descendants in Genesis 10 as Japheth does and if conquest is the rule from Abraham going forward could it have been the rule from Babel going for God diversifies them they're sinners he's diversifying them force them spread out because they've sinned what's to make us think especially you've got someone like Nimrod and Genesis 10 who's called a mighty hunter what's to stop them from starting to kill each other early on can some of those lines have gone extinct and this is not me trying to speculate something wild and crazy we've seen from the text itself people start conquering early on there's mixing in Egypt and it doesn't have to be I live conquest it could simply be different differential rates of reproduction there may still be a J fence line out there that we haven't yet discovered again this is math we'll get into in subsequent episodes there's some algebra we have to do and so forth my point is from the text itself there's a long history of content conquest after battle and I want to add in another C here that could have potential genetic significance I'm gonna call it Caravan seven seeds of creation give us the broad overview of history if we want to dig down to the details I think this is from the text itself two key parameters we have to keep in mind because they may leave signatures in archaeology they may leave signatures in genetics and we may in fact see the signature of caravan depending on where we put NOAA so I've given you three major positions where NOAA might be I've been using one particular position the one that's consistent with caravan for the duration of our series but again given the caveat NOAA might be elsewhere more genetic research could bear this out what I wanted to highlight here is there are these strong biblical parameters we need to keep in mind from thinking about human history and we need to view the science through the lens of Scripture so when we get to these most ancient time periods which we'll do next week we're going to take a pretty big hammer to mainstream archeology we're going to take a sledgehammer to mainstream linguistics and both of these together inform mainstream history but it's appropriate because we should start with Scripture when viewing the science and we should recognize the unbiblical assumptions people take into their research but I also want you to see is that even though we're introducing things that may seem new these were new to me this is not oh we've taken signs and reinterpret scripture it's know we've read scripture more carefully it's a big book and it's a lifetime of study there's events we I missed didn't pay attention to but may in fact have an echo in genetics if we're looking carefully now I've drawn this this way because history the Bible has strong theological implications perfection corruption major sin that's judged more major sin that's judged the famine and of course descent into chaos really is what human history is divinely constrained and guided chaos but sinful man has been slaughtering and pillaging fellow man for as long as we've been thinking so is it appropriate to call the biblical history that dissented man the dissented man into more and more sin which is why we need a Savior here's the history of mankind now I've already highlighted some of the burning questions I'm sure sure our viewers have well what about after beloved for family what about the Americas how can you explain what you've just said in light of the Americas at the earliest stages well we'll get to that because the lens I've just given you as a profound implication for how we date these ancient events then they and are told the first Americans who know guineans and we'll do that in future episodes of the new history of the human race so I hope you'll join us next time as we begin to rewrite some of the earliest episodes of human history through the lens of Scripture which then guides our genetic discussion dr. Jensen we're up to number twenty twenty-one and twenty-two next week seems like easy going on for millions of years but we don't believe in millions he is you know I was just thinking that there's a lot of people who have said you can't be right about the flight ignorant about taking the Bible you know as written because Egyptian history goes back dating it from the way it's dated in the secular world beyond the date of the flood that we would take from Scripture and so this is very important to help people understand secular archeology mean those dates are just not right and they need to be all rewritten which is what you're doing you're rewriting history that means when you go to a lot of the museums that have archeological artifacts then those dates on them those dates probably in most instances are just not correct and it's only when you take God at His Word and the timeline from Scripture that we have a basis for then looking at what we see today and realizing it has to and does fit into the biblical timeline and of course you're also adding in genetics at the same time with the y-chromosome research absolutely fascinating and if people want to see all 20 episodes they can go to answers TB that's our streaming service and a streaming service is very very expensive for a whole year subscription it's just over three dollars a month you can go and get a 7-day free trial to start with there's not just series by doctor genes and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of videos by our speakers and by others as well and Ray Comfort from Living Waters and programs for kids and music programs and Spanish programs is a very unique streaming service for the Christian world and for the non-christian world too they can get wholesome teaching on there and fascinating information and nature pray grant programs using peter schramer and then others who are doing programs with our zoo animals it's just absolutely fascinating you can also go to a YouTube channel Answers in Genesis YouTube channel but people love the answers TV because it's so easy to find and use and it's all put there together and just a a powerful powerful streaming service so real quickly before we close this one next week 21:22 one of this Jake's 21 we'll look at what happened to the Neanderthals and we'll we'll begin we'll discover that using genetics we have a method by which we can convert some of these carbon-14 these radiometric dates the biblical timescale in a way I wouldn't have expected many of our viewers probably won't have expected and then in 22 we'll look at searching for Abraham's DNA and looking for the echoes of some of these ancient cultures questions we can answer and questions future research will hopefully uncover this is all coming up episode 21 22 okay we look forward to those that'll be absolutely fascinating and it's some stage along the way we're going to allow people to ask questions we'll give you a way of actually doing that of either emailing the men or we might even do a program will allow the questions live and try to interact but we'll sort out that technology at some stage in the future and dr. Jensen just thank you again this has been absolutely fascinating and my Bryant brain is now filled and overfilled with all of this information but people are fascinated by history and this will all be in a book is you're going to publish in 2021 so this is the research leading up to that some people getting all the foundational work here and then the details will be in that book in 2021 okay look forward to seeing you for episodes 21 and 22
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 260,969
Rating: 4.6730576 out of 5
Keywords: history of mankind, history of world, biblical history
Id: jvyUjAmsIWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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