The hidden history of Americans (Part 10)

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Oh dr. Jensen great to have you back for part 10 of rewriting history not rewriting biblical history but rewriting people's ideas of history and showing really from genetics says this all fits with the biblical history in regard to human populations and ethnic groups and so on around the world now this part n-now thinking it going on for about another million parts but I know will go on for a few more weeks yet but the hidden history of Americans so let me just read what you sent to me to summarize this back after Columbus arrived in the Americas over 60 million Europeans primarily Western Europeans followed but who were they we take for granted that they were ethnically Germans and Italians and Irish and the like but genetics tells us a very different story and takes us back to one of the most mysterious epochs of European history the dark ages cheating to find out the hidden history of Americans this sounds rather intriguing now I know in future episodes because I've also said this that you're going to go back and look at pre Columbus negging to look at post colonists so why don't you take it from here and tell us all about the hidden history of Americans this will probably be the episode that hits the most close to home for many of our viewers so many of our viewers would be here in the States many of Caucasian descent if we think about other viewers perhaps anything with speakers in Australia UK a Europe these are primarily Western Europeans and so this deals with Western European descent which is heavy asset history the Americas and half of the history of Europe is Philip oh let's say we're gonna talk about things that are directly relevant probably to most of our viewers this time around and the things we take for granted so we didn't start with Western Europeans but hopefully we've seen in the episode so far that the things we would take for granted often turn out not to be true so that if I destroy in this episode our viewers dearly held ethnicities and stereotypes perhaps they will be prepared for it having seen the previous episodes this is all part of the larger question of who do we from this is stuff history books can't tell you haven't been able to tell you because this is history from genetics and we haven't had genetic tools until recently and we haven't had these data to tell us the answers from genetics until the last five years these are things I wouldn't have been able to tell you five years ago things that have rewritten how I understand human history this is data you can only find in this place you can't get it through commercial genetic testing companies you can take some of what they tell you and then apply what you're learning here but these conclusions are unique to this program we're also going to look at the relationships between us and the ancients I used to think they had no connection to these ancient cultures that we talk about in history books I'm half German my dad's American going back several generations so why would I care about the ancient Egyptians other than their subject of study well now I'm learning there's connections far more than I thought previously existed so let's begin 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue and then what what happened after Columbus we intuitively know the answer because the the answer is the clues are all around us I lived in Boston Massachusetts for six years I knew that when I wanted to get some good Italian food we'd go to the north end because the north end was the italian-american section of Boston but it's delicious Italian food and it's not just Boston many big cities have little ILI's this is from New York and I don't know what city you're watching in but there's a there's a good chance you've got an italian-american section of town Boston also has a strong Irish population has Saint Patty's Day parades and it's not just the Irish where it's not it's not just Boston where the Irish are there in other cities I'm sure you've had other similar celebrations and places around the country I had polish friends in Boston this is a picture of Polish Hill in Pittsburgh now even if I wasn't of from a German mother I grew up in Wisconsin and if you go to Wisconsin or Chicago or some other ms western place in October you're likely to run into an Oktoberfest because there's a strong German and Scandinavian immigrants influence in these places so what happened after Columbus well a whole bunch of Europeans came over right that's often thought about it and what we're gonna discover is once again genetics rewrites what it means to be European or to parrot the famous movie we keep using that word European but I don't think it means what we think it means at least genetics tells us that the world is smaller than we think we saw this in Episode one there's more connections than we've imagined our family trees are more connected than we think because of the math of our number of ancestors this implies that racial or ethnic change happens much more quickly than we think and if we look at slight differences in reproductive rates this is not intuitive but it's mathematically the way it works out a slight difference in reproductive rate can lead to one ethnicity taking over the other even though this other ethnicity never looks any different you can have Europeans that look like me but have recent African ancestry from dark-skinned people we've seen our family tree is much more shorter much more shallow than we think it's only 200 generations or less from Noah eight people to the nearly eight billion alive today and so - it's it's 200 genealogical steps to compress going back in time 8 billion back down to 8 very easy it just happens really fast and so you're gonna have to start putting people groups together to do it and we've seen that the only way we can do this genetically is not with the commercial genetic tests you pay $100 to ancestry DNA to 23andme Family Tree DNA and the readout that you get tells you well you're this percent German this percent Irish it's probably very little from what you already know from your own family tree and the reason for that is they're looking at the DNA that comes from both parents and so if dad is Irish and mom is German the kids are half of each of those and then it gets diluted by another half 12 so 50% 25% 12 and a half percent on down it goes boom boom boom boom it drops off and so these sorts of genetic tests can only go back four or five generations which you probably already know from looking into your family tree so $100 hopefully not wasted but it doesn't tell you a whole lot more than what you already know it's the DNA from one parent that can tell you much deeper history on the mother's side it's mitochondrial DNA it's statistically noisy which is why we haven't looked in depth that tells you 6,000 years ago is when it started but you can't get into define precise details it's the male inherited DNA for reasons I guess that got intended that gives us the much more detailed resolution of who we came from and that's what we've been focusing on beginning with one of the first branches that connected Europe to South Asia India in the recent past they have had common ancestors that common ancestor populations split up around the 1500s and we've seen that it's likely the Mongols and their descendants who have infiltrated Eastern Europe Central Asia Middle East and India it's very explicit in India the Mughal Empire the ruling Empire before the British came was of mom coal descent and we can see this reflected about 25 percent of Indians today South Asians are of this descent about a third of Eastern Europe last time we looked at the ancient Chinese connection to modern Europe we saw that there's another third of Europe that's connected to Siberian other Central Asian connected people groups who themselves were intermixing with China and looks like going back to the to the distant history the deep history shared a common ancestor with the dominant people group in China today the dominant genetic group in China today and this has eventually resulted in intermixing among these Central Asians and Russians and other Eastern Europeans what we want to look at today is the other half of the European equation so about two-thirds of Eastern Europeans have recent Central Asian ancestry they don't look like it they don't look like Central Asians to look like Europeans Caucasians yet this is what the genetics say now we want to look at the history of Western Europeans the other half of Europe who settled the Americas after Columbus we've got the clues all around us the Irish the Germans the the French the Spanish the Italians this is what we think of as the dominant ethnicities in the new world there's a hidden history in all this and the ancestors of most Americans and by extension and Western Europeans are not who you think they are after Columbus arrived in 1492 over 75 million immigrants arrived on the shores of the Americas now some were forced they're part of the sad one of the saddest chapters in human history the ugliest chapters is a forcible enslavement and removal of 11 million Africans from the African continent to the New World to work under awful conditions in slave labor on plantations so they represents some of the immigrant population in a sense to the new world forced immigration sad chapter in terms of Caucasian Americans thinking from north to south about nine million people from the British Isles arrived in Canada around half or so of those eventually ended up in the United States but there's the data for our northern neighbor if you're watching from the United States a whopping 42 million arrived in the United States primarily from Western Europe about 40 percent of these people arrived from the British Isles 20 percent from Germany and Scandinavia 20 percent from some of the Mediterranean countries like Spain and Portugal and a heavy Italian influence of course and then 20 percent from Eastern Europe which I'm including Poland Russia Ukraine these sorts of countries in that in that quantity Latin America of course draws heavily from Spain and Italy they don't have nearly the number of migrants of course the dominant languages in Latin America are Spain and Spanish and Portuguese I've only highlighted Brazil and Argentina here because there are the recipients of the heaviest numbers of Spanish and Italians they don't you don't see nearly the same numbers as for the US because they came over and then the the people we see today are large the result of natural increases in these countries so there was there's a group that came over they intermingle with the people that were here and so the Latin Americans you see today are are heavily European but it's primarily because they've been in that location increasing naturally in that spot the numbers are less influenced by continuous migration from the European continent well if you add up all these numbers together and say ok looking up and down the Americas what parts of Europe do people come from I've divided Europe into the - the darker yellow orangish color that's Western Europe France is part of it - but I haven't highlighted them as much and the lighter yellow is Eastern Europe a whopping eighty six percent of Americans Caucasian Americans in terms of their immigrant history come from Western Europe Eastern Europe is a much smaller influence so what does it mean to be a Western European and by extension then a Caucasian American I want to take a 30,000 foot very quick review of Western European history to see what politics tells us and then we'll take a deep dive into the genetics to see how it revises this I'm gonna start with the Roman Empire but 100 years after the time of Christ this is 80 117 Roman Empire exists in the British Isles Spain Portugal France Italy the Balkan Peninsula there in parts of Asia namely up here in Turkey and the Middle East there also of course in North Africa this eventually splits into eastern and western halves the western half is overthrown by the invasions of Germanic barbarians and Central Asian peoples like the Huns the eastern Roman Empire hangs on for another thousand years as the Byzantine Empire until it's overthrown in the 1400s I think it's the Ottoman Empire well this invasion of the Western European Roman Empire leads I I was taught you were probably taught in school plunges Europe into the Dark Ages which we're learning more about but recall the Dark Ages I was taught because we know so little about them yes the Vikings raided northern Europe you have Scandinavian Raiders in the British Isles northern France so forth but really this is largely unfamiliar territory even if I were to show you maps of Europe at this time it's not something that really rings a bell and yellow is the Holy Roman Empire not a terribly famous one per se for casual observers of Western European history in the east and purple that's the Roman Empire again we don't usually call it that we tend to think that the Byzantine Empire and that's our minds don't connect to that and you can see it's heavily Asian not so much European this is 88 14 here's another view of that same year you can see again the Frankish Empire there's parts of the British Isles that look more familiar but down here it's the Muslims who are in Spain due to the Arabic Muslim conquests Italy is broken up into component parts there's a Bulgarian Emperor down here again the eastern Roman Empire the Byzantine empires over here not so much familiar territory eventually Europe emerges from these dark ages into the Middle Ages thank knights and castles and cities and closing walls like this is rothenburg sort of a relic of a bygone era being of German descent this is in Germany been able to visit a few times fascinating insights into how Europe used to look this gives way to the Renaissance rediscovery of classical learning people like Leonardo da Vinci and scientific advances there's an earthquake in the religious realm with the Protestant Reformation whose effects ripple throughout Europe though politically by the 1600s mid 1600s there's big chunks of Europe that are still unfamiliar to our eyes yes you've got Spain and Portugal down here France is beginning to take its modern shape England Scotland Ireland those are familiar but in the East the Ottoman Empire is ruling the Balkans Muslim Empire Italy is broken up into a whole bunch of different kingdoms Germany is a mess Eastern Europe Scandinavia are not quite so similar to what we see today so even late in Western European history there are significant differences to the map we take for granted today what we're gonna soon discover is that those dark ages those mysterious at mysterious period of Western European history shrouded in mystery contains one of the most important episodes that gives rise to the identity that we call Europe the thousand genomes project is the study we've been focusing heavily upon they look at 26 populations of people around the globe I want to revisit what the genetics tell us about these Western European entities and some of the peoples as well in the new world so this is the family tree that results from some of these folks I took about half of them to keep it simple we've looked at this branch up here that I've called r1a and just to clarify because I've gotten some some feedback that tells me I didn't explain it very clearly the first time I'm showing here on this tree a bunch of dark green South Asians Indians Pakistani so forth coming together to a common ancestor with Europeans this does not mean that every single south aged Asian in this tree in this particular branch of the tree or every single European in this branch the tree comes together right there I said this this action it represents there's this branch of the tree this major branch called r1 a represents a full 25% of India what that doesn't mean is that there's hundreds of millions of Indians who have this one guy as their common ancestor they go back to several people along this branch 1,500 is when whoever this people group was I think it's Mongols they split and we looked at some of the political events that led to that so for this particular subgroup of 20 to 50 men their ancestors right there and it's representative of what we see in these particular people groups it's a third of Eastern Europe I'm calling again this is our 1a I mentioned those names not to throw a bunch of scientific lingo but these are the types of designations you'll likely see if you take a genetic test and ask for y chromosome analysis so you can look back at these videos and say uh-huh this is who I come from because you're not gonna find that out from these commercial companies they don't use the jungwirth time scale they use the mainstream time scale in which they miss many of these historical echoes we're gonna drop down just a little bit below that r1 a branch to r1 b so again the naming convention gives us a clue to where we're at it's part of the major group we call our it's the sub group one but a sub branch of one is r1 B so it's just right below it it tells you sort of where you are physically on this tree you can see there's a lot of gold there's a blue branch royal blue east asian and a green south asian branch my guess is these are echoes of the Hmong Gold's it's just a very small fraction we're not gonna spend any more time on it today the major separation though and flowering of this part of the tree you can see is in eighty thirteen hundred or so fourteen hundred depending on which study you look at I want to zoom in here so you can see exactly who's present again we're gonna ignore these guys up here for the time being you can see though a lot of spanish italians british some finnish British Italian there's a lot of Western Europeans present in this part of the tree again every branch represents a single individual a single man going back then to the 1300s and again if you look at more this tree you'd eventually find some other branches coming off your leaves these Europeans I want to focus here on the point at which they diverged and move away from other people groups and when they first start to flower in terms of their numbers this is r1b and this is a notation many of you if you've taken genetics likely have already seen because it represents 60% of Western Europe and since the Caucasian American population derives by and large almost exclusively from Western Europe there's a whole bunch of Americans who are gonna show up in this branch as well and I'm gonna show you this is true in this study as well this particular thousand genomes project focused on Latin American peoples so Mexicans Los Angeles Puerto Ricans Colombians in the city of Moline and Peruvians in the city of Lima well if you look at their genetics you can see some of this echo on one hand it's very sad we'll get into the sad side of this in future episodes I want to focus on the European side the sad side is even though these are Latin Americans they're you think these might have a Native American ancestry on in terms of their male heritage only about 20% of them look like they came from Amerindians Native Americans so they're 6% looked like they come from African so there's been mixing from the people who came from the slave trade and mixed with these Latin Americans nearly 3/4 of these people have obvious European ancestry and guess which branch which European branch of the tree these Latin Americans show up and so if 60% of Western Europe is r1b lo and behold no surprise 60% of Latin Americans show up in this branch as well the math lines up shows their Western European heritage now I want to draw your attention to a group that I haven't focused on so much before I've showed them in France right there there are people of French heritage but they were actually residing in Utah at the time of the study so they represent Caucasian Americans and 86% of them show up on this branch r1b so if you want to understand the history of Western Europe the history of Caucasian Americans this is the place to look by and large so what does genetics tell us about who they come from who do I statistically it's I'm probably in this branch who do I come from Buddhist can come from well in the thousand genomes project if you take a look backwards you see a long blank line with no one coming off of it basically 4000 years so this doesn't really answer the question to get some more clues as to who it is we come from we have to switch to this other study that took a dive into a broader swath of ethnicities heavy Eastern Europeans but they've got Central Asians have got Middle Easterners Siberians more East Asian people groups not so many Native Americans could this give us a clue our 1b shows up in this tree as well right there because this is heavily Eastern Europe it's not nearly as many people as we saw in the previous branch and I'm gonna zoom in here so you can see the individual individuals momentarily again they focus on Eastern Europe Eastern Europeans are in these other branches are one A & M heavily two thirds of them so you don't see somebody in r1 be Ukrainians Jews that we're living in Europe Germans mordvins not so many there's some some in red here is what we call Middle Eastern or near Easterners there are largely people in the Caucasus region mountains sort of north of Iraq that used to be part of the USSR Armenians a VARs Assyrians who were up there as well I'm not going to spend time on these because they're fairly close to Europe and that's another story for another day what I want to focus on is the clues that were given in the earlier parts of the branches so in the thousand genomes project this was just one long blank line in this particular study because they have more ethnicities they also have Central Asians which are becoming a familiar theme now if then watching this series there are Cheeks Tajikistan those stones from the former Russian Republic it's in Central Asia there's Mongolians that come off here these are bashkirs Eastern Europeans former Russian Republic's and we can put dates on this and I want to emphasize again probably do this every episode when we talk about dates this is work in progress research in progress these dates might change somewhat I'm going with the data that we have at the moment and my best guess for where Noah is just so we can have a conversation 8450 is when the Tajik branch comes off and this branch right here in which there's Mongolians comes off in 8850 now at this point we've got two possibilities we can say this could be one long indigenous European branch who because of Russian expansion eventually got into Tajikistan and then your mix of them Gould's I'm suspicious that this is not the case for one you don't have very many Russians and r1b this is a Western European branch so I have a tougher time connecting the historical events of the Russian expansion to this Western European branch instead what this appears to me to be is historically a Central Asian lineage that by 850 or later broke away and came into Western Europe well the most recent date we have for this look is 850 the early one is 450 that puts you smack in the most mysterious part of Western Europe in history the dark ages so what if any connections were there between Europe forget Western Europe just Europe period and Central Asia during this time and if you have asked me three months ago I said I have no idea where a year ago no idea I had to look this up this is not something we typically learn about in school and lo and behold if you look it up there it's a whopping amount of activity and movement of people's from Central Asia into Europe and the more I started this the more I've realized there's almost a continuous stream of Central Asian peoples moving into Europe last episode we saw how the geography of China has made it protected and isolated Europe in a sense is protected and isolated - it's got the Saharan desert and water down here to protect from invasions from the south and you don't see in if you look in history any sub-saharan African people it's coming from the desert going into Europe or really vice versa no Europeans come down and try to conquer sub-saharan Africa it's a big barrier they're called the Saharan desert you don't really read of anything in history up until the modern era of Europeans going across the Atlantic or Native Americans coming this way it's a big barrier to migration and invasion the Arctic and water appear prevents that where Europe is exposed is in the East it's flat and open and all these Central Asians can march right in if they want to and they did the cause ours and the 500s again I'm gonna give a whole bunch of unfamiliar names here just so you are aware of the different groups that came in probably not familiar though and this is not for memorization the Pechenegs came in you can see the dates there the oghuz Turkish people and this is something I've had to in which I've had to correct my underlying assumptions on I think Oh Turkish that must be modern Turkey historically the Turkish people came from here and if you look at Turkish languages you can still find a band of them this way the the Turks in modern Turkey is is really a recent due to recent historical events that we'll get to in future episodes especially when we talk about the history of the Jews and of the Middle Eastern peoples so the oghuz the Turkish people are coming in and I if I have to double check this I think cause ours our Turkish speaking people as well kip Jack's are coming in and the last people group that I want to highlight are the Magyars not necessarily Turkish speaking we're going to talk about language connections here in a moment but they came in around the time given the data that we have at that split 850 to the 800 is as close to when the Magyars are migrating from Central Asia this way as part of their conquest so notice most of these arrows are still landing in Eastern Europe I'll talk about why I think some may have a connection to Western Europe in a moment you know the Magyars are one of the few who actually militarily made ventures into Western Europe and then eventually settled in what we call modern hungry another reason I want to highlight the Magyars is because unlike the other groups some of whom spoke Turkish languages the Magyars spoke Hungarian essentially or an ancestor of it they spoke a language that falls into the Hungarian language family and the Hungarian language family still exists today let me explain this map very quickly just so you we can follow the point I'm trying to make so I'm trying to make the point that many of these other groups don't seem to have much of a language signature today the Magyars do most of Europe this light green is what we call speakers of the indo-european language so just a real brief lesson in the history of languages I've mentioned in this episode of previous episodes that there's 7,000 languages today Genesis 10 which I think are the the major groups present at Babel and God separates people only number around 70 so there's been a massive explosion in languages since Babel God - the initial split right there and so there's really a in a sense and now when we think about species animal species we say species is not the creative kind not genus but family in a similar sense languages within a family probably come from that common ancestor at Babel and so even though there's Spanish French and Italian that are Romance languages and there's German and English that are Germanic languages we're all part of this larger indo-european language family dominant one in your course we'll another branch of this family is the Slavic language group I think of Russian and so forth well there's an exception here and that's the finno-ugric language family into which Hungarian Finnish and other ones and other minority languages and Russia belong the Magyars were members of this language family and so even though you may have never heard of them they still have an echo of their existence in languages to this day that's my main point right here is that there's been a strong long stream of Central Asian peoples moving into Europe this predates the Mongols it's around the time of the Dark Ages and they seem to be good candidates for explaining this r1b branch that ended up dominating Western Europe and then by extension the Americas but why would I say people who move into Eastern Europe became the ancestors of Western Europeans well continue the historical narrative further this is the go back to the slide the 508 hundreds of thousands two hundred years later you've got some Mongols that sweep into here and dominate this part of the world and my guess is they push whoever was here at the time this way now you might say well the dark green is only right here why would you call all of Western Europe well there's a there's a basic fact that I've had to remind myself up over and over again you can change your language you can't change your genetics the easiest way to see this is think of the Americas you've got people of African descent African Americans genetically obviously of African descent yet they don't speak African languages they've had to learn and been forced to learn Spanish Portuguese English French so forth you can change your language can't change your genetics so language is in my view more a reflection of politics and so they have survived politically but genetics can tell you a totally different story just like what we've seen the Americans with african-americans so it's it's very plausible that you can have someone who is here who has got a very small language signature eventually connecting all these people and remember as well even though Spanish French German English are all separate unintelligible languages to the native speakers of each genetically all this disappears going back just a few hundred years so my guess is if it is the Magyars and and I'm not convinced yet that it is they seem like the best candidate at this point the mongols came in and displaced whoever was here on the border with the mongol empires and they became the ancestors here of everyone else one other thing to consider a seismic event that postdates both the mongol invasion and the earlier magyar and other invasions the black death sweeps through Europe in the 1300s Mongols come in the 1200 s huge effect on Europe there's debate on exactly how many Europeans died so what I've tended to read is around a third of Europeans died well given how much Central Asian ancestry we've seen already in Europe in fact that the black death came from Central Asia so we've seen a lot of Central Asian ancestry in Europe black death comes from Central Asia could those people who had Central Asian descent at that time been protected from the Black Death so that the indigenous Europeans felt the heavier blow it's a hypothesis we can hopefully eventually test but that may also be a factor at play how a group that has a small language signature today and came originally into Eastern Europe may eventually come to dominate Western Europe you have to see episodes one through four to see some of the other biological factors by which this could very easily happen I'm saying that these are some of the other sort of cultural political biological factors that may be something to consider as well whatever the explanation is and and it may eventually be as we get more data that the Western Europeans are also descendants of Mongols I don't favor that hypothesis strongly right now because of the geography or the Mongols were versus the geography of what we're talking about now mainly Western Europe whatever the exact people group is we know that r1b I would argue that r1b looks like it's Central Asian in origin and let me throw out one other thing to consider something we've learned from looking at how Genghis Khan conducted his Mongol conquests he started by conquering other Central Asian peoples and to maintain loyalty among the peoples he conquered and he recruited people to his army from these peoples he deliberately divided them up so maybe you're not wrong about your Central Asian you're part of this group well yeah I'm gonna take some of your men and put them in this division some in this division some of this division so that whatever ethnic oil tease you have are dissolved and now you're loyal to me and my guess is that's not something unique to the Mongols the Central Asians are constantly on the move and so what it means to be Mongol may in fact be a whole mix of lineages and what it means to be magyar may also be a whole mix of lineages so that defining these precise distinctions distinctions to which we place heavy linguistic cultural political value on them may not be fine may not find as much of an echo at the genetic level so regardless of which specific Central Asian at misty Western Europeans come from to me the evidence points to those people whoever they are in Central Asia being the dominant ancestors of Western Europeans as well that seems to be what it means to be European not necessarily of Roman ancestry of Greek ancestry but of Central Asian ancestry so to put together what we've seen over the last several episodes we saw that this branch r1a which looks to me strongly like it's mongol in origin whatever mongol means its central asian is a third of europe this end branch which is heavy in siberia and has been intermingling with east asia another third of eastern europe r1b is close to two-thirds of western europe plus the dominant group in the americas what we're now seeing is that the majority of Europeans and now of Americans the hidden ancestry of Americans is Central Asian so one of the things I promised early on was to show you that most Europeans of recent Asian ancestry you've now seen genetics deliver this it's not how we think about ourselves I don't look at me in the mirror and say I'm an Asian because I don't think I look Asian if this is what the genetics tells us is the ancestry there's many more connections among the people groups alive today than we think and often in ways we didn't expect to see this is the new history of the human race and there's even more surprises in store in the next few episodes we're going to spend a lot of time on the other side of the Columbian divide we've looked at post Colombian events in the future going to look at pre-columbian events one of the biggest black boxes even among mainstream scientists there's some real shocks in store when we look at the genetics there Oh dr. Jenson this is absolutely fascinating and you know it really does bring it home that we are so much more closely related than we realize to break down those barriers of racism and Prejudice that exist and to realize to that hey when you even look at movements like white supremacy and so on it's it's just nonsense when it comes to understanding our true history here and so you're throwing some fascinating insights and you're using genetics to actually confirm biblical history on the the Bible doesn't give us all the different things that happened it just gives us the big picture obviously and some of those major events like the Tower of Babel and those language families but then over time of course within each family as you said like sort of akin to speciation in a way you get all these different variations dialects and so on and so we see that and it really is incredible so look forward to parts 11 and 12 next week and what will they cover is that going to be the pre-columbian history this is our first forays into pre-columbian history we'll talk about some of the revolutions even in mainstream science it's it's hard even for mainstream scientists to keep track of all that's changing one of the books we'll be discussing is written by a guy who took history in the 70s and had been attending archaeological conferences wrote a book to try to summarize what he's learned but he said you can't write a textbook on this if you got to the end of writing your textbook you have to change the beginning things are changing that fast and how we understand who we came from and once we apply genetics to it with the biblical timescale we're gonna see the echo of post Colombian history in the Americas which is something evolutionists cannot see that leads to a gigantic monkey wrench in all of these conclusions pre-columbian in a way that's extremely interesting and may actually be a key to understanding some of this long-standing pre-columbian mysteries like what happened to the Maya they collapsed around the 8th 900s and mainstream scientists give us many explanations for that as they do for the deep eyes of the dinosaurs so there's some really interesting correlations between the genetics I'll be showing and some of these mysteries even Wikipedia I think calls the demise of the Maya one of the great unsolved archaeological mysteries this is what we have in store in the coming episodes and I imagine that the genetic show studying is not going to be well-received by certain politicians because their political views don't fit with what the genetics is going to tell us yes and especially on this this Native American questions it's sticky politically it's a sensitive ethnic question what I'm going to start with though is before we start rewriting people's cherished identities or histories let's start with what we know and what we know the best because we have written history is what happened after Columbus and I'll show that we creationists are one of the only people who can actually recapitulate what we know about the post colombian history and this tells us what we're doing is working because we can take history that even the evolutionists recognize yeah that that's what happened in the americas after Columbus I'll say look I can recapitulate that you can't and so therefore what I'm going to tell you about the pre-columbian history must therefore be true fascinating well we look forward to part eleven next week and then part twelve and in the meantime people can go to our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel and they can see the playlist there and follow through all the parts so we've now done ten of these because this is leading up to a book that will be published sometime in 2021 we look forward to seeing you for part 11 dr. Jensen
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 44,537
Rating: 4.8888054 out of 5
Id: bXwHsKmoazk
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Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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