Why wasn't Portugal conquered by Spain?

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[Music] even if both Portugal and Spain were part of a union at some point and even if Spain invaded Portugal during the Napoleonic period the Portuguese lands weren't practically conquered and annexed into the Spanish Kingdom the single mainland neighbor of Portugal is Spain a much larger country some centuries ago Spain was one of the biggest powers of the world expanding itself in the new world and in Asia having large overseas colonies guarded by its incredible armies and navies considering their former power and having a smaller neighbor cornered at the Atlantic coast we may ask why wasn't Portugal conquered by Spain we have to go through some history to answer that the Iberian Peninsula was known as Hispania a name given by the Romans however after the fall of the Western Roman Empire the territory was lost to the tribe of Visigoths which ended up ruling the whole Peninsula but this was temporary their new home will be conquered in the next period by a new force emerging far away starting as a religious movement in the hot desert of Arabia is LOM spread rapidly mainly due to the early military successes against Eastern Romans and Persians Arab dynasties expanded more and more at a huge rate reaching the shores of the Atlantic Ocean at the end of the seventh century in these empires the religion was embraced by more and more people and became dominant in the caliphates it is believed that Hispania was one of the former Roman provinces with a Latin language and culture grew deep roots and on April 30th 711 Muslim general Tariq ibn Ziyad landed in Gibraltar by the end of his campaign most of the peninsula was brought under Islamic rule Islam had been present in Hispania since the Umayyad conquest in the 8th century as in other places of the caliphate many others embraced Islam many Muslims lived in the Iberian Peninsula called al-andalus they were Arabs Berbers or local people who accepted the religion even if the Umayyad dynasty collapsed parts of the peninsula were held by Muslim dynasties in the next centuries and the Muslim majority existed more in the Spanish part than in the Portuguese part of land being the first name on the Iberian Peninsula Portugal emerged earlier than Spain and it formed as a kingdom in the year of 11:28 this happened after winning an important battle in an effort led by Afonso Henriques who proclaimed himself king of Portugal in the first half of the 12th century this was part of Reconquista he was recognized in 1143 by the king of Liang Alfonso the seventh and in 1179 by the Pope himself what we know as Spain started with the union of the Crown's of Castile and Aragon in 1479 although it was not until 1516 when they had a single unified King but here is something interesting in the war of Castilian secession Portugal supported Johanna wife of King Alfonso v of Portugal and Aragon supported Isabel wife of Ferdinand the future king of ferdinand ii of aragon we may consider this was a key point in history because isabella was recognized as queen of Castile if Joanna had won Portugal and Castille would have been joined together and Aragon could have remained as an independent Kingdom until then the word Hispania was only a geographic location referring exclusively to the Iberian Peninsula the Constitution of 1876 adopts for the first time the name Spain Portugal Castile and Aragon were allies in the Reconquista in which they recon Kurd land from the Muslim Moors expanding south of the Iberian Peninsula Portugal's reconquest was fully achieved by 1249 while Castile finished its reconquest in 1492 following the first Spanish voyage of Christopher Columbus to the Caribbean in 1492 both states began acquiring territory in the new world as a result of the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas Portugal acquired its most potentially important colony Brazil in 1578 King Sebastian of Portugal died in the battle of el Saker keber against the Moroccans and the Turks having no heirs the king was succeeded by his great uncle Henry of Portugal who reigned until his death Henry also had no heirs and his death triggered a great succession crisis were the main claimants to the Portuguese throne were philip ii of spain and anthony Pryor of credo after the Spanish victory in the war of Portuguese succession Philip of Spain was crowned king in 1581 beginning a personal union between the two nations known as the Iberian Union generating a decline of the Portuguese Empire during the period of Union the Iberian Union lasted for almost 60 years until 1640 when the Portuguese restoration war was initiated against Spain and Portugal re-established the Portuguese dynasty under the Braganza during the wars of the 18th century which were often fought by the major powers to maintain the European balance of power even if Spain and Portugal usually found themselves on opposite sides the portuguese courtesy of their long-standing alliance aligned themselves with great britain while Spain throughout the bourbon family compact allied themselves to France in 1762 during the Seven Years War Spain launched an unsuccessful invasion of Portugal in 1777 there was a conflict between the two states over the borders of their possessions in South America the war of the oranges happened in 1801 in which Spanish forces influenced by France attacked and invaded Portugal it was a precursor to the Peninsular Wars resulting in the Treaty of baggages the loss of Portuguese territory in particular olivenza as well as ultimately setting the stage for the complete invasion of the Iberian Peninsula by Spanish and French forces in 1807 the king of Spain and his French allies invaded successfully Portugal however the French decided to take over both countries overthrowing the king of Spain and forcing the Portuguese royal family to escape under the Portuguese colony of Brazil Spain and Portugal subsequently became allies for the first time in centuries and allied with the British army they managed to get rid of the French by 1813 after a long conflict known as the Peninsular war France did a great damage to Spanish and Portuguese economies but it wasn't just about that their reputation was altered to both lost their American colonies shortly after the end of the Peninsular war which severely weakened their global power following their European struggle in which Kings were overthrown their own colonial empires in the new world collapsed colonies took profit from the internal problems and through some independence Wars much of the new world was lost in the next decades after the fall of Napoleon both countries came close to war a number of times during the early 19th century Portugal in Spain had been rival sea powers as early as the 14th century Portugal initially was in a position to explore the area facing the Atlantic in successfully doing so it discovered that Africa had been the Arab world's major source of toll brought by camel caravans across the Sahara but even if Spain and Portugal were rivals their focus wasn't on their European lands during the Age of Discovery most wealth came from abroad both Spain and Portugal were more concerned with surveying in their new lands trading was a good source of money new goods that came from Asia or Americas floated the European markets also the huge intake of American gold was important for the Spanish economy to create these trade deals Spain had to defend their overseas possession starting with the 19th century few plans were created about a possible union between Portugal and Spain some tried to spread the idea of i-b RISM in Portugal to create seven Confederated republics five in Spain and Lusitania ulterior and Lusitania citerior in Portugal both first and second Spanish Republic had plans to invade Portugal or to create the idea of an Iberian Republic or an Iberian Union even the first Spanish Republic designed a Federal Constitution to include Portugal the second Spanish Republic designed the plan to invade Portugal during the Spanish Civil War this failed as well Portugal is mostly a hilly and not a very attractive country to conquer centuries ago even if there were some attempts of course there were many important points that could have changed the history of these two countries taking into account the historical context in which both countries were created and how events played out throughout the many centuries of their existence the reasons for the fact that Portugal wasn't conquered by Spain are many the lack of a large interest for this land the focus on the colonies the diplomacy of Portugal at some points the decisions that affected the Iberian Union or the previous union of Castile and Aragon the Spanish internal problems as well as other external factors created this situation if you want to see more videos be sure to subscribe to our Channel and press the bell button in order to be notified when a new video is uploaded we would like to give special thanks to our generous supporters on patreon who 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Channel: Knowledgia
Views: 1,938,052
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Keywords: Why wasn't Portugal conquered by Spain?, Did Spain ever try to conquer Portugal?, Has Portugal always been separate from Spain?, Why did Spain never conquer Portugal?, Why Spain never conquered Portugal?, Portugal–Spain relations, Spain Portugal, Why was Portugal Neutral, Why was Spain Neutral, Why isn't Portugal a Part of Spain, Iberian Union, Spanish Portuguese Relations, Why did Portugal never join Spain?, Why didn't spain conquer portugal?, Why didn't Spain take over Portugal
Id: EFvsIhX2iog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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