What happened with the Muslim Majority of Spain and Portugal?

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The Iberian Peninsula was known as Hispania a name given by the Romans however after the fall of the Western Roman Empire The territory was lost to the tribe of the Visigoths which ended up ruling the whole Peninsula But this was temporary their new home will be conquered in the next period by a new force emerging far away Even if the ancient and medieval periods are long gone. You can still rule a kingdom by playing thrown Kingdom at war a free-to-play online strategy game with millions of players in which you can have fun by building your own Kingdom if you're a fan of those ages of History and if you love action strategy and battles this game is for you You can build your fortified town customise your hero and defeat your enemies You can play throne Kingdom at war in the app or in the web browser There's a link down in the description by checking them out. 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What is rightfully yours Starting as a religious movement in the hot desert of Arabia Islam spread rapidly Mainly due to the early military successes against Eastern Roman and Persians Arab dynasties expanded more and more Reaching the shores of the Atlantic Ocean at the end of the 7th century Hidden these empires the religion was embraced by more and more people and became dominant in the caliphates It is believed that Hispania was one of the former Roman provinces where the Latin language and culture grew deep roots And on April 30th the 7-eleven Muslim general Tariq even-odd landed in Gibraltar by the end of his campaign Most of the peninsula was brought under Islamic rule is LOM has been present in Hispania since the Umayyad Conquest in the 8th century as in other places of the caliphate many others embraced Islam It is not known for sure the exact number of people who were Muslims but my 1,100 the Muslim population in the Iberian, Peninsula Was estimated to 5.5 million they were a rabs Berbers or local people who accepted the religion even if the Umayyad dynasty Collapsed parts of the peninsula were held by muslim dynasties in the next centuries and the Muslim majority Existed more in the Spanish part than in the Portuguese part of land in the next few centuries Christians pushed from the north and started Reconquista due to this process the Muslim population Started to decline at the end of the 15th century the Reconquista culminated in the fall of Granada with the Muslim population of Spain estimated to be around 500,000 approximately half of the Muslims lived in the former emirate of Granada the last independent Muslim state in Spain Which had been annexed by the crown of Castile? Muslims living under Christian rule were known as mu de Harz the conquest was accompanied by the Treaty of Granada signed by Amir Muhammad the 12th of Granada Allowing the Spanish crowns new Muslim subjects a large measure of religious toleration The subjects were allowed the continuing use of their own language religion schools and laws However in 1492 started the monarchies reversal of freedoms It started with the Alhambra decree ordering the expulsion of practicing Jews from the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon and its Territories this continued when the archbishop Talavera was replaced by the Cardinal Cisneros He immediately organized a drive for mass forced conversions to Christianity Also thousands of Arabic books were burned at the end of the 15th century in 1499 the mudras rebelled the first rebellion of the alfajores was unsuccessful and only have the effect of giving King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella a pretext to revolt the promise of toleration that same year the Muslim leaders of Granada were ordered to hand over almost all of the remaining books in Arabic most of which were Burned sparing only the medical manuscripts beginning in the city of Valencia in 1502 Muslims were offered the choice of baptism or exile many of them chose the first option because exile was difficult Thus the majority are forced to accept conversion They became the new Christians also called moriscos many of them continued to practice their old beliefs in private in 1567 king philip ii made the use of the array back language illegal and forbade the Islamic religion Dress and customs a step which led to the second rebellion of the alfajores acts of brutality Existed afterwards edicts of expulsion for the expulsion of the Moriscos Were finally issued by Philip the 3rd in against the remaining Muslims in Spain other explosions were also made the last mass prosecution against Moriscos for practicing Islam without being seen occurred in Granada in 1727 by this period the indigenous Islam is considered to have been effectively extinguished in Spain The Reconquista was a process not only of war and conquest but also of repopulation Christian Kings moved their own people to locations abandoned by Muslims in order to have a population Capable of defending the borders by doing so the Muslim population became less and less many were exiled others persecuted and others converted a Big thank you again to our sponsor throne Kingdom at war Don't forget to check them out by accessing the link down in the description and also a big THANK YOU to our awesome Supporters on patreon be sure to subscribe to our Channel and press the bell button to learn more about our incredible history Thanks for watching and see you in the next episode You
Channel: Knowledgia
Views: 1,017,793
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Keywords: What happened with the Muslim Majority of Spain and Portugal?, What happened with the Muslims of Iberia, Muslims in iberia, Reconquista of Spain, Reconquista of Portugal, Reconquista, Muslim Majority of Spain, Muslims in Spain, Muslim Spain, When did Spain expel Muslims?, When were Jews and Muslims expelled from Spain?, What was the last Muslim kingdom in Spain?, Umayyad Conquest of Spain, Muslim rule over Iberia, Muslim rule over spain, Spain before muslims
Id: Yoh5imnIsIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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