Wars of Roses 1455-1487 - English Civil Wars DOCUMENTARY
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Kings and Generals
Views: 1,520,480
Rating: 4.898294 out of 5
Keywords: Bosworth, Wars of the Roses, DOCUMENTARY, house of York, Edward IV, Barnet, Tewkesbury, England, English History, Lancasters, Henry VII, Tudors, Richard III, medieval history, animated historical documentary, battle of towton, war of the roses, full documentary, full length documentaries, kings and generals, world history, documentary film, decisive battles, history channel, medieval, game of thrones, military history, history documentary, king and generals, history lesson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 21sec (3201 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Taken from the description; โIn this new Kings and Generals animated historical documentary, we will cover the Wars of the Roses, describing one of the first Civil Wars in English history. The Hundred Years' War is over and the descendants of Edward III now divided into the houses of Lancaster, York, and Tudor will fight for the crown. This video features the battles of St. Albans, Wakefield, Towton, Barnet, Tewkesbury, Bosworth and Stoke Field.โ
This is one of my favorite periods of history. It seems to have inspired the words chivalry and intrigue, yet it was brutal and beautiful at the same time. And people so iconic they will be remembered forever.
Isn't this where George R.R. martin got his inspiration for GoT??
7 add pauses. No thanks. May watch it when I get home if itโs any good.
This was a great PS2 yugioh game
Love Kings and Generals.