Episode 5 of Season 2 was Amazing!

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i've been waiting i've been waiting for this moment yeshua weighs in in agreement with the pharisaic school of hillel get on the other side and be like john how how close was that to you right you have to get your toolbox hey everybody welcome to grafton i'm sam this is tom we're going to do another reaction video for the chosen this time we're going to check out season 2 episode 5. we're both elders in a messianic congregation i lived in jerusalem for two years so i'm really excited we've been really enjoying this whole season because we're looking at it from a messianic perspective so we want to just comment and react as we see it here live for the first time shall we we shall here we are temple the temple mount oh this is the guy that got healed i think so he's looking down at his it look at those guards so those would be the the the jewish guards then yeah yeah they'd be uh levites that's a gate yes okay gotta pause this is atticus right this is the secret police guy one thing i noticed last episode he was eating in every shop always had something in his mouth very important to the show i'm pretty sure just so it's true then you're on your feet are you roman that's my accent give me away it reminds me i'm glad i didn't do british accents in this oh man we haven't talked about their accents yet i took a i took a class called jesus in film and contemporary culture in college and the fact that they're not doing terrible accidents makes me so happy i mean there's still accents but they actually i think they're i don't know this to be true but i think they're actually going for like a i speak hebrew and now i'm speaking english no no they are they are they are they really because i know people who speak hebrew the guy they speak english and they they they kind of sound like the guy that plays jesus his uncle i think is middle eastern and his uncle's wife his aunt is egyptian and so he tried to combine their english accents but that's not his own but he's trying to make him like a middle eastern middle eastern next and he was doing this years ago oh oh really because he was doing stuff with dallas years ago and then the jesus character oh i didn't know and then simon came into the picture who's israeli and simon's israeli dad wonder why it sounds like that but then he so he heard his real accent was like oh hey mine's close wow and so they went with that so they went with that i think that's why it feels it feels better to me i just watched the video on that into somebody yeah so anyway any hoop anywho anything all right let's go ahead to the next clip ready for the next clip let's do the next question but before we go there make sure you hit that subscribe button we'd love to have you stick around and watch more episodes and if you've got any comments or questions or anything like that put that in that area down there where you do that and give us a thumbs up [Music] all right here we go i was born roman yes but i'm just a man i had to see with my own eyes you think he's gonna come to faith i don't know i believe it was a miracle huh interesting i mean he saw he saw the brothers life-changing i'm kind of nervous i'm kind of nervous but forbidden you must want to shout from the rooftops i do do you at least have anyone close to share the good news with oh he's trying to get him counted my brother almost immediately after leaving the pool incredible oh man what did he think it's safe right sure i'm roman [Music] he believes the manning responsible has to be after the cycle hmm she's facing his face [Music] it's like what's a messiah remarkable all right i gotta say i don't trust him yeah this is a good messiah question here because he's like a messiah well what's the messiah i mean they're obviously not speaking english uh in the first century so this is where we get the word christ so the word christ is the same word as messiah and it's actually a made-up word in greek right yeah yeah yeah right they didn't have a word for it's actually meshiach in hebrew and so the greeks didn't know what a messiah figure was sure so they made up this word that means to rub oil on and kind of added a letter and we transliterate it it's kristos in greek and that's where we get christ but it's kind of interesting because in english we have two words right right messiah and we have christ that actually mean the exact same thing one is just translated from hebrew and one from greek so it's not jesus's last name mr and mrs christ it is not his last name it's the title he's the king got it got it all right ready for next clip i'm looking at it before it starts because you're interested fire of a bread okay it's the zealot guy simon yes [Music] it's a shimon color for him he still had his what is that knife sword on him i'm nervous you should probably put out the fire first [Music] okay hiding a tree oh wait decided to climb a tree i think it's an oak tree this time somebody said that the last one was a juniper tree all right i'm trying to identify this one [Music] does he really think he's in danger why does he need to have his knife smell you so i can smell you [Music] come no closer how did you know i was following you the demon that possesses me this is enlarged that won't be dude are you a easy no a tax collector please roman are a tactical wow man he's just demonized is demonized yet not just but your body is temporal a demon will go on pass through the waterless places and find someone else if you're strong enough to have lucid moments it's safer in you until you find someone who can try pause that pause that what are you thinking it's safer in you he's saying if he killed him it would go on to find someone else and he's so he's saying if he's strong enough to be lucid that it's safer in him rather than going on to someone else and having it control them that that's that's what i'm guessing that's interesting theology it is i i don't you're a strong man of god sam i don't think i want you to be demonized no to take on demons so no other people don't have to have them that doesn't seem right but it's very kind of him or it's like a strange sort of compliment this is an interesting interaction interesting should we keep going let's keep going god bless you it makes sense why he didn't know his knife out he's cutting his stuff would you believe this isn't the strangest thing that's happened to me in the past week [Applause] he's manifesting them a snap on you something vile hmm i hugged my brother goodbye yesterday at the end of the feast he'd been lying in the pool of his own holy person wow not for a long time not talking about his brother it has a bad feeling about you [Music] thank you he definitely has this calm when he's talking to the demon you know and you can this is what happens actually i've encountered some demonic encounters right it's not the person and you can actually tell when they're looking at you right and they're trying to intimidate you which is also what demons try to do so that was very do you see i so what i'm picking up on is that the demon is recognizing that he's been with yeshua he's not recognizing anything about simon it's that he's recognizing that he's been around this power you know that is holy or whatever that he's he's talking about so simon's not picking up on it but he seems really calm it's almost like something because of his interaction with his brother because remember the whole that thing he had written was i will know the messiah has come when you stand on your two feet right everyone he's that was what he wrote in that letter so i think he's a he seems like a changed man right he doesn't kill rufus that uh magistrate or whatever so i feel like he's shifted because i mean most people demon would freak him out yeah and he seems pretty calm here once he realizes it's not like a physical threat he puts his knife away and then he's like all right but you're right there's this residual yeah like holy spirit on it or right yeshua on it yeah yeah let's keep going see how the scene ends [Music] he said after the feast we could find him near the jordan outside jericho we passed jericho a while ago here is a relative turn john's never where you expect them to be wow really he's never hurt i've been waiting i've been waiting for this moment i was so sad when we left john in the last season and now he's back i'm so excited i'm like torn with john like i mean they they present him like an absolute wild man you know and i get it he was eating locust and honey but he's also like he's come you know john's most likely coming out of qumran because he's he's living in the desert he was set apart at birth or just after birth his parents actually yeah set him apart it says in luke's a super prophetic birthing coming up to his birth that he's super perfect right and he leaves jerusalem into the desert right well that's where we know qumran was where they found the dead sea scrolls thousands of years later right so then all of a sudden he grows up you don't hear anything about him in the text and then all of a sudden he's eating locust and honey yeah and hanging out in rivers yeah i remember talking to a dead sea scroll scholar in israel about john and i was like was john an essene meaning was he one of these guys that are most likely a part of this you know community at qumran and he said if he wasn't a part of the community quran it was a community like that so he meaning this was this really really extreme sect of judaism they're more conservative than the pharisees so when you left you were they were like you're a son of darkness now wow it was they're the only you know the only ones who are the true believers so he leaves i think probably be eating locust honey because what else was he gonna eat you know right so maybe he's a wild man uh but i don't know if he's as wild as he gets presented just because he's coming out of the desert i don't think he was like living there on his own i think he was with this community and then it says in the isaiah 40 right right the preparing away in the wilderness for the lord right so make straight the path yeah which is really what he was doing and even that community was doing i mean i think it's probably fair to say that he was a pretty radical pretty radical guy i mean being in a scene calling out herod like and then preparing the way of the messiah like those are some really radical things so i i hear you i also just really like the character he's fun he's fun he's funny super fun the interaction between him and nicodemus in the jail in the last season i thought was great i thought it was a lot of fun they're very very different very different very different different holy men yep all right we want to go to the next one here in the book of moses if a man takes his brother's wife it is impurity he has uncovered his brother's nakedness and they shall silence that i understand this against moses but i'm here for bigger purposes than the breaking of rules minimize incest of course not what if the laws of moses will be minimized all of this will be addressed i'm not ready to get into the specifics you appear to be not ready to get into the specifics of a lot of things stay on topic the romantic lives of rulers and kings has been and always will be well this is a lot this is great i don't think i ever thought about this before like what would the sitting down on the log conversation between yeshua and john the baptist right on the immerser like two radicals yeah yeshua's the radical and okay and they're family too makes it even more elevated that's hilarious john's like are you serious are you serious this morning can you imagine calling yeshua and telling him come on you need to be more uh anything you know right right oh man peter does that too sometimes it's kind of funny okay that's good that's a lot this is i wasn't honestly when they were sitting down you see simon the zealot peering out i wasn't expecting to see john and yeshua talking and so that surprised me but that was of enormous exciting to people it was covered that length in torah i don't see why you feel the need to focus on it it's a client king or whatever he's one of us he's unlawful i am not afraid of him he may not be as bad as his father but he is still bad that's really interesting actually so what john's saying is he's jewish or he's acting in this jewish role he's he's it's a complicated who you're talking to here okay talking about harry about herod at the time but and he's referring herod the great who's even more evil but his point is he's jewish and since he's jewish we we can't allow this uh because he's you know the the overseer of judea and of all of israel really at this time so he's he's hung up and for good reason and he calls him out like you said he does it it costs him everything but he calls him out yeah it's a i think josephus says that it was safer to be a pig no in the house of hera than to be it's safe to be a rel no what is it no it's a pig it's safer to be a pig in the household of hera than to be a relative because he killed his wife and he killed his sons and like he killed all these people but he kept kosher so he didn't kill any pigs wow that's what josephus said yeah i think it was just jesse this was a all joker let's keep going i'm gonna march straight into his court and i'm gonna tell him to his face my followers will love it you do know how that's going to end don't you i get arrested all the time is afraid of me the people hold me to be a prophet some say elijah himself maybe not the elijah we both know the elijahness the allegedness present so the verb you just said elijahness i've used i've used words like that you know with you just put ness at the end of something so okay good company he's presenting john as a little full of himself he is a little bit yeah i don't know beginning to wonder why you're taking this so slow why you're always running away after performing miracles why do you always go off to these desolate places i need solitude i'm working on something a sermon a big one you're the planning type i would say the first thing that comes to my mind i i always say the first thing that comes to my mind that was really funny i was going to make a side note on the difference between solitude and isolation because solitude and isolation are two very different things even dietrich bonhoeffer talks about this but but that's one thing that yeshua did well is that he was in and among the people and his disciples but he knew when he had to get away and be with his father which is in isolationism that's solitude i think bonhoeffer puts it let him who cannot be alone beware of community and let him who cannot be in community beware of being alone well yeah bonhoeffer was amazing he was amazing i love him wow and speaking of martyr we got another martyr i mean john right zella and the martyr yep wow okay in preaching and in life yes i remember from the time you started talking and i heard about that brood of vipers coming that was classy do you know how the poets say vipers are born yes they fetch inside their mothers and eat their way out killing their mothers in the process i thought it was a pretty good line yes but no one wants to be accused of killing their ima yeah i'm not here to make friends with religious leader it's interesting this is a about the virta vipers comment so in extra-biblical writings jewish writings it actually was common for them to refer to each other when they're having heated discussion they call polemics uh calling each other snakes really that was it's kind of like when you're family you know you you say things a little more heated than you do with you know strangers or quasi friends and so this whole brood of vipers because even yeshua has some harsh words at times as well you know yeah so but it's just a family inner family uh discussion right debate you know about how should you this discussion even here what is their relationship to the law of moses you know how is this to be understood this was the big debate we talked about sabbath in our previous uh reaction video and it was okay how do we follow the sabbath that was the big debate uh in all these different commandments and then yeshua is bringing this whole new element the new covenant the breaking into the kingdom you know all this heaven coming to earth and him and like this is a big shift and and a new revelation right right was working on a really big teaching he just said it he did that was hilarious that was really funny for like eternity past yeah he's been working on it for a long long time and judging by that stunt you pulled on the sabbath neither are you whoa are you really gonna be nice to these people i suppose not just be careful now is not the time to be careful 30 years you've been here david was a shepherd and in the wilderness and on the around for 30 years before he became king yes and then he ruled for 40 years he killed a bunch of people made horrible mistakes and then he died in bed with the teenager he was not married you're not the best but also she was there to keep him warm i know the text does say that he didn't touch that's true miguel it does say that he does say that that was a really brilliantly written summary it was of david's life but in a very very negative perspective i think right i think i could see where he's squirming she was well i mean you know this is a relative that's one way to say it but he's like he is the greater son of david for a reason you know yeah so there is a reason that he had the covenant the davidic covenant was made with him but that this is this is good john's like come on man like yeah let's get this party he's fiery right he's fiery there are certain flavors in the family messiah like this they're just fire for sure you know and we need this absolutely they're called the prophets well and that's it's interesting i mean like you know simon is kind of like that simon the zealot's probably kind of like that and so we're getting all of these different flavors around yeshua right and we're one thing i love about this show is that it brings these guys just so humanly into your minds you know and so that's this is it just makes it more fun that they're so that shows and that's their specialty is it bringing the humanity and look here we are 2 000 years later and we still is this wrestle between the prophets right and how do we allow the prophets but they stir things up so then the pastors the shepherds like whoa stay over here but we need them as a part of the congregation keep us moving and yeah that makes the can't have everything just in order and right so but then the prophets don't really want to be here they want to do their own thing so it's like this whole thing where we all need each other so we all need each other so for sure all right let's keep going i know i know what you mean but what i'm saying is taking all this time telling all these stories i must confess i'm eager for you to get to the point very profit right i'm going to tell stories that make sense to some people but not to others and that's just how it's going to be a teacher what a teacher i get it it's not like i'm preaching stories for children either it's becoming real isn't it everything we've prepared for it is i mean it's always been real but it's one thing to preach about it to hear my abba's prophecy growing up and your ima's song imagine that kind of it's heavy when it becomes real no it's true do you feel great can you imagine [Music] i'm always ready to do my father's way but that doesn't make it easy listen i was rude to you before but it's only because we go back so far and i can tease a bit i love it but you know that my heart is yours my life is yours the sole reason why i was miraculously conceived by two old people it was to pave the way for you wow i'm just impatient you to get to work what a strange life right i mean right [Music] unique way guilty is charged that's perhaps a poor choice of words perhaps wow that was an incredible scene what if you're yeshua's cousin i mean that would be like what what i'm here to serve you if it's different than the mom i'm a guy so right harder to relate to his mother or something but his cousin or you know his friends growing up we were neighbors right you know or something like that's like what like this oh man that's god you know like i don't know that's pretty cool but also so bizarre so bizarre i like i love the the context that they just painted to even john hearing his father's stories like these prophetic words that were spoken about him like what he is designed to do living with that and then being at this point in time and place in history like you just you can't even imagine it you can't even imagine it and like i love that they captured like the friend of the bridegroom message right here that that john says you know it's it's the joy of the friend of the bridegroom when the bridegroom calms that context you know and it's like you're seeing that like my life is yours which is one of the things i love about john and and as you were saying that as we get toward the end of this age and his return right i think it's gonna be the same way right i mean some people are saying that we're seeing some birth pangs right now i don't know if they're birth pangs i think it may be morning sickness but but my wife says i can't say that because i don't really know what morning sicknesses but sympathy pain but i think it's gonna be the same way it's like we're we're looking at the book of revelation and zechariah and joel were like i mean if it's not us you know it's in this not so distant futures like this is happening that's what he's saying we're this is coming to life right now right so pretty cool pretty cool next one what was that flashback [Music] what's oh it's the demon guy right she's like i know that did you [Music] i heard that i love those two together he [Music] okay again the human side of the disciples right it's on all of you before don't come any closer that's awesome love that stop hey wow i don't answer to that name they told me about you did they oh seven of them so they're trying to intimidate that right my name is mary mm-hmm it was always merry oh the stories they had you're scared they are they're doing a good job of painting the spiritual warfare context she's stepping forward not afraid at all fifth night of legion what's your real name smell it's on all of you what did your mother call you [Applause] [Music] please oh so simon's here they're not backing down to uh the controversy are they they're going straight for demons right interesting [Laughter] [Music] that was a running deliverance that was [Music] amazing all he said was out out of him you see that oh my gosh that's so good yeah yeah i love it i'm glad they're portraying though the spiritual warf oh my gosh yes and this is great it's so good it's so real they are avoiding the reality of the gospel of yeshua the deliverance is real i know it seemed like it would never end wow [Music] well it's over now um that was intense that was intense but it's so good it's this wow this kingdom breaking in when the king shows up yeah the son of god shows up yeah this is warfare i mean the wall the game is on man the waters are stirring it's game on i just gotta say like chosen guys way to go well done way to go that was intense it was so good let's go let's just keep moving an appeal is pointless nicodemus is too powerful it's not an appeal but said [Music] of course but what does that have to do and when there is an issue presented to the sanhedrin that could be interpreted two ways the court splits there's still a robe so this is interesting they're bringing up the two main rabbinic schools of thought in the first century the school of hilal and the school of shema so that's kind of fun that they're bringing this in so maybe we can thank rabbi uh jason sobel jason i'm not sure who helped him out here he's actually a friend he's awesome and he's a consultant on the the chosen but hilal the school of hillel actually yeshua weighs in in agreement with the pharisaic school of hillel right most of the time and only and they're actually more lenient than the school of shema so this is by lenin you mean like torah or like oral law lenient is that what you mean yeah like strict okay for like uh for example uh halal said that you could divorce your wife for any reason if she was a bad cook okay so they're real lenient on the law ex but then shamai actually on this particular one on divorce yeshua weighed in with shamai right because you couldn't right that for sure so but they're both ferris state schools which is interesting because the pharisees a lot of times get portrayed as these evil bad guys and yet the pharisees school was the closest identification of yeshua's school of thought interesting so and then of course we have paul the apostle rav shawl and he was what it says in the text of pharisee of pharisees right and he wrote most of the new testament right right so although they didn't always love yeshua he's debated this is an inner family dialogue discussion on how should we follow the law of moses but he still connects mainly with the pharisees interesting point yeah so anyway i'm glad they're bringing up for sure uh hillel and shema here we might get a little more in the story and the court splits along missionaries traditions it becomes political former allies become enemies we can turn people against nicodemus maybe but the right issues especially those that appeal to emotion can be political gold false prophecy is a moral imperative to you and if we can make it emotional as well you may find we don't even have to seek those who oppose nicodemus nicodemus himself may have a change of heart what do we have to do most sanhedrin members follow the teachings of who shamai exactly ah and he's the most rigid interpreter of doctrine the sanhedrin has known this is exactly how you're learning you can get this to him that's not the hard part our part is getting him to make it a priority but if he understands the crime he's got no political weight here's what's important to shamai right now so the other interesting thing is that uh i'm fast forwarding now to today because people are real familiar with rabbinic judaism today and wearing black and white and you know when you look at the western wailing wall there'll be you've got like religious jews usually are presented there are many different types of religious jews that's one uh ultra-orthodox judaism but rabbinic judaism actually comes out of the school of hila so they're actually hillel was or pharisees like i was saying and then rabbinic judaism came out of this school of pharisees so shema is stricter but rabbinic judaism actually comes out of this uh less strict they're still strict in some sense sure uh meaning they care about the law and how to apply the law uh but there you could see here they're trying to show you some of the corruption right within the sanhedrin and the different leaders and could we influence them and this is part of the corruption that we all know is a part of the jewish leadership in the first century as well right so they're they're presenting that right he's in a dog fight with sanhedrin president shimon the son of hillel who is the more tolerant teacher shema's opposite school of thought shamai has the votes in the sanhedrin yes but shimon has to common people because he's he that sound shamai wants the people and shimon wants the votes and he he's right hillel himself he's talking about the son of hilo but he'll himself was a commoner and so this is kind of they've done their their homework here which is really cool uh the sanhedrin's also has sadducees right involved i don't know if they're going to get into that so it's it's a mixture here but this is interesting kind of getting i like how they're just getting into the inner political dialogue and wrestle of the sanhedrin itself that carried so much power and weight right in the first century yeah and it's like a i mean it's their judicial branch right like in this hey you think about paul and john and stephen these are the guys that were going they were going before right when they were having to defend what they were doing these were the guys right so just a little even just biblical context there right so if we could offer shimon a way to beat shamai but his own rigid game we pitched the school of hell against the school of chemi politics so you're writing a letter to shalom shimon is too busy to read our letter his personal scribe however is an old friend he will have the time and shimon's ear when the opportunity comes politics jesse gave us so little information man it's not entirely his fault the man vanished after the miracle that's his pattern nicodemus himself was struck by the same curiosity he performs miracles discreetly and vanishes what else do you remember from capernaum a woman on the roof an ethiopian who referred to an incident with a leopard outside the city i can go back to capernaum and look for her excellent if the case is reopened it will have the full weight of the sanhedrin behind it there can't be too many ethiopian women in galilee and backwater towns that's my home cousins he said he was going to see his cousin jesse wasn't clear on that detail but it's something we can search the census records for relations the population of nazareth is so small he would be easy to find we can identify his father mother and the relatives this is a census year the numbers aren't in yet how old did he seem 30's early 40's he must have been old enough to be counted in that last census check on it yourself don't draw attention that's he's right about the towns not being so big so nazareth you know wasn't like this metropolis sure there's not tens of thousands of people i came here the exact number but i want to say six or seven thousand small same thing with bethlehem let's finish the clip we're almost done in the meantime we need to recreate the events our people really need a variety of names that's hilarious it was really funny oh so i mean shewell is trying to build a case against this miracle worker false teacher he's really passionate about this that's they're i think they're they're doing such a good job they're building the drama yeah doing the drama he talked about why would they still not believe he's the messiah if he they know he's doing miracles or shamwell here is that he like there's this zealously for the law that goes too far right and and you end up like blinding you and this is called legalism right where it's just you're just so into the the letter of the law you can't see yeshua when he shows up and i mean that's yeshua's biggest critique right is that that if you you had moses but if you believed moses he says you would believe me right right so like they're not truly following moses or when he came right because he is the son of abraham also it's like they portray it you almost see a little bit that in john as well you know this these expectations and what that's true what's the point so the expectations are being shifted a little bit so even but i will say that like the relationship with john and yeshua that might be my favorite just bringing john more alive right like he's such a unique character and his we know his birth story and like i don't know he's he's such an important part of of the scripture yeah preparing the way of the lord making straight the path in the wilderness you know so i mean come on this this that was my favorite part yeah i love i love the development of the character john it's super fun i can't can't wait to like get on the other side and be like john how how close was that to you right what was that i mean beard was it similar was crazy john what did they call them in their early creepy jobs creepy job my kids quote that creepy john said something about their sandals or something like kids are saying yeah yeah but anyway great episode we look forward to watching the whole thing yep some of you asked also about when we went back and watched the full episode of episode four episode four what we thought about it so sam what do you think when you sat down and watched the whole thing last time oh man i it was it was really fun to see the progression of simon the zealot and the transformation of simon the zealot from you know i mean obviously they had this messianic expectation throughout his entire life and then he sees his brother getting healed that last moment was just incredible everything they did with that i was just like oh it was so good you know yes there's some imaginative liberties taken there but who cares it was great i agree like that storyline they brought you in i'm glad we got to see the whole thing they did such a great job and having him be related to the man who gets healed at bethesda that was really special but then the story where he comes in and he sees his brother walking and so he doesn't murder that guy i mean this is amazing that was the writing is so good and they just bring you into the story you know you'll never read that story at the pool of bethesda the same way again right it's so human uh it's so real and even the zealots they're getting you into the zelda i really love that because that's a big big part of the historical context in the first century and so this is why the romans are crushing them a lot because you have these zealot groups that rise up this is why the temple gets destroyed in 70 a.d was because of the zealots so i love that they portrayed and got into the zealots some right this is so much a part of the story of what's really happening in the gospels so a fantastic episode thank you chosen you guys are doing a great job you're not watching this but thank you all right i majored in air drumming you about ready minor didn't it just we're waiting on oh
Channel: Grafted
Views: 128,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen reaction, Messianic
Id: K63m9x47s4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 7sec (2767 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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