Episode 8 of Season 2, the Finale!

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you know who this is whoa of course a church in the traditional location crazy story that was actually funded by mussolini hey everybody welcome to grafton we just had our first live stream event and it was great it was fun it was exciting and everybody's watching the uh eighth episode of season two right now and we're about to do the same the finale loaves and fishes [Applause] [Music] 40 talents and you can keep the western ridge for whatever it is you love so much about it lucille 49 what a 10 years wages christian let's throw up the [Music] covenants what's wrong that word covenant i was thinking about the promise made to abraham and all the other promises and you can talk to your rabbi about that for now let us close the covenants and host a fair deal for everyone so for a guy like him the guy selling his land why would land and covenant feel so important to him well i mean when you look in covenant in scripture you see i mean even going back to adam you have this be fruitful multiply and fill the earth and then god repeats that with noah right and so you have even from the beginning covenant is related to well two main things which is people and land right so and then what's really awesome about covenant you see this kind of progression because then god makes a covenant with abraham and it's a covenant of seed and land right and he says what now i want to give you this particular land i want your seed to not just fill the earth but fill the particular land of israel right right so it goes from general to specific for sure so and then of course you know covenants are relational at the core so if you think of ancient covenant yeah right you would have a warring tribe or something and then you would make a covenant of peace and so then they wouldn't kill each other right and then if somebody attacks you then you would defend your covenant friend confidential partner or yeah so they're also about relationships so god's obviously covenant with us is all about relationship so it's a it's a serious word and then marriage is the main covenant that we all relate to which is why god makes it so serious of the covenant of marriage so yeah love covenant yeah i mean it's it's one of it's god's mechanism of relationship with humans that's good it's it's mechanism and i i take that from asher and traitor but no you're right and scholars say the same thing yeah that in in antiquity in this time of the old testament that the essence of covenant is relationship yeah so that's just how they understood it in the ancient near east right so it's all about relationships it's good it's not just a protestant thing in that sense this relationship with god so i just had to jump throw that in there it's just a god thing yeah he's always exercising put the shirt on before the women get up oh they're already up i heard them studying in their tent why do the women feel so strongly about studying isn't it enough to just listen to our rabbi when would they do that he's never here you know your obsession with exercise it smacks up hellenism he's just trying to stay ready what if the romans changed their mind and do what they did to your old rabbi you please not bring that up the mind and the spirit i just want to drop there because they just talked about hellenism and i think that's a really good pause because hellenism is this greek influence and so he's saying hey you if you think of the ancient greeks and where we even get uh like the olympics right what are the olympics all about games and they would wrestle and they actually wrestle naked and so it has all these even sexual connections to them uh that are very pagan right so very much against this hellenistic influence that was really a big part of the known world at that time sure so he's there wasn't a kind reference this hellenism if you will oh so he was he was saying something very pointed there that's interesting i'm more important than the body how can you have a healthy mind if you don't have a healthy body i'm talking about emphasizing one over the other try eating a whole bush of poisonous berries and then tell me how your mind is doing after the chopping oh did we interfere with sleeping in your sails are still full i see breakfast boys so a lot of things going on there they were uh actually they're kind of presenting kind of a hebraic versus a greek perspective there on and they're talking about how uh well at least simon the zealot was emphasizing how the natural still matters right and right yeah it's not just the spiritual is the only thing that's important which is a part of it over emphasis in greek philosophy or whatever uh but he's saying yeah if you eat berries the wrong kind of berries or whatever you could die right so the natural still very very important important in a hebraic perspective so and god uses and paints all these pictures in scripture that are very natural like he's the rock and he's living water and all these things that we can naturally connect with you know for sure so it's not just trying to get out of the body and into the spiritual or something yeah so they're connected and inseparable in a hebraic mindset yeah so they're wrestling with that a little bit and presenting both sides even within the disciples which is which is interesting it is interesting too to see andrew is still on edge you know after john's been you know where he's at and everything that they've gone through so yeah and then they showed uh simon peter here doing ritual hand washing oh yeah yeah and uh which is interesting because in mark it talks about they're being accused the disciples of of not washing their hands right so i don't know if we'll get into that a little bit more later because that whole passage in mark is actually really misunderstood i would say uh it has a lot to do with uh well eating kosher food and and what's kosher and so maybe they'll get into that i don't know we'll see here but uh here he is washing his hands even though they're accused of not ritually washing their hands so anyway a lot going on just starting off my frame was not hiding hidden hidden from you when i was b i being made when i was being made in secret in intricately woven in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my form not my unformed substance how do you have this memorized i've been memorizing the rest of that song of david i need more words more tools i can't let it happen again maddy you've got to stop dwelling upon your eyes on my unformed substance so i like i like what she's saying there as a as a practical though you know she's saying that the memorizing scripture memorizing the word just being in the word it's a tool and it's useful and it's helpful and so when temptation comes when difficult times comes we can use these tools and we can rely on the word of god that is living and active and it's sharper than a two-edged sword and so i i just i like what she's saying i know that this she's wrestling with you know i just went through this difficult situation i don't want that to happen again but also the resolve is good the resolve in her is good but putting in your tool bag tools that are going to help you for the future hardships or trials it's really important it's really good but she's not taking correction well apparently so which is also a really good tool to have in your tool bag so she's not listening to her friend right so i didn't like that part no no but i hear what you're saying i'm with you shalom i come wearing apricots it's a good day today no i don't think so she's pretty intent on studying oh maria's writing leaflet notices and invitations and sometimes right she went through something bad i think she just needs time and what about them in the most generous explanation i'd call that love to i just can't agree on what that right means that's good thank you i will take this oh and tell rhema philip found apples but i wanted to bring her apricots because i know that her favorite it's like it's like passing notes in junior high right well sorry do you do you like me circle yes no right well can you just tell the sam call you should just talk really loud she's like 20 feet away apricots tom has apricots i did like the uh the love comment right you know like the the family the they're trying to wrestle with the the walking out of the of the things of the lord and it may not always look real happy apparently boys and girls liked each other even two thousand years ago [Music] men and women yeah exactly yeah [Music] and my look of annoyance was the best i've ever given sophocles you least euripides aeschylus they will kill for our acting skills certainly it was a kind of tragedy for him all right so we know that the first scene wasn't um back in time it's present day okay all right just making that apparent for us yeah thank you a trial and all tragedies have winners he was the one who brought the potential minerals yes and then you acknowledge the possibility of salt and not giving anything away i considered the value and we came off looking like good guys we bought a salt mine for the price of a country plot did you see his tears that's common people have emotional ties to the land and then what do we grow calluses on our eyes he lightened up we just made the best sale of our lives he didn't make a tidy profit on man he didn't know whatever be valuable you'll never have to work another day in his life you know when i brought you on as my apprentice they neglected to tell me that you did not have a sense of humor i do have a sense of you you're about to become a very wealthy man once our miners find themselves behind a bit like kings kings of what there's only one true king in heaven and everyone else even caesar is enjoying illusions of power and wealth sooner or later we all become dust there's that sense of humor [Music] hey i'm not oblivious okay i know that's right but we have so few opportunities to get ahead in this opportunity it was a calculated deception and it didn't it didn't feel good we used what god gave us and now we'll have greater choices we'll live better lives more devotion finish your trick man was formed from earth and eventually he returns to it the time in between big wrestle's going on here you know who this is um i have a i have an inclination all right okay all right it took me a while okay all right all right it took me a while yeah it's uh i don't know i'm curious i'm i'm curious as how this is gonna go it's judas you're just gonna say yeah yeah which one which one do you think is judas uh i think this guy's judas the apprentice guy i think i think the one wrestling and he's not okay with it but but i could be wrong i think you're right i mean the other guy is clearly more sketchy okay there's more compromise there's way more compromise sure but my guess is that well i don't know i don't know he's more sketchy so he would seem like maybe he's it seems like this guy i'm gonna call him the younger guy because he just has a younger face he seems like he's got the potential to be a disciple right because he's wanting he's wrestling with the text he's wrestling with the the morality of what they're doing whereas the other guy seems a little more in and so i don't know but i don't know but i mean here's the thing is we don't know what judas was really like like this is where i think it could actually go either way in that sense it's like right was he this great guy and then he turned or you know there's a lot of question marks about judas like i personally feel like he was possibly a zealot yeah and so and then when you know how they understood the messiah that they wanted him to come and what to throw off the oppression of rome yeah and so when it ends up happening that you know she was like that's not how it's gonna work right that we're gonna i'm gonna lay down my life and it's like whoa whoa whoa wait a minute you know he starts to see the writing on the wall oh and and then that's what hardens them but but i could be wrong i mean that's that's my you know that's your that's your opinion hunch or something but doesn't mean i'm right right so it's a interesting portrayal here but we'll see if so you're going with the young guy or the old guy i'm going with a young guy too okay i think because that's what you said right i think so but that's at first i was thinking the other guy but now now that i'm seeing the the more disciple like right bent like he's he's wanting to be and it's about money remember and he handles the money and he ends up stealing right so i don't know we'll see wait a second but before we do that we just want to say thank you so much to everybody who's partnered with us we really appreciate you and if you want to partner with us and you want to donate financially to us you can click on the link in the description below there has to be more to life than that he's an orphan and a poet i told you not to call me that's me okay i'm sorry it's been a long week let's take some time off to rest what i need is a life i could be proud of [Music] don't you want to do something that will really matter i will be remembered throughout history i appreciate your ambition i really do and i see potential in you i see it every day here's an advance let's take weeks off rest go for walks do something new really why not you're the one who said there's more to life than making money [Music] thank you i don't know what to say finish your drink i think then all east of the river looks promising it's the younger guy yeah because see then he gave him all this money right and then he's like that's kind of nice so there's this right so there's the seed of something right there is what you're saying right yeah yeah yeah but he's like most people doesn't like you didn't have to go that way you know it's like ugh evil's like evil's evil the my money's the root uh of evil can't serve so much evil yeah yeah exactly right yeshua says that right you will either hate the one and serve the other yeah man oh it's kind of hard to watch them we just started with them like we're not even there like we're so long away and i already don't like it what is this roll gonna be at the sermon on the mouth maybe he won't have a well remember he's like everybody has a role they keep saying that i don't know maybe that's where he comes in oh we're speculating let's go just go he won't be high enough for people to see and hear him yes and the three so the south was throughout the view of the sea of galilee what they're doing is that they're trying to figure out a place to set up the speakers and the the smoke machine no no i mean come on like you know the mountain was covered in smoke absolutely so sinai that would have been awesome like it was there are all these illusions back to science right so what if what if on the storm of the mount there really was smoke machines smokish but not machine the real the real smoke machine because i heard that when moses you know was the original person to ever get the download from the cloud yeah onto a tablet mm-hmm stone [Music] well that was a commenter that was that was hilarious i don't care what your name was but it was so rad but for real i mean we're gonna get there how do you get that many people to hear you without a pa like yeah give me a break i don't understand well i think there is something about like sound and like how they would position amphitheaters and yeah you go yeah like you could i don't know how to explain it so the spot was important the spot was important it's there are a lot of different opinions on where the exact location is and because if you go on a tour with me to israel we try to go to where the this actually takes place right beautiful spot too and there is a of course a church in the traditional location crazy story that was actually funded by mussolini the church at the sermon on the spot wasn't exactly a true story so i don't know i think about that actually i do know what i'm thinking right god throws you for a loop it's somewhere in that area yeah uh but a lot of people say they know exactly where it is and i would say could be could be could be this interesting that it's your whole story everything we know for certain established as fact by eyewitnesses in accordance with the law i know we can't prove it's the same person but the pattern's too striking to ignore doesn't need to be the same person that's what's wonderful i will have simone dragged for this to be fair it was the secretary who called the charges shimon himself don't put words in the rabbi's mouth it's the other way around minutia my congregation and students will form at the mouth when they hear this make a written record of your conversation with shimon's secretary every word and file it with the clerk of the special counsel for false prophecies of the archive it must be signed and dated by a ranking levite do you understand my instructions yes but why all the exactitude because when this jesus of nazareth amasses in our followers and enough detractors it will get rome's attention and that everyone will know know what rabbi that shimon was well aware of these offenses and dismissed them his obsession with reforming god's immutable law will be exposed for the negligent lazy dangerous abomination it is not just shimon we open the case with the sanhedrin and nicodemus dismissed it as immaterial nicodemus i've long suspected the lamps were going dim in that house if you get my meaning well i don't know about that right spread the word tell every scribe pharisee sadducee sm priest teacher and levite you know why rabbi first the facts self identifies using a divine title from the prophets daniel son of man claims authority to forgive sins violate shabbat on multiple locations and commands others to do so heats with tax collectors and sinners degenerates now i don't like these kind of scenes yeah tell me why i don't it's just hard to watch you know i mean talking bad about nicodemus right like i mean that's like vile right i mean and talk about ungodly uh and look this it's also sometimes people i don't know they speak so negatively about the pharisees and i realized that the bible presents some of the pharisees and negative lights but it's not like they were all like this no for sure um but yeah man they were this right here they are this is bad bad news you know it reminds me of the book of james and james calls jealousy demonic and and and he gets really specific with his words there and so you can see i mean in some way they're portraying this well it's just jealousy and these rivalries as as kind of what they are right yeah and this i'm not saying this didn't happen right i mean this was they were but i get your i get you wrestle like this it's just hard to watch right i mean leaders of god doing this it's just hard to watch like and yeah and then also this list of uh you know charges charges against yeshua it's also interesting to note that especially with sabbath because that's the one i'm usually swimming in because of my dissertation work that when they yeshua stands before the sanhedrin and he's accused in this kangaroo court before he's crucified they never accuse him of sabbath violation wow i don't know they never put that together and so although they're in the film here talking about that that wasn't part of it there's no because back to what i was saying in a few episodes ago that there wasn't this understood agreed upon all the rules and regulations of sabbath rights so if so they couldn't accuse him of breaking the sabbath right and so that's important to note though because breaking the sabbath has very serious consequences in the torah right and that was not one of them that he was accused of and so again they're they're wrestling out trying to figure out what does sabbath observance look like because it's taken so seriously by the torah but there was not a completely agreed upon uh which just the hebrew word that means the the right way judicial way to understand and interpret the law so what do you think yeshua thought about the pharisees ideologically or even theologically i think he identifies most with their theology more so than the sadducees or something who don't even believe in the resurrection yeah right obviously yeshua believed in the resurrection definitely and there were many different types of pharisees in the first century but i do think he most aligns with what hilal taught but like i was just thinking about like these pharisees who like they're accusing him of all these things and i don't think that bothered him the accusations i don't i don't think so i mean i mean nobody likes accusations but i think i think it seems like to me he's like he's like you're supposed to represent me you know you're supposed to represent my kingdom on the earth wow and and this is how you are right like i think that had to be so hard it reminds me how he's like like if you knew moses and you knew abraham and the prophets you would know me right and clearly they don't right and this is portraying that right here like that's why it's hard to watch i think because these are leaders in the these are the teachers of israel yeah exactly like can you imagine this today this this does happen sometimes this is like this is why people have leadership wounds right it's like these aren't true leaders in the in god's kingdom right so that's why it's just hard to watch yeah it makes me think that you know it it maybe it broke his heart even where it's like you're supposed to be my my representation and so in that sense it there there is this like uh indignation or this righteous anger that he had but also compassion i don't know i mean his emotions are the best emotions you know he's he's the best person in emotions and in eternity right and so but he i mean he's he's actually saying hey there's a new authority structure now yeah it's called peter and the boys yeah you know peter and the boys not the sanhedrin it's not the same these guys it's it's not the rabbis it's gonna be peter and the boys and so there's this authority shift that's happening in the gospels yeah and this messianic jewish remnant that becomes the foundation of the entire ecclesia for the next 2000 years or whatever right right so anyway yeah that's good and again [Music] one of john the baptizer students is among his followers and there are rumors of a second delicious you will never be pestered by that freak again in capernaum there were women of ill repute seen a table with him at the tax collector's house you're telling me women are among his followers you asked for speculation keep going he consorts with gentiles specifically the ethiopian woman who know his name and his origin the last is very vague and small nothing is small when it comes to finality to god's law the pareto of capernaum ordered jesus detained when i spoke with his office they made mention of the fourth philosophies it was just a passing comment he must be out of his mind that's all we have you must make these confirmed facts and inferences made known far and wide but never mention that shimon or nicodemus dismissed the case the global masses would defer to their supposed wisdom but then when we reveal dated documentation showing that shimon had early warning and did nothing the house of his wretched grandfather hillel will fall and the house of shamai will rise [Music] rabbi respectfully we didn't come here today seeking to influence which schools of thought we came looking for someone who would care that a false prophet is deceiving our people if that was your intent you have succeeded everything you shared with me will make an appearance at my next shattered [Music] sermon okay so apparently that was shamai right right i didn't put that together until he said it yeah so yeah i mean this is so they went somehow went straight to the top right essentially so this is i mean you're seeing actually what yeshua is talking about right this um well hypocrisy right there where they're saying that the law is the most important right but then they're doing things that are really against the law and all for power right so this is a power play here for their name for their power right right and he's willing to do whatever to essentially be in charge and have more influence than the school the ferris state school of hillel and so then these other two guys are kind of like right they're only sort of okay with it you know they're not quite comfortable seems like the one i i can't remember their names but the one on the right was a little more okay shamwell yeah a little less okay from what it seemed like so there's a little bit of a wrestle within him so we'll see we'll see how that turns out yeah matthew look mary finished the notices they're leaving to spread the word i hope they can find a way to work together what do you mean they can't seem to agree on a single thing lately myself included sometimes oh i've noticed in some ways it's to be expected but not desired surely no no but it's what's bound to happen when you start something that's open to all truly all people zealots even tax collectors people who have been through tough times people both hesitant and skeptical as well as bold and confident people hungry to learn as well as those learned and knowledgeable let's get back to work how many sections are we up to nineteen is a little incomplete huh there is something about twenty that is more symmetrical you could is usually preferred which section stands out to you the most do not be anxious about your life of course are there any sections that concern you give me your honest opinion i know i don't have to say that but the truth you know i won't be offended it's well that is striking but if i do the math in terms of good news and bad it seems like there's not a lot of good news anyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery doesn't that make everyone an adulterer if your right eye causes you to sin gouge it out wouldn't that lead to an entire population of people walking around with only one eye and this one if anyone were to sue you and take your tunic let him have your cloak as well trees that bear bad fruit being cut down and torn into the fire the gate is narrow and hard that leads to life depart from me i never knew you do you realize how heavily laid in your sermon is with these kinds of ominous pronouncements i don't even need half of them it's a manifesto matthew i'm not here to be sentimental and soothing i'm here to start a revolution love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that isn't exactly he said revolution not revolt i'm talking about a radical shift did you think i was just going to come here and say hey everyone just uh keep doing what you've been doing for the last thousand years since it's been going so great [Applause] whoa that was incredible there's the beginning and the end what about the week wow wow that was really funny that was a fantastic life oh it's definitely not in the sermon on the mount but but it didn't make it it didn't make it but i mean that was good that's a good point yeah how's that going for you how's that going for you you know sometimes we've used that line actually saying to people yeah it's like well how's that working out for you not following god right and his commandments yeah it's like it actually doesn't usually end up going real well for you does it so that's good what did you expect him to come and do and those are part of the first century messianic expectations that yeah they've been talking about right israel expected the messiah to come and weigh in on how life should be weigh in on not just shabbat but so many other things because there was so much debate and everything's not clear in scripture maybe maybe you figured that out by now right so that was good i like i like this this like theoretical approach to the sermon on the mount because it's almost like theoretical as in the writing of it right so he takes matthew away with him he creates it they walk through it together like who knows if that is accurate no clue but it is kind of like how act or how how exact matthew's account of the sermon amount is it's it's a cool theory right i think it's just kind of a cool theory i like that he called it a manifesto i think it's a good word like it is yeshua's manifesto right it's his summary the torah it's his summary of instruction on how to live yeah and it's it's so layered and deep and and so i i do love that word it's like the yeshua essence his teaching yeah and there's a couple of words in there that he used that were so powerful manifesto revolution and he said not a revolt but a revolution right and so a revolt could just be like a forcible overthrow but the revolution is this like dramatic change and shift in history right and so i i love i love the word revolution because what he's done has changed the course of history forever that's right so it's good i love it also there's the beginning and the end what about the beginning the concern about the beginning is more logistical right now your opening line is you are the salt of the earth i'm worried particularly if it is windy or if the crowd is larger than we expect the people near the back will hear salt the earth and it will immediately go to mind a negative connotation the punic wars yes when rome destroyed carthage they sold the city with salt to make it better and to curse anyone who would rebuild upon it i share your concern about the opening line but for different reasons i think the sermon needs some sort of introduction an invitation into what as you have rightly pointed out will be a complex and at times challenging set of teachings what does you are the thought of the earth even mean i'm not good at metaphor salt preserves meat from corruption it slows its decay i want my followers to be a people who hold back the evil of the world salt also enhances the flavor of things i want my followers to renew the world and be part of its redemption salt can also be mixed with honey and rubbed on the skin for melodies i want my people to participate in the healing of the world not its destruction then why not just say that [Laughter] it's good come on matthew allow me a little poetry huh everyone is like you some people like a little flavor read the songs of david or or solomon i'm not going nearly as far with metaphor solomon i'm reading you next good luck he's probably i told you i just gotta say i do like the way they bring in colloquialisms into first century context it's just funny like the over your head you know and stuff like that i think it's hilarious these things will make sense to some but not to others i don't want passive followers those who are truly committed will peer deeply into it looking for truth but i do agree with you we shouldn't begin with salt and make a valid point good work [Music] you could flip it with the next image you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden i could or whatever you wish that others would do to you you also to them that one's inviting [Music] master may i ask why you keep coming down to look at the camp they've all gone haven't they we have i'm going to need time we have measures in place for crowd heathrow and we can set aside some of our men whose sister goat herds and shepherds keeping the animals growled on the other side of the mountain my god her told me about your plants but i don't like preachers i don't care for crowds you're not even offering to pay for the use of my space we have no significant money to offer we may be able to secure a loan hey we have some people in our group were skilled at negotiation why didn't you bring them [Music] do you know of an enabling pasture similar to yours someone we could talk to look i only came here because she said you'd pay for my drink if i heard you out and i have what about product association what if this man is as important as they say the sermon is as significant as they are predicting i just don't care about any vagabond teacher this is the man who's healed many yes the one we've heard about yes think of all the pilgrims that see him as more than a teacher how many did you say hundreds perhaps thousands multitudes thousands of people having life-changing experiences on your land they could see miracles what happens when those pilgrims go to market for supplies i mean all those travelers well they associate your products with the feelings they have on the day coming from all over [Laughter] this is the old city of jerusalem right i mean you know right we've just yeah we've turned everything marketed and material yeah it's just what humans do right i mean how to turn a profit this is a good point because there's a different difference between righteous business ventures and unrighteous gain and so you're kind of you're squirming you're feeling the you know like the the grossness behind his motives well and we've seen they've shown his heart a little already earlier we know we know he's in it for the money yeah and but but that doesn't mean all business ventures are just definitely by no means by no means but but there is a difference between like kingdom business and non-kingdom business so sure which is just good enough have we been advertising something that might not happen what if he never comes back he's sleeping he's not here we wake up and he's not here correction when you wake up he's not here i've seen him live with matthew every morning for the past week i think he's just trying to get it right can he get anything wrong i mean we've all been waiting how can you say that you saw what happened at ghana everyone calm down i'm sorry i'm just nervous we're all tired from a long day i need to rest for tomorrow and go meet the others at the mountain early to help set up what if no one shows up what if everyone shows up either way simon is right we should rest you think i'm going to get a wink of sleep i just want to make sure i've done everything i can for him you always do you don't have to give a message you'll sleep well now did you [Music] matthew matthew bye-bye i've got it the opening yes what is it a map what directions where people should look to find me okay give me a moment [Music] ready [Music] have i blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [Music] blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of god blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account [Music] rejoice and be glad for your reward will be great in heaven [Music] yes how is it the map [Music] if someone wants to find me those are the groups they should look for whoa you know as on the live stream somebody had asked what my favorite scriptures were and i was talking about hebrews 12 2 or it says for the joy set before yeshua he endured the cross right and how i imagined that as for the relationships set before him he endured the cross wow and that's that was the what they just presented right there was for the relationships set before him he's yeah presenting his family this is what his the family messiah will look like right i that's i never thought obviously that's that was beautiful that was just beautiful and it's amazing too because since it's a series and you get to know these disciples and so then you're like each of the characters you get to know their personalities and so that was a that was really beautiful that was amazing that was amazing he hasn't even given the sermon right i love that how he's looking over the camp and he's thinking about individuals he's thinking about these friends yeah you know but no greater love than this than i lay down my life for my friends wow they just they're just doing relationship so well and by saying that this sermon was fueled by relationship i'm like that's incredible right that's just incredible i've never thought about i haven't either like that but i love it because that's the essence of the gospel yeah the essence of the story of the good news of the kingdom is that he wants a family yeah and it's a diverse family ethnically but it's also a diverse family and giftings right character and yeah and yet we need all those different parts of the family and the fact that he's saying that i have it it's a map like it's a map to find me that's how we are to look is is this reflection of who he is it's like this is the impartation of his dna you know this is like you will know by the fruit that it bears you know the tree by the fruit that it bears and so if you know if your followers are doing those things like the world will know so the world will know so the world will know wow that's good wow what up to thirty thousand god people are showing up it will be four thousand by the time we start and no time should we even tell him i don't want to be surprised when he comes around to his place was he capable of supplies or being thrown off this is not good more people show up or if one more thing goes wrong this could be a disaster am i allowed later where's dasha she's just empty and some others they secure the place at the front eden yes get over here i need a tiebreaker this is simon's wife ethan he's a tie breaker he's even bigger than i thought i had a feeling you had a feeling i want to see him i wanted to find a place we can hear him i'll come and find you i won't belong see if we can find one of his followers one of the men we met let them know we can help them they clearly need it [Music] they look like they're with him excuse me son may i have a very brief word [Music] this is amazing oh excuse me do you know where i should stand to hear him to hear the teacher from nazareth nazareth you recognize that forms miracles they are saying he could be the one we are not going to miss a word you could do a lot worse than to follow us this is kind thank you [Music] you know today is one of those days when it's definitely better to be blind and not deaf i'm sorry if before moving to hear the teacher why are you turning off the path the others follow i'm just going to say hello to some old friends before the show not to show barnaby it was a show at zebedee's house so capernaum is close to where the sermon on the mount yeah so that's why we're seeing peter's wife and we're seeing these characters from earlier in the uh seasons good episodes so they're in that same area right so they're they're close uh but also about the the crowds i just want to read something because some people have been asking questions about this uh were there really this many people there so what's interesting is when so the sermon on the mount is matthew 5 through 7. so when you begin in matthew 5 it says verse 1 it says now when yeshua saw the crowds he went up on the mountain and after he sat down his disciples came to him so it seems like at the beginning here that it's smaller okay but then if you read until the end then it says this is matthew 7 verse 28 it said says now when yeshua had finished these words the crowds were astounded at his teaching the crowds so for he was teaching them as one having authority and not as their taurus scholars so so the it's kind of expanded yeah i don't i mean it's hard to say exactly but it it's kind of like both it seems like to me but so you know but i do like that they're they're showing the crowds the excitement you know there's so many stories they're not going to be able to cover so i think they're just trying to even bring you into the sense of the stir and the excitement and uh but it seems like it could be both actually of being smaller and some people argue it was just smaller and some people argue it was big right the whole time so no that's interesting and i i like that they're building anticipation even the way they were talking about it earlier about his manifesto and the revolution and all of those things it's like this is a it's a really important teaching right and i like that too i mean they are taking creative licenses totally no doubt but i think if people will take away from this hey i should at least really know and read matthew five through seven yes like this is this is gonna summarize the gospels like that's true yeah like let's meditate on matthew 5 through 7. right so just for that alone i like that part right there and in that sense again he's like summarizing the torah he's summarizing the old testament the tanakh in matthew 5 through 7 right in a very real way so i like that they're building it up in that sense totally it's a lot of fun [Music] [Music] [Music] he's on the other side i actually have to go there okay okay okay and then no heckling you two no promises jewish mama right sons of thunder so does that mean he's thunder what are you thinking about your father i never got to see any of this my father which one [Music] i'm glad you're here am proud of you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] maybe wait to say that until after i'm done yes i mess up in front of such a big crowd whatever you say will be beautiful it is pretty good actually [Music] i do love what they're portraying here even with even with john and his mom and dad and then yeshua with his mom this this the human relationships the importance of family remember here we have the mom number one fan again right you know we appreciate our mom number one fans even before the teaching it's a perfect teaching before you give it [Music] it's time [Music] we heard some guy who's gonna tell jokes on the hillside or something there's no jokes wait it's you you're the man from the public house i just follow them don't actually know what i'm doing here come on over well we just wanted to say shalom we'll go find a good spot please stick around hey simon this is the man who got us the mountain the pastor convinced the landowner it was worth his while yeah good work i'm simon judas welcome judas there is sure you're gonna love this sermon oh i wouldn't miss it [Music] [Music] shall we look how excited simon gets before these big moments the music music is so good i think he goes notes or no notes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] yes was good that was so good i like that we got the the beatitudes though you know i mean they're not gonna just have him read right matthew five through seven or something but the the message was there without like a classical presentation of it so that was really good by having him look through everyone before he went out you know i don't know about the stage that you know right but i don't i'm not saying it's wrong right something but right that's it made it more dramatic for sure i think and i think that maybe that's what they were going for the the immensity of the situation of what he was about to say yes it's huge right that is the fun part about it what they're taking creative license but they're trying to yeah present the magnitude of it right and it's not like it's a glorification of something else to me it's almost like it's an exaltation of of what he's doing and the immensity of what he did even if it was a you know just a just him sitting on the side of a mountain you know it's like they're trying to portray that this is the this is a life-changing history-changing event you know narwhals are related to unicorns unicorns yes so i hope you enjoyed your buddy what are you doing i may or may not be excited i don't want them to know because they're so close to knocking your cotton man you're making me nervous
Channel: Grafted
Views: 123,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grafted, remember Jerusalem, messianic reaction, the chosen
Id: KI6mp76wjMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 27sec (3747 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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