Why Tobey's SPIDER-MAN was REMOVED from the MCU - Marvel's Original Plan, Explained

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this was it what do you think I've been working the past 10 years of my life for I was going to be the youngest World Champ in the history of the game that's over now they took it that was today today deleted scenes from The mcu's Iron Man and Incredible Hulk would have made Toby Maguire the Spider-Man of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and this would have changed the future of the MCU Daredevil and Sony's Venom verse forever welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan AR and for the past 20 years the Spider-Man character has been on quite the ride we've had reboots reboots of reboots spin-offs animated movies you name it but it all started way back in 2002 with Sam Ry and Toby Maguire Spider-Man my name's the human spider Toby did three Spider-Man films and each holds a very special place in all of our hearts yeah except Spider-Man 3 nobody even Spider-Man 3 in fact we have a great video up on the channel right now talking about why Spider-Man 3 is actually hated but great and a little later I'll be telling you how Spider-Man 3 could have been the key to kicking off the MCU with Spider-Man from the jump I mean just a year after Spider-Man 3's release in 2007 we got the star of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Iron Man I am Iron Man in an early draft of Iron Man we would have learned that Tony Stark played a pivotal role in the creation of Dr Oto octavius's mechanical arms featured in Ramy Spider-Man 2 and Toby Maguire's Peter Parker was wanted for a cameo in The Incredible Hulk but both ideas were nixed by Sony making it to where we'd have to wait almost a decade to see Spider-Man in the MCU with Tom Holland but imagine a world where Toby Maguire never hung up the red spandex what if ry's Trilogy had been the first three films of the m cuu I'm listening you know what man it is crazy to think about exactly how different the MCU would be if it was planned out from the beginning what are you doing skin care bro is that a thing that that humans do it's a thing that humans 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proved that Spider-Man could be much more than a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man now this would Inspire Nick Fury of Shield to finally bring Spidey into the fold there was an idea imagine if Spider-Man 3 had given us a post credit scene of Peter arriving back at his apartment and sitting in the shadows of Sam Jackson's neck Fury Fury reveals that he's been keeping an eye on Peter these past few years and that Spider-Man has done the city of New York a great service and that A Little Agency called Shield would like his help on an even bigger Mission and then we learned that that Venom symbient wasn't the only one that crash landed on Earth and there are more you're a very difficult person to contact Spider-Man in the original version of the post-edit scene for Iron Man we hear Nick Fury mention mutants and even a reference to the the web head as if gamma accidents radioactive bug bites and assorted mutants weren't enough plus there's nothing in the Ramy films that contradicts the first phase of the MCU Iron Man Iron Man 2 Incredible Hulk Thor and Captain America all could have panned out exactly the same way and existed alongside ry's films and Spider-Man could have seamlessly fit into the Avengers and been a member of that OG team that assembled in 2012 for the Battle of New York I mean Toby's Peter Parker would have fit in so well with the original six Avengers he was close and age with them all and they all could have had some great interactions he'd have this deep respect for Captain America and always called Steve sir even though Steve said it wasn't really necessary he'd have a nerdy science bro relationship with Bruce Banner and oh my God he would have hated Tony Stark right but Tony Stark and Spider-Man they're like best buds yeah sure but Tom Holland Peter Parker is a lot younger than Tony and Peter looked up to him as a mentor but Toby's Peter Parker would have been a lot closer in age to Tony and they would have had very different upbringings what do you know about High Society oh uh well I don't answer that Tony Stark was the son of a billionaire and inherited his father's wealth and company while Peter Parker was a working class guy who worked hard for what he had and he didn't have much and Toby's version of Peter was very reserved and respectful unlike the very full of himself Tony Stark but then again when Parker would put the mask on he would rival even Tony Stark in the quips department hey kiddo let Mom and Dad talk for a minute will you you have no idea what you're dealing with uh Shakespeare in the park so don't get me wrong I love Tom Holland Spider-Man Andrew Garfield's too and I'm glad that we got their Spider-Man but part of me wonders how much better the already phenomenal Infinity Saga would have been had the OG Spider-Man been there from the jump and if the Spider-Man character overall would have been in a better place if it still had Toby Maguire playing him for all these years characters like Venom Carnage Craven Miles Morales and even Madam web could have been major players in the infinity and Multiverse sagas so I want to go through the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and talk about how Toby Maguire Spider-Man would have fit perfectly into the MCU even better than Tom Holland and how things would have looked had a more mature and experienced Spider-Man been around from the beginning you're the spiderling crime fighting spider your Spider Boy Spider-Man so the Ry Spider-Man films already had several things about them that would have worked great in the MCU the first movie showed us the military trying to purchase mechanized armor suits as well as a human enhancement serum to create essentially super soldiers so let's start with the super soldier serum we know that the mcu's Hulk was created during Bruce Banner's attempt to replicate the serum that created Captain America so they could have easily Incorporated ocor into the MCU and revealed that Norman was trying to replicate the serum as well and just how Banner's failed attempt created the Hulk Osborne's created the Green Goblin back to formula the first Spider-Man film also revealed that way back in 2002 Norman Osborne was researching nanotech I read all your research on nanotechnology really brilliant nanotech of course became a major player in the mcu's later films especially with Spider-Man's Infinity War suit it would have been great to see William defo Norman Osborne being old colleague of Howard Stark and hey in the fake death MCU maybe they could have even brought Norman back in the later films in Spider-Man 2 we heard mention of Doctor Strange Doctor Strange that's pretty good okay so let's have some fun it's 2012 and Loki has come to conquer Earth on behalf of Thanos alongside him are alien symbiotes who have infiltrated every level of government on Earth they crash landed on Earth back in 2007 just like the black symbiot and Spider-Man 3 these symbiots have taken over various government officials including Shield agents A symbiot has even bonded with with Peter Parker's high school bully turned warvet Flash Thompson now I know the black symbient and Spider-Man 3 is supposed to be Venom but they never actually call it Venom in the movie so we're just going to pretend it was a random black symbient and not Venom and Joe Mangano's Flash Thompson will take the place of Eddie Brock by daing another black symbiot suit that will be the real venom of the MCU and take on the moniker of Agent Venom like in the comics okay so all these symbiotes have been infiltrating the world's governments and have been awaiting orders from their boss the Mad Titan himself Thanos and instead of the chitari being the the alien Army that attacks New York It's actually an Invasion From Within all these symbiant who have been living and hiding within humans morph into the big bulking alien creatures and attack New York City and early on in the film when Loki arrives Clint Barton's Hawkeye won't be brainwashed oh good I thought that's kind of stupid yep instead it's agent Flash Thompson who will betray Fury and Hawkeye and join Loki we saw Loki manipulate a lot of people's minds in that first Avengers movie turning Good Guys into villains for most of the film but with the symbient Army it can be the symbiot making good people break bad and assist Loki and Thanos in their Invasion we'll also get some backstory on how the Symbiotes home planet was destroyed and how they made a deal with Thanos to help him conquer Earth Thanos wants the Infinity Stones in the Symbiotes won a new home so they assemble to take Earth the movie would pan out pretty much the same as before the Avengers would assemble defeat Loki and the symbiance and send a message to Thanos that Earth is not to be trifled with but a subplot would be added to the film where Peter tries to save flash from his bond with the Symbiote and by using Loki staff Peter is able to break through the symbiot mind control and tap into the mind of Flash Thompson it's also revealed that Thanos is the one who had the Symbiotes home planet destroyed in secret so that they would join his army out of desperation upon this reveal Venom would no longer answer to Thanos and he and Flash would take on a more symbiotic relationship setting up a future for the Venom character to become an anti-hero in the MCU and maybe even Escape into space and join the Guardians of the Galaxy like in the comics and Venom would also have a motive to seek revenge on Thanos just like the other Guardians and speaking of the Guardians let's move into phase two phase two would feature Remy Spider-Man 4 now Spider-Man 4 would feature vulture as the villain just like Ry originally intended and this vulture would have a very similar story to the vulture in Spider-Man homecoming Adrien tombs will have invested a lot of time and money into his crew helping to clean up after the battle of New York but then he's undercut by Stark and the department of damage control I apologize Mr Toms but all Salvage operations are now under our jurisdiction Toms being a fellow member of the working class just like Peter Parker would make for a very interesting Dynamic we could see Tony Stark cameo in a scene where Peter confronts him about screwing over workers on the cleanup jobs further laying the groundwork for the coming Rift between Tony and Peter for Captain America Civil War come Age of Ultron Spider-Man will be on the side of cap in his objection to playing with AI now Peter has had Direct experience with the dangers of artificial intelligence in his battle with ototo Octavius these things have turned you into something you're not don't listen to them and Peter will be able to point out that Tony has botched mechanized AI before with the creation of Doc Ox mechanized arms a call back to Iron Man 1 and Spider-Man 2's removed connection the question then becomes Which side will Peter take in the debate over the sov Accords now in the comics Peter Parker sides with Tony Stark and reveals his identity to the world something we almost saw at the end of Spider-Man homecoming it's about 50 reporters behind that door and I'll introduce the world the newest official member of The Avengers Spider-Man in the MCU we saw Peter Parker on Iron Man's side as well but we have to remember that Peter was only 14 years old in that movie I can't go to Germany why I got homework and he was like going to be on Tony Stark's side either way but if we look at Peter in homecoming far from home and no way home he doesn't really seem to abide by any set of rules implemented by the Accords he still does his vigilante thing and seeks to keep his identity a secret and I'm not even sure Peter ever actually signed the Accords in fact I don't think he could have without his legal guardian being present what the the point is that I'm not so sure that the mcu's Peter Parker would have really been on Tony's side had he been a little bit older when it all went down and I don't think that Toby Spider-Man would be either he could have revealed his identity to the world in any time in those three Standalone movies but he never did showing us that maintaining his secret identity was important to him something that I'm not sure he could do with the sov courts talking about superheroes who have enemies who will try to harm them and the people close to them this isn't about privacy for privacy sake if this information is not protected it could put a lot of people in a lot of danger I also don't think that Spider-Man would be interested in having to ask permission from a governing body before he can swing in and save someone from harm if Toby Spider-Man were the Spider-Man of the MCU I think we'd see Spider-Man on caps side come Civil War or on no side at all and in phase three following the events of Civil War we could get a Spider-Man 5 that shows Spider-Man's vigilantism under much harsher scrutiny than we've ever seen before while characters like cap Widow Sam Wilson Wanda and the others are on the run from the law Spider-Man remains in New York fighting crime vigilante style like he always has only this time the police are under strict orders to bring him in don't move Spider-Man 5 would open with John Jameson the son of J Jonah Jameson big party for an American Hero my son the astronaut JN is also the ex- fiance of Mary Jane beautiful miss Mary Jane Watson just agreed to marry me John's Rocket is about to launch on a mission to Mars Jay Jonah Jameson is there as a proud father and Peter Parker is there as a Daily Bugle photographer the rocket malfunctions and they're told to evacuate because the rocket is about to blow Peter quickly runs into an alley stripping his day clothes and Dawn his mask Peter Parker swings in to save the astronauts he's able to lift one astronaut from their seat but Jon's leg is stuck and Peter is having trouble getting him loose JN yells for Spider-Man to save the other astronaut and to get out of there Spider-Man argues but Jon says if he stays any longer they're all going to die Spider-Man then grabs the other astronaut and swings away just as the rocket explodes we see Jameson let out a scream as tears roll down his face showing us a side of him that we've never actually seen before Jameson never likes Spider-Man but now he's out for blood because he blames him for the death of his son and Jameson claims that Spider-Man purposely didn't save Jon to get back at Jameson for his critical articles about Spider-Man over the years Spider-Man won't let me take any more pictures you've turned the whole city against him the fact I'm very proud of the other Astron not speak in Spider-Man's defense and tell the truth about what happened but Jameson just isn't convinced Jameson then hires Matt gargant to become the Scorpion just like he does in the comics Jameson has scorpion fake attack The Daily Bugle to lure Spider-Man to come save the day Jameson's plan is to have scorpion kill Spider-Man but during their battle scorpion suit that was provided to him by Jameson malfunctions and it kills him Jameson lies and claims that he witnessed Spider-Man murder the Scorpion In Cold Blood and just like in Far From Home in no way home with Mysterio Spider-Man will be framed for murder well I'll tell you what I call him Public Enemy number one Charlie Cox's Daredevil will then seek out Spider-Man to bring him to justice but in their encounter Daredevil will be able to tell that Spider-Man is telling the truth that he didn't kill the Scorpion I didn't kill him I believe you miss Pig Daredevil then recommends that Spider-Man meet with a lawyer friend of his Matt Murdoch and we'll see Spider-Man not Peter Parker but Spider-Man costume and all go to trial this movie would serve as a character study on what it means to be a vigilante and we'll see a different side of Peter Parker a Peter Parker who has to save Spider-Man and help prove his alter ego's innocence and in this movie we'll finally see Peter Parker reveal to Jameson that he is Spider-Man I'm [Laughter] Spider-Man are you serious now upon that reveal we'll get a great exchange between the two characters about rage and revenge and Jameson will ultimately agree to come clean because even though he hates Spider-Man and even though he's been hard on Peter Parker for years he knows that he's not a murderer and this will be a call back to this scene from the very first Spider-Man when Jameson saved Peter from The Green Goblin I don't know who he is his stuff comes in the mail you're lying I swear and we could also learn through Daredevil that the rocket that blew up was funded by Wilson Fisk AKA The Kingpin and that the Kingpin had rigged it to blow up on purpose so that Spider-Man would attempt to save the day and hopefully die in the process yeah that was random well I just really like the idea of Daredevil and Spider-Man Stories being linked together and the two being tight like they are in the comics and Kingpin would have been a great villain to see in one of Ry Spider-Man films anyways when Spider-Man ultimately wins his case and his name is cleared we'll see him step out on the courthouse steps to take questions and when he looks into the sky we see the black orderers ship from Infinity War entering the atmosphere and the screen cuts to Black Infinity War happens pretty much the same Iron Man doctor strange and Spider-Man team up in New York they go to Titan fight Thanos Spider-Man gets dusted and the world cries following the death of Spider-Man we see a young man named Miles Morales step up and become the new Spider-Man during the 5 years of the blip and plot twist it's this kid from Spider-Man 2 eat your green vegetables that's what my mom is always saying I just never actually believed her in between Avengers Infinity war and Avengers endgame we get a Miles Morales Spider-Man movie and then miles will join the Avengers in endgame in their attempt to bring back those who were blips we'll see Peter Parker make his triumphant return in the third act and come the end of the film following the sacrifice of Tony Stark and the retirement of Steve Rogers Peter Parker will also decide to hang up his suit after being gone for 5 years he'll realize that he missed a lot of time with MJ and that he wants to have a life and a family and now that miles is around Peter will feel comfortable to retire as Spider-Man and pass the torch officially to miles so that's our pitch for what the MCU would have looked like had Toby Maguire Spider-Man been there the whole time big shout out to the riter of this video Mr Colton Ogburn the guy who's trapped eternally in our television but doesn't know it so please don't tell him you can find links to his socials below what do you think guys should Toby have been the original Spider-Man let us know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 274,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars
Id: AxPkRjWH1Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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