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thanks to better help for sponsoring this video the post-credit scene of the echo season finale just showed us how the kingpen is going to become the mcu's new street level Thanos and he's going to be the villain that brings together Daredevil black suit Spider-Man The Punisher and more for one of the biggest battles the Marvel Universe has ever seen welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary so the echo series ended up being a kind of a mixed bag I was really pleased with the first few episodes but come episodes four and five the show really started a fall short probably because of budget constraints and we discussed all that and where the show went wrong and more detail in our podcast be sure to check that out we have a podcast yeah I told you this already it's called screen Crush rewind it's on all major podcast platforms and here on YouTube and we also have a merch store screencrush merch.com where we've got some awesome new Echo Daredevil and Kingpin inspired merch we've got the Return of the King Echo and American Sign Language Doug ass Daredevil Nelson and Murdoch Law and Order parody and this Nelson and Murdoch with the Vigilante scales of Justice shopping our merch store is the best way to directly support our Channel we design all the merch ourselves and we really appreciate your support and also we have our very first live show coming up on February 22nd in Brooklyn New York you can meet me and the team see exclusive videos it's going to be a lot of fun links for everything are below so while the show Echo wasn't everything that we hoped it would be we do have a lot of faith in what's coming next with Daredevil born again this is an 18 episode series that promises to be a return to the Heyday of the Beloved Netflix series featuring The Devil of Hell's Kitchen once again going head-to-head with his greatest foe Wilson Fisk I beat you now during the writers and actor strikes production was halted on Daredevil bornn again and The Hollywood Reporter reported that during that time Kevin feige took a look at what they'd shot so far and determined that it was not working so since then the series has been given a new direction that I think will give us the same greatness we came to expect from the first three seasons of the show and there's actually something very important that Maya Matt and Peter Parker all have in common they all suffer from survivors guilt Maya blames herself for her mother's death and no matter what she will always feel like a piece of her is missing literally because of her missing leg but also figuratively because she was robbed of her mother when she was still a child and like in our own personal way we can all relate to loss and we all need to find ways to cope with some grief or even anxiety in fact if you find yourself depressed or anxious I'm here to tell you guys therapy helps and maybe like me you're from a rural area or you just think it's impossible to find a therapist but that's why we are proud to be sponsored by better help for this video better help makes therapy more affordable and accessible and they make the process easy because it is online and remote by filling out a few questions better help can match you with the professional therapist in as little as a few days in our description we have a link and if you click that you'll not only help support our Channel but you'll also get 10% off your first month at better help and guys I cannot even tell you how important this is for you if you're feeling anxious or depressed or even if you just wake up every day feeling like something isn't right then therapy can help you like it did for me and finding a therapist is like dating you may not fit well with the first one you try so you can switch to a new one with no additional cost you don't have to stress about insurance or who's in your network or anything like that so again if you are stress struggling consider online therapy with better help click the link in the description or visit betterhelp.com greenrush for 10% off your first month today now back to what I was saying so the post-credit scene of echo teased kingpin's run for mayor of New York City just like he did in the comics but there's still a window of opportunity that's what the poll is telling us it could be anybody's race now in the Daredevil series we saw Kingpin use his money to buy power and influence to build his wealth and grow his criminal Empire he's paid off cops FBI agents politicians judges you name it and that worked for while but with these meddling superheroes at every turn kingpin's going to need to rise to a higher level of power becoming mayor of New York City will give Kingpin the ability to sway public opinion through lies and manipulation as a manipulative politician we saw in season 3 of Daredevil that Kingpin was able to convince a crowd of protesters to flip from hating him to loving him and then he turned their vital on the justice system and on Daredevil the people empowered decided to tear me down to tear me down with false allegations they sent someone to Frank me Daredevil King Pin is going to lie his way to the top of the poles and in his campaign he's going to lambas these Vigilantes as being the problem he'll talk about how ever since that warmonger Elite Tony Stark announced himself to the world as Iron Man the world just has never been the same he's going to rail against the Avengers and how these so-called Heroes and their destructive Antics have invited chaos into his beloved City he'll concede that he too has blood on his hands but he'll argue that the heroes have more blood he'll campaign on Banning vigilantism and string law enforcement law enforcement that he will control by appointing his own chief of police oh who's the chief of police going to be it's going to be a decorated warvet and former FBI agent that's right I'm talking about Benjamin po Dexter who are you I'm Daredevil po Dexter and Kingpin had it out hard in season 3 of Daredevil Point Dexter is very mentally unstable and he had convinced himself that he was in love with this woman that he never met named Julie long story short to further manipulate poin Dexter Kingpin had her killed and in response we see poin Dexter attempt to kill kingpin's beloved Vanessa in their battle we see Kingpin shatter po Dexter's spine and in the final scene of Daredevil season 3 we see that PO Dexter survived his injuries and we got to tease that he would be returning as the super villain Bullseye but maybe we could see him and Fisk bury the hatchet and work together to achieve common goals Kingpin knows that he needs somebody he can manipulate someone who isn't shy about breaking the rules and someone who can hold their own against the likes of Daredevil and other Heroes po Dexter could also serve as the police commissioner and direct his police force to arrest other Crim Lords clearing the way for fisk's Empire to flourish and he could also direct the police to stay clear of the mayor's business dealings but then also as Bullseye he could lead a task force of super villains that hunt down and arrest or even murder Vigilantes who are breaking the law wa what laws are they breaking well the first thing Fisk would do as mayor is pass a law that ban superheroes Vigilantes or even the use of superpowers within New York City see I think that Daredevil born again could end with us seeing Matt Murdoch's identity revealed to the World by Fisk and then Matt being arrested for vigilantism we've seen Daredevil put Kingpin in prison twice and now with Fisk being mayor it'll be Matt who we see incarcerated this would be taken from the brilliant Daredevil run by David Mack and Alex malie where basically this happens and we see Matt Murdoch try to survive in prison with his public identity having been revealed to the world now all of this would also parallel Spider-Man no way home when Peter Parker's identity is revealed to the world and he is framed for mysterious crimes what the and that movie Matt Murdoch steps up and serves as Peter Parker's lawyer how did you just do that I'm a really good lawyer so with Born Again ending with Matt Murdoch in prison for violating the mayor's new laws against vigilantism and superheroes in the closing seconds of the Season he will get a visit from a young man who recently took a job at the New York bulletin as a journalist and a photographer a young guy named Peter Parker New York bulletin Peter Parker works at The Daily Bugle well The Daily Bugle is not a newspaper in the MCU it's pretty much Infowars so there's no way Peter Parker would want to work there especially after all the slander thrown his way by J Jonah Jameson governments around the world launch investigations into the murderer known as Spider-Man so instead Peter will work for an actual newspaper the same paper we saw Karen Page work at in the Daredevil series and the same paper that played a major role in bringing down the Kingpin this could expose B so Spider-Man 4 can then open with Peter Parker doing his Spider-Man thing on the streets of New York and we can see Peter's perspective the moment Fisk was elected as mayor of the city as well as the new mayor announcing the new law Banning superheroes later we'll see Spider-Man helping someone in need but then he'll be cornered by Bullseye and his new task force of super villains characters like the Scorpion the Shocker and other villains that Spider-Man has locked up over the years oh right about vulture well the vulture is still in that field explaining to morby as who Spider-Man even is has to do with Spider-Man I think so Bullseye and the Gang will attempt to place Spider-Man under arrest and Spider-Man will escape but just barely then we'll pick up where Daredevil Born Again left off Peter will see on TV the arrest of Matt Murdoch and the reveal that that he is Daredevil and we can even get a funny nod back to Matt catching the brick and no way home and have Peter Mumble to himself oh that's how he did that with Peter now working at the bulletin he will score an interview with the incarcerated Matt Murdoch because the paper's new editor is none other than Karen pige but Peter isn't really there for an interview he is there to return the favor that Matt did for him in no way home by breaking Matt out of prison but first he has to try to remind Matt Murdoch of who he even is remember in no way home Doctor Strange cast the forget Peter Parker spell meaning that Matt Murdoch will have no recollection of Peter Parker but when Peter explains to him everything that happened and how Matt was once his lawyer we'll see Matt focus in on Peter's heartbeat and know that he isn't lying yeah but I know and they lie to me their heartbeats tell me so despite Matt not remembering Peter Parker he believes him because he can tell that Peter is telling the truth when Peter says that he wants to help break Matt out of prison Matt will thank him but decline the offer he explains that if he breaks out of prison with the help of Spider-Man they'll just be playing into the mayor's hand and giving Fisk the talking points that he needs to further demonized Heroes Matt says that if he's going to beat the Kingpin then he's going to do it by proving to the to the people of New York who the Kingpin really is Matt acknowledges that it's going to take time but that he's got a lot of that now that he's in prison Peter will ask Matt what he can do to help now keep in mind that at the end of no way home Peter returned to his roots of being a neighborhood Spider-Man so this new anti-superhero law has great effect on Peter Matt's response will be that years back the bulletin played a key role in bringing down Fisk Matt encourages Peter to gather photographic evidence against the king pin to help build his case so they can do it again and Matt with a wink and a nod says that Peter's spider abilities probably come in handy when it comes to getting in and out of places to together evidence without being noticed Peter agrees and begins his investigation one night while snooping around Fisk Tower which by the way should totally be Avengers Tower it would make total sense if Wilson Fisk now trying to Stage himself as a good guy would have bought the tower that formerly housed Earth's Mightiest Heroes so anyways Peter snooping around Fisk Tower and he's going to come across a lab that features a lot of Weaponry costumes and DNA samples taken from Arrested Heroes and we'll also see the super soldier serum that was featured in Falcon the the Winter Soldier confirming that kingpin's new strength in the MCU comes from the same serum that made Captain America don't leave Elanor so while snooping around the lab and taking photos Peter will come in contact with a black moving goo oh boy here we go yes it's the symbiot the symbiot that we saw left behind in the post-credit scene of no way home by Eddie Brock and Venom and we'll get some short expositions scene later in the movie revealing exactly how Kingpin acquired the symbiot from Mexico maybe he had help from a certain Secretary of State who shares kingpin's views on superheroes a great many people see you as Heroes there are some who would prefer the word Vigilantes and what word would you use Mr secretary how about dangerous with Peter no longer having his teched out Spider-Man suit and having downgraded to a standard fabric suit the symbiot would be a much welcomed Improvement especially since Peter's been facing off against a team of super villains who pretty easily overpower him but the longer Peter wears this suit the more violent and temperamental he becomes so the next time he comes in contact with the mayor's team of hero Hunters he's not going to be pulling any punches he will brutally beat Bullseye scorpion shocker and the others within mere inches of their lives and this is going to greatly impress the Kingpin Kingpin will then attempt to recruit Spider-Man he'll Stoke his ego and say that there aren't many Heroes like Spider-Man and that if there were any downsides to this new law it was the loss of the web swinger but he would also gladly have Spider-man become the new leader of his task force Kingpin then gives him some politician speech about how he's not the bad guy here and that he's doing what he can to help the people and save the city he'll try to say that he and Peter have a lot in common you know the We're Not So Different you and I speech now the symbiot will be drawn to the Kingpin and his words about power and control being the key to peace and the symet control of Peter Parker will try to push Peter to take the kingpin's offer but Peter of course is going to overcome this urge and turn him down and this is when the Kingpin will turn on him and reveal that he knows Peter has been watching him he knows that Peter has been working with Matt Murdoch on a case to bring him down and also that he recognizes that alien suit King pimble then tell Peter that he did a lot of digging to find out who Peter part Parker really was but that Peter appears to be truly alone in the world and no one seems to know who the hell he is a reference of course back to the forget Peter Parker spell Peter will quit back that he made a lot of sacrifices that Kingpin would never understand sacrifices that really did save the city and the world and then Kingpin would snap back at Peter saying he knows all about being alone and that he has sacrificed plenty to get where he is and to get what he wants now it's at this moment that Kingpin will gesture to his henchmen and then we'll see them bring out MJ and Ned Peter will gasp and MJ and Ned will have looks of fear and confusion on their faces King pin will say it took a lot of digging but he finally pieced together the life of the old Peter Parker and he found his best friend and his girlfriend he'll then say that strangely enough they claim not to know who Peter is and Kingpin says that he believes them and Kingpin then says that he's not exactly sure why no one remembers Peter Parker but that it probably has something to do with Heroes playing with a power they didn't understand a reference of course to his opinion on the dangers of superheroes and any power that he himself does not control Kingpin tells Peter that if he doesn't capture all the remaining vigilantes in the city and bring them to him then he will kill Ned and MJ and he'll also see to it that Matt Murdoch is executed in his prison cell Peter reluctantly agrees kingping gives Peter a list of names that Peter needs to bring in Dead or Alive those names include Frank Castle AKA The Punisher as well as Kate bishop and Maya Lopez and on that same sheet of paper if you look closely we'll see the names of Jessica Jones and Luke Cage but next to their names it says apprehended showing us that the Kingpin has already arrested them yeah right about Miss Marvel she is stayed with Captain Marvel in Louisiana right about Iron Fist no Peter's first stop is Riker's to meet with the incarcerated Matt Murdoch only this time he doesn't use the front door we see Spider-Man with all his black suit might break down the wall of Matt cell the prison alarm sound that we can see The symbiot Recoil before taking out the alarms Matt ask Peter what he's doing there and says this isn't the way Peter explains to Matt the situation with MJ and Ned and this touch is close to home with Matt because Kingpin has done the same thing to him with threats against Karen and foggy Peter tells Matt that he needs to leave with him now and help him bring down the Kingpin and save his friends Peter knows that no one knows how the Kingpin operates better than Daredevil Peter also tells Matt that if he doesn't help help him Peter will have no choice but to round up the names on that list and deliver them to Fisk as the prison guards approach Matt agrees to leave with Peter now as the two make their way back to the city Matt mentions that he'll need a suit and comments on Peter's new black suit hinting at the fact that he knows it's affecting his mind Peter responds viciously telling Matt that he didn't bust him out just to talk after a few moments of awkward silence Peter says that he has a suit that Matt can borrow we then cut to Matt wearing a very tight Spider-Man costume a call back to that time in the comics when it was Peter Parker who dawned the Daredevil suit Matt says that he can't see but he knows it looks ridiculous an Ops instead to put on a black shirt black pants and a black mask just like we saw him wear in seasons 1 and three of Daredevil as the two begin to hash out their plan Matt asked to see the list of names Matt then suggests that they still seek out this list of Heroes in order to join them in bringing down Fisk The Punisher of course would jump in an opportunity to put a bullet in kingpin's head and so would Kate Bishop accept it to Be an Arrow you know some some people have actually called me the world's greatest Archer and of course if you've seen Hawkeye and Echo you will know that Maya will gladly join the cause of stopping her uncle's evil doings so Spider-Man and Daredevil recruit their team and arrive at Fisk Tower having somewhat recovered from their fight with Spider-Man we see Bullseye and the other villains go toe-to-toe with our heroes and you know what screw it I love Luke Cage and Jessica Jones they broke them out of jail too or maybe they weren't even in jail they are also a part of this fight it's a giant superpowered gritty street level melee about halfway through the fight we see Spider-Man and Daredevil break from the pack and go for Fisk we then get the Battle of a lifetime brushing as close to an R rating as we can get and a Spider-Man film now Fisk with his super soldier serum puts up a good fight but eventually he falls to his knees and defeat after a puming from Daredevil and Spider-Man Daredevil stops fighting when he sees Fisk is done and Ned and MJ are safe but Peter is still filled with rage that is being Amplified by the symbient as well as the bottled up Rage of having been alone this whole time following the events of no way home Peter lays blow after blow into King Penn's face now Daredevil tries to stop him but Peter throws Daredevil into the wall yelling for him to get off of me Matt pleads with Peter to stop him and tells him this isn't the way he reminds Peter that according to him Matt was his lawyer and if that's true then it was because he knew that Peter Parker was a good man and this is a call back to season one of Daredevil where Matt says that he wants to exclusively represent innocent clientele my partner and I are having some disagreements over the direction of Nelson and Murdoch I believe we're here to defend the innocent Peter stops punching Kingpin but only for a moment he tells Matt at the Peter Parker that he knew died that night at the Statue of Liberty he then raises his fist to lay a final and fatal blow into the Kingpin skull when we hear MJ say Peter Peter turns and looks at her and she's clutching her black dalion necklace that he gave her in far from home and that she was still wearing after the forget Peter Parker spell in no way home she says that she dreams about a boy whose face is was a blur a boy who made her laugh a boy who made her feel like she could be herself she dreams about soaring in the air above New York City she dreams about being at the Statue of Liberty at dawn and feeling sad that there's something missing in her life and every time she wakes up from these dreams she is holding her necklace tight and it wasn't until this moment that blurry face has faded and that she sees clearly now that that boy is him a tear rolls down her cheek and she says Peter again but this time in a tone that says that she knows who he is she finally remembers him the bond between Peter and MJ was finally able to break through the SP spell we then see Ned step forward and say Peter followed by a faint smile Peter lowers his fist and we see the symbient suit begin to leave his body symbolizing his rage falling away as he runs to hug Ned and MJ we then hear Matt say Peter Parker the brick through the window showing that he too has broken past the spell and remembers Peter this beautiful moment is then interrupted when we hear Kingpin say well isn't this nice only in a much deeper and alien-like tone we then tilt up and we see the symbiot has latched itself on a Kingpin giving us a huge Venom like creature with Wilson Fisk at its core oh that's dumb okay fine no Kingpin symbient I think it would have been cool though we'll see the symbient crawl on the Kingpin but then the Punisher comes in with a flamethrower and catches it on fire and kills it is that better yeah yeah that's better or Punisher could become Venom Punisher becoming Venom also a movie I would watch Fisk is then arrested again but then we'll get a post-credit scene showing that he'll be receiving a pardon from the newly elected president Thunderbolt Ross teasing the upcoming Captain America new world order so guys there's our pitch for how Ekko can lead into Daredevil born again and Spider-Man 4 big shout out to the writer of this video Mr Colton Ogburn the guy who's trapped eternally in our television but doesn't know it so please don't tell him you can find links to his socials and buy below so guys let us know what you thought of this breakdown do you think that this is how this movie should go do you like eeko do you not like it what do you want to see happen next in the MCU let us know on our socials or down in the comments and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 145,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: echo, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, echo trailer, echo vs daredevil, echo mcu, echo reaction, echo marvel, echo review, echo daredevil, echo spider-man, spider-man 4, marvel, mcu, maevel cinematic universe, echo fight scene, echo post credit scene, echocalypse, echo interview, echo reveiw
Id: mf-FK2OD1Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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