Why This DEVIL FRUIT Was BANNED From One Piece

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did you know that there is a devil fruit so powerful that echura Oda actually had to write it out of the story because otherwise it just would have broken the series and it's not the only one either as it turns out the world of fruits can get surprisingly wild and over the course of One Piece Oda has had to remove at least six devil fruits for a wide array of reasons and today I am going to serve you said fruits nestled tantalizingly under this silver Dome thing in the script it's actually written in a silver Dome thing because I meant to look up the word but didn't maybe I should look it up right now flush it's called a cloche so if you didn't know that you are now smarter and if you did know that then at least you're smarter than me everyone wins with the exception of these six forbidden fruits which were booted from a series starting with the Conor economy an unfamiliar fruit which was supposedly consumed by the more familiar name of Charlotte katakuri I swear the devil fruit controversy never stops with this guy first he's a logia then he's a paramecia and now he's well it was never made explicitly clear Connor could mean a whole bunch of things such as powder flour or even meal however since katakuri serves as the minister of flour it's highly likely that this was supposed to be the flower flower fruit which I imagine would have had to have been a logia because that was the original intention of contouring but also the nature of flour makes it very very difficult to wield as any sort of solid bodily substance logically speaking and yes I am aware that I'm using the word logically to describe a 48 year old man made out of flour but logically speaking katakuri would likely need some sort of external assistance to make the most of the flower fruit like a stash of eggs in order to bind the flour or maybe even the infinite egg himself Baron tomago they would have made for a phenomenal doer every time katakuri needs to engage in fight battling he simply cracks a time ago douses himself in the weird viscousy goo and then proceeds to annihilate his opponents with pure flower power however there are situations where katakuri using the flower fruit alone would simply hard counter another unfortunately those situations are primarily non-canon and mostly confined to the main villain of One Piece dead end Adventure Gaspard who had a logia type devil fruit that allowed him to become candy syrup and in the end Luffy was only able to beat guspada because son Angie did the cooking maths syrup plus flour equals solid therefore goofy Captain punches ugly Marine in his well-rounded pig face here's the big question though but first it's dog time because this video is sponsored by established titles a Project based on a Scottish custom whereby landowners are referred to as Lords leads and ladies in English in fact my dog has recently become Lord Don Quixote dog Flamingo and is currently being engulfed in both starfish and swamp it's getting really hard to tell where one ends and the other begins title packs give you at least one square foot of dedicated land with a unique plot number on a private estate in edleston Scotland and with them you can officially change your title to Lord LED or lady on credit cards and stuff it's amazing they make great last minute gifts and establish titles plants a tree with every order working with global Charities to support restoration efforts plus I've been told that everyone who uses my link will get plots next to each other so so we could even start our own funky Scottish groundline Empire go to established titles.com Flamingo to shop their Black Friday sale and get an additional 10 off using Code dog Flamingo to support the channel and my dog's eager speaking of dog Flamingo has used his authority as a lord to take command of the wetlands and has thus become immune to any kind of swamp all hail your new Lord so do that thing but for now it's back to you me here's the big question though why did odor get rid of the flower fruit in favor of a Mochi fruit and I believe the answer is simply to make katakuri's abilities more similar to Luffy's looking back on whole cake Island in retrospect Oda did not have this brilliant mirror match in the mirror World in mind from the beginning but as time went on the idea took shape and Oda changed his character accordingly to be completely honest with you I am not even sure that katakuri was meant to be the secondary antagonist and my evidence for this is katakuri's original design yes this this is Charlotte user of the flower flower fruit and he's uh well he's made some Life Choices he looks a lot more like a throwaway Charlotte sibling design stacked up top toothpick legs on the bottom with a cape and a big old sharp stick there is nothing that anyone can say to me to convince me that Oda Drew this and said yeah yeah he's gonna to be my main antagonist but when katakuri did eventually digivolve into his ultimate form the flower fruit likely wasn't quite Fierce enough to match the threat that Oda wanted represented here because it would have been like watch out mugiwarano Luffy it's your strongest opponent yet Flower Man beware because he has the power of a polymer containing sugars starch and lipids delicious then again green bull has proven in recent times that a flower man can be quite fearsome so I'm sure what do I know and I actually think this would have led to an amazing amazing character moment for katakuru like his big thing was that his back had never touched the ground so his catchphrase would have been I will never fall because flower's purpose is to rise because of you know baking anyway our next forbidden fruit is actually far too fruit to have been fruit it's called the kanjukanjanumi which literally translates as the fruit fruit I mentioned this one a lot simply because I love the name but this was Charlotte smoothie's original devil fruit and It's tricky to figure out what if anything this fruit was actually meant to do I mean I assumed that it was supposed to be a paramecium although if it was a logia I do greatly enjoy the thought of punching someone and just having them explode into lingonberries and as much as Pokemon would have you believe otherwise fruit are not animals and so this probably wasn't a zoa neither we do have an established paramecia subclass for this sort of thing characters like baby five and scratch manipu both possess devil fruits that allow them to morph their bodies into a particular category of objects and I guess a Sim similar thing could have happened with the fruit fruit smoothies legs become lemons arms become apricots and her melons turn into the world literal melons there is another option though because the fruit fruit may also be a generation style paramecia a similar pout which was displayed by Charlotte cracker who could conjure and manipulate various types of delicious biscuit so smoothie could create all sorts of I don't know like fruit soldiers maybe I mean yet why not that wouldn't be out of place for whole cake Island at all but as for why her powers were changed I'd say it might be because they were a bit too close to Cracker's abilities and potentially even katakuris plus it does suit her name a lot better it's almost as if Oda took a sub-function of the original Fruit because smoothie would have had the power to for want of a better term juice herself an odor hyper focused in on that and thought hey what if we could juice everything I think it makes smoothie significantly more Sinister than she would have been with the fruit fruit because watching her squeeze that woman and that giraffe is genuinely one of the most horrifying experiences that I have ever had in one piece it made me feel legitimate definitely bad for the woman who stabbed 100 men and don't even get me started on how bad it made me feel for the giraffe we never even found out how many men it stabbed it really makes you think about priorities though the idea that big mom purposely sought out all of these food-based devil fruit abilities and cursed her kids with them just to make sure that she gets fed on time meanwhile you have someone like kaido whose entire life philosophy was I like animals strong animals but perhaps too strong though because kaido's crew had not won but two devil fruits removed from the series the first of which is the original concept for black Maria who was supposed to be the user of a mighty stegosaurus ancient zoen fruit stegosaurus by the way was my favorite childhood dinosaur because I really liked the the spiky things on its back the reason for the change here is probably obvious though is stegosaurus whilst pretty undeniably cool does risk being more of the same when it comes to the Toby Ropo who already had a Triceratops a Pachycephalosaurus and a Meek early 20 Spinosaurus being realistic here it also probably would have been quite a challenge for Oda to keep black Maria is his alluring Femme Fatale whilst also being a trunkosaur and this process took quite a bit of time to settle because black Maria went through a second devil fruit development where she was given the Obi obina me meaning sash sash fruit which was a paramecia that probably functioned as a generator like galdino and his wax or as a body manipulation fruit very similar to diamante's flag fruit in fact it probably would have been far too similar to the flag fruit but the bigger problem here is that it was a paramecium you know that doesn't quite mesh with kaido's whole brand so we have a problem to solve the stegosaurus yes it's on brand but it's not sexy enough meanwhile the sash for it then that's plenty sexy but not on brand not on brand at all so we need a middle ground and with that in mind we've decided to settle on drug taking Spider Woman black Maria's real devil fruit is tricky enough to understand for a casual reader as it is in fact most people probably don't remember its name and if they do they almost certainly can't pronounce it now just to prove my point black Maria is the user of the kuma kumonomi model I'm really glad this change was made though and one of the really cool things about this fruit is that the spider in question is actually the oldest animal that any Zone fruit is based on but a spider is not a crab Inazuma almost was though originally he was given a crab Zone which to me looks so so damn cool and I'm quite sad that we never got to see this boss crab this feels like a smoothie scenario one where Oda had Grand crab ideas with black powers to cut things because for some reason all fictional crabs can do that for some reason cutting but the claws don't cut so odor as he often does decided to simplify and streamline the needs of the story keeping the cutting ability but cutting all of the extended crabby stuff it's still the shame though because he would fit right in with the animal theming of the Revolutionary Army I mean they already have a dragon a koala a crow and even this delightful fellow named Bunny Joe now obviously a crab is not the most powerful devil fruit that Oda had to cut but before we get to the big reveal let's go in the other direction on the island of women Luffy's first encounter was was going to be with a domestic house cat because Marguerite's original concept was to be a black cat Zone user which does look quite cool and catwomanie but this is one of those situations where oda's imagination got ahead of his storytelling Marguerite being a devil fruit user would have created a big big potential plot hole because the whole idea behind the Gorgon sisters is that they lied to the Kuja tribe about their devil fruit abilities saying that they had slayed a gorgon and received these curses as a result as opposed to being force-fed their curses whilst enslaved but if Marguerite herself was a fruit user then this whole story comes undone because Santa Sonia and Marigold have Zone fruits as well so things probably would have played out like that Spider-Man meme in the end this change was quite inconsequential I mean Margaret barely got enough screen time to Showcase herself as it was and I suspect the only thing that her black cat fruit would have accomplished is the creation of a series of awkward erections within the reader base and speaking of that is a bizarrely smooth and appropriate transition into the most powerful and most forbidden of all of the Forbidden devil fruits that Oda had to cut and its name is the era aeronomi which is the erotic erotic fruit which are Oda has stated that he has considered including on no less than 13 separate occasions but was halted each and every time because it would have transformed one piece from a fun action adventure into a harm comedy and that's because this information came out when a reader asked odor if he'd ever considered giving Luffy a different devil fruit the answer to that by the way is no absolutely not you fool in fact according to both romance Dawn one shots there was a point where either the gomagoman Ami was going to be the only devil fruit or the only type of devil fruit in the series which Grew From the gomu tree now because we've done this with everything else we do need to examine how the era aeronomi was intended to function immediately my thought is something similar to jewelry Bonnie's Powers being able to transform people but instead of manipulating their age you manipulate them into their most erotic possible States or it's more of an environmental paramecia that conjures the most erotic possible atmosphere you know let's have an example of how this fruit could function something completely innocent like seium like delivering a pizza nothing has ever gone weird when delivering a pizza for this scenario we're going to use mr4 because it was his lifelong dream to become a pizza delivery man not make pizzas not own a pizza restaurant just deliver them and look you know there is something to be said for realistic expectations of life but in this scenario mr4 arrives at his delivery and is immediately targeted by the era aeronomi so by the time anami opens the door mr4 has been transformed into a hunky shirtless Pizza bro who says I'm here to deliver your pizza which is topped with many euphemistic ingredients and then Nami who is also now affected by the powers of the era Aaron Ami replies that's that's good I like pizza leave it on the counter but then the counter becomes Nami and the pizza becomes something that isn't under pizza that's how this fruit works and that's why it can never be a part of One Piece well I mean it can actually because it is it is actually part of one piece this fruit did manage to weasel its way into existence through Boa Hancock the era aaronome disguised itself cleverly with an M to become the Mera meronomi and overall its powers were toned down a bit but this fruit is still governed by desire or alternatively your desire is governed by this fruit it's like some sort of dodgy fruit election because I'm not quite sure who's governing who here and DOTA did continue to explore his error error Concepts throughout the entirety of One Piece just in much smaller chunks for example most recently dot Q of all people acquired a devil fruit that made trafal gal cannon with penguin and shot she's immediately response being too lust after their captain that is the only way that this devil fruit is allowed to exist split up into smaller parts because otherwise it would simply be too powerful and more importantly too graphic to publish in weekly shown and jump and now you should use your powers to watch this next video because I know that you've not finished cleaning your room yet so I'll see you there
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 1,023,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pYiNtr5D4YY
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Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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