56 FACTS You Didn't Know About SANJI!

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did you know that sanji's Diablo Jamba was foreshadowed all the way back on baratier in fact sanji's inspiration comes from a most unlikely Source the ever-powersome Pearl during his fight with Sanji Pearl set himself on fire fire which had no effect on Pearl for checks notes reasons and in fact Paul even coated himself in blue flames which Sanji has now mimicked with a free Jamba so I suppose you could and in fact I will say that Sanji has only just very recently caught up to where Paul was at the beginning of the series come to think of it Sanji didn't even beat Pearl it was Gene who did it but now his 55 more facts about Sanji according to author of the pirate comic Ed sheer Oda many people speculated that sanji's design was based on Leonardo DiCaprio remembering that Sanji was introduced in 1988 one year after Titanic came out so this was like Peak Leo craze but in truth sanji's Aesthetics were modeled after Steve Buscemi's character Mr Pink in Reservoir Dogs a role which Quentin Tarantino originally wrote for himself so weirdly enough sanji's entire design hinges on the whims of Quentin Tarantino if he decided to play the part himself then we would have ended up with a radically different cook and I'm not saying that Oda would have based the design on the alternate Mr Pink but he would have had to look elsewhere but speaking of alternates a very different Sanji does exist in oda's Ultimate one-piece timeline one which goes much further into the future as we see Sanji go through a bit of a Fabio phase in his 40s before ultimately settling on inheriting the Aesthetics of zeph by the age of 60. however there is also a bad alternate timeline and in this Dark Universe Sanji becomes an increasingly obese chain smoker and eventually inherits both the German Kingdom and the fashion sense of his biological father Vin smoke judge a man who refuses to do the household ironing but whose story is filled with irony irony historic Man story irony asanji is the only Vin smoke sibling who actually inherited judge's biological characteristics specifically the blonde hair the others were so altered by fictional science third eyebrows aside they became completely different Globs of DNA and while it took over 800 chapters for us the readers to finally be invited to Vince MCM family dinner sanji's Heritage was foreshadowed in a multitude of ways beforehand such as during the dryer shipwreck where Sanji lingers on a photo of a woman who reminds him of his mother meanwhile when using a snail phone to contact crocodile Sanji used the Alias of Mr Prince which also makes perfect sense because Sanji is trying to hide who he is and at this point the thing it is that he isn't is a prince in fact for much of the series Sanji was the most elusive straw hat and he maintained a lot of this Mystique through the radically varied Bounty posters each depicting him in a highly stylish State my favorite Sanji Bounty will always be the hand-drawn one and we actually know who was responsible for this a world government photographer by the name of attach was tasked with taking sanji's photo which he did but he left the lens cap on the camera and furthermore attach was promptly fired after marineford due to his quote 57th instance of forgetting to remove the lens cap and attach now works directly for big news Morgan so we'll see if his self-imposed censorship continues Sanji however has been a notorious victim of censorship elsewhere though specifically through the 4 all kids dub where they replaced his trademark cigarette with his now ironically trademark lollipop which was actually referenced in chapter 831 where the crew encounter a miraclean of Sanji holding his four kids lollipop to be perfectly honest though of all of the four kids censorship I think that this is one of the better moves gasanji does have quite an intimate relationship with smoking and over the course of one piece we have identified that Sanji is a bit of a smoking polygamist committing to two particular brands of cigarettes one named King ground and the other just flat out named death which I guess is like the equivalent of naming a soft drink diabetes strangely there is a running theory that sanji's cigarettes are cursed because everyone who lights one of sanji's cigarettes ends up dying a slit one on Alabaster and then blur he's dead Pedro then lit one on whole cake Island and blood now he is also a dead with the one and only saving grace being the god NL unintentionally lit one of his cigarettes on Skype here however NL also died during that Arc but he was fortunate enough to have an ability to restart his own heart so the Sanji curse is currently three for three now our cook boy is not known for being aesthetically subtle and one such element is sanji's insanely detailed blingsome golden lighter the shape of the lighter is actually a mermaid cradling hotel which is a pose that would go on to be realized by Princess shirohoshi also this slider actually exists and it's made by a French company called Dupont which judging by my terrible French apparently means from the bridge or of the bridge I'm not sure which I'm not good at French and the process of how this happened is called defictionalization which is when you take something that doesn't exist and bring it into reality you should be careful if you want to try and buy one of these lighters though because they are subject to a lot of counterfeiting Dupont is sort of like the latter equivalent of Rolex Sanji himself does have quite a bit of unique merch though such as when shueisha even brought out a Sanji cookbook it's called pirate recipes and it's a legitimately good book filled with all sorts of fun delicious recipes with a one-piece twist bigger twist now though because in this video about Sanji here is Zoro and we're all familiar with his English translation Fiasco transforming his name from Zorro into Zolo the did you know that the same thing happened with Sanji but in French in French then sanchi's name was originally dubbed as Sandy which is how the French manga translated it for a while as well although they did eventually correct the name Sanji however it wasn't until while we're here I guess we should also point out that Sanji himself is French in fact because that's stated that Sanji would be from France in the real world and most of his attack names are in French although post-time skip a lot of his attacks have been named in English as well also Post Time skip Sanji has a bit of a joke and for good reason Sanji is one of oda's go-to Comedy characters and his trolling once went so far that he looked sanji's voice actor dead in the eyes and said Sanji will never be cool again that voice actor is hiraki Hirata by the way and he's quite the humor Smith himself often adopting sanji's traits as his own in fact one year on zoro's birthday all of the voice actors delivered Zoro a special written message however hirata's message was left completely blank and was held up with a comically displeased facial expression right really weird kind of mind effing fact right now Sanji and Chopper have the same voice actor technically because child Sanji is voiced by ikaweiotani who we know better as Tony Tony Chopper or even much more better than that we know her as Pikachu she also voices Konohamaru in Naruto which is a very special series to Sanji because sanji's original name was actually Naruto but after learning that there was another series starting soon actually called Naruto Oda did the gentlemanly thing and changed his character's name although allegedly Naruto author Musashi Kishimoto was more than willing to change the name if Oda wanted to use it but very much unable to escape his Shinobi connection Sanji was once featured on an episode of death battle where his opponent was Rock Lee of Naruto Fame the premise was something along the lines of Rockley disses sanji's Curry which then immediately triggers a death battle where Sanji ultimately emerged Victorious seems legit but what seems a lot less legit is sanji's favorite type of island in the grand line in an SBS Sanji answers that his favorite island was a quote Island which caused dusup to remark that stupid you're stupid and in case you're wondering how it's possible for fictional characters to be interviewed while odor actually does that a lot when he gets asked a question he often just lets the characters answer for him another example that appears quite commonly in the SPs segment is Sanji showcasing his superpower of being accurately able to assess a woman's bust waist and hip size based on visual alone and Sanji has on multiple occasions publicly revealed Nami and Robin's sizes and also boa hancocks on one occasion he's sort of like a passive feaster for pervert a quality that would go on to be enhanced via the chopper man Universe where Dr ushodabara produces a creature named sanjirops a cybernetic lizard Who quote always insists that he's not a pervert but always has perverted thoughts and does perverted things so again he's like a pacifista for pervert within the alternate universe continuity Sanji has also appeared as a tentacle alien a soccer player and an elephant to name just a few with each of them maintaining sanji's trademark qualities all culminating in an existence known as Arrow slime why is Sanji like this though well there's actually a very popular theory that it's to do with his siblings HG niji and the other one were all born without emotions and the idea is that everything ended up inside of Sanji so he feels everything three times as intensely hence the uncontrollable lust but the real question would be is Sanji a bust man or a except it isn't because the real real question is is Sanji a leg man or a foot man because depending on the translation it's quite difficult to discern sanji's epithet in one piece is kuroshi with Kuro meaning black and Ashi meaning both leg and foot and as a result this causes some inconsistencies across English translations and sometimes within the same company for example I believe that the FUNimation Subs use Blackfoot whereas the FUNimation dub uses black leg but sanji's qualities have also been translated into entirely different manga series most notably shokugeki nusanji a series by food Wars author yutoscura which takes the reader on a journey through one piece via the lens of cooking it's a surprisingly good series and my favorite installment is chapter 2 because that's the one where Sanji has to use and this is a direct quote he has to use Zorro's Big Boy sword to cut through a particularly big fish but with a spin-off manga series a cookbook and very expensive Dupont merch Sanji has become something of a fictional celebrity and even has his own life-size statue in oda's hometown of Kumamoto at the mashiki sports park and with such Fame Sanji even has his own in-world autograph depicted here with a very exaggerated J and a curious kiss dotting the eye leading many to suspect that Sanji wears lipstick which to be fair he did on at least one occasion during his time at momoiro island but the truth is probably even more bizarre because the ever so delicately planted kiss is done in the same substance as the ink so what probably happens is that Sanji signs his name then douses his lips in ink and applies the kiss curious but it's far from the strangest thing that Sanji has ever done as weirdly enough Sanji currently holds the one-piece record for most amount of people to share his body and no I don't mean that in a sexual way for a change I mean that Sanji has literally had three people inhabit his body the Sanji himself of course however during Punk Hazard both Nami and Chopper took the cookmobile for a spin and while there were other body swabs everyone else only had to deal with a single guest inside their fleshy vessels but also Sanji has something for the inside of your fleshy vessel as due to his status as fictional Chef Sanji was heavily featured in the one-piece McDonald's collaboration for the special tuts to Burger a concept which I believe is actually trademarked by McDonald's who made an ad recreating the famous sanji's F cook Dynamic scene at the end of whole cake Island a much less well-known Dynamic however is the relationship between Sanji and Brooke it doesn't get showcased often but Sanji identifies significantly with Brooke what with the whole being classical gentlemen with interest in very ungentlemanly Pursuits and Sanji has a similar Dynamic with Frankie actually this one is showcased even less but both of them are intensely emotional men who bear the label of pervert albeit for different reasons however to cement their manly Bond Sanji even struck Frankie's trademark super pose on Punk Hazard notably using kinnamon's head to get the shape right and these three actually form a trio within the crew Sanji Brooke and Frankie are often collectively referred to as the Pervert Trio by fans although again these are the two crew members who Sanji has interacted with the least Sanji even has a more fleshed out relationship with jinbei although I should say it's not a great one Sanji has a one-sided beef with jinbei which is it's a very long story and I've made a whole video detailing just this single relationship but it's a very fun Homer Simpson's Ned Flanders kind of dynamic basanji is constantly annoyed at jinbei and jinbei has zero awareness of what's going on at all despite these emotional outbursts though Sanji is arguably the most intelligent member of the crew he has a keen ability to always be able to see the bigger picture and even using that to accurately predict the future and positioning himself perfectly as a result whereas other figures like Luffy and Zoro have too much tunnel vision meanwhile members like Nami and usop have too many tears blocking their vision due to all of the fear that they're having but Sanji is almost always reliable quite sturdy as well mainly due to his genetic modifications abilities that have all always been active to some degree but after donning the raid suit have been fully unlocked and you can tell when Sanji is using his enhancements because his eyebrows flip to the opposite direction which is weird very weird sort of way that he can like reconstruct his own face but to be fair it's not just his own face because Sanji possesses one of the most bizarre and surreal techniques in the series whereby through the power of assorted kick fighting Sanji is capable of reconstructing a person's entire face just as he did with wanzi and Duvall speaking of Duvall though there is a crazy connection here as a child Sanji was forced to wear an Iron Mask to conceal his identity and as an adult Duval chose to wear an Iron Mask to conceal his identity purely because he looks like Sanji the world just seems to have something against showing sanji's face which is an absolute affront to the okama who loves sanji-chan's face and throughout the series Sanji has been something of an okama magnet Beginning by clashing with bone Clay on Alabaster and culminating with his quote training with ivankov and despite his very loud distaste for the experience Sanji did learn at least one of ivankov's attacks which is the one where ivankov launches at his opponent feet first which Sanji went on to use against the seraphim on Airhead Island Sanji also has a fun variety of non-canon attacks as well one of which is called sexy fire which was showcased in film Zed it essentially does the exact same thing that hell memories does except sexy fire is born from positive feelings those positive feelings being primarily Nami also I have to point this out but Sanji has one of my absolute favorite just dumb attack names in all of One Piece so you know how Sanji can use moves like blue walk and Skywalk well in unlimited World red Sanji adds another of these to his Arsenal which is a fearsome attack called Ground walk which is just the most underwhelming name I mean I can use ground walk look I'm I'm doing it right now and I guess it's one of those things that probably sounds a lot more impressive in Japanese Sanji is considered to be quite impressive in Japanese so much so that he makes surprise cameos in another series the most iconic of which is undoubtedly sayonara zetsubou Sensei where during class it is revealed that meru has secretly been reading a Yahweh dujinshi featuring The sanjizo repairing let's be real though Sanji is a figure that has completely transcended Japanese media and our Straw Hat cook even made an appearance in the American animated series Moon girl and devil dinosaur a Marvel series produced by Disney and thus meaning that Sanji is officially part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that's quite the shocking Revelation but nowhere near as shocking as this next one at no stage in the series has Sanji ever been shown with both eyes revealed one or the other has always been obscured by hair or hearts or something there is but one single exception to this one single and disturbing exception as during the alabaster anime toei made a bold decision to include this shot of Sanji with both eyes revealed which to me just looks like a big old pile of fecal spaghetti both hideous and confusing you may also be confused as to why Sanji uses the word melorin from time to time generally when simping over Nami because what does melorin even mean well in Japanese means nothing but in English it means something malarine is a low-cost imitation ice cream that was made in the United States as a product of necessity because butterfat was unable to be sourced now as for why Sanji uses this to Proclaim his love finale well this becomes a bit of a linguistic mess but it serves as a combination of the word marrow meaning love and the word Tangerine meaning Tangerine that enough that provides you with more or less context because sometimes Sanji swims are they're a bit incomprehensible but other times they are as clear as glass noodles for example sanji's philosophy on not harming women is so profound that in the pirate warriors game series Sanji is literally programmed to be unable to attack female characters and this is such a detriment that the developers had to add a warning box informing the players of female enemies if they select Sanji we do have a bit of a sight problem though because Sanji may have actually broken this rule the Sanji conundrum goes as follows would Sanji harm a woman to save a woman and in this case we have a case study and the answer may be yes as when big mom attacked Raju Sanji blocked her attack with an an attack and then went on to tell Luffy not to fight because quote I'm doing it thus leaving us with three words Sanji fight woman and yes you could argue that it was only a block an attack used as a block and to be fair this is our only example of Sanji gray area in the series however he is subject to a flat-out continuity error though as in chapter 464 Sanji reveals that he has read the devil fruit encyclopedia and that then that's a problem because in chapter number long time ago on bharatier zeph had to explain to Sanji how devil fruit uses functioned oh and also Sanji made his famed claim on the 10th anniversary of one piece and actually have this issue of weakly Shonen Jump because Luffy has a nice gold hat if we go through it I bet we can find the exact spot and here it is Sanji claiming to have read the devil fruit encyclopedia and as a bit of a bonus here is absalm calling Sanji a pervert meanwhile probably the most interesting thing about Sanji is that after 55 finding cool facts about Sanji gets very tricky so much so that in a list of quote 100 mind-blowing facts about Vince mcsaji they had to resort to the following then smoke Sanji is a fictional character in The one-piece Manga and Anime series wow mind mind blown but that's 56 facts about Sanji that you may or may not have known
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 382,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Li6D41cOHdo
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Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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