The Top 10 WORST Devil Fruits (2023)

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these are the worst devil fruit ideas in the history of the one piece World bearing in mind that we now know that devil fruits each represent the innate desire of an ancient individual who wanted that ability Above All Else and certain desires are much more questionable than others where some people dream of becoming shiny golden Buddha boys others dream more along the lines of becoming etanuki with frankly impractically large testicles now look we don't judge here with the exception of this video this video is all about judgment because here are history's worst devil fruit ideas and the unfortunate individuals who are cursed with sad ideas so let's get straight into the shaming then shall we now exactly whose dream was it to slather themselves in never-ending mucus because that is the better better than me one of the most unpopular devil fruits fittingly utilized by one of the most unpopular characters in the series who despite having complete control of all mucus matter as they perpetually blocked nose and always sounds like but look the worst part of this fruit is that it isn't even a logia like some how I find the idea of covering myself in mucus so much less appealing than the idea of just becoming mucus to be clear the bed about enemy is actually a super strong fruit for any Hunter Hunter fans out there it's essentially a much better version of Bungee gum allowing trouble to engage in his own personal form of shipping which involves him shipping you with a ship by mercilessly throwing it at you and crushing all of your fragile mucusless bones so so powerful but so so troubling because it just sounds like a bad idea I mean the very fact that this fruit exists meant that it was someone's ultimate ultimate dream to just generate Limitless human byproduct in fact it's one of the very few devil fruits that makes karabo swamp look appealing as a result which I discovered after asking all of you who you would rather hug and a whopping 90 of you chose Mr swampy lick lick the most generous thing I can say is that this fruit was dreamed up by an introvert an introvert who was very like non-consensually popular and just needed to put a stop to that and in which case look dream perfectly achieved next up is the kooka kukunumi one of many monkeys poor devil fruits providing a power but then also casting a curse somewhat nullifying the benefits of said power in this case the user can turn absolutely anything into food however that food still retains the taste of the input that was used within the series Streisand has used this to turn a log into stake a castle and cake and did his old man bones quite the egg after falling from the aforementioned castlekick fun fact though stroison is an insane 92 years old he looks real good for his age and I imagine that's entirely due to a well-balanced diet of tree logs wedding cake and implied cannibalism because when he saw what big mom did his response was mate I'm uh kind of hungry right now to be completely Fair the food Eaton does still provide its nutritional value but let's be real if you were primarily concerned about nutrition then your ultimate dream likely would have not been to eat literally everything so look you can eat any food that you can think of but in the end it's all going to taste like that box of bathroom tiles left over from the previous owner's renovation that you can't do anything about about and your Council refuses to dispose of even on Council cleanups because oh we won't take Building Supplies so you may as well just turn them into the world's shittiest ghost of the met and be done with it right that that got weirdly personal there we're not done with food yet though because it actually gets worse you know what I concede I get the idea of wanting to make food out of anything but what I get a lot less is the idea of wanting to make oneself into food which would be the Fate to both Charlotte gallette and Charlotte Opera two fruit users who need to be kept very well refrigerated due to their abilities to conjure and manipulate butter and cream respectively and look I am an enjoyer of both of those things but after conducting a poll with you guys it's become clear that our community is one of strict butter superiority with a mere 17 cream favorite population and 18 who are likely lactose intolerant my apologies to those people but I am a big fan of consuming dairy by any means however I don't think I'm a big enough fan to keep myself permanently slathered in it as Charlotte Opera chooses to because that's right he isn't cursed to live covered in cream this is his actual lifestyle choice I just feel like we can dream a bit bigger than cream you know however credit to the dairy dreamers because at least they were original unlike our next very controversial candidates the kilo kilo and Tonton fruits because one of these is a very cool weight changing idea and the other one is pure plagiarism the concept of the fruits is really fun I like the idea of weight manipulation even if it's never been executed amazingly by the fruit users themselves but to think that these two fruits were made by the dreams of two separate people gives me a pretty clear idea of what went down the kiloquila used a rocked up to the fruit machine and said oh great fruit deity grant me my one wish make me able to precisely control my weight within the range of one kilo to ten thousand kilos fruit machine went yep sure next and so the very next person stepped up and said oh great fruits deity grant me my one wish which was that person's wish but better because screw that person I'm gonna go ahead and call this out it was a dick move this person's dream wasn't to have of the Tonton Powers this person's dream was to completely invalidate the other person's dream and it's worked perfectly because now the kiloquila fruit is basically only known as the budget tuntun fruit because that's pretty much what it is and you know I think the existence of the Tonton fruit really does speak volumes about the society in which we live and along the same lines I would also like to highlight the auto autonomi because this is a much more tragic story basically this fruit allows its user to turn anyone or anything into modern art and it's tragic because it means that this was the dream of someone who wanted to make art but lacked any Talent drive or skill to do so and so the user's dream was simply to be able to create something that we can see in the modern day with joeler actually we have a picture of her as a child carrying art supplies willing eager and inspired to make an art But as time went on Jola gave up on her childhood dream of painting likely because she wasn't particularly good at it and settled for the life of an imposter selling her soul to the fruit devil for the ability to create instantaneous but empty art this fruit has me very conflicted I don't know if it was a good idea a bad idea or just a sad idea the desperate plea of someone just unable to achieve their dream for something more down to earth though as soon as this devil fruit origin info dropped a lot of people were very quick to point at the human human fruit and go eh but I am here to defend this fruit I don't think it was a bad idea at all because there are two approaches one is the very wholesome idea that this fruit was thought up by someone who was completely content with their life as in they were already living their own humble dream and didn't need anything more meanwhile the second is that this was the dream of a non-human like a mermaid going full Ariel and wanting to walk on land marry a prince and have a terrible sequel made that nobody remembers or maybe even the dream of a giant who just wanted an easier time getting through doors like you know when you're really tall and you just realize that the world wasn't built for you me neither because I'm quite short and I can kind of squirrel my way through any opening but there are a lot of good reasons to want to become a human provided you aren't on already if you are then well this route's pretty terrible but this fruit was everything to whoever originally desired it and I'm betting that they were quite The Good Egg but they certainly weren't as hard-boiled as our next fruit the sweet sweenumi which is very much another one of those be careful what you wish for situations so POV you're someone who likes swimming like really like swimming so your wish is to have a power that lets you swim everywhere even on land sounds cool however due to the very fact that this is a devil fruit you of course are never able to swim in actual water ever again meaning that you can never feel the pure joy of swimmage that inspired the stream to begin with sort of like wishing to be able to walk on water but as a result you start sinking on that and according to etra odor this is the fruit that Sanji would have if he was a user however it's heavily implied that he would mostly use it to swim into women's bathrooms again not a bad fruit at all just a very interesting hit of adult baby-based irony now did somebody say balls I certainly hope so because we're about to talk about them at Great length the berry berry know me is a fruit wielded by very good and it's a very simple power it allows him to become balls just balls only balls balls for days balls balls balls now in the past I thought of this as a bit of a quirky fruit like an unintended branch of nature or a curious exploration of science but no as it turns out this was someone's Paramount dream and so I need to ask myself what drives a man to become balls it is a really cool Power though and it's actually the inverse of Buggy's devil fruit that makes him immune to Sharp Cuddy slicy attacks whilst the ball fruit grants immunity to blunt Punchy power power attacks and I will say that the grand flake do have an overwhelmingly positive opinion concerning balls with over 70 percent of you holding them in quite high regard if the fruit was offered to me I feel like I too would become balls but only because it's a superpower just being dropped in my lap not because it's my dream to become a living ball pit and now I think it's time to attack logia fruits but you didn't expect any of them in the worst devil fruit ideas video except for the swamp one you might have expected that but let's be completely honest the vast majority of the logia class is just creatively bankrupt it's full of zero imagination whatsoever some of the most effective yet least imaginative Powers possible because sure becoming or controlling fire yeah that sounds really cool but it's also the most basic power that you encounter in every magic system same with lightning and ice and light not swampfer that's uh that's definitely unique and I suppose the implications of one piece is now the reality that yeah someone existed who was so enamored with Wetlands but their dream was to become one with the swamp well maybe they were just really invested in preserving mangroves because mangroves are like bees if you remove them from the ecosystem that starts as Chain Reaction dooming all of humanity we like mangroves but look now we all knew this was coming every fruit I've mentioned up until now is nitpicking compared to this one terrible idea the Undisputed worst devil fruit idea in all of the histories is the jacket jakinomi the fruit that gives its user the ability to become an inanimate piece of clothing because up until now I think that everything has a pretty decent you do you style excuse you're pretty crop at Art sure take the magic you want to be super Petty and copy someone else's power and thus render their entire life redundant questionable but okay and you you want to eat your leftover bathroom tiles I mean all right look at least you're getting some nutritional value out of them but then you meet the jacket guy who rocks up to the fruit machine and says oh great fruit deity grant me my one wish I want to become a piece of clothing to be worn by anyone and everyone and then sometimes I want to take over their bodies as they wear me fusing all that is me with all of the meat that is them to create a new body that only I the jacket man guy can control there are some issues here that I don't think any psychologist in the world is quite qualified to tackle but even then the fruit does undeniably have its uses and one could argue that under the right circumstances it may even result in the strongest power this world has ever seen however that would have to be under very very specific conditions for example let's imagine that Goldie Roger was the user of the jacket fruit he walks up to Whitebeard with his mustache to Swagger and says you know Whitebeard we've been good friends for quite some time now and I think it's time that we took things to the next level I think that you should wear me and thus they fuse to become the Undisputed strongest being to have ever lived but to cleanse our minds from out from our that here's a video featuring the best devil fruit ideas in history significantly less disappointing than these chumps and well worth using your finite time before the grave to go and watch
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 461,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z0x05rxZd9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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