How Usopp Casually SPOILED The End of One Piece

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Usopp has never told a lie in one piece in fact he may very well be the worst liar in the entire series because each and every thing that comes out of his mouth ends up being true thus leading to the prophetic nickname of Nostradamus so if you're not aware there is a trend in one piece where all of usup's eyes do eventually come true to the point whereby chapter 40 chapter 40 usop has effectively spoiled a massive chunk of the series and he may very well have already spoiled the ending of one piece with the very few handful of lies that have yet to come true well let's kick things off with the original lie the Pirates are coming usup's character very much incorporates the boy who cried wolf just in reverse because almost nobody believes what usop says when he says it however that rarely stops his statements from being true such as when Captain Kuro did eventually attacks their Village to fulfill the usopian warning that pirates were going to attack this should have been the moment where people started to pay attention to usopp's words however fair enough this was just one case and even a brutally dismembered usopp's nose stuck onto a broken clock will be right at least twice a day but luckily for us we need to look no further than syrup Village to discover that this is no accident usub told a wide variety of lies to Kaya all of which have come to fruition such as when he claimed I fought a giant goldfish that lived in the South Seas and you should have seen the size of its poop it was so big that I thought it was an island and moored my ship to it and this very goldfish would appear at the end of little garden named the island eater so it quite literally eats and excrete silence Islands almost certainly large enough to Moor a ship to most people know about that one that one's very common however a lesser known fact is that there is a part two to this line a sequel a lie sequel because Usopp goes on to say that he chopped the giant goldfish up which was actually done by Dorian brogie and then he took it to a land of little people but juice up did eventually visit in the form of the tontata tribe on dressrosa but this this is where things get a bit wild because according to the tontada the fighting fish of dressrosa are actually relatives of the giant goldfish that usop encountered at little God this was revealed in chapter 700 113 by the way titled Uso land where Usopp told two further lies that contain massive spoilers for the end of one piece but we'll get to those in a bit because we are far from done with Kaya at one stage Usopp claims that he was searching Kaya's estate to catch a giant mole creature one which Usopp would go on to find albeit on Alabaster not quite syrup Village but he found it in the form of Miss Merry Christmas although at one point we could more accurately say that the mole caught Uso Nostradamus also told many prophecies to his crew including the existence of Cerberus then cut to Thriller Bach and usop's group is the first to encounter a real-life Cerberus when I say real life I mean real life fictional pirate suburbs but later on the rest of the straw hats actually caught Cerberus which fulfilled the usought prophecy because he and the USA Pirates were trying to catch Cerberus on syrup Village and also Luffy wanted to eat Cerberus but that's a different matter entirely meanwhile another mythical creature usop conjured into existence was a dragon depicted here as a funky lizard but depicted in chapter 655 as a lead legit massive big F of dragon and again it was usob's group that first encountered the dragon which has a name by the way this is Dragon number 13. it's not a particularly creative name but it and it's at least 12 other associates were brought into existence by vegapunker I guess one of the vegapunks at least and again Luffy wanted to eat it except this time they did Zara slashed it up and then they cooked the dragon thus starting a very bizarre sub-trend of not only usopp's Lies coming true but Luffy then wanting to eat usop's truths but next up we have a bit of a contentious lie because according to the viz translation Usopp yells at his crew to run away from the quote hideous fruit selling freak however this was back in the early days and I mean the very early days of the viz translation which had a bit of a tendency to be extremely inaccurate and take a lot of Liberties it was so bad that current viz translated Stephen Paul even did his own fan translations of the early volumes which reveals a shockingly important piece of Usopp lore because instead of hideous fruit selling free who sought more accurately said run it's an alien from the vegetable stand Planet very important because this has since gone on to come true aliens were very blatantly discovered during nl's cover story where we encountered the space pirates a group of extremely eccentric designs even by one piece World standards but also it's heavily implied that the sky people are all aliens that colonize the one piece planet after fleeing from their ancestral homes on the moon in which case not only do aliens exist thanks to usop but he has actually met them himself towards the end of syrup Village who saw proclaims that he is going out to sea alone a thought which would come to fruition during water 7 when usop left the crew he also inherited the going Mary Making usop the default Captain so in a way the captain line briefly came true as well but at this point it's almost like Usopp has this ability to bend Reality by sheer belief and willpower perhaps a fourth brand of haki but a great example of this occurs in chapter 42 where Usopp makes the empty claim that he is an expert sniper after very luckily hitting a rock with a cannonball but then again you look at him now and he is easily one of the greatest snipers in the world free time skip usopp's abilities develop so much that he hit spandam for more than a mile away to save Robin and post time skip usop has unlocked observation haki which has only made him more potent not to mention that he conjured the whole Persona of Saga King which literally means sniper King a figure that the world now believes actually exists due to the widespread bounty in fact when the fake straw hats got together Mount butane was not impersonating Usopp instead he was pretending to be soccer King just like usopos but next up we have another contentious one though because everyone knows about usopp's claim that he has 8 000 followers he's made this claim on multiple occasions the most memorable of which to me was during Arlon Park where he said they call me usop the demon king and Kings tremble at the name flee now and live I have 8 000 followers behind me and this did potentially come true on dress Rosa the amount of toys that Sugar created were never fully Quantified but it was said to be in the thousands and so usop may very well have already fulfilled this and he certainly made a king tremble as the then king of dress Rosa doflamingo he even issued usop with the only five-star bounty on the island and as for the Demon King claim look usop did one better and is now known as a God so I would say that he's very good at Conjuring his own life goals such as when usop tried to spread a rumor that Luffy's 30 million Berry Bounty was actually for him because usop was caught in the bottom left-hand corner of the photo a gag which would go on to be replicated by Beppo in Trafalgar laws Bounty bad choice of words by me though because this was no gag after any sloppy a bounty of exactly 30 million berries was issued for soccerking which rumor has it is actually usop in Disguise so Usopp not only predicted his Bounty but he also predicted that it would be masked by someone else but for a prediction I wish became something else in chapter 133 Usopp and Luffy created two giant snow monsters figures that were disappointingly come into reality in the form of the yeti cool Brothers on Punk Hazard look there are some one-piece characters that get unreasonable hate like segeco Moria even I unreasonably dislike geckomoria I recognize it's unreasonable but the yeti cool brothers are arguably the most disappointing and unnecessary characters to have ever existed in one piece but even then I don't blame Oda for that I blame usop because he is the one who told their truth in the first place because as powerful as he is usop is often unaware of the consequences of his own words despite that he is however incredibly clever arguably even the smartest straw hat like that time when he simultaneously managed to wake up Luffy Zoro and Sanji by lying about there being a beautiful female swordmaster with meat but now usop did a lot more than just wake the crew because in chapter 720 Rebecca a beautiful female swordmaster offered meat to Luffy making this yet another case where Luffy either wanted to or did flat out actually eat one of usopp's lie truths and also I just want to linger on this for a second because I don't think anyone appreciates this the first time they read it I certainly didn't Luffy asked Rebecca why she isn't eating and she claims that she doesn't get hungry to which Luffy is response huh like a samurai then which is something that he learned from kinemon and momonosuke on Punk Hazard but also something that would go on to be the driving force for Luffy to beat kaido on wanna to ensure that starvation in particular would never be an issue on that island again so it's just interesting to see what Luffy takes note of and that whole Samurai not eating thing had a big impact on him not as big of an impact asusop has on this story though and in chapter 713 Usopp does something very very naughty when he states that his conqueror's haki is capable of knocking out 50 000 people with a single burst essentially taking credit for what Luffy did on Fishman Island but also setting the table for a future dinner where usop would serve none other than delicious conquerors haki in chapter 1024 Usopp takes credit for the bursts of conquerors haki knocking out the enemies around him and people actually believe this thus bringing his lie at least halfway true look here's the thing though usop getting conquerors haki is a natural conclusion for One Piece it seems ridiculous but consider that some some people are born to be Kings and have the will to rule and then consider that usop is a man who calls himself a literal sniper King also a demon king and someone who relentlessly claims to be the captain in addition to now being worshiped as a god some people are born to be Kings and it would appear that usop is one of them but to be fair this lie has yet to fully come true along with a handful of others and just as a warning these lies I'm about to say that have yet to come true May legitimately spoil one piece I am 100 serious because usof has spent his entire fictional pirate career spoiling one piece and one event that has yet to happen was when usop claims that he could defeat 10 of the giant Shadows seen on Jaya in regards to this there was a fun thought that usop would somehow be responsible for defeating all 10 numbers on onagashima but that didn't happen so it's something to look forward to in the future as is the general eye of Saga King and the existence of sniper Island and one of my personal favorite ideas is that there is an actual sniper island in the new world with a legitimate sniper King and when Luffy meets him he's is going to say Saga King bruh thanks so much for saving Robin that one time and sniper King will just go no idea what you're talking about but you're welcome kid there's also a fun idea that one day syrup Village will be renamed sniper Island in honor of usop after he becomes a global name Sarah Village is actually located in the gecko Island so we just need to rename one of those islands not not all of them for a bit of a misconception now a lot of fans believe that usops can't go to the island disease actually came true when buggy caught a fever right before going to laughtail however this is due to a rather sneaky fan translation that used usup's disease and misled a lot of people into actually believing that's what it was I mean to be fair it had the same effect narratively buggy came down with a case of can't go to the island for reasons disease but here's the big one this is the lie that I mentioned in chapter 713. this is where Usopp told the Tonto tribe that he was a descendant of liar Noland something that I absolutely believe will come true but in the same sort of way that Zoro is a distant relative of riema it's not something that's going to take the full focus of the story but just another small thread of inherited will and it feels very appropriate a truthful man branded as a liar having his legacy continued by a lying man branded as a truth teller a few other usop lies include being a dinosaur sibling Hunter specifically siblings he does not hunt only child dinosaurs anwana usop also claimed that he had 10 children and look if you thought 8 000 followers was a lot well check out what Usopp said on drum Island during this Arc usop in a state of delirium claimed to have 74 000 followers however this was anime only and the manga doesn't actually State a number which means that it's the anime's problem to bring to life and then we get to the ultimate lie the one that we all know will 100 Come True by the end of one piece Usopp will become a brave Warrior of the sea perhaps even one of history's most memorable names I mean as it is Usopp already has two statues dedicated to him in this world and I do think that the name usop will one day be uttered on the same level as figures like Roger Whitebeard and of course future pirate king Monkey D Luffy
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 578,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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