DIY Drywall Part 6 | Why these tools make me look like a pro!

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all right so you asked for it so here it is this video is all about the tools that I use for getting a professional paint job and we're not going to just talk about what the basic setup is it's all the different details all the tricks and tips that I've got to give you and then at the end of the video I'm also going to show you how to wash your paint gear because if you can wash your brush and get your rollers nice and clean you can use them over and over and over and over again and a seven dollar roller sleeve all of a sudden is a good investment not just a real big expense stay tuned we're gonna save you a ton of money and we're also going to show you the links so you can buy all this stuff and get a good little deal so my paint gear basically covers a few different areas it covers preparation it covers application it covers cleaning but it also covers selection the first thing you need to have if you're going to be painting is options you need a color deck so whatever company is selling paint near you that's selling good quality paint whether its deluxe which I love or Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams wherever you can go get professional quality paints had a decent price go there set up a cash account okay and you can get a good deal on your paint they'll give you 20 or 30 percent off and they'll give you a fan deck they'll give you all of their colors you don't have to stand there in front of that little wall and they have all these little paint chips they'll give you the whole thing you can come home you can check it up against your fabrics and your flooring and everything else you can take this shopping when you're doing selections okay get a fan deck of the company you're gonna deal with where you get your discount and you'll save a ton of money okay so the next thing we're going to talk about is preparation now if you're a fan of this channel and you've been watching our videos you've seen some of my tricks before but my favorite preparation techniques are all about the hawk and the four inch knife okay now this 4 inch knife has a cool little feature in it it has a steel handle on the end and the purpose of this is so that you can dent the wall to create a void that can be filled with the mug that you're gonna mix from pom-pom find a mud with a hardener this is the company I use sheetrock 45 there are other companies making other mixes 520's 45s the secret is in the number that setting number is basically if you add cold water take 45 minutes for it to set Harden so that you can sand it okay that is a secret to painting in your house because if you use general purpose mud the dents that you fill are going to shrink when they dry then you'll have to do it a second application you'll notice and on my table here there's no such thing as dry decks put it on pink and it dries white that's a waste of time okay this sheet rock 45 goes on beige and it dries white it's not a fancy gimmick it's just a quality product and it does not shrink when it dries so you can apply that when by the time you're done patching all your holes in your room the other that you break back where you started and you can put these tools away and pull out your little sanding sponge all right now there's a lot of different standing sponges in the world and the point isn't to sell a sponge here if I tell you to get one that has this angle here you want an angled edge here's why when you're sanding your corners you want to put that angled edge in the corner all right I'd be able to stand like this don't put it flat in and go up and down okay you'll end up getting a groove here and if it's not angled you'll get a groove on the other side guess what you're right back to patching again so get the angled brush and you turn it a little bit while you're sanding you no guarantee you'll never put a groove in your mud all right so once you've got it sanded on all the patches you're gonna want to stay in between coats so you're gonna want to sand your wall before you prime if it's new construction if it's an existing wall you want to sand your wall before you change your first coat of paint what I suggest is the radius 360 has these velcro pads okay now this is 150 grit you can also get 220 it's really up to you but you stick it on and off you go to the races works really well with my Sherlock Paul this one had a lot of miles put on it but you'll see the quick lock done right and you can sand this kind of head never rolls over it won't like the traditional square ones or rectangle ones this round one will never roll you can't yeah you can over if you try really hard but you can sand blindfold it all day long it's soft in the corners even all right get yourself one of these you're gonna love me for it now along with your stick you're gonna get this extension now this is a universal thread works for the 360 it also works for paintbrushes we'll talk more about that in a minute now when you get your paint you're gonna need to open your candle current that's why I suggest everybody should have a 5 in 1 this is one of the most versatile tools you'll have in your arsenal and you can stick it in your back pocket and you're gonna have a screwdriver you're gonna have a scraper you're gonna have the ability to do the denting for your finishing and you're gonna be able to clean the roller with this thing later I'll show you that you also use the side here to open your lids ok you're gonna want to hit north south east and west here pop the lid off you're good to go this isn't gonna cause damage to anything and you can also use it to hammer it back down the lid is on securely your paint won't dry over all right if you watch me work you'll know that generally I pour paint out of the can into a tray and I use this in my cutting but what if you only bought a little quart and your can't get your brush into the court for a trim paint smaller projects you can get the handy pail all right now this thing here is a plastic with a rubber top and you can get these three little liners now watch this huh how awesome is that there's a magnet built-in that grabs the metal on the brush your brush doesn't sink too far deep into the bank in alright and it won't fall out and make a mess no this is ergonomic design you put your hand here it's nice and easy you're not holding a wire you're not going to get cramps in your hand if I'm painting all day long with a cut-in brush like doing a whole house I use the Handy pail because I can work this all day long it's a lot more convenient than doing this which is how I hold my can grin I got a finger on the wire there got a finger in it I get crimps after a couple hours of this you're done but this is awesome but keep your brush from getting full of paint right up to the metal so it's a little easier managed that way of course no matter what you do you need a knife alright this is phenomenal because you can take the blade out like this you get paint on a window have a fresh blade you can actually scrape that off it's a flexible blade so you can take off stickers and stuff like that you can cut back cocking always good to have a sharp knife you might want to have a little bit of tape with you I'm just saying I don't use a lot of tape in most of my situations but every once in a while I'll have a live edge countertop or I'll have something that's really important I don't wanna get any paint on that I don't want to have to scratch off later so I do cover it in tape but it's very rare yeah you're gonna want to have a mini roller all right little 4 or 6 inch er I like the long handle because if I'm using a mini roller in a lot of cases I'll be using it up against the corner of a high-visibility area so I can texture my brush line right I don't want to use the big roller and get right in there these little mini fillers here if you roll them right up into the corner they're not gonna scratch up the wall where the traditional larger rollers will so this is really handy if you are worried about the details making sure you don't have any brush lines you can also use this in conjunction with the sleeve to do all your patching and priming on the walls it's a lot faster than a brush and it makes sure you don't put too much paint on the walls all right now before we show you the workhorse my rig for my tray let me get this out of here I'm gonna show you a paintbrush option this is a paint brush option it's called the gooseneck okay and I've got my attachment threaded it in there that I showed you earlier and this can go on my paint stick and my paint stick comes two to four foot I've also got a four to eight and I got an 8 to 16 this gives me the ability to go like this I can load it up paint in my brush in my handy pail or am I can I can take it out I can snap it on and I can paint really really far away okay I can paint like this so when I'm standing at the top of the stairs and I've got my railing and I'm looking over the stairwell I can take one of my poles load up my paintbrush and I can stick it 10 12 14 feet away and I can paint these lines from inside the brush perfectly up against the ceiling like that that is worth the money now here's the other feature if you're in an awkward place you've got a banister this is why it's called the gooseneck okay huh now I can be standing here and I can reach over top or something and I can set my brush into that line and I can cut an edge that flexibility you'll never know when you're gonna need it but when you need it I'm telling you it's worth the investment have that in your arsenal all right the gooseneck brush okay then we also have this lovely gizmo now there are situations like up against a trim if you're painting a room and the trim is good and you're not going to paint the trim what you can do is you can use this this is just a straight line it's a guide you can stick that up against the door trim or window trim and then you can paint your wall right up against it let's see how did not bad nice clean line it's a lot faster than taping okay so just having one of these these are also really good for painting trim up against the carpets okay you stick that down there under the floor and then you roll it forward to protect all the carpet then you can paint your trim nice and low alright and they just pull it out have a sponge in a pail handy keep it clean as you go all right this is not something you want to have take down with painter stops working speaking of sponges this is a special sponge made for wet sanding now in some situations when you're working as a painter you're going to be in someone's finished home you're doing a touch-up a callback or you're working in your own home and let's say you're in a beautiful open-concept house and you're just changing the paint on your hand rail and you made a mistake you dinged a wall you have to do a touch-up but you don't want to be sanding drywall dust in a finished space with all your China and everything else here's the secret you do your mud and get your patching done when you're done you put this in the pail you bring it out and you take the rough side on them and you can sand and then at the end you just do one pass with this side to clean all the dirt and crap off the wall and it leaves it perfectly smooth give it about twenty minutes to dry again and then you can go back and do a primer a little roller and then boom you're done this is worth money in the bank we got everything done here we're going to talk about cleaning in just a second but let's talk about the paint rig that I like to work with okay bring this right up here this is a sim astray it's a really rigid jumbo tray I can put three quarters to about 80% of a gallon of paint in this tray and that leaves me about an inch and a half or so in the can and for me that's a perfect blend of cutting and rolling now I use the Sherlock stick and the Wooster handle because they are designed to work together and then I use a microfiber sleeve now I like a 15 mil this is 3/8 or 1/2 inch nap down in the United States it's really good it holds a lot of paint and I can do two or three rollers wide on the second coat and it's just really super speedy now they make them bigger and they make them double wide yeah and I've got all these guys commenting oh we like to put our paint in a pail with a grid but here's the problem every time you pour paint you're wasting it if you pour it into a pail right and you put in your screen every time you're working with that you're mixing air and you have to dunk your roller into the pail and then clean it off this is so much more efficient okay that screen may be quick and easy for you guys but I'm telling you if you had this you would switch because this handle here sits on the tray and this part here just locks in over top of all of that alright and now I got all the weight right here of a full gallon of paint and I can walk around all over my job site with no spills no mess no fuss yeah this little handle also rests my cage it's brilliant alright so if you want to work with Lenovo fatigue you don't want to be bending down and picking up and carrying that trail overall precariously holding your handle at the same time this is a solution it's just a few bucks it's a piece of plastic but it works this is what I like to use I also like to use tray liners okay they come the same size of the Jumbo tray use the liner when you're done you throw it in the garbage you don't have to worry about constantly cleaning your tray think I've covered all the information needs to cover both the tools that I use now we're going to show you how to clean your rig because it the day if you can't clean your gear you're gonna be buying new brushes all the time now this brush here man I'll tell ya I've had this for almost a year I use it almost every day it's amazing clean it right it'll last your lifetime this cage here I've been using this one for about two or three years I think the sleeve this is the seventh time I've painted a wall with this one sleeve they last a long time that means it's cost me $1 to paint a room hmm $7 sleeve costs $1 to paint the room it's not even close to being done I'll use it until it starts leaving lint on the wall but this thing here just keeps on going and going and going so yeah if you know what's going on with my channel you know I'm in the middle of a huge kitchen renovation I set up a temporary kitchen and I always do that with a laundry sink and that's because it gives me a great place to clean my gear inside so let's go take care of this will show you all of my tools for doing that one more thing before we go and wash our gear and there show you a secret because this is really really valuable in a lot of situations I know a lot of people when they're done with their paint here they just wash it but you really got to be careful that you keep the can around with a little extra paint in it so if you set your set your cage on your pink can like this you take your 501 it is exactly perfect radius for just a little bit wider than the roll okay and you can scrape all of that paint off take three passes and be done with it okay what you're gonna find is there's about a quarter the quarter of a quart it's enough paint to do all the touch-ups they're ever gonna need right there of course if you have more leftover in your tray we're gonna just this this you can release that now watch this technique because when you use in liners the whole thing can fall out and make a heck of a mess hold it together like this with your finger on the liner okay so contact and contact and do a quick pour right back in the can alright stop the dripping now we're ready to wash up all right so welcome to my temporary kitchen while we're renovating our kitchen now if you haven't seen the video up on this subject yet we're gonna put the link up here a little card feel free to click and watch that because if you're doing a major renovation in your home and you want to have a temporary kitchen this is perfect and the reason for it is the laundry sink this doubles as a workstation as well as a food prep area so I highly recommend it this is years of experience culminated in six linear feet of pure wonder now we are gonna go talk about washing the gear we've got rollers and we got brushes and we got trays now here's the best part about this okay I have a tray liner trans washed if you don't use the tray liner here's the secret throw this in the bottom of the sink alright turn on the hot water and let it run for about five minutes and the paint that's stuck and dried onto the bottom that tray will peel right off like it's like a saran wrap sheet okay the trays are made out of oil-based products and the paints are latex so they don't actually bond it just dries in place so if you add hot water to it the water will actually get underneath it and lift it right off and then piece the cake after a few minutes you just empty the water and you can grab a corner and peel it like a sheet you'll love it now for us we've got two roller sleeves here I'm gonna show you two different options okay so one of the reasons this stick looks all beat up the garbages because I do this when I want to cut the sleeve off all right that is an effective technique to remove a sleeve from a booster tray so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna wash our roller cage because we don't want mountains of paint building up on these okay because I think it's really difficult to get the Sneasel enough very important that you get these two ends incredibly clean right now I don't care if a little paint dries up inside the cage but just make sure that the edges are all cleaned up [Music] there we go the outside here as well because this isn't this is a spot where paint builds up it'll break off when you're loading yours right and then you'll have a chunk in your paint and your goal as long as this spins freely you're good to go if it doesn't you might need to take your 501 and get right in this little groove in here and clean dried paint out okay make sure that this spins freely hang it off the sides of your your sink here okay now this roller we actually scraped clean just to get the extra paint oh well we're gonna do this time you're gonna take the same tool so I've got my roller sleeve set up here and it's standing on end and I've got a fountain basically happening now if I was to leave this running long enough maybe 20-30 minutes from now it would actually be all clean but the help speed the process up we're gonna take this I'm going to use a lot of force this time then really scrape it all right so we're gonna help speed this process up we're gonna just get all that extra paint oh great they're gonna do that a few times okay now I also want to clean out inside just use your fingers sometimes a little bit of paint funnels up in there now we're gonna just pull through my fingers and clean as I roll now at this point I'm gonna say that it's probably 80% clean already now if I set it up and I turn on the water it'll cascade over and it'll just slowly watch all of that paint gravity is your friend here and if we gave that five or six minutes you can see all the paint at the bottom escaping it's just being pushed out right so that's one technique and if you've got time and you're not concerned about wasting water that works great if you are concerned about wasting water and you can work this with your 5:1 the whole time you're doing this okay there you go no I'm just gonna load this up with water here real quick kinda like eating corn on the cob right okay so that's done now you put it back on your gauge go find yourself a two-by-four go outside lay it on the ground put your paint stick bag on and roll this down the 2x4 and you'll end up getting rid of all the water and you're actually ready to paint right away or you can go and pick up one of these so this is a paint spinner and basically the idea is to stick your roll around there okay release the lock mechanism right this is kind of like an old-fashioned drill actually brand-new the other option you have of course when you're dealing with this mess same thing scrape the paint out put it on the spinner and soak it down like a quarter of the cob all right don't leave it in the bottom and just do this probably two or three times there we go that's looking really good here we go brand-new the spinner also is an attachment you can put your paintbrushes in it okay and it does exactly the same thing with the paintbrush but it's not really necessary for washing the paintbrush let's just talk about this for a second Washington paintbrush it's actually an art because when you're working you're trying not to let paint get all the way up to the top okay which is why it's nice to have a pail of the magnet on it that holds the paintbrush this direction or you leave it in your paint can sitting straight up try to avoid leaving it across the top because then paint will end up running inside the brush when you're washing you don't want to wash it upside down you want to wash it in the same direction you're carrying it so now we have a different tool this tool here is got a bit of a comb on it and you can work that into the bristles and this is really nice if you've been using it for a while and you want to get some of that cooped-up acrylic out of the inside maybe this is hardened up a little bit okay so this tool is really effective it also has that 501 circle on it but it's not as strong as the five and one of the steel so I recommend using the five wooden what we're gonna do now is we're gonna hold the brush down and I'm gonna work the Brussels with my thumb learn a bit of an angle just to work any of the dried up paint off the edge okay just a little bit of contact a little bit of contrast goes a long way here because when we're dealing with the latex paint we're dealing with the acrylic build up that's the really big issue here the paint itself comes out but the acrylic is what the problem is now that may look clean okay but here's what we do we actually massage it this way now forcing that Pinot in as long as there is paint coming out in that water if you want to keep going at it so if you have a lot of paint inside your best to do this this forces the water up to mix the paint and then you can flatten it out like this and rinse it all off the bristles as it as it comes up to the surface loaded up my brush again so you can see just dabbing it in the bottom okay we'll take all that extra pain oh I'm just massaging it okay the truth is the last time I was doing that I just didn't have a lot of paint in that yet that's sim that simulates more what it's like when you're been painting for an hour okay yeah it looks pretty clean right and here's how you can check you know like this Oh see all that paint coming out it's not done yet okay so we're gonna keep on doing this for a little bit working massaging massaging getting some water down there alright we want to get all that paint out all right go like this no paints coming out so now we know we got the acrylic on the paints out with one step left and that is this take your dish soap and pour a bead right down the middle of that okay then we're just gonna work the bristles into your palm this is gonna fill that brush full of soap listen now we're gonna wash it one more time but this time we're gonna wash the soap over just to guarantee that all that acrylic is gone this brush will work like is brand new for years and years and years if you keep it nice and clean and that means you got to get rid of the acrylic if you let the acrylic build up inside the base right now all these bristles are bound right here but if you let the acrylic build up it goes like this and this and this and this and then you lose flexibility you can't paint with two inches of brush okay just see if there's any soap left in here looks good yeah now we're gonna dry it okay put your hands together and your spoon form your bristles and then you can let that dry and it's brand new again loving it now one more thing I'm gonna mention if you were working I try to wash your brush every hour okay if you don't you're gonna get it this build up a gunk acrylic on the edge you can't get a wire brush and you can actually wire brush the acrylic out of your brush okay this will not hurt your brush to use a wire brush on it and that'll clean all the acrylic off and leave it looking brand new again now if you take those steps you're gonna have tools and equipment that actually get better for you in time than they are right out of the box well there we have it that's how you wash your gears so now we've covered all the tools that you need to be a professional looking painter and the way to wash your gear so that you can keep your stuff lasting a lifetime way to set up your account with as a cash account at a paint store so you can save money now you can save money when you buy it you can save time and money when you're fixing your place up and you can save money by not having to throw your pink hair in the garbage that's a win-win you know if you want to know where to buy all this stuff you can check out our website we've got all our affiliate links they're the Amazon pages there for sure and we've got lots of tools on there to check out so go ahead I would suggest me for watching this video next because if you're done learning how to paint you're probably going to learn how to do other things like tile your kitchen
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 307,327
Rating: 4.9477706 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff
Id: U-fEKG6P3Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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