How to paint a straight line. Tips cutting in ceilings like a professional painter.

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inner in this video i'm going to give you a couple more tips and tricks how to get your ceiling cut-ins to be perfectly straight and like a professional did it i got a playlist of about five videos that teach you how to get ceiling lines to look really straight like this so you can go check out that playlist at the end of this video but i got a couple more tips and tricks that i teach you right now so stay tuned for this video so part of the process of getting good ceiling cut-ins is is having the proper equipment and i've had in a couple of my previous cut-in videos i've showed you some of the products that i use the brushes i use the buckets and screens i use so you can go back and check out those videos i'm not going to go into depth about them right now but right now i'm using a three inch angle sash purdy clear cut brush and it's a stiff bristle brush because i'm using a really thick paint right now so i'm going to go begin doing these cut ins and a couple of things to doing really good cut-ins is holding your brush properly when you're actually doing those cut ends i'm going to go over a little bit about how to actually hold a brush when you're doing your cut ends and this is a method that i use it actually works for me that will give me really really good straight lines i'm going to show you how i actually hold a brush so i have my paint brush right here and when i get ready to go do my cut ends i actually hold my brush just like this i actually secure the brush on one side with my thumb hopefully you can see that right there in this video so i search here with my thumb on the one side and then my other four fingers hold the brush on this side and that's what actually gives me a the ability to hold this brush in my hand and stabilize it and control it really well so it's a four fingered method i'm holding it with four fingers in this side and my thumb on the opposite side and then when i'm doing my cut ends i'm cutting in just like this so i'm holding it sometimes i actually let my small finger free and hold it like that but typically i'm gonna have four fingers on that brush and that also depends on the size of the brush you're using if you're using a brush that's two inches or smaller you're typically not going to have four fingers on that brush because the brush the ferrule is really small but this is a larger brush so i can get my hands on that brush and control it really well and one of the techniques of bringing your paint up to your cut in when you're holding your brush as i discuss in one of my other videos is to actually rotate that brush and as you see this brush is actually fully loaded with paint right now and i'm actually rotating it around so that actually doesn't drip so i'm going to pull it out of my bucket rotate it up and get it to my position to do my cut in so i'm going to do a cut in right now just showing you how i actually hold that brush and i'm holding it once again just like that and the method you're going to take get your brush up there within about a half an inch and then bring it up to your cut in and then begin your cut in you're gonna go about a little bit more than a foot go back the opposite direction to fill in any of those spots that didn't get filled in when you went the one direction the first time so there you go how to properly hold the brush now i'm going to talk about how i actually hold the brush in my bucket when i'm actually doing my back rolling with my roller so once i got my cut in done with my brush up there a length uh usually about twice as much as is that then i go back and back roll it with my roller and when i'm back rolling it i don't want my brush to be inside my bucket of paint because then it's going to get paint all over the brush and it's going to get all messy and make a big mess so i actually hold my brush with my bucket just like this so i got the brush got my bucket in one hand and i'll show you right here my brush is held with this finger and my thumb secured in the bucket just like that so it's held with these two fingers right here so i secure my bucket with the two of my first three fingers right here that in the handle and then i put my brush inside there and it hangs right in the middle i'll try to give you a little bit better view once i get up this ladder what that looks like but now i can sit there and load up my roller and then do my back brushing or back rolling so when i go to put my roller inside my bucket all i do is just tilt my brush to the side and then i can hang or actually load my roller up you always want to have a roller that has a roller frame that has some type of hooks that you can actually hook your roller on the inside of your bucket just like that so your roller can hang while you're actually using your brush and doing your cut ends with your brush so once again i'm going to load up my brush just dip it in my paint pat it on the sides now i can actually bring it up using the method that i just showed you how to do the cut ends and i'll take my brush get it about a half inch from the ceiling work it up to my ceiling i'm going to cut one way and then i'll cut the opposite way to fill it in [Music] and then i'm going to look at that and make sure that it's all completely filled in if i miss a spot or anything there's a little spot right here that i didn't cover i could go back cut that in and then once i do about a two foot section i'm just going to back roll it with my roller so it will blend in with my wall and the whole back rolling process why i actually back roll it i explained in a previous video that i did doing ceiling cut-ins that you can check out at the end of this video i'm going to give you one more tip when it comes to doing ceiling cut ins and this is how i actually stand on a ladder when i'm doing my cut ends and when i'm doing my cut ends i'm typically using either a six foot ladder a three foot ladder but i always want to have the ladder or typically always have the ladder i'm gonna walk up it at an angle like this and i like to actually do my cut ends with the ladder right here so i can face the ladder and lean up against the ladder and have myself supported it is a lot harder to do your cut-ins this way and not have the support of the ladder in case you tilt forward and fall forward sometimes in the videos i gotta do it just to for video purposes stand the opposite direction but it'll make you a lot more secure on the ladder to actually be facing the ladder and doing your cut ends that way so once again i'm going to load up my brush pat it on the side gonna bring my brush up to my cut in i'm gonna work about a foot section go back work the opposite direction and i'm gonna load up my brush pat it on the side bring it up to the ceiling [Music] cut it one direction i'm going to cut it back the opposite direction [Music] you know load it up one more time gonna bring it up to the ceiling cut it there's these little spots i missed from the first cut so i go back cut the opposite direction now i'm gonna once again fill it in with my roller get that four inch roller as close as you can to the ceiling about a half an inch from the ceiling and there you have it this was chris the idaho painter bringing you more tips and tricks on doing perfect ceiling cut-ins like a professional did it at the end of this video you could also check out in my video description all the tools and accessories i'm using in my videos is down in the video description you can also find the playlist to actually watch more of my cut in videos i got a whole playlist of them to teach you how to cut in like a pro and we'll see you on my next video [Music] you
Channel: Paint Life TV
Views: 797,587
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Keywords: ceiling cutin tips, cut ins, cutting in, cutting in tips, cut in tips, cutting in painting tips, cutin hacks, interior painting, paint cutins, cutting, cutins, painting a room, painting walls, painting hacks, house painting, cut in like a pro, interior painting tips, cut-in tips, ceiling cut ins, ceiling, cut-in hacks, diy, tips, how to cut in walls, cut in tutorials, how to cut-in ceilings, how to cut in paint, how to paint, painting tips, painting a house
Id: PqyHvJ6u7yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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