What a Laundry Room SHOULD look like! | Reality Renovision Ep17

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so this is where it's gonna get interesting wow that is an inch of Wax look at this holy cow 13 nails and that one little piece of trim so if you want to save some money better to learn how to do this yourself you don't maintain your dreams that's what's gonna happen you nasty looks like a dry wall street mask and it is my god it's just such a bad installation the tile that's causing all those waving that would be really good for us I think we're gonna increase value in this kitchen this is not acceptable Matt is money in the bank this is where it gets fun it's not the time they're putting out the big dollars thank you here always there's another tool you won't need to buy perfect every time [Music] so on today's episode of reality renovation we're out here in a beautiful part of town hello puppy and we've got a great little project it's a basic removal and reinstallation process we're doing a laundry room and hallway it's also the back entrance to all of this beautiful hardscape property it's just a bit of a surprise because we've actually done a little investigation we pop off the heat great and we know that the installation that was done here is not up to par for the neighborhood and the quality of this house so it's gonna be good for us because it's going to come out real easy but at the end of the day really kind of shocked to see the kind of installation here is something you'd seen a rental property it's always disappointing when you see that [Music] all right well welcome to the laundry room slash rear entrance of the home this is the main door that goes to the backyard for all of that of door living experience so having this floor here obviously it's time to change now our clients are fixing this house up basically one room at a time so this area that house is what's next on their agenda it's time to get rid of this early 1970s tile and put in something a lot more modern and sleek we're also gonna update the countertops putting in some quartz so the new backsplash we're refacing all the doors on the cabinetry solid oak so we're doing a really nice paint job off-site and then we'll come and reinstall and of course we've got to repair some doors and there's a powder room in here as well so this ends up becoming quite a big scope of work it's of almost 200 square feet of flooring and we've got to rip all this out and put in some new herringbone tile four by 24 it's gonna be beautiful so when you're doing a new flooring job and you have existing tile I'm gonna say probably 90% of the installation of tile projects in homes that have got a wooden subfloor look a lot like this there's a plywood layer this is what we call direct bond so this is a cemented directly to this plywood and if count the lasers four of them that makes this apply what a half-inch now in our area the building code has this using 5/8 tongue and groove subfloor Plus 1/2 an inch plywood it still falls a little bit shy okay of the amount of wood that we need to get an inch and a quarter of substrate still 1/8 thin but what we got here the reason this is a cheat is because you can see underneath the plywood right here this is existing vinyl floor alright and underneath that vinyl floor before they put that on there's a quarter inch plywood so what happens is you have your house and it has a vinyl floor and you call a tile guy and your order in your installation and they come along and they screw down a half inch plywood over top of your existing floor and then they tile right over top of that surface and this is the most common installation in the market today it's a huge sheet I hate it I wish people would take all these extra layers out because as a result of that they've lost the ability to know if they can't screw down the floor to the floor joist and get rid of the squeaks they don't know if they've got dips and valleys they're not using floor leveler and none of the doors work so these closet doors that we have over here are the BI folds they actually don't open all the way so if you have a house like this I'm going to show you all the tips and tricks for getting this out of the way getting all the way back down to the original subfloor that way you can install your tile and your doors will work again so we're gonna pull all the trims get them out into the garage into a pile then we're just gonna smash the tile alright and load it up into those really cool bags that we got and then what I want to do is I want to lift the sheets of plywood from the regions as we go so my process for doing a demolition on a floor is really simple we need to identify first of all what are we keeping and what are we not keeping in this situation we're keeping all of the baseboard but because our floor is gonna be lower when we're done all of the plinth blocks which are these blocks located at the door okay underneath the casings these are called plinth blocks and they're traditionally just a little bit wider a little bit thicker and that's what gives you that ability to just bring in a straight cut into your trim they're all gonna be too short so I've got to go and get some new ones and cut them and paint them in so we're gonna take all these off they're going in the garbage although our new floor will be lower when we're done we're gonna just cover all that up with a real nice decorative shoe that matches the profile on this base not enough room so this is one of these situations I'm talking about this closet was framed properly the doors are standard size everything was normal until he added so many layers on this floor that nothing works so the door has got a penance on a spring it's supposed to be sitting in this it's not here no since it's not here this is in the way all right this is the screw you need to remove so that that moves then you want to close the door slide it forward until it pops out and then you can loop it out of the foot rest down there all of these parts are available in the hardware store for replacement so if your door is damaged you can replace any one of these parts for just a couple of bucks only takes a minute so this hardware these doors this bracket actually has three places where you're supposed to put a screw okay not just one drywall screw I guess the last guy that did the floor took this off the old floor lost the hardware and the you know just throw back with a drywall screw that looks fine oh yeah yeah this one's good one drywall screws well that's the guy that's doing that job doesn't have a system these guys are removing all of my base for me it's a solid pine base so as long as you're careful it'll come loose from all of those galvanized nails so just make sure you guys mark the walls and sort the corresponding numbers and then we'll be able to put all that trim on later so you take the piece and then you just roll it away [Music] and here we've got removing all of this cord around can we call this cord around because it's the same height as it is width the other name people use is they call it shoe mullet some places what that traditionally is reserved for one that would isn't as thick coming off the wall later profile classic right some of these pieces have two nails and why guys feel compelled to always put a lot of nails and tiny little pieces of 13 nails in that one little piece of trim think after all that work they would have taken the time to give it a second coat of paint all right [Music] [Music] we're gonna we're gonna keep this as well because that with those doors I'd be perfect soon as we're done with that trim we'll start work on the tile so the plan here is to change out the countertop and the sink and taps so lovely it's always the way that works carries more water so here we go yeah there's the nest here this is a really standard installation we actually did a kitchen renovation I think reasons pretty much the same stuff you're probably seeing those videos where were you had to remove the kitchen sink disconnect the plumbing and in that situation the the countertop guys came to install her granite and we disconnected and reconnected all the plumbing it's another great way to save a ton of money remember when you're stoned guy comes he's not gonna do any plumbing for you so if you want to save some money it's better to learn how to do this yourself nasty and that's the kind of corrosion you're gonna find nasty nasty the brass holds up against the water really well long term but when you have the hair clog in the dream that's what causes the corrosion so if you don't maintain your drains that's what's gonna happen to you so rule number one is shut off the water rule number one should be put the shutoff valves where you gonna reach them why is it so far away thank god it worked so those are some really old shutoff valves they put up a good fight and thank God they actually work so I think I'm gonna recommend to the client that we're gonna change those out for a newer style with a ball valve it doesn't have any gaskets and it will never leak these kind here I wouldn't be surprised if after doing this exercise they don't work ever again I think those gaskets are all dried out yeah don't forget rule number one if you touch them plumbing and you know you're not as confident with what's going on just turn off the main water supply to the house and that will mitigate any kind of major disaster that could happen on your job every once in a while you get a surprise somebody put two pieces of little trim together and cockt it on and nailed it on so we've got to save that in case that trim isn't available anymore now I'm a big fan of cleaning as I go just so that I don't have an accident then these plastic grills they're garbage we're not putting these back I never put a plastic grill back on because no one can ever step on it seems stupid never buy them in the first place but what we're gonna do is we're just taping off the door because when we're doing this tile smashing business I don't want little chunks of tile flying into the next room these bags are a little bit thicker than our six mil bags that we used for regular garbage they're a 7 mil but they have a it's the way they're constructed it's like a nylon mesh right it's like anti-terror anti anything so when you're breaking up your tile so what we do is we just smash the daylights out of the floor with a small hammer we scoop it all up put them in these bags it'd be nice if they're a little bit shorter because if bag does this straw I mean that's gonna be way too heavy minutes phobic I just like to go something comfortable 40 50 pounds hollowed out of here I'll buy a few extra bags I don't even care I'm not throwing my back out for anybody hammer be pad glasses diapers diapers let's go hey face diapers yes right here can we get the busy here [Music] you guys go into the hall first that'll be the first ever remove okay don't come anymore this way this is a great time actually for us to explore their installation technique see if we can learn anything okay see this classic direct bond right so we have a lot of cement they use a nice thick trowel okay you can see the trial grooves right here great contact with the tile but direct bond on plywood and this is why you shouldn't do this most guys don't take the time to wet the plywood while turret installing their tile and so it doesn't actually bond to the plywood because it's too dry you guys look awesome alright so now you know this is how we got it right let's check something out before we go any further there you go I love it did you just take shrapnel oh I love it when people don't install tile right because it makes my job so much easier to remove this floor I'm gonna be able to find all my screw holes and everything without any difficulty and now we don't have to beat the living daylights out of it and create all this dust in the butt I wouldn't have it any other way Thank You neat get that on the ground flat you're the one that asked to the bar hey hey hey control okay you're only pushing as hard as you want that to go even if you miss there you go [Music] all right well that was fun we just ready to pop out for a minute wouldn't grab coffee for the guys and our grand guys showed up to do his measuring so you saw him do his little program in the in the video that's pretty cool I just wanted to talk about this real quick there's so much you can learn from a tile job when you're doing the demolition so I wanted to point something out it's gonna grab it uh down here have a look at this so we talked about before about how a lot of this tile job it didn't bond to the plywood all right now in this one area here it bonded to the plywood it's absolutely fascinating it's the only spot right here and in every other area the tile comes up and all this meant is full of cement right here okay but in this area the tile came up clean so come an interesting idea and this is the kind of thing you see when somebody's working along blah blah blah and they put down their cement and then they stop to have a break go answer a phone call five or 10 minutes goes by they come back they leave their tile they keep on going what happens is the air dries out the top of the cement so when you press the tile under that cement the part that's in contact with the tile is now dry and so then you don't even get a bond but all of that moisture that was in that cement ended up bonding to that plywood where it never did anywhere else it's absolutely fascinating I wonder if this is just the only spot that he ever even used a sponge maybe he had a spill I don't know what's going on it's just bizarre by the way I'm very happy and then as soon as you get past this point this starts popping up real clean and easy there just are not enough screws in this plywood okay these joints line up this should be daggered and it gets a lot more strength if you stagger your joints especially in the hallway the screws here are like every this almost eight inches which is not enough because remember there's another linoleum floor underneath this and another quarter inch so you're not just attaching this plywood your sandwich and bonding all of that together you should be every two inches and then every six to eight inches I would probably go six if you're gonna cheat and go over top of an old floor you should go six it's not against the rules to do that but if you're gonna do it throw in enough screws that you don't get the floor moving around and popping there's a lot of areas in this floor where the gross chipping out is because of the movement from having the joints like this and not using enough screws so it's kind of funny it doesn't matter who you are where you live there are minimum standards for everything we do and this should be a lot more screws like I mentioned and it should be a flooring screw but if it's not working because this no kidding it looks like a drywall screw Max and it is my god alright so here's the deal that is totally unacceptable even if it's a flooring screw this screw should be longer first of all because it's got to pass through an inch and I almost finished a half material including the vinyl and so it's just the just the tip of that screw grabbing the subfloor unbelievable now wonder there's so much heaving I'm wondering if maybe the subfloor in this house is a lot more level than I originally thought it's just such a bad installation the tile that's causing all those waving that would be really good for us [Music] yeah this particulars isn't that something they cheated and I'm benefiting you got to find a spot to get underneath the port start ripping it up once I get this one up I'll be able to use that bar and get underneath this pilot it'll just pop right off cuz it's not screwed into anything and it's fine thread screw it's not a fluorine screw that's not even a coarse thread drywall screw I mean holy cow you're gonna cut corners please stay on the road oh let's just see if we can pop this off here and there the original floor bump up a bum nasty [Music] whatever cruise you can find is great after that we'll just use Department here [Music] they give the ham with that toilet he's ready now [Music] [Music] I'm trying to fight that out so I didn't have to paint the walls you know and it's difficult because there's like uh I kind of washer right there that's what's restricting my access with this so I got to do like single strokes it's gonna take a little while I guess the connection in the floor is all like it's wet or something I don't know so whatever it's screwed to the floor is just not speak together so it's just [Music] that should not be that easy okay that's cool no worries so this is where it's gonna get interesting because this toilet was properly installed for the vinyl floor and then somebody added all this height so what do you think you're gonna find when you're double room do you think it's too rich yeah just because there's drywall screws and I think they just wouldn't cut corners do right fair enough good come it I like that all right what we should find is a flange extension kit now I've also seen guys use the extension kit but they lost the gaskets and something they just silicone the crap out of it yeah all right okay well let's lift this up and let's see what we find okay all right let's get this out of here of course I threw that in there just to get rid of the huge amount of Oh huge amount of wax Matt you're right now you got a ton of wax in here I just got a few grand wow that is an inch of wax look at this holy cow you know they got lucky a lot of times when you put that much wax to see the toilet it gets pushed over when you're setting it down and what happens is your big three-inch hole becomes a small little one or one and a half inch hole the proper way to do this is to add an extension to this okay so this is a this is a BS and you can actually get teflon rings that sit on top of this that have rubber gaskets and it all gets screwed together on the flange and you build this up until it's about 1/8 to 1/4 higher than the finished floor and that's it I mean that's not just a thick ring that's that's the extra thick ring with another ring I don't think I've ever seen that puts wax on a toilet before the Lord and the plan for this area is a new quartz countertop a high arc sink faucet and we're gonna remove this beadboard and install a nice backsplash tile when you're moving yours are your plugs traditionally these screws are on number one Robert those are not traditional screws but seem to work right they've got them taped that's awesome okay and we're gonna just fold them flat like that so we can slide everything off no now we've got the water off we've already tested that it's not working so we're good so basically you just gotta loosen these off and then move the tooth to the side so I can't get in there to remove the screws because this is a nice deep sink and my drill doesn't fit in the space so what we're gonna do is we're gonna remove the entire countertop with a stick attached it's probably the only way to get this thing up and I don't want to just rip it off because then I'll break them the crosspiece on the can [Music] so here's my bed extender this is what I use to solve all my problems all right just snaps into the drill this snaps in the other end there we go now it's long enough because I have got to get the sink out everything here is just crap sometime you're putting uninstallation may not go as planned here we had so many things going on I need to separate the backlash from the counters up because I can't lift the sink forward I can't lift it up the plumbing is attached to the countertop and I got a 12 inch deep sink [Music] unfortunately doing away own wedding all right it's just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow something now you get an understanding of when you're buying countertops from the granite or quartz people why they don't include the removal or reinstall of any of the plumbing fixtures they don't want to get involved in a mess like that where somebody's been creative to create you know attach things they don't want to have their granite guys coming here taking the liability of causing what could be construed as damage to your cabinets even though this is irrelevant that's not going to be a problem down the road they just like to walk away they want to walk in set it down and leave so one of the ways that you can save a lot of money with your installation is you can take care of dissing you know taking off the old sink take out the old counters reattach the plumbing again watch a couple of our videos to get a handle on what's going on with that because they're gonna have all kinds of up charges over and above the contract price I've seen it before they walk in the house clients expecting a new sinks installed today they walk over and they go oh you have to disengage all your plumbing it's in the contract it's in the fine print no one told them okay and then you're standing there and they're like well we could always come back tomorrow well what do you do you've already taken the day off work you're waiting for your countertop to install this is why they do what they do if you know what's coming and you're prepared and you're ready they drop it they walk there nice and easy if you're not prepared they're gonna have a few hundred dollars son install another few hundred dollars to reinstall you can almost double the cost of your installation so be prepared make sure that you've got everything ready for them before they arrive well there we go is lunch time we are just about halfway through the demolition which is awesome we're gonna have lots of times a day to get this finished up we have no more interruptions no more visitors from countertop people etc so we'll put in a good afternoon by the end of today we are gonna have everything removed right down to the subfloor we'll make sure we sweep and vacuum and get all of our tools organized at the end of the day this is how I like to leave a jobsite nothing to be tripping over no mess no danger for pets and family huh can't wait to start leveling this floor out [Music] we are midway through our project now and welcome back to the mudroom and we are waiting for our countertop guy to come and install that today we also have some grout that I need to finish and some trim work to do and some paint work on the cabinets to do I've got to finish my custom overhead drying rack Center area oh my goodness we got to install our toilet and hang our doors and resize the by folds and of course we got to put the hardwood in the back off so we don't have a whole lot of time to fool around but I did want to show you this this is our backsplash tile very cool client also picked out a bunch of black hardware we got knobs and pulls that matches the style and the lights here and of course all the hardware and all the doors are gonna get changed over to black so I had to run up this morning and pick up a new high art faucet black because we're gonna make have to keep that same metal motif runnin everywhere so that's going to look really cool you know this gray backsplash a little bit of texture black faucet white quartz top ha loving how the floor is looking let's get back to work so we are refinishing the cabinets here of course we're going from a nasty Brown to this beautiful white so if you'd like to see the process for redoing your cabinets we actually cover this topic in season 2 of the reality renovation our kitchen remodel redoing your kitchen cabinetry is a great thing to have in your toolbox and it's a perfect DIY for any life [Music] just a quick note I'm using the Dulux expert sealer it's a primer sealer transition paint looks fabulous on staining wood fake wood I need two coats when you're working against a really dark brown it's probably better when you look like this to do extra coats of the primer sealer until you really have a nice solid white surface before you go into country so this is the door to the garage and in our climate we get to minus 30 in the wintertime for extended periods of time so even though the garage is out of the weather because it's that cold for that long it's still gonna be minus-30 in the garage you just don't get the windchill factor I noticed when I was doing the floor that the door was blocked but there's these huge gaps and just because I have rectified porcelain doesn't mean I don't want to insulate these gaps this could cause me problems down the road so I'm gonna just fire in some of that folder try to keep it somewhat controlled because this stuff does like to expand a little bit put it in the closed position so we can use it again and we're gonna nail this on before we grow just because I don't want to let that foam expand out of the way now this particular door is gonna wouldn't would seal here at the other entrance the door is actually not a wood so it was wrapped in steel so I couldn't nail right into the sill what I did is I had to go to a 45 degree angle with a two inch nail then go between the metal and the tile into the subfloor this is a lot easier to do Boldin well you can watch me just can't talk okay so I'm just gonna do the cocking joint here between the wall in there and the baseboard now this is a wall borders it's a preformed panel it's got all these gaps and they're very dark under dirt collecting but there is a way to do this you don't have that problem if you pause he needs one of these gaps and fill them up [Music] it's a little bit of practice the visual another item on the pressure on my gun all the time Pam go chips that finish with cocking or that without the cocking you're just saris parade I like getting my holes all closed up I think any time you see a shadow it needs to be fixed [Music] time for the backsplash the guys over at mountain granite did an awesome job cutting in and putting this together for us so we have a beautiful quartz top now when you're dealing with mosaic tile of this nature I always suggest lay it out put it all together like a puzzle and then take your framing square to mark your cutting lines to start off with and here is the reason why if I do this I can get two perfectly straight edges and then no matter what type size of space are I'm using in between these tiles it's not going to change the relationship between where this cut should be so I can line up along my gap down here leaving a little bit of a gap from the full tile and then where I'm marking this ceramic is actually where I want my cut to go all right and then all the way up down here perfect there we go now I can go to the grinder with the first few pieces here and then what I'm installing my tile I won't have to make any cuts until I'm about halfway down and right near the top and that helps me be really efficient with my time [Music] [Applause] [Music] so before we do the backsplash we're gonna do a butterfly patch here guess when a list of updated electrical here and additive switched for this light and just left the hole the yum triggers through the room that's all I'll have would family so they never had the need to close that hole in the drywall I'm just gonna whip together a little bit of mud tape that in now I've got it one backsplash we can use type-1 adhesive it's actually rated for wet areas although there are too many situations anywhere where we're actually using adhesive and tiling anymore I don't just sell the code in most bathrooms but I [Music] find that disgusting get this on here [Music] I think we're probably gonna end up with like a really tiny gap maybe one sixteenth I think we're gonna try that first visually we'll just see how that looks when you have a really ornate kind of decorative tile like this you don't want to have too much grout because you don't want the wall to be about the grim little bag of 1/16 of an inch tile spacers there's 250 these things in here it's amazing they should go a long way always use the spacer when you're putting tile on a counter tub you may not need it now but one point in your life you are going to want to do one or two things perhaps change your countertop or in this example this is an exterior wall in the wintertime so it's gonna bow a little bit if it gets really cold outside and if that's what happens you're going to want to have the ability for this tile to move across the countertop and not be attached to scratching so just that little bit of gap makes all the difference in the world yeah we'll get a few pieces on and we'll add the rest of our spacers anticipate my gap there a little bit okay here we go here goes everything that is crazy we're gonna put these spacers on the same spot out in every tile okay now there's two ways to do this folks one way is with all the spacers okay the second way is trust the adhesive to do its job and hold this position all right and then just set everything where you want it [Music] all right so we're gonna get a little taste test of what this is gonna look like done we have a 24-inch undermount stainless steel sink going in here so if a function has a laundry tub still but I got them this awesome pulldown faucet from Kohler oh what a beast here we go and the reason I got this is a stainless steel so it'll match the sink the rest of the hardware in this house is areas gonna be all black but this is gonna be stainless steel to match the sink and I'm just gonna shove this in and the reason we got it is this Kohler design here this is the tree out of the design line of course that has its water supply lines I'm already gonna be perfect knows that come doesn't have a washer base there's my Mountain Hardwear ugly plates I'm not gonna use we're gonna have to use a little bit of clear silicone - taps deposit to the counter so we don't get water going through that doesn't seem to have a gasket attachment and there's no way in hell I'm putting this big ugly plate on there if I don't need it look at this really cool body styling so this goes in here like this it says Kohler always nice to be able to show up you're buying nice quality products check out that beautiful line up there my god that just complements the texture in that tile so much I'm in love oh my goodness so project video update I just dropped my trowel in the bucket so I'm gonna buy a new one because it was done and I don't want to work with that we are close we are real close we got a little bit of trim to do finish the backsplash connect the sink and we're gonna bring all the cabinet doors back and reinstall them so yeah probably another good full day in here and we are gonna be able to hand this back over to the client okay all right so it's time for my finishing touches and what I do is I take a little bit of my for protection put it on my counter for my tools and actually write down my list of all the little details I need it just helps keep me organized and so I'm not running around in circles spinning my heels now the electrical needs to be installed and typical what happens here generally is the screws that mount this are not usually long enough when you add the tile so one of the tricks throw the hardware store pickup 6:32 that's the machine thread size and I get quarter and a one and a quarter inch screws and we just line up these holes and that is the perfect thread now you don't want this on too tight because you don't want to be breaking the tile best not to attach these until at least a day after you ever done your installation I once had somebody mentioned in one of my tiling videos that you have to notch out the tile for the set screws for the wall plates and I said in my comments section I said why don't you just buy wall plate that has a short screw and they weren't aware that that was even a possibility and someone else mentioned oh I have a special wire cutter to cut my says that's not a lot of work to cut a set screw here's a here's a regular one they come longer but here's the one that I buy I mean dollars for doughnuts if I don't have to adjust something once I install it I'm gonna be putting this screw right over top of where the tile is it isn't gonna matter no fussing around no gap in behind the wall plate and just for aesthetics I always back it off so that the screw line when the slots crew is going vertical perfectly vertical there's something visibly disturbing if all of your screws are finished at different areas on the on the wall and I've had a client actually call me out on that years ago hey come fix all your screws there we go it's all vertical nice and easy it's the same as these lines in the plug so everything visibly it's works I guess it's an OCD thing quick note before you put your door hardware on make sure that your paint is all dry and that you've adjusted all of your doors for depth and level and square and plumb because you don't want to adjust it afterwards all your handles be in the wrong spot that's a mistake you only want to make once beautiful now this is probably the most gorgeous laundry sink I've ever seen can I just install it with my silicone trick I use structural silicone and then little T here to hold it in place first that goes in there you drop the owner behind screw them together under pressure it's completely adjustable so once you're in there you get to suffer until the sinks under pressure prone to screen you can save that for the next time you need it so this is the cross crevice blue color here we are the cross price sink comes with the square drained this assembly is very similar to an Ikea so if you're familiar with that it has a setting that in the bottom then the assembly comes apart right there's a gasket for both sides under the sink as well as from top because you're making a compression between two rubber gaskets there's no such thing here is too tight so in the kit for this sake it comes with this piece here the only thing missing is the tail piece that was not provided and that's the inch and a half inch pipe it's gonna go into this fitting that's one thing that have to go to store which is why I have that list on the counter with all my things to do because I can scratch it out or I can make a note beside of what I need to pick up nor to finish the job it's amazing how many tiny little things you have to go back to the store for so my advice is do everything on your list and if you can't finish it just make your note and we go into the next thing and you'll end up going to store once to buy a five things instead of five different trips so another part of the project while we're in the home and this happens a lot you know when you're in somebody's house they make the short list of all the different things they like done while you're here so we're in the back hallway off the office and it had an old tile floor as well and so we're ripping all the soap but instead of putting tile back we're going with hardwood and that'll be great because it's gonna run right off the office which is a hardwood continue under the front door it gives very minimal traffic here so it's not an issue about the weather and it's a closed porch on the other side of that door so we're not worried about too much water coming in here which makes this really ideal for a hardwood floor but before we can put the hardwood down we got to rip out the old ones [Music] when you're installing flooring your subfloor doesn't need to go right through the drywall talent doesn't even have to go right up to the baseboard you're always connected put Poirier feel free to install your subfloor a little bit shy of the end wallet [Music] who are you kidding with that [Music] right so this is the boss stitch hardwood nailer tool rental gotta love it but every six inches you want to throw it in now okay [Music] [Music] so the dryer exhausts lovely what we want to do first is break up this cocking joint that's all around it and I like to use my 5:1 tool for this now my guess is the way that this is in they might have actually put an expansion foam or something in there to hold this in place it's really putting up a good fight Wow not an expansion foam actually mortar mix you know of all the dryer vents in the entire world I picked the hardest one to take apart he was really kids they just pop right off I never seen an installation like this before in my life so somebody at some point it's added a second pipe layer inside of this thing and regardless what you find the whole goal here is to clean out the hole hang on I can see it there you go buddy Hank this is yank it yeah just pray that that fits the whole of that mortar joint [Music] running into something in here yeah it's gonna make this a lot simpler [Music] not a good quality bit this is probably why the last guy just use adhesive to attach it to the pivot so we're gonna copy I'm using the side of that tube to force it into the hole keep your tube in front of your ear cocking put it over that hole up until you see it squeezing up I'm gonna show you a quick trick put on your valance you too might be the victim of uneven cabinet installation so what you want to do is get in behind it with your cocking gun this may seem a little awkward it gets basically eliminates the ability for that light to shine through and then it gets a nice nice gap there just finished in the last few touches here and a few moments we'll be able to show you the finished project [Music] as you can see this is a great example of how you can take something completely updated and with a few modifications and a little imagination and a lot of hard work you can make it into something beautiful on a budget remember the cost of this project aren't that extreme of course you have to buy the flooring tile and the countertop here was courts but the fixtures are actually reasonable a few hundred dollars for the sink and neat of the taps a few dollars for hardware and then recycle all the old cabinets and do it a paint job if you want to know how to refinish your old solid wood cabinetry will have to link in the description below you can check out that video it is fabulous it is the way to shop if you're buying an old house and you want to renovate a kitchen on a budget that's the way to do it just a great paint job and some new hardware a beautiful backsplash it's all in the finishing touches right make sure everything is painted properly cocked properly and everything's adjusted well now you've got a beautiful broom and then we even repainted just to get all the lines straight guys honestly a thousand dollars goes a long way if you're going to restore a room like this take the time renovate your home make it beautiful and if you want to have lots of tips and tricks on how to make your home beautiful and subscribe to our channel it's down there in the bottom left hand corner of the screen and make sure you give us a thumbs up on this video we need to hear feedback we want to know if this is the kind of stuff that you want to watch don't forget to follow us on Instagram where we give you lots of sneak peeks and product information and tips and tricks or you can buy all of these kinds of fixtures so I hope you enjoyed this episode of reality renovation if you're new to our channel the nice to suggest you subscribe to the channel over here don't forget to hit the bell icon for notifications so you'll be told every time a new video comes up and if you'd like you can click the link right here and you can binge watch all the episodes that we have on our playlist amazing information everything DIY and take our and renovation and remodeling thanks for joining us
Views: 827,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, home renovision, home renovision diy, renovation reality show, remodel reality show, renovation show, home reno, home remodel, laundry room renovation, laundry room remodel, custom laundry room, laundry room build, herringbone tile, how to remove ceramic tile, how to remove a subfloor, how to install a dryer exaust, dryer vent install, replace dryer vent, replace dryer exaust, how to remove a sink, sink removal, countertop removal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 22sec (3202 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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