Why the Diary of the Unknown 501st Trooper is so Much Darker than we Realise

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classic battlefront 2 story campaign is one of the most beloved bits of the Star Wars Expanded Universe especially for Clone Wars fans as it was centered around the story of the fiber first legion aside from the Genesis prologue it supposedly all takes place during the last few days of the Clone Wars though the order of the missions is definitely wrong as it doesn't fit at all in the timeline of that period one of the things that makes the journal of the 500 first such a great bit of the expanded universe is that it puts the darker elements of being a clone trooper right out in the open and in this video we'll be looking at just that attention sergeant on deck this video is brought to you by Nord VPN I've actually been using Nord for the past year and a half and the value they provide for my internet privacy is second to none through their superfast servers in over 61 countries you're able to connect to any country's IP with the click of a button and I can't tell you how important that 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made it through the first hour never mind the first day incredibly the 500 first survived the crucible of Geonosis emerging battle-hardened and ready for whatever the war would throw at us the First Battle of Geonosis was the first time the clone troopers of the 500 first experienced genuine combat and as the journal said no simulations could have prepared them for it the clones may have performed like experts in attack of the clones but this was a facade that concealed their mental states the Kaminoans simulations even the harder ones that were intended to simulate the most chaotic of battles all had some sort of order to them and nobody actually died neither was true for Geonosis the battle was pure chaos and it was also a bloodbath a bloodbath the 500 first was indeed lucky to survive in the waning months of the Clone Wars the fibro first faced missions critical to the agenda of Chancellor Palpatine when we arrived at the bombed-out ruins of Megiddo our Jedi commander believed we had been sent to take out a droid energy collector what Quixote Mundi didn't know however was that our unit of the 500 first was really after an experimental Mike Eden power source that the Chancellor wanted for his super laser keeping Wendy in the dark wasn't easy the Jedi had become increasingly wary of the Chancellor's doings and were on the lookout for the slightest hint of treachery just like the rest of them though he never caught worth of what was really going on until it was far too late the success of the mission on Megiddo was something of a revelation for the man of the 500 first suddenly we realized that the Jedi could be fooled and if they could be fooled they could be killed the 500 firsts mygeeto mission highlights something the 500 first probably figured out much other in the war a revelation that all clones had to contend with sooner or later the Jedi weren't invincible they all made mistakes they could be killed and as the Megiddo mission showed they could be fooled to a degree this eroded the trust the clones had for the Jedi generals as in their view by not wearing armor or any sort of protection and charging right into the battle the Jedi were acting as if they were invincible a foolishness that some started to resent them for as the Clone Wars progressed more and more ground-based legions found themselves pressed into space combat including the fighting forces of the 5o first for months every hour of our downtime was spent in the simulator preparing for the time we would face our enemies from the cockpit of a 170 finally the day wins the CIS had staged a daring kidnapping of Chancellor Palpatine and was being escorted from Carson by a fleet of separatist ships with only a few veteran pilots on planet many of the final first were pressed into service to drive off the sets and buy time for a pair of Jedi Knights to rescue the Chancellor after disabling the final capital ship general Kenobi and Skywalker took advantage of the opportunity we'd created and rescued the Chancellor took all the credit to the Battle of croissant highlights true aspects of the Clone Wars that weren't much talked about elsewhere the Republic pilot shortage and a lack of proper credit a dire lack of clone pilots led to crush training for ground units as we discussed in a video earlier this year which meant that they got even less time to rest than normal a sacrifice they had no choice but to make furthermore it also highlights how the accomplishments of clones and other lower ranking soldiers no matter how important often get greatly overshadowed by the work of Jedi stars like Anakin Skywalker and obi-wan Kenobi which isn't really mentioned much even though it clearly happened all the time it's been said that the father first got the best of the war we also got the worst on Felucia Lesseps dug their metal heels into the muck of that alien hellhole and dared that Republic to come in after them so we did only to be met with the month after month of flesh-eating diseases shrieking nocturnal predators and other sites that haunt me to this day cutoff and for all we knew abandoned by our superiors our only hope was a lesser kuda now Jedi commander without her iron will none of us would have come out of that mess with our sanity for our lives when her death came I hope it wasn't she earned that much when the five-o first was finally rotated out of Felucia a lesser kuda made a point of seeing us off personnel calling us the bravest soldiers he'd ever seen it's a good thing we were wearing helmets because none of us could bear to look her in the eye we've discussed why the Battle of Felucia was such a hellhole in another video this year and the problems that plagued the fiber first mission there were huge issues for the Grand Army and many other battles as well poor reconnaissance and improper environmental training and preparation can doom entire invasions and it was only thanks to the skill of the five-o first and Aayla Secura sheer force of will that the Republic wasn't repulsed from Felucia yet again when they invaded it this one last time when the separatists invasion of Kashyyyk caught the Republic flat-footed a detachment of the 500 first was sent in to stop the bleeding and until reinforcements could arrive was a textbook suicide mission and we knew as we fought our way into Keshi exact must fear most of us believed that the only way we'd be getting off this planet was in a body bag as the 500 first finally broke through the set blockade over Kashyyyk I took a long look back at the battle that continued to rage over the planet and wondered why so many had to die for a bunch of walking carpets then I followed my orders and turned planet would the Republic's attack on the separatist blockade of Kashyyyk was rightfully termed a suicide mission in the Journal of the fiverr first and it was far from the only suicide mission clones were sent in suicide missions of course are simply part of war an uncomfortable inevitability what makes them different for their Clone Wars is that they were taken a lot more lightly by the Republic commanders than they usually would be because of course the clones were clones which many commanders viewed as little more than living droids clones were constantly sent on suicide missions and Kashyyyk was no exception when we arrived on Kashyyyk things were just as bad as we feared the droids had us outgunned outmaneuvered and out men by a five to one margin what none of us had counted on was the Wookiees we'd all heard the stories of course but we never fought next to them never seen them rip apart a droid with their bare hands they were magnificent even so it was still a suicide mission at least it was until Master Yoda arrived then it became a battle a winnable battle with the timely arrival of Master Yoda the 500 first was able to hold the line against the steps on Kashyyyk we left as heroes years later we'd return as Congress the ground battle on Kashyyyk Illustrated another common plot the clones faced ridiculous odds being outnumbered outmaneuvered and outgunned by a five to one margin was unfortunately very common for the Grand Army of the Republic as the droid army had an overwhelming numbers advantage as a results the clones were frequently forced to rely on the native forces like the Wookiees in the case of Kashyyyk and the Jedi whose combat skills often proved the worth of whole companies of clones [Music] in our bones we knew the war was almost over the galaxy held its breath waiting to see which side would make the final daring move as fortune would have it the Republic move first after the Chancellor informed the Jedi Council that General Grievous and the SEP leaders were hiding on him tomorrow general Kenobi gathered an army large enough to capture three star systems when the orders reached the 500 first Almer al-saud for better or worse this would be the beginning of the end with the death of General Grievous at the hands of general Kenobi the you to power raid had broken the back of the separatist under normal circumstances it would have been a time for celebration but our next orders put paid to those thoughts the Battle of croissant was a massive blow to the CIS and it came with a massive bit of aid for the Republic millions of Sparta clone troopers were added to the ranks of the GA are swelling clone numbers because of this the Republic was finally able to overcome the Confederacy's numbers advantage in the last days of the war throwing the full force of the newly strengthened Republic army against all of the Confederacy's remaining strongholds at once Ruda power was no exception and the statement that Kenobi brought an army they're large enough to take three whole systems was no exaggeration this sort of scenario playing out on a galactic scale was what truly crushed the Confederacy costing them dozens of crucial worlds in a matter of days what I remember about the rise of the empires is how quiet it was during the waning hours of the Clone Wars the 500 first legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant it was a silent trip we all knew was about to happen what we're about to do did we have any doubts any private traitorous thoughts perhaps but no one said a word not on the flight to Carlson not when order 66 came down and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple not a word Palpatine's rise to power was complete in recognition of our service and loyalty to the Emperor the 500 firsts were placed under the direct command of Lord Vader armed with deadly new weapons blazing new ships and shiny new armor our presence let the galaxy know that the days of the Old Republic were well and truly over we were establishing a new era an era of order and peace [Music] no part of the 500 first journal illustrates the dark part of a clones life more than operation nightfall though there were plenty of clones that were perfectly happy to come down Jedi there were clones that even with inhibitor chips had personal qualms against the attack on the Jedi Temple but it wasn't the first time they had qualms with the mission it's a fair bet that all clones at least once had some doubt or other about any given campaign but at the Jedi Temple they did exactly what they done all those other times they said nothing and they followed their orders so that was our analysis of the darker parts of the Clone Wars as illustrated by the Journal of the five-o 1st but what do you think should we do a second part of this with a Galactic Civil War era five-o first feel free to post your thoughts in the comment section below and just before you go guys you've heard it before if you can go check out all those links in the description below to join the disk cords are geeks Lee's gaming Network and in general just to interact and play games with other Star Wars fans such as yourself we're currently working really hard on both the gmod servers and the roblox servers and I'd really appreciate it if you check those out if you're into those games and if you're into history don't forget that I also have a second history channel that I post nitch World War 2 content too so if that's up your alley then you'll want to check that out as well so once again these are all in the description below guys and as always thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 592,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, star wars clone wars, 501st, 501st clone trooper, 501st clone, clone trooper, 501st vs 212th, captain rex, commander appo, 501st journal star wars, 501st journal, star wars battlefront 2 classic, classic battlefront 2, mygeeto, operation knightfall, operation knightfall 501st, star wars battlefront 2 missions, clone troopers, clone wars battles, best clone wars battles, the 501st journal, aayla secura, ki adi mundi
Id: nOi6iu4kPbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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