What If Anakin Skywalker was Assigned to the Bad Batch

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Our story begins inside a Jedi Cruiser over  the planet of Coruscant. The Jedi Council   was getting acclimated to their new positions  as Jedi Generals in a war they didn’t want.   Among the Council members were Yoda, Mace,  Depa, Obi Wan, Plo, and Anakin. Essentially,   the purpose of being here, was so they  could meet with Republic Officers and   determine fleet movements, assignments,  and how many troops each Jedi would get. Anakin was a newly appointed Knight, having  just returned from Naboo after the Battle of   Geonosis. Obi Wan and Anakin were at the back  of the lines, Kenobi was a new Council member,   filling Coleman Trebor’s place, and he  was whispering to Anakin. Skywalker was   noticeably nervous about taking on an Army.  Not that he didn’t believe he could do it,   more so the fact that he was unsure if he would  succeed with so many troops under his belt. As the two Jedi stood side by side and listened  to the Republic Officers and Jedi dish out roles   and leadership positions to different Jedi, Obi  Wan noticed something that wasn’t addressed.   While there were commando squads, and many  of these squads found home with some armies,   there was a unit that didn’t get assignment. For the Commandos, it wasn’t that  they were to serve with the army,   the army and or fleet was essentially  their home base. Commandos were planned   to do missions close to and or around  these large groups of clones. It   would provide them sanctuary between  missions, and after strenuous events. Regardless, Obi Wan was looking at this unit  called the Bad Batch. When there was a pause   in the conversation, Obi Wan asked what this unit  of clones were. One of the many Officers looked   to each other without knowing. A Marshall  commander, fresh from Kamino stepped up,   informing the Jedi General that the Bad  Batch was an experimental unit of clones.   They weren’t finished yet, but they would be  ready to go in the next year or so of combat.   The unit was essentially a group of hyper mutated  clones. One of them was really good at tracking,   another at sharpshooting, a tech wizard, and  an oversized variant. The Commander told the   Jedi that they weren’t really supposed to be  known to anyone, it was more so a mistake that   they were there. Obi Wan asked if a Jedi  could be assigned to that group of clones,   and the Marshall Commander shrugged his shoulders  and looked to the other Jedi and Officers in the   room. Commander Cody said he didn’t see why  there would be an issue with it, they would   just have to see what Nala Se said regarding  the idea. She was the Chief Medical Scientist,   but she was also overseeing the development of the  Bad Batch. Obi Wan thanked Cody and stepped back. The conversation continued in front of  them, as Obi Wan started whispering to   Anakin again. He asked his former  student what he thought about that,   and Anakin shrugged. It sounded like something  that would be worth investigating. Kenobi made   a note, and waited until the debriefing  ended, which lasted for several hours. At the end Obi Wan made a mention of the  Bad Batch to the Council members, and how   an experimental unit like that might be good for  Anakin. Kenobi knew there were plans for Anakin   to take on a student, one hand picked by Yoda, but  this could be a good alternative. They could still   give Anakin Ahsoka if they wanted, but at least he  would be able to operate with a closer unit. Obi   Wan’s point was that a group like the Bad Batch  might be good for his self esteem and making him a   little more controlled. If Anakin was General of a  fleet or army he might get a little carried away,   if you will. The Council members saw his point,  and Mace suggested that he send Anakin to Kamino   with special Orders from the Jedi Council. These  orders simply to investigate the Bad Batch. He   would report back on his findings and they  would make their choice from there. To Windu,   this was a continuation of what he had told Obi  Wan before Geonosis, to have faith in Anakin. The Council was well aware that Palpatine wanted  Anakin to be assigned to an army of some sort, but   aside from keeping Anakin under their own control,  this scenario felt more fitting for Anakin. The   Jedi didn’t know why Palpatine was obsessed with  giving a 19 year old the control of an army,   but they stepped in, ignoring his requests. They  didn’t care if he didn’t like it. The Jedi were   doing this for Anakin’s benefit, even though it  inversely helped them keep a closer eye on him. Skywalker would arrive to Kamino during a chaotic  time. Hundreds of thousands of clones were getting   shipped off. Master Shaak Ti was here already, and  she was overseeing the departure of the clones,   as well as the regs that were finishing up  their basic training. Anakin was greeted by   Nala Se herself, who was well aware of this  individual’s arrival. She gave Anakin a room,   figuring that he would be here for a little  while, which was true. Anakin’s assignment was   for the next three months. Just watching the unit,  reporting on their development, and telling the   Council on his decision. They were giving him some  leeway to choose where he wanted to go with this. Nala Se would then show Anakin the Bad Batch  during one of their training regiments. They were   much more amazing to watch than any unit of regs,  and Nala Se ranted off a bunch of statistics.   Anakin didn’t really care about all that. He  saw the flashy style of their fighting. Anakin’s   reviews of the unit would be overwhelmingly  positive, and then he would ask Nala Se to let   him work with them. This initially was never  apart of their plans. The Bad Batch was meant   to work alone, without Jedi interference, but  Anakin was adamant that he wanted to do it. The   only reason Nala Se accepted, is because Anakin  told her that he planned on working with the Bad   Batch after they stopped their training. So she  allowed Anakin to get a test run in with them. He obviously had spoken to them a  number of times before this test run,   so they were familiar with him. But Anakin’s  addition to the squad was an upgrade they   never thought they needed. Having a Jedi take  point with his glowstick to defend the clones,   while they used their numerous formations  was beyond effective. But Hunter believed   the lightsaber could be a bit of a dead  giveaway, especially on covert op missions,   so he suggested that Skywalker get used to using  a pistol, and actually wearing different armor. A level of brotherhood started to form between  the Jedi and the Clones, which said a lot   because the Bad Batch didn’t just let anyone  hang around them. But Anakin was unorthodox,   and he was an outcast like them. He may have been  a Jedi, and may have been able to use the force,   but the members of the Bad Batch saw Anakin  as one of them, because he too was an outcast,   but he was also young, vibrant, and full of  energy. The squad really rallied around him,   each of them suggesting little tidbits to  add to Anakin’s collection of information. By the time the three months were over and done  with, Anakin returned to the Jedi Council wearing   Bad Batch armor, it was black and grey with red  linings, but it also had a symbol of the Jedi   Order on his right shoulder, with the Bad Batch  symbol on his left. At this point there was no   “99”, just the skull helmet. The Jedi were very  surprised by Anakin’s change, but he returned to   the Council and he told them everything. He  hyped the Bad Batch up unlike anything else,   and then he told the Council that he would  like nothing more than to be apart of their   unit. They were where he belonged, and the Jedi,  seeing how open he was with them, allowed it. The Council saw this move by Kenobi as a stroke  of brilliance. He hypothesized that Anakin would   fit in with a group of outcast clones, and he  was right. The Council was very excited about   this assignment for Anakin, and so instead of  him receiving his padawan, he was sent back to   Kamino to continue his training. The Bad Batch was  slotted to be released to the lines of combat in   the next 6 to 8 months. Inversely, Depa Billaba  would take on Ahsoka Tano as her student, while   Obi Wan would begin the training of Caleb Dume.  Depa wanted a more challenging student, and Ahsoka   would be that challenge. While Obi Wan needed a  student that didn’t make him want to put his head   through a wall. For both Depa and Obi Wan these  students would be the perfect balance to them. On Kamino, Anakin returned, the bad batch  was semi nervous that the Council wouldn’t   assign Skywalker to them. Not that they  had any reason to distrust the Jedi,   but Anakin didn’t speak fondly of them. When  Anakin confirmed that he was the fifth member   of the batch, Wrecker lugged him over his  shoulder and hoisted him up in celebration. The group agreed that Hunter would still be the  leader of the group, and Anakin was fine with   that. Now that they were an official squad, Anakin  would have to catch up on all the formations the   Bad Batch came up with. He’d have to learn  movements, orders, and everything in between.   Luckily for them, he was quick learner, and for  the three months leading up to his assignment,   he was listening when they spoke about  their formations and even created them. Outside of Kamino, Palpatine was fuming. He  knew Anakin was excited about the prospect of   joining the Bad Batch, but he never thought the  Jedi Council would go behind his back to assign   Anakin to a group of dysfunctional clones.  The Jedi Council didn’t see any issue with   this though. They didn’t care what Palpatine  wanted, and while they didn’t distrust him,   Palpatine’s obsession with Anakin was just weird.  Like really creepy, so if they could keep Anakin   away from him that was probably for the better.  Obi Wan did defend Palpatine, and how important   he was for Anakin, but the Council just decided  that they would keep Anakin away from Palpatine   without making it obvious. Assigning him  to the Bad Batch was the way to do it. Inversely, Palpatine was trying to figure  out a way to make the Bad Batch look bad.   He needed them to fail terribly, but without  making Anakin look like the failure. Palpatine   essentially was hoping he could get this unit of  clones killed, and then he could send Anakin to a   division and prop him up as a war hero. Palpatine  did suggest doing this if Anakin joined the bad   batch, but the Council rejected it, because they  were special forces, not propaganda machine. The entire ordeal worked out in favor for the  Jedi because it took care of two issues. It   made sure Anakin was in a position to succeed,  one where they could control and keep an eye on   him without making it obvious. While also  exposing Palpatine for the creep he was. As the war continued on, the Republic looked  weak, and the bad batch was hoping to even   the odds. The war was going terribly,  while Palpatine was still in control,   the Republic looked like it was losing  its support. There were pushes for peace,   and movements to give Palpatine more  executive powers. The voices of reason   were overshadowed by the voices of greed. As  is the system of government they ran. The Bad   Batch looked for their chance to help, and  then it came, but when they least expected. General Kenobi and General Fisto would arrive  to Kamino to defend it from an assault,   the first Battle the Bad Batch would partake  in. It would also be the battle where the   Bad Batch would get its name, Clone  Force 99. Sure Anakin wasn’t a clone,   but it didn’t matter. The Battle itself was a  grueling back and forth. The aqua droids ripped   through clone lines, while Fisto and Shaak Ti  held off different quadrants of the battlefield,   Obi Wan fought Grievous, and Anakin had his  first engagement with Asajj Ventress. One   might assume Anakin would’ve lost out on some  of his lightsaber skills ever since joining   the Bad Batch, but he didn’t. He was able  to excel at his skills because Kamino had   training facilities and the Kaminoans made some  special training units for him to work against. Ventress was very talented, but with  the help of the Bad Batch she wouldn’t   ever get a chance to steal the clone  trooper genome. This left the Battle   of Kamino as a separatist failure. But  it was here where Clone Force 99 would   be permitted to leave the Chambers of Tipoca  City and start their behind the scenes work. Commando work wasn’t easy, and the Republic  Commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic   had been semi successful. But the Bad Batch was  designed to deal with more difficult missions.   These included taking down CIS facilities,  assassinations, data leaks, and more. As a test of their skill following Kamino  they were sent to take out a droid foundry   on Hypori. It was a simple mission, but  challenging. Commandos had failed at it before,   so it was up to the Bad Batch to get it right.  It was the largest producer of Hellfire Droids,   OG-9 Spider Droids, Destroyers, and  a couple of other experimental battle   droids. The foundry was huge, and  it was guarded by droidekas and B2s. Clone Force 99 landed the marauder on the far  side of a forest and went in on foot. They   landed at dusk and used the cover of darkness  to move through the trees. Hunter took point,   as Crosshair took a poaching position  in the tree line. Tech prepared an EMP   burst. Anakin was ready, and waiting for  the signal, he was going to slip a switch,   using the force, to unlock a number of  barrels, all of which containing fuel   to make the foundry functional. Hunter  gave the go when the carrier was about   to enter the facility and the barrels dropped,  crushing some droids and creating a distraction. Crosshair was to stay out here and  wait for the Batch to finish the job,   he was essentially positioned to make their escape  viable. Hunter led the boys around the side and   Wrecker used some semi silent explosives to break  through the bottom of the building. They entered,   following behind Anakin. Skywalker worked  with a pistol and a lightsaber now,   and he was holding the pistol pointing it  forward. Hunter gave hand signals and the   group dispersed. Hunter and Tech moved for  the control room, while Anakin and Wrecker   made their way to the foundries power source.  They had to take down some B2s in the process,   which wasn’t easy, well for Wrecker and Anakin it  was, because Skywalker could crush them with the   force and Wrecker could with his hands. Hunter  and Tech had to use their knives and whatnot   to make it work. It was definitely a two person  job for them, but they got to the command center. As they broke in, they used their pistols for  the first time, shooting the operator droids and   taking out the security. Hunter told Tech to go  and he ran over to the computer console. Due to   the sound of the factory and the insulation for  the control room, the noise didn’t track outside   for the other security units to hear. As Tech  got to work, Crosshair communicated with them,   and told them the droids were preparing to enter  the facility with the fuel resources, asking if   he should blow it. Hunter looked to Tech, who  nodded his head. It would be a good distraction.   Crosshair pulled the trigger and a massive  explosion rang across the front of the facility. The ground shook, but Wrecker punched Anakin  in the arm letting out an “awe yeah” before   continuing forward. Anakin just smiled, this  was the greatest thing ever. The two of them   loudly moved into the power room, and made  sure they could set some charges, all of which   inside their backpacks. Anakin communicated to  Tech, and he said they were ready to go, also,   he found some information that might be helpful.  It was encrypted com chatter for the Separatists.   They’d have to wait, for now, it was time to go.  With the EMP sent out facility wide, protecting   the clones from any HMP gunships and or deadlier  weapons, they could run. As the clones began their   escape they were trailed, well at least Skywalker  and Wrecker were. Anakin ignited his lightsaber   and defended himself and Wrecker as they ran  into Tech and Hunter at the rendezvous location.   The other clones provided covering fire, which  didn’t work too well against Destroyer droids,   but it was alright, they had a Jedi with them.  The clones ducked out of their little entry hole,   and Skywalker cut the support, dragging the  roof down onto the droids. Hunter, Tech,   Wrecker, and Anakin ran through the forest, as  Skywalker tossed Wrecker the explosive trigger. When they got to Crosshair’s location, Wrecker  pulled it and the five members of Clone Force   99 watched the foundry explode into a fiery  hellscape. As they watched the smoke billow   out of the foundry, they high fived each other and  cheered. Their first mission was a total success. They eventually got back to the Marauder where  Tech revealed what he found. The encryption   within Separatist Com Chatter, had the name,  date, and location of a separatist leader   that was a valuable target. As Tech found, the  Separatists were transmitting fleet locations   to their largest fleet, so that General Grievous  and Count Dooku could meet up over Raxus Secundus. Tech said that it wasn’t for another couple of  months, but once they left Hypori they could   contact republic high command and inform them.  The group got into their vessels and left. Once   they were in hyperspace they got into contact  with the Republic Officers of the war effort. Tech informed them of the encryption and instead  of being accepted or heralded as heroes they   were blown off. This was something the bad batch  was accustom to by this point, but essentially,   the Captain present said that it was foolish  of them to believe an encryption. There were   bugs sent through the system consistently  to derive or kill unsuspecting fools. Captain Tarkin told the clones to stick to their  missions and leave these delusions of Grandeur   in the past. They were soldiers, nothing more  than that, don’t let their first successful   mission get to their head. Anakin looked to  the other clones once the transmission ended,   and he apologized. They didn’t mind, and  Anakin didn’t need to apologize to them.   Hunter said that it wasn’t the worst thing  ever said to them. Wrecker chimed in and   regarded the one time a Reg Commander called  them nothing but worthy of maintenance. There   were some other things said, but they  got into a fight with that clone and   they made up. The main point being is it  wasn’t the worst thing they ever heard. Anakin didn’t care though. This could be a chance  at winning the war. Tech turned around and said   that despite them not following orders, it would  likely be seen as treasonous. According to data   logs on Captain Tarkin, he held grudges.  So if they went over or around his command,   he would likely find away to get them back.  Anakin shrugged and asked about getting Jedi   support. Technically the Jedi did outrank  Tarkin. It would be a slap in the face,   but technically Tarkin could live  with that, because who cares. That was an idea, Crosshair nodded his head,  finally speaking up. He suggested that they   kill that Dooku, and get revenge for  his hand. Anakin appreciated that,   because despite Anakin having a personal gripe  with Dooku, he saw this mission as more than   getting back for losing his forearm. The fact  that one of his brothers was willing to make   a sly remark about getting back at Dooku  for his forearm, meant the galaxy to him. So Tech contacted the Jedi Temple open  frequency and requested to be transferred   to the Council. They were in session,  but they took the call. They listened   to everything Tech found in the encryption  and the Council didn’t disagree with Tarkin,   but they liked the idea of Clone Force  99 going into the fleet to disrupt it. The Jedi saw the potential in a mission like  this. Obviously they could kill Grievous or Dooku,   but imagine. The bad Batch goes in, creates  a disruption, and then the republic launches   an attack fleet. Clone Force 99 escapes, and  the Jedi assault force takes over the planet,   securing a powerful Separatist World  early in the war. It was risky,   but it might work. After all, it was the  Capital of the CIS, if they could capture it,   or at least lead a successful attack,  then perhaps they could win the war. However, there was an issue, the encryption,  as stated, wouldn’t be valuable information   for a couple of months. The Separatists were  really preplanning, which the Jedi did find odd,   but anyways, they wanted the bad batch to continue  striking foundry planets away from Raxus. Wrecker   asked why and Mace Windu from a galaxy away  said it would likely thin out the Separatist   lines. If they were losing foundries around  Geonosis, Hypori, Muulunist, and so forth,   then they would spread their fleets away from  Raxus. Which meant, that if the information   remained updated, then they could strike a weaker  fleet at the Capital of the CIS and go from there. The Jedi also made a decision. It was told to  them, by Skywalker during the call, that Tarkin   initially declined their request. While Anakin and  the Batch knew the Jedi could also decline them,   they wanted to be transparent, as a  means to keep a clean line of trust   between them in the Council, which really  benefitted the Council’s view of Skywalker. Point being, the Jedi decided that  they wouldn’t tell Palpatine or the   Republic High Command about this attack  until about a day or two before it,   maybe even less. They did this because  Tarkin was a very large Palpatine supporter,   and they were closer than most officers were with  the Chancellor. Also, by this point in the war,   the Jedi had lost their trust for Palpatine  and the officers of the Republic. They had a   lot more trust and respect for the clones, who  were extremely loyal to the Jedi. This wasn’t   blind loyalty like some of the officers were with  Palpatine, this was earned respect and loyalty,   which the Jedi prioritized in their  decision to keep this mission secretive. So, in accordance to the request made by the Jedi  Council, the Bad Batch would begin their move into   the Outer Rim, and target foundries. These  missions would be overwhelmingly successful,   there were a couple that stagnated their success,  but none of these missions would be classified as   failures. Some of them would be sloppy, but in  the span of the 4 months before the attack on   Raxus Secundus, Clone Force 99 ran 23 successful  missions. Out of those 23 missions, 2 of them   were close calls, and 5 other missions were rather  sloppy or hastily done, but successes nonetheless. These missions helped the Batch get closer  and closer. Anakin was beyond happy with   this assignment, and he couldn’t be happier that  the Jedi assigned him to a unit that formed such   a close bond with him. Skywalker hadn’t had  true friends since he was a slave on Tatooine,   so he was glad to make friends, and what he  considered brothers, in his adult life. When the   week for their mission to Raxus Secundus came upon  them, the batch would be transported to Coruscant   where they would speak with the Jedi Council.  This essentially would be a planning session.   Because while the Bad Batch were decimating  bases and foundries across the Outer Rim, the   Jedi moved their forces into positions across the  Mid rim to make the assault at Raxus Secundus as   sound as possible. The only purpose of this  meeting was to have secrecy for their operation. The Batch was a little weirded  out by the apparent secrecy,   but they weren’t ever informed by the  Jedi to keep this on the down low,   it was just a vibe about the whole operation.  Regardless, Clone Force 99 would be sent in first. They wouldn’t take the Marauder, rather a captured  Super Tactical Droid and a shuttle. Tech was able   to reconfigure the circuitry on the droid, so it  would act like itself, just with clone operation.   As for the cloaking of their humanity,  Tech also had a plan. While their entire   operation was reliant on this plan  working, he devised a system of bugs   across the shuttle that should cloak  their presence, emphasis on should. Luckily for them Tech was a genius. They  got right through and were able to begin   their operation. They were going  to reconfigure the capital ship,   while also make sure Dooku’s room and the  Command Bridge were bombed. Tech, again,   had been studying the layouts of these providence  class ships. He knew how to make this thing tick.   They had about an hour to work with before  the Jedi arrived with their reinforcements. Due to their planning, Palpatine had about 6  hours to react, and he was able to inform Dooku   about the attack, but unluckily, the Jedi started  engagements with the closest fleets in the area.   So they wouldn’t be able to get reinforcements  to Raxus. This did mean that for the bad batch,   their little mission would be an accidental  success. Despite Dooku having the necessary   time to get to the ground, he didn’t consider  the fact that Grievous would be killed. The only reason he didn’t is because his  master was in his ear, pressuring him to   defend a planet that wouldn’t be able to stand  a battle of such a magnitude at this point. Clone Force 99 cut through the few security  droids they came across before Tech overloaded   the reactor, sending a blast to Dooku’s room,  and decimating the bridge. On top of that,   he also rerouted the cannons for the  Capital ship to his personal tablet,   so once the Republic arrived, which it  did about 2 minutes after the detonation,   he could have all the cannons on the  capital ship target the support fleet. In the chaos of the beginning of the battle, the  droids resorted to their programming. Without a   leader to guide them, the individual captains vied  for their own respective control over the fleet,   which led to disunion, and more chaos.  The Bad Batch followed their next orders,   posing as Count Dooku and leaving the Capital  Ship inside of a Separatist shuttle. Once they   cleared Grievous’ flagship, Tech turned the  cannons on the fleet and the battle turned   into a route. What made matters worse, is the  republic prepared for CIS counter attacks,   just in case they came, which they  didn’t. So as the first fleet,   led by Master Windu crushed through the defense  fleet, two more fleets arrived to support him.   One with General Kenobi and his student  Caleb, with another being Master Adi Galia. Clone Force 99 made their landing in the  treelines of the planet, similar to their   first mission. The boys ran through the forest  and moved to the outskirts of the city where   they could see tanks and cannons preparing for  the clone assault. Hunter pulled his comlink   and informed the Jedi above, that the Sepes were  ready for them, Windu told the clones to move in   anyways. They would survive this fight, plus after  the Second Battle of Geonosis, the Clones knew how   to properly handle a landing procedure with a  lot of flak. Clone Force 99 needed to focus on   their next target. Whoever was the leader on the  ground, they needed to be dealt with. Mace was   a little concerned with Skywalker facing off  against Dooku again, but he had his faith in   him. The Jedi General turned to his admiral,  and told him to begin the landing procedure. Clone Force 99 dropped down into the sewers  which were on the bottom of the city,   and open for them to swing into. They  ran quickly through the tunnels before   eventually finding their way into  the city and making their way to the   capitol building. The droids were rounding  up the people and almost seemingly preparing   to use them as cannon fodder. Crosshair  noticed this, and he stopped the group,   telling them that they needed to inform  the General. Hunter looked over and agreed,   Wrecker told Crosshair he’d join him, Tech,  Hunter, and Anakin would go find their target. Crosshair and Wrecker ascended a building, one  of the few skyscrapers in the city. They would   radio to command about this little issue.  As well as see if they could find a good   lookout for Crosshair. Wrecker didn’t  realize this would be a height mission. The other three broke into the senate chambers of  the Separatist Government. Dooku stood above the   chambers, and told young Skywalker that the  force was with him, but he was no match for   this contest. Anakin pulled his lightsaber from  his belt, this being the first engagement they   had since Geonosis. Hunter and Tech backed  off, they had planned for this engagement,   having used recordings and reports from  Dooku’s years as a Jedi to prepare for this. Dooku dropped down and ignited his lightsaber,   telling Anakin that him coming here would  be a fatal mistake. Dooku lunged forward. Outside the senate building, Wrecker’s  wrist started beeping. He called up to   Crosshair who kicked a door open on a clock  tower, and told him that the others made   contact. Tech sent the warning. Crosshair  knelt down and saw the LAATs coming in,   he told Wrecker to contact General Windu, which  he did. Crosshair lined up the super tactical   droid and fired a shot. The city went still  as they looked for the source of the shot,   but the droids couldn’t find it. Wrecker didn’t  want to look over the side, because of the height,   but Crosshair needed him to be a spotter for  him, especially after Windu got the warning. In the chambers, Dooku and  Anakin were engaged in a duel.   Tech and Hunter were trying to steer clear,  because Dooku was trying to get to them,   but they used all their skills  to avoid the Sith Apprentice. Dooku swung, and they would use a grapple to  get across the room. The distractions were very   daunting for Dooku though. Anakin’s skills,  despite his lack of dueling, had grown due to   his training. He spun himself around and clashed  with Dooku. Hunter shot a blast, but the shot was   stopped and thrown back at Hunter. When Anakin  turned over he saw Hunter’s helmet fly off his   head. Skywalker was filled with rage and slammed  his blade down harder, and pushed Dooku backwards. Tech ran over and got to Hunter’s side, he was  alright. The Anakin pulled his pistol while   fighting Dooku. He parried, blocked, and then  stepped back, firing a shot right into Dooku’s   knee. From behind him, Wrecker used his spotting  skills to call out a target. Dooku was shot in the   back by Crosshair. The pain was so jarring, that  Anakin stepped forward with all of his strength   and knocked Dooku off his feet. He pointed down  and told Dooku it was over. The Count grinned,   preparing to blast Anakin with electricity,  but before he could, a shot rang out,   and he was dropped. Anakin looked over and saw  Hunter with a grin on his face. They did it. While the droids were initially programmed to  use the citizens as cannon fodder, similar to the   death of Grievous, the destruction of the Super  Tactical droid resulted in mass confusion. There   were many more clone losses on the ground than in  space, but they still lost the battle. The route   caused the Separatist military to collapse in  on itself, and their movement slammed to a halt. This left Palpatine with an issue,  he didn’t have the public power to   persuade the Senate into agreeing with  Order 66, especially when 4 Jedi were   responsible for the crippling of the Separatist  military. He tried to play his cards correctly,   but by the end of the peace treaty, he was seen  more as a liability rather than a proactive   individual to their desire to actually have  peace. Instead of waiting for reelection,   Senator Mon Mothma would call  for a vote of no confidence,   one that would withstand a long election,  causing Palpatine to be ousted from power. Anakin by this point wasn’t concerned  with that. His boys killed Dooku and   won the clone wars. Hunter did need to get  some medical attention for his shoulder,   where he was shot, but everyone was relatively  okay. The Bad Batch would be tasked with taking   down Separatist Rebels, but the following  10 years would have very little tension.   Once the original separatist movement  crumbled, the Neutral Systems Coalition,   led by Duchess Satine, assisted the  beginning of the peaceful times. Separatist allies would be imprisoned, or  individuals like Asajj Ventress would go missing,   she for example would go back to  Dathomir. The galaxy had a very   radical change due to the Clone Wars,  but with Palpatine ousted from power,   they were able to work diligently to undo all  of his failures from the previous 11 years. Palpatine himself, went into hiding, to  continue the long legacy of the Sith,   in hopes that he could continue the legacy  of Bane and pass on his teachings. It wasn’t   something he was happy with, but it was  all he could do for the foreseeable future. Skywalker and his Bad Batch would remain close  for the years that followed the clone wars, and   their unit would add one more face to it, that  being Omega. The Batch would get their accolades   for their efforts to defeat the Rebellion,  as the CIS movement was being labeled now. Clone Force 99, due to their accolades  would find home on Coruscant,   so that they could stay close to Skywalker  but also be effective in helping people.   Especially because the clones were now  becoming employed as enforcement officers,   as they left the military. The senate took  care of the clones, thanks to new leadership. The Jedi would continue their hunt for the Sith,  but all that remained were breadcrumbs. When the   war came to an end Palpatine vanished and with  him, his alter ego. Sidious dragged Jedi into the   depths with him, but none of them were useful in  his greater quest for victory. Pong Krell joined   before getting decimated and manhandled by Kenobi,  another Jedi joined and was found on Moribund   before getting demolished by Windu. Baylan  Skoll joined, and then he split from the path,   seeing it as useless. Sidious tried to  kill Baylan but never found him. Skoll   believed the fight was out of his hands and  left the Jedi and Sith to their own demise. These breadcrumbs are how the formerly retired   Bad Batch found themselves a path to an  aging Sith Lord. One who had been beaten   by continuous losses and a continuous  deteriorating hope for a Sith future. Palpatine was inside of a lair in the fields of  Naboo, hidden inside one of the ancient heads,   hallowed out for his own gain. He  didn’t desire Coruscant anymore,   hoping Naboo could jumpstart his rebirth, but  it didn’t. Instead, what ended up happening,   is Skywalker and the Bad Batch were spending a  family holiday with Padme at her family’s villa.   Windu called Master Skywalker, informing him that  there were trails leading to Naboo and Oba Diah.   Master Windu and Billaba would be investigating  the Oba Diah trail, asking that Skywalker handle   the Naboo one. Anakin didn’t mind, plus,  he and the batch had time before dinner. It had been an annual thing for them,  Skywalker had an older girl named Leia,   a younger son named Jinn, and even younger son  named Luke. Regardless, they took the Marauder   across the planet and landed. The clones  of the batch were getting up there in age,   due to the accelerated aging they capped  off at 35 years old. Five years before   the Kaminoans cured the accelerated aging.  As for Omega, she was 21 now, the youngest,   technically, of the batch, even though  she was the others’ older sister. Anakin took point, currently 30 years  old, and he filled the role that Dooku   once held as a Jedi several years before,  as the most efficient duelist in the Order. The Council member felt the darkness when they  arrived, and he told the batch to spread out.   Omega got her electro bow ready as she kept  closest to Anakin. She was the most excited for   this little adventure. Crosshair took up sights  on a hill where he could see the ancient heads. The batch crept around, not spreading  out, because that could be too deadly   for them. As they made their way forward, a  lightsaber ignited and darted out towards them,   Anakin defended, using the force to push the  batch behind him backwards, as he parried the   strike. He looked into Palpatine’s eyes,  and he couldn’t believe it, the Sith Lord. Sidious lunged, throwing his blade against  Anakin’s but it was sturdy, unlike anything   he had ever encountered. Skywalker and Sidious  engaged, as each of the batch members spread out,   blasting away at Sidious. He tried to avoid  everything, but Anakin had equipped a little   toy to his blade, and he fired it, stunning  Palpatine a little. Anakin made his lightsaber   a blaster saber, or something. He didn’t  have a name for it, but it did its job. Sidious leapt up into the air and was clipped  in the ankle by Crosshair on the hill. The Sith   Lord landed, and he threw his hands outwards,  trying to strike at the bad batch members,   but Master Skywalker expertly used the force to  move them around and defend them from the strikes.   Sidious knew that Crosshair needed to go so  he pulled him off the hilltop with force,   and he flew down towards the crimson  lightsaber. Anakin reached forward,   but before he could use the force,  Omega sent a burst across Sidious’ side,   forcing him to drop his lightsaber and slam  into a statue. Anakin smiled, at Omega,   who was so overjoyed, she had been training  with him for years, and it finally clicked. Skywalker ran forward, and used a legendary  three point saber combo on the Sith Lord,   cutting him down before he could  even ready himself. This was great,   but Anakin would miss dinner, he needed to make  his report to the Council. He sent the batch back,   but Omega stayed with him, she was  exhilarated about using the force,   and she wanted to talk to Anakin  about it once he made the report. The Sith were gone, they did it. Once Mace and  Depa collected the body for purification, Anakin   and Omega returned to the Naberrie villa for  dinner. Hopefully Wrecker saved them some food. And that my friends is our story …. Again special thanks to Benjamin Wells,  JangoFettClone, nick5098, INTJ Recluse, Ben   Ingram, The Big Red Primarch, Diamond Constant,  Darth Nemesis, Lord Tib, CC-2024, GalavantGaming,   Tristen, Mand’alor, SirWilliam1767, Darth Revan,  GranDaddy Bane, Loliant, skyguy, Penguin, Cullen   Rooney, SharkMidori, Rj38, nick, Michael Erlanger,  The Last Je’daii, Apollo, weewoo670, Anakush   Dankrunner, CT7567, Toaster Oven, OzoofOz, Darth  Nox, The Eternal Padawan, Joshua Temme, Johnny   Nguyen, Sans the Skeleton, JediSloth, MrYeetGamer,  Lord Kallig, YounglingSlayer 66, Madmana Studios,   Anakin003, Lord Drakkon, Fordo’s Legacy Star Wars,  Erebus Rex the Wolf, The Man with three first   names, DarkSaint46, Baron Joshua, & LordDeadwing  for supporting the channel! Let’s hit 4k likes
Channel: Pente Patrol Star Wars
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Keywords: ahsoka, ahsokatano, anakin, anakinskwyalker, skywalker, revengeofthesith, starwars, starwarswhatif, starwarswhatifs, whatifstarwars, ppsw, pentepatrol, theclonewars, clonewars, padmeamidala, obiwankenobi, whatifahsoka, whatifahsokatano, whatifanakin, whatifanakinskywalker, asmr, whatifpadme, obiwan, jedi, sith, lightsaber, lightsabers, order66, clones, starwarsstory, starwarstheory, starwarstheories, whatif, ahsokashow, sidious, deathstar, coruscant, theforce, mando, mandalorian, badbatch, whatifanakinandpadme, plokoon, anakinobiwan
Id: iA5rgHi-QDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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