The Simple Reason Why the Clone Army Was So Small

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hello my friends welcome back to another episode of generation Tech mining is Alan and unfortunately today we have to start off talking about this scam that's been going around on YouTube for quite some time now basically people are impersonating Us on YouTube by making up a profile with our logo and using a username that's pretty similar to ours they're going around telling people to message them on telegram to receive a prize generation Tech does not have an official telegram Channel this is a scam do not contact these people unless you are trying to troll them because you know they're freaking scammers the only time you'll ever see me on telegram is when I'm coordinating the logistics and movement of my large anti-dolphin partisan Network were stationed in coastal regions all across the globe watching for Dolphin incursions it's a very important thing that I do in my spare time but it has nothing to do with giving people prizes on telegram so I'm really sorry that a lot of you guys are going through this and seeing all of these stupid scams everywhere the best thing that I can do is report the profiles when I see them but it's all reactionary so I think the best strategy here is to educate you guys about the threat of these stupid scammers and I really love it if you guys pass this information to other people who happen to watch YouTube which is basically everyone so if you see random people you know on your commute who you don't know just tell them about this I'm sure they watched YouTube or something I don't know let's let's let's go on with the video now during my research looking at the decommissioning of the Clone Army I kept on looking for statistics about the clone troopers numbers to get a better understanding of just how large of a problem the Empire is facing here with this decommissioning initiative but very quickly I ran into some problems that I always run into when I'm looking at the Star Wars lore specifically the Disney Canon see Disney canon in a lot of ways looks like Star Wars Legends the larger events battles and Senate bills and characters appear the same but legends usually has a lot more details and that's because it's been around a lot longer and there are a lot more stories and content written forwards I mean the Legends period of Star Wars represented a time when the IP was a lot more chaotic and less restrictive and so things were a bit more free form for better or worse there's no really wrong way of looking at it of course some people like Legends more some people like Disney more it comes up to personal preference and that's because in the last decade or so we've seen Disney use Legends as sort of a research library for all future content new Disney content continuously draws from Legends story ideas and either just copies them or builds off them in many cases and so for a lack of better information we will be citing some Legend sources here when we're talking about troop numbers for the Grand Army of the Republic now when it comes to the clones no Legends author is more controversial and important than Karen Travis author of the Republic Commandos series a former reservist with the UK territorial Army and also a defense correspondent Karen Travis looked at the Clone Wars with a more realistic approach and put our viewers in the point of view of the Clones on the ground very quickly she started asking many of the questions that you see here on this channel today like what happened to the clones after they get injured or when the Republic no longer needs them way before Generation Tech even existed Karen Travis was asking all of the hard difficult questions about things that just didn't make sense with the Clone Wars and I guess you could say that like our Channel owes a lot to her work because I definitely read through the entire Republic Commando series another interesting thing about Karen Travis was she had a very cynical view on the Jedi and the Republic which of course you see a lot in this channel as well in the Republic Commander series we follow Republic Commandos these were highly trained special force operatives who worked in groups of four Behind Enemy Lines and they were part of the Republic special forces Division and had access to all sorts of classified information like troop movements and concentration of anime forces which of course is really important and from very early on the clone commandos came to the conclusion that the separate destroyed Army had more than enough military forces to completely Wipe Out the Grand Army of the Republic as a conventional fighting force yet for some reason the separate destroyed Army never took advantage of their numerical superiority and you know just completely wiped out the Clones which is why the Republic commanders from the very beginning realized that there was something off with this war which is why I like them a lot I mean they understood that there was something off before the Jedi even did simply because they had Intel and did a little bit of math now just what was the difference in number between the cloneari and the droid army while there are a bunch of different sources a bunch of different numbers but they're all kind of jaw-dropping before we continue though a quick word from our sponsor for today's video the best place for you to fulfill your lightsaber needs legally we hear a generation Tech frown upon any kind of pilfering or Looting of Clone Wars era battlefields for Jedi memorabilia it's not rights and we totally wouldn't do something like that anyway wants to present to you guys with their newest product known as the lightsaber Scabbard Maybe out of polycarbonate and aluminum the lightsaber Scabbard is designed to fit your lightsaber while it's active and it has cutouts so that if you light up your blade it creates a really cool effect the Scabbard itself can be attached to your belt via a d-ring right now if you order a Padawan or Master Level saber along with the Scabbard you'll 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Camino that were battle ready it represented the Republic's entire military capabilities outside of judicial forces this battle was a huge gamble by the Republican the Jedi and I'd argue they should have lost this battle if it was fair and that's because the Confederacy of independent systems had about 1 billion B1 series battle droids deployed on the ground in defensive positions and an additional 4 million in orbit that never were even deployed and just ran from the Republic the second their Attack Force appeared if you guys watched this channel a lot you've probably heard me say this quite a lot an attacking Force going up against an entrenched enemy position needs an advantage of three to one and we're just talking about very basic uh prepared defensive positions what the Clones had to do in the battle Geniuses was a lot worse they had to run on 4 foot for kilometers over open space to assault a heavily fortified industrial Factory the Clones were outnumbered on the ground maybe one to four one to five and if you include the battle droids up in space one to twenty and again these numbers only count the B1 battle droids you also have B2 battle droids commando droids droidicas all sorts of other crazy things going on in the separate story Army that we didn't count for we're being conservative basically is what I'm trying to say with these estimates here yet somehow the Clone still won the day not through smart tactics or Mobility or Superior Firepower mind you the Jedi just LED all of their troops on a frontal assault and somehow it all worked if we don't take into account all of the other Droid factories in the Galaxy that were producing droids for the separate destroyed Army then the Clones would have been outnumbered 1 to 20 on that first day when the war starts and directly after the battle genosis what survived of the separate destroyed Army which was the majority of it just spread out across the Galaxy and started attacking and every direction it was during this time as we mentioned before that the clone commandos came to the conclusion that Count Dooku was just toying with them they could have easily destroyed the Clone Army right then and there this created a lot of anxiety for the Republic Commandos and they had every reason to be concerned even with their aging sped up the most clones Camino could produce in a year was around one to two million remember unlike Droids that could be created in a matter of minutes clones had to be grown which was an on-year process now a lot of our numbers by the way stem from this conversation between Camino and prime minister Lama Sue and Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi two hundred thousand units are ready with a million more well on the way for the longest time Star Wars fans have theorized that maybe unit doesn't mean just one clone but like a unit of clones anywhere from Platoon to regiment size if indeed lamasu is talking about 1.2 million clone regiments or well over 2 billion clone troopers now the numbers begin to make a bit more sense especially when you consider the fact that Legends estimates that the separate extraordinary Army had probably quintillions of units by the end of the war that's 18 zeros even more conservative Canon estimates like this one given by Dooku to the king of todaria I'll avoid armies outnumber their public clouds a hundred to one seems to indicate that the Republic was completely outnumbered I used to be in the school of thought that the Republic Clone Army size was just severely underreported until I remembered how the republics fought in almost every war since the beginning of time now as you all know the Republic during this period of time was emerging from a Thousand-Year period of Peace thanks to the rusan Reformation which more or less abandoned the federal military and the Jedi's rule in it now a lot of fans believe that the Republic completely demilitarized and they criticized Republic leadership for being naive over this but that's actually not what happened you see what did happen was the role of the fence went from something that was shared between a federal military force and planetary Defense Forces to to a system where you've just had planetary Defense Forces all of that funding that had been used by the federal military was now redistributed to the local Defense Forces and so while the Republic was indeed demilitarized it didn't mean that you could just gather a bunch of friends and their Freighters and just take over a planet like Watts or all the one they still have local planetary Defense Forces which could rip you into pieces arguably during the post-russan Reformation period planetary Defense Forces had reached their golden age and size training and funding because of a lack of federal military there's nothing new of course for the Republic throughout the course of Republic history planets always had planetary Defense Forces that was the one consistent thing and they weren't all as small or weakly equipped as the one we see on nambu Star Wars a sense of scale sometimes can be confusing for us earthlings who are used to just dealing with one solar system you see planetary Defense Forces can actually be very formidable just imagine if Earth were a part of a larger galactic-wide civilization instead of having National armies we would combine our military power as a species into one larger entity that protects Earth and the solar system let's say we have a one-to-one transfer in resources Manpower and equipment from our national militaries to this global Military that we're creating we would actually have a very formidable planetary Defense Force worldwide there are currently 20 million soldiers serving and we spent around 2.1 trillion dollars on military defense on this planet the United States spends about a third of that more than third event you could think the cold war for it but uh wow that's kind of nuts anyway the 20 million soldiers alone would make any large-scale planetary Invasion very costly and challenging even the massive separate destroyed Army would have to think twice before expending tens if not hundreds of millions of droids to pacify a planet like Earth although given the poor state of our own orbital defenses I imagine the separatist Fleet would just park their destroyers in orbit and threaten the bombard our cities so maybe they wouldn't need to invade after all and on a galactic scale Earth would still be considered a light to medium populated Planet I mentioned worlds like quad earlier simply because I know they have a very robust uh planetary defense Fleet and that's because their planet has that large ring shaped uh Shipyard and so you can't just attack worlds like what because the Republic doesn't have a federal military that's not how it works and so the Republic strategy during the Clone Wars for the most part was it relied on planetary Defense Forces of the adirin to absorb as many separatist assaults as possible to buy the Republic's having to build up its Clone Army now I have to mention that most of these at our Rim Defense Forces were probably very small and designed to fight Bandits and Pirates not gigantic Droid armies and so yes the Republic more or less sacrificed these atarim worlds and their Defense Forces to buy their troops in time to regroup the Clones who were some of the best trained and most elite soldiers in the Galaxy were used for offensive operations or to shore up weak points in Friendly defenses on important Worlds the Clones were never intended to serve as general Frontline infantry they were supposed to be like a Vanguard shock force sort of like the Storm Troopers as opposed to the Imperial Army Troopers and so the majority of the defending and defensive fighting during the Clone Wars would actually be done by cheaper and easier to raise planetary Defense Forces it's not to say that the Clones didn't do a lot of fighting as a matter of fact they were probably being constantly deployed to one hot spot after another without any respite or break but still they represented a very small portion of the Republic's overall fighting capability and so I guess it's okay for the Grand Army and the Republic to be only you know 1 to 10 million Troopers in size as long as you have this larger planetary Defense Force apparatus spread across the entire galaxy well that is my theory on why the Clone arming was way too small let me know in the comments section below if you guys agree or you have any critiques of how I got to this conclusion also don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual my name is Alan reminding you that my allegiance is to The Republic It's a democracy [Music]
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 210,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Id: AuzFu1SJSo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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