The Darth Jar Jar Theory Just Got CRAZIER in 2024

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The Towering authority of Darth Vader the Omni potent and omnipresent Darth cidus and the unnerving and truly deadly Darth Mo are all emblematic of the siths enduring influence in the Star Wars Galaxy collectively showcasing the complex nature and seductive power of the dark side however there's one who stands Above the Rest in power and deceit but being so masterful in his ability to fool and mislead that even the fans underestimate his true power this holds only one name Darth jarar but before we begin I'd like to thank the chill Cactus for suggesting this video topic idea your name will be entered into the Dooku saber giveaway draw be sure to comment your law questions wh ifs etc for a chance to have your idea made into a video and to be entered into the giveaway draw anyway on with the video EXC me [Music] charge our key to all charge our key to all [Music] us it's been more than 9 years since the Intriguing theory of Binks potentially being a Sith surfaced thus a thorough re-evaluation of this idea is long overd especially considering the Clone Wars and recent comic books have often been overlooked but first let us reestablish the evidence from the prequels that support this captivating hypothesis jarar Binks a character introduced in The Phantom Menace has widely been criticized for his clumsy and bumbling Persona however a closer examination of his survival skills in Conflict situations reveals a level of competence that starkly contrasts with his seeming inet Behavior indeed In the Heat of battle jarar displays an uncanny ability to survive and even Thrive which at first appear appears to be the result of sheer lck during the Battle of nabo he is seen stumbling into Enemy Lines inadvertently causing destruction and Chaos among the trade federation's droids jaar's handling of the gungan energy balls or Boomers during the battle also shows him inadvertently causing damage to the droid army his seemingly random tosses results in the destruction of multiple battle droids and tanks his interactions which lead to the droid tanks destruction have first appears to be a series of fortunate ACD accidents however the efficiency with which these accidents occur hint at a possible Force intuition guiding his actions allowing him to be effective in combat despite his overt clumsiness contributing significantly to the gungan Army's success this level of Effectiveness in the frenzy of the battlefield aligns more with the calculated maneuvers of a trained operative than with the fatuous accidents of a fool indeed analyzing jar during the battle reveals similarities to the ancient Chinese combat style of Z Guan who commonly referred to as drunken boxing and drunken Fier fitting its name this style of martial arts is characterized by its imitations of movements befitting those of the intoxicated this Kung Fu style is renowned for incorporating a range of advanced combat techniques such as hitting grappling locking dodging fainting ground and aerial fighting as well as other sophisticated methods strikes and grabs are seamlessly combined with hand alternately striking on extension and grabbing on retraction power for grabs is generated through techniques such as dropping the body lifting the feet slightly off the ground and stomping down with the weight of the entire body or by falling on a prone position these methods are seen throughout bink's role in the Battle of nabo moreover deception is a key focus of zuoan with continuous bobbing and weaving feend instability attacks from unusual angles sudden changes of momentum and the use of blind spots and visual distractions the star also involves changing game plans mid-flight and utilizing concealed or improvised weapons perhaps a relevant point to jaar's use of the Boomer energy balls vitally these moments of survival and supposed accidental heroism are too consistent and impactful to be merely coincidental proponents suggest that jarar is using a sophisticated form of deception a common tactic among the Sith to conceal his true capability this deception extends to his Physical Agility indeed jaar demonstrates remarkable acrobatic skills including high jumps and Swift movements this was seen early on in The Phantom Menace when jaar encounters Quon Jin and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the swamp of nabo despite his apparent clumsiness he's able to LEAP incredible distances and maneuver reminiscent of force enhanced jumps commonly used by the Jedi this ability was further demonstrated in the bridge scene when quite won Kenobi and Darth jar intervene to save Queen Padme critical to the Darth jar theory is bink's Takeoff and Landing from the bridge closer examination shows him falling from one side with the Droid on the ground shooting at the spot on the bridge where he last saw him however somehow jar lands in a completely different position to his trajectory this gravity defying event once again suggest an underlying proficiency and control that could only be attributed to Hidden Force sensitivity beyond the physical Clues jaar's political impact on the Republic is ubiquitous to begin with when revisiting the Battle of nabou it's noteworthy that while jaar isn't directly engaged in the space battle his actions on the ground have an indirect impact on the larger Conflict by contributing to the chaos that helped the Gung gun forces hold off the Trade Federation Army he plays a part in allowing Anakin Skywalker to destroy the droid control ship this Theory could stretch to suggest that his involvement on the ground is part of a larger plan to bring Anakin a strong force sensitive being into a position where his abilities could be revealed and manipulated expanding on the theme of Jar Bing's political maneuverings and the implications for the rise of the Galactic Empire let's stve deeper into the more concrete examples that underscore the theory of his strategic involvement in key events during the prequels firstly jar Bings transition from an outcast in The Phantom Menace to a representative and senator in Attack of the Clone is remarkably rapid given the Gung gun's initial portrayal as inept his elevation to such position of influence suggests an unnatural Proficiency in navigating the complex political Landscapes of the galactic Republic this Ascension is particularly curious given that nabo already had capable leaders like Queen amadala his appointment could be seen as a strategic placement aligning with Sith tactics of placing operatives in key political positions indeed during a critical moment in the galactic Senate it is jaah who proposes giving Supreme Chancellor Palatine emergency powers to deal with the separatist threat this motion is arguably the most crucial step in Palpatine's plan allowing him to legally form the Grand Army of the Republic and setting the stage for his eventual declaration as Emperor jaar's proposal which he makes while serving as a standin for Senator amadala does not seem to align with his character's perceived naivity but rather suggests a calculated move to facilitate Palpatine's rise to absolute power the significance of this act cannot be overstated it's the Legal Foundation upon which the Galactic Empire was built for a character portrayed as comic relief this moment of political influence is in congruous unless viewed through the lens of intentional manipulation possibly hinting at jaar's deeper understanding or involvement in the Sith master plan furthermore the scene featuring jar in the Senate is often cited by proponents as showcasing what they believe to be the use of a Jedi mind trick perhaps he was using this mind trick on all of the Senators present just as xrun had done 4,000 years earlier crucially these hand gestures are not an isolated incident Jer was promoted to General and Senator whilst using this slight of hand Jar's continued presence around key political figures as well as being at the center of pivotal events suggests an underlying purpose within the Sith plan as we know the Sith are known for their long-term planning and manipulation of others to achieve their ends and jaar's political career fits neatly into this pattern of covert influence indeed we must ask ourselves why in corant would Palpatine have such an outwardly embarrassing cringeworthy character in his immediate circle of influence reputation is critical to Palpatine's political standing in the Senate and being the cunning ma of ellion it is hard to reason why such a strategist would accept janjar Binks unless he was of Sith power taking a closer look at his dialogue and behavior some fans argue that JJ's influence on characters such as Quon Jin and Padme alala in The Phantom Menace serves as a strategic purpose his seemingly random or nonsensical utterances and actions might actually reflect a deep understanding of individual psychology and the force for instance jaar's ability to persuade Quon to take him to the galactic Senate as well as convincing Padme to return to nabo could be seen as leveraging the force or psychological techniques rather than just simple luck or plot convenience his Effectiveness in these scenarios hints at the ability to manipulate outcomes in subtle ways perhaps indicating Mind Tricks beneath his clownish exterior moreover jaar's overall demeanor and the timing of his Antics often coincide with the moments crucial for the progression of the Sith gender by drawing attention to himself through slapstick humor or seemingly foolish mishaps he diverts the focus of both characters and the audience from more Sinister developments occurring in the narrative this Behavior could be interpreted as a deliberate tactic to obscure the true minations of the Sith allowing their plans to advance on checked for example his Antics during key discussions or events often led to outcomes that while seemingly accidental consistently benefited the siths long-term goals some theorists also argue that the manner in which judge presented in various scenes especially those pivotal to the storyline may not be incidental but rather a subtle indicator of the deeper involvement in the saga's unfolding events this perspective hinges on the observation that Jaa is often strategically positioned within certain key scenes even if his presence is not directly acknowledged through the dialogue such visual cues could imply that George Lucas intended for jaar to play a much more significant role one that transcends his surface l level portrayal this argument gains further traction when considering Lucas's storytelling style characterized by his fondness for misdirection and complex plot developments Lucas has demonstrated a penion for weaving intricate narratives that culminate in unforeseen Revelations a technique epitomized by the dramatic Twist of Darth Vader's true identity in the original trilogy the suggestion then is that Lucas may have initially envisioned a similarly surprising trajectory for jarar beings charar is a key allar is a key to all us if we get charar working charar is a key to all this further supporting this aspect of the theory is the similarities of jaar's narrative Arc and that of Palpatine both characters experience a meteoric rise from positions of seemingly insignificance to the Pinnacle of power within the galactic Senate Pal's Journey from a senate to to Emperor masterfully concealing his identity as Darth cidus moves the speculated trajectory of Jar suggesting a possible intentional parallel by Lucas this mirroring not only reinforces the theory of jaar's hidden significance but also suggest a deeper narrative symmetry where both characters in their respective roles embody the theme of concealed power such a revelation would align with lukas's writing style thus meaning jaar's role as a Jester could have been a temp temporary distraction interestingly jar and Yoda also share intriguing similarities in their characterizations drawing parallels to mythological storytelling elements both characters can be seen as unconventional strange creatures dwelling in the wilderness embodying an unexpected source of wisdom and power in mythology and storytelling strange and seemingly harmless characters often serve as unexpected mentors or guides to the protagonist Yoda residing in the swamps of DEA initially appears stupid and nonthreatening similarly jjar Binks comes across as clumsy and Goofy these traits contribute to their perceived harmlessness making them stand out in contrast to more conventional and overtly powerful characters furthermore the notion that jar could have revealed himself as a Sith to complement the good side of the force alignance with the theme of Duality often present in mythological storytelling the idea that is seemingly Harless character could Harbor a darker hidden aspect adds depths to this narrative this concept is reminiscent of the mentor figure who possesses both light and dark qualities emphasizing the complexity of the force and the choices individuals make in this context the theory suggests that jarar Binks much like Yoda could have been a character with the potential for significant influence on the fors while Yodo Embraces the light side in this speculative scenario would represent the balance of the force by revealing himself as a SI turning our attention to the more contemporary installments of jar in the Clone Wars he showcases the same Sith capabilities and tendencies indeed amidst the separatist invasion of riyo Representative Binks plays a pivotal role in a delicate Mission alongside B Orana Binks embarks on a journey to the planet todera their goal was to persuade the king to allow the use of toyia as a supply staging base for Republic forces aiming to Aid besieged Ryo however their diplomatic efforts face challenges upon their arrival these negotiations with the King took an unexpected turn due to the intervention of the Trade Federation leveraging the planet's strict policy of neutrality convincing the king to deny the Republic's request for access to toy Darian facilities but despite his public refusal the king privately expressed Sympathy for the twixes of riyo affected deeply by their plight in a strategic IC move the king discreetly agreed to assist Senator Orana he promised to load organa's ship with necessary Provisions under the condition the toy dar's involvement remained hidden to maintain its neutral STS during a banquet organized to distract the Trade Federation Senator Dodd from the covert operation Binks showcased his unique talents with his usual clumsiness camouflaged as entertainment Binks balanced plates and seemingly defied gravity creating a spectacle that only a force sensitive could execute this distraction allowed Orana to successfully load his ship with supplies for riyo following these events the king announced his intention to reconsider Toy's policy of neutrality indicating a significant political shift which would benefit the Republic military and therefore the future Sith controlled Empire this mission's success was only possible because of bink's unorthodox methods his compat PRI in The Phantom Menace was also continued in the the episode bombad Jedi where he plays a crucial role in a rescue mission disguised in a Jedi robe jar and c3pio embark on a daring attempt to save Senator Padme after her capture on voia by Senator onanda far who had aligned with the separatists for resources to Aid his people easily mistaken for a for sensitive Jedi jaar's inadvertent heroics and Runnings with danger including evading capture and surviving encounters with Marine monsters LED to a series of events that undermined the separatist plans his actions characterized by his usual blend of awkwardness and accidental Ingenuity culminate in a dramatic rescue and finally as jaar bursts into the scene he creates chaos allowing Padme to capture n gumay the leader of the Trade Federation Senator far witnessing jaja's bravery goes on to thank him as a Jedi expressing his gratitude to master bombard it's the Jedi it's the Jedi blast that Jedi sir over there the Jedi is escaping Jedi where's a Jedi I do believe they mean you kill the Jedi another key Moment masterminding by Darth Binks was seen in the Shadow Warrior Episode in this episode jar takes on a crucial role that leads to the capture of another one of the separatist leaders in this case General reavers the leader of the droid army the episode unfolds as Jer successfully impersonates the leader of the Gung guns exploiting his uncanny resemblance to the gungan leader this deception is part of the larger plan to trap Grievous leveraging the gungan home terrain and unconventional warfare tactics the plan involved luring Grievous into a false sense of security making him believe he is about to quash a gungan Uprising only to find himself in snared in a meticulously late trap the gungun under the leadership of jaar display remarkable bravery and Ingenuity setting the stage for the capture of the septus gem the moment Grievous realizes he has been outsmarted and captured supposedly not by a seasoned Jedi but by a very unlikely hero adds a layer of humiliation irony and speculation to his defeat at the hands of Darth Bings in another moment in the shadowy depths of the Clone Wars Jar Binks Reveals His cunning through a mission on fum that could only be described as a masterpiece of deception and strategy once again hinting at his secret Sith Powers the mission seemingly a straightforward Ransom delivery to secure Count Dooku unfolds under jaar's hidden Guidance with the Republic task force led by Senator corus and jar bink's crash landing on florum the Stag is set for a dramatic unveiling of Jar's latent abilities the death of Senator Caris thrust jar into a leadership role a move that at first glance seems like a desperate fallback however it's precisely this unforeseen accident that propels jar to the Forefront where his true capabilities can shine as the story unfolds jaar's supposed ineptitude masks a series of calculated moves that would make even the most seasoned Sith Lord take notice his accidental commandeering of a pirate tank leading to the destruction of two more isn't mere luck but a deliberate Act of sabotage this chaos which also disables the power to the pirate Camp isn't the result of helplessness but a stroke of Genius allowing the Jedi to escape and turn the tide against the Pirates jaar's actions on Flor when view through the lens of his secret Sith Powers transform him from a bumbling sidekick into a puppet master pulling the strings of fade furthermore a cannon comic strip now narrates a pivotal scenario where jar could no longer conceal his abilities in a critical moment demanding action the truth about Jer has emerged his ability to remain unnoticed vanished when faced with a dire situation specifically when a comrade's life hung in Balance jar did not just take a Jedi's weapon postmortem but displayed an adeptness in lightsaber combat that stunned even the clone troopers jaar's Mastery over the lightsaber deceived many sparking curiosity about how he acquired such precise combat skills beginning in the Battle of M ban here Rex defended the position under Jedi General La Te with Senator Jar Binks unexpectedly caught in the turmoil amidst a conversation between hard case and Rex the Jedi was fatally shot dropping his lightsaber with the Jedi Fallen leadership inadvertently passed jarar who was distracted by the LW Rex who prioritized survival commanded a retreat planning to later Target an enemy generator despite intending a collective departure this plan saw Rex Venture alone at night hours later Rex outnumbered and on the brink of defeat anticipated his end yet a surprising intervention by a blue lightsaber wounded not by a Jedi but by jar annihilated the Droid as salant this incident reignited C theories as judger clumsily dropped the lightsaber reverting to his bumbling Persona claiming his action was to prevent the weapon from being captured by enemies despite his sudden aptitude with the liys saber jar professed his intention to rescue rexs critiquing his solitary Mission and suggesting a partnership as the Clone Wars continued the comic leaves us with a glimpse into a side of Jar Jar Binks long suspected by fans further fueling discussions on his true capabilities and intentions together the combination of all these elements offers a compelling argument of what might have been while direct evidence of a PL Sith storyline for Jaa remains largely elusive this fun Theory no doubt enriches Star Wars law further complimenting the complex process of Storytelling in a galaxy far far away let us know what you think about the theory Down Below in the comments and as always May the force be with you
Channel: Vader's Fortress 2
Views: 350,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darth jar jar, darth jar jar theory, jar jar binks, darth jar jar binks, the phantom menace, star wars memes, jar jar, sith lord, sith, star wars theory, anakin skywalker, star wars explained, fighting darth jar jar, skywalker saga darth jar jar, darth jar jar vs darth sidious, darth jar jar theories, clone wars, darth plagueis, george lucas, reddit, mace windu, darth binks, jar jar sith, sith master binks, fan theory, darth jar, order 66
Id: 5nLKO5wZqXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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