The Joker's BIG Secret!

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no come on what would that even mean maybe if he no but what about that's impossible but how does he know wait how who win it doesn't make any sense it doesn't make no oh hello I'm Tyler this is the imaginary axis and have you ever wondered what makes a mad man mad the Joker the Clown Prince of Crime the gesture of genocide archenemy of Batman he's consistently appeared as one of DC's most recognizable super villains over the years and no matter who you ask he's a mentally unstable lunatic or is he I've taken the time to gather nearly every scrap of information available on the Joker and it doesn't add up something's wrong here and you don't need to look any further than Arkham Asylum psychological profiles to know what I mean listen to what dr. young had to say about the Joker my most challenging patient at Arkham The Joker's derangement defies easy classification his rapidly changing mood swings hint at borderline personality disorder but he has no trace of associated identity problems he also displays signs of deep narcissism but nonetheless he has a well-developed sense of others as his ability to manipulate everyone from orderlies to doctors in Arkham is extraordinarily well-developed he also shows all the signs of a highly functioning sufferer of antisocial personality disorder at times I almost wonder if he's actually insane at all so what's wrong with the Joker well it's hard to say betterment and I have tried and failed to give a proper analysis but one thing's for sure he's not psychotic I've looked into it nds interpretations might differ here and there but at the end of the day no matter how many people call him psychotic most versions of the Joker do not suffer from psychosis a broad term that more or less means you have an impaired relationship with reality psychotic people typically experience auditory or visual hallucinations they can see or hear things that aren't really there and that drives their chaotic actions some constantly deal with ridiculous thoughts that run contrary to overwhelming evidence or delusions like the idea aliens in deep space are controlling your relatives or tooth billing is being used by your dentist to track your movements the Joker doesn't usually display any of these symptoms and on the rare occasion he does it's hardly ever sold as an explanation for all his deranged crimes I'm not saying he isn't crazy yet but there's something deeper at work here and it's not up to me anyway insanity is a legal term it's a defense people can use when charged with criminal activity sure psychologists and psychiatrists are usually consulted and tests are often provided but it's ultimately a jury that decides if someone is insane or not and the Joker has apparently been found insane after every single one of his crimes why I'm not entirely sure but it's notoriously difficult for the insanity defense to actually work less than 1% of all criminal cases even try the insanity plea and only 20% of that 1% are actually successful he probably doesn't have a good lawyer so how's he doing it if the Joker is found not guilty by reason of insanity every single time then his mental illness should be obvious but I can't find a single illness on record that matches the Joker's symptoms and to make matters worse I'm not the first person to realize this it's actually been pointed out in the comics to take this one time that to arkham psychologists discovered an old report written by a doctor who seemed to make more headway with the joker than anyone else the unnamed physician determined that the Joker's actions seemed irrational but were actually meticulously researched and brilliantly orchestrated not the signs of a madman but a genius who should be declared sane sent to prison and executed the only problem is this research was tossed out when they realized it was written by Harley Quinn while she was studying the Joker great so I'm coming to the same conclusions as a serial killer I'm not losing it myself am i I mean Harley isn't the only person to call the Joker out on his sanity Jason Todd did it once too no no no no I'm not losing it I can't be losing it I'm just having some trouble diagnosing the Joker with anything that would make him insane let's start from square one we know he's definitely a psychopath according to the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM psychopathy is a personality disorder mainly rooted in a lack of empathy but including traits like a disregard for social norms a disregard for the rights of others the inability to feel remorse or guilt impulsive Ness and violent behavior now that's not to say there can't be well-adjusted Psychopaths who aren't criminals but those symptoms fit the Joker pretty well Psychopaths sometimes have tendencies to lie manipulate and use or outright harm others without really caring because they don't have any emotional ties to right or wrong just for comparison's sake here's an MRI scan of an average person's brain versus that of a psychopaths and right off the bat you probably noticed the significant lack of grey matter volume in the anterior rostral prefrontal cortex and temporal poles or parts of the brain responsible for empathy guilt and self-consciousness the Joker doesn't care what people think about him he doesn't care that what he's doing is wrong he doesn't think twice about it he doesn't have any regrets he just does it but that doesn't make him crazy far from it actually everything I could dig up about legal insanity only reinforced the idea that Psychopaths don't qualify some documents even went out of their way to mention psychopathy specifically and how it doesn't count as a form of insanity Psychopaths just aren't crazy and as a matter of fact the only things I can attribute to the Joker are all personality disorders that don't make you insane there's a fine line when you get to the spirit behind the law someone who pleads insanity is either saying they didn't have control over their actions or they didn't know what they were doing was wrong the Joker doesn't really have either of those problems in fact most of his plans are incredibly intricate well thought out and aimed specifically at sending a message or riling up the good guys so why does he keep getting admitted to Arkham Asylum well because despite him clearly not being insane he's also clearly insane I don't really know how else to describe it but there are several stories out there that just make it obvious the Joker isn't well running contrary to everything psychology says in the story going sane The Joker actually thinks he's finally killed Batman and this causes him to well go sane he leaves crime behind packs up all his tricks and becomes a normal functioning member of society then when it turns out Batman isn't dead he snaps again there was also a time when Martian Manhunter managed to temporarily make the Joker sane by telepathically ordering the thoughts in his mind the Joker expressed sincere regret for all the evil he'd done and Martian Manhunter described his mind like a raging storm clearly not a normal functioning brain one time the Joker even took a dip in the Lazarus Pit a chemical pool with regenerative properties that causes temporary insanity to those who use it it actually made him normal it was much calmer more rational and deadly sorry for all the pain he had caused so I guess that's it there's no real explanation for why the Joker acts the way he does by all legal and psychological classifications he shouldn't be crazy but he obviously is he must just have something we've never identified before a completely unique case oddly enough I'm not actually the first person to suggest it the psychologists at Arkham once developed a collective theory that the Joker is a special case they called super sane something even saner than us a modification in human perception that receives more sensory information than anyone else ever has and the Joker himself has echoed the same thing on occasion insisting he's not insane he's just differently sane ahead of the curve something we can't possibly hope to understand because he's saying her than anyone he interacts with even Batman as though there's some higher level of reality that only he's really acquainted with great Caesar's ghost that's it the Joker knows he's a comic book character it all adds up he might not do it as much as Deadpool but the Joker is a master at breaking the fourth wall his occasional wink at the camera the moment Swain grabs his own speech bubbles when he tells the artist to stop drawing Batman when he speaks directly to the reader what if each of these moments isn't a clever metatextual joke but actually a key factor in the Joker's real personality he isn't insane he's saner than anyone in the DC Universe because he realizes that none of it is real this explains why you turned temporarily sane after being thrown into the Lazarus Pit a chemical concoction that usually turns people temporarily insane it did the same thing to him but he was super sane before being dunked in it just took him down a level and when Martian Manhunter ordered the thoughts in his mind and described it like a raging storm what Jean was really seeing were probably thoughts like none of this is real we all live in a comic book I'm supposed to be the bad guy Jean decided that can't be right this guy's nuts before pushing them away to make the Joker sane again and when the Joker turned normal after watching Batman supposedly die it was because Batman's death made the Joker reconsider the idea that he's a fictional supervillain because a comic book would never actually kill off its title character there can't be a Joker without a Batman he convinced himself he was crazy all those years and tried to go back to a normal life until he realized Batman was still alive it was a fake out and the Joker was right all along every inconsistency in his backstory the dramatic changes in his character his obsession with being Batman's opposite it all makes perfect sense if the Joker knows he's fictional and he definitely knows my friends he's turned the page in his own comic before there was even one time in a Marvel DC crossover when he recognized spider-man from a previous crossover they had that wasn't even canon spider-man didn't recognize the Joker because he's normal but the Joker is super sane and sees past things like Canon in the fourth wall all these years the Joker's been laughing and trying to tell everyone about life's biggest joke but what is the joke nothing matters nothing's real what if the joke is how much people seem to care for the nameless background characters the Joker murders the fact that everyone thinks he's an evil deadly psychopath even though after all these years he still isn't technically responsible for a single real death and all the heroes try to stop him like he's a lunatic but the truth is a lot of people wouldn't even buy comics if he wasn't there to oppose the Batman it's kind of funny Dave 14 the isolation tank was like solitary confinement only wetter I judge some jokes to pass the time you had the what about the guy from Nantucket who are you talking to in there I was entertaining my fans in the isolation tank some people have imaginary friends I have imaginary fans fans of what exactly hello clown here I make people laugh not everyone's here to see the Batman you know guys as dull as the day is long but you're not a clown you're a mass murderer it's a fine line it just so happens that I've got a very demanding public I'm constantly striving to exceed their expectations do you have any idea how much pressure I'm under do you has it ever occurred to you that these imaginary fans of yours are really just figment of your imagination has it ever occurred to you doc that we're really just figments of deaths told you I was crazy see cow hey not in the face not crazy Oh like hell I'm not crazy I mean if I'm not crazy what am i doing in the loony bin all alone in solitary confinement talking to my imaginary ah you are imaginary right right hey everybody it's Tyler again and if you've made it this far thanks for watching my video on the Joker and a special thank you to my fellow youtuber akima wonsan who provided the voice for the Joker at the end of this video his youtube channel should be on the screen right now so you guys should go and check him out if you get a chance he does great voices but that's not to say I don't like hearing your voice so feel free to tell me what you thought of this video in the comments below don't forget to like share with your friends and tell everybody about how I can construct a video about the psychology of the Joker but not make a good segue to asking you to subscribe I'm just messing around but seriously if you enjoyed this one check out some of these videos you might like them to I'm supposed to be tackling the multiverse next so you could say I've been a little busy if you want to keep track of things be sure to visit my Facebook and Twitter page where I promise to post updates more frequently aside from that thanks for the view links are in the description and I hope you have a fantastic day don't go crazy now
Channel: The Imaginary Axis
Views: 2,172,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joker, the joker, batman, the joker's big secret, crazy, insane, the killing joke, suicide squad, harley quinn, is the joker crazy, what's wrong with the joker, is the joker insane, the joker is not insane, not as crazy as you thought, is the joker faking, red hood, dc, comic book, batgirl, mark hamill, heath ledger, jack nicholson, the dark knight, supervillain, jason todd, death in the family, justice league, diagnosing the joker, diagnosis, medical, arkham asylum, jared leto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2016
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