Why South Indian Street Food DESTROYS North Indian Food!!

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in this video I'll be showing you five reasons why South Indian food absolutely destroys North Indian food but first let's back [Applause] [Music] up for those of you not living in India you may be surprised to know that North Indian food is quite different from South Indian food what South Indian food is considered to be one of the most well recognized Cuisines around the world renowned for its crispy dosas coconut infused curries and an abundance of rice based dishes it's coming out of this giant rice cooker that would make any Asian lady in Korea jealous but how would these flavors shape the cuisine in chai the capital of taml Nadu in the southernmost state of India well today we're going to find out from a pancake bursting with Savory Curry goodness challenging the best of any Waffle House menu it became a iconic dish here all the way to a bani factory churning out 15,000 lbs of rice every day every day normally 5,000 to 7,000 kgs of briani particularly in Sundays we are making 10,000 to 12 so get ready because we're taking a tour of the most iconic South Indian Treasures from chenai We Begin our journey with chai's favorite cheap breakfast dish a donut that's stolen the hearts of toml nadu's locals since its Creation in 1951 [Music] [Music] wow introducing medu this famous South Indian breakfast is crafted using one of India's most highly priced and expensive legumes the legume known as black Graham exclusively grown in the southern part of India and also Northern Bangladesh and Nepal but that is it and it is very exclusive to make this dish start by blending the black gram soaked overnight into a thick batter next add our seven spice Ensemble black pepper cumin aromatic Curry leaves zesty green chilies red onions a dash of salt and a hint of Pepper Root mix everything well [Music] then take a blob of batter and with a little thumb magic sculpt it into a doughnut shape before dropping it into the [Music] fryer this trick ensures our Donuts cook up evenly giving you that perfect crunch from the outside to the inside once they are perfectly golden brown take them out and serve unlike its sugary cousin this Savory dut brings all the heat it's a flavored Journey a pilgrimage of pleasure where legumes and spices Collide into a spicy Tango unleashing a pepper and Curry explosion and in the texture Department it's a tag team effort a crispy coat embracing a fluffy cloud-like Center fun fact medu means soft Vada is a type of Indian Sav fritter [Music] now introducing an irresistible Sweet Sensation that steals the spotlight at every public holiday or wedding in chenai get ready for a sugar rush because this egg based Delight is not holding back I'm not kidding it packs a whopping 10 lb of sugar when will you guys believe me this thing is going to be very very sweet let's take a [Music] look [Music] behold the mat M this recipe emerged just over six decades ago casting a spell on the taste buds of Tom will n do ever since now it's the star dessert at almost every local event first things first crack a couple dozen eggs into a bowl yes I said dozen many [Music] dozens next the Coya it's a thick Dairy ingredient somewhat similar to dry ricotta cheese made from dried whole milk or whole milk thickened on an iron [Music] pan carefully fold that into the egg follow that with all the sugar you can can find at Indian Costco here it was more than 10 [Music] lb while folding add the magical ingredient no not more sugar I'm talking about ghee also known as clarified [Music] butter now place it over a gas stove and using a hand blender mix everything well until it gains a custard-like texture for the final step blaze up a tray with a bit of ghee and pour in our eggy mixture bake everything for 6 hours and [Music] serve imagine a smoky creamy egg custard with a seriously sugary kick blame it on the ghee or the irresponsible volume of sugar but despite its Simplicity this treat is bursting with Rich intricate flavors that to leave you craving for more chenai a massive Coastal hot spot in India it boasts a Cuisine that's heavily influenced by its Oceanic surroundings Seafood rains Supreme here served up in countless delicious ways but the seafood that's topping the charts the legendary fish fry seriously it's [Music] everywhere say hello to the Palm frit fish fry known locally as vaval mean varuval this spicy shallow fried Delight has that magical power to turn everyone into a dieh hard Seafood Enthusiast even that one cousin with a seafood allergy would give it all up to try this you'll see why as we get to the cooking ladies secret [Music] steps first she carefully washes the pum fish then scores its entire body using the traditional bti KN next next up the spice game begins she adds salt turmeric powder red chili powder and fegar powder you probably thought she was done well you thought wrong after a few splashes of water she adds a blend of Ginger turmeric and fish Masala mix it up for those flavors to mingle and work their magic finally it's frying time 15 to 20 minutes till it's crispy to the bone this dish it's the epitome of comfort food in TL Nadu the pum frit fish white flaky and Oho tender after a solid 20 minutes in that oil it's crispy on the outside and fall off the bone soft on the inside simple yet delicious and now your cousin with the seafood allergy is dead get ready to dive into the ultimate Dosa experience we're talking a Dosa stuffed to the brim with Juicy mutton Curry an egg surprise and all of it topped with even more spiced drenched mutton this my friends could very well be the heavyweight champ chion of mey [Music] doers Sim Kar is a restaurant which is originated in Mad in B called simal around 1943 after 20 years of time 1963 around kid DOA specific dish has been invented it is invented by Mr manikam Kar his father Mr sundram Kar founded K Kar K so from then almost 8 years it has been here from that time it it is started the story of kosa let's dive into chai's culinary wonders dosas and curries but why settle for one or the other when there's a dish that Masters both meet the mutton Curry Dosa one of the city's most magical food Creations step one spread that dose of batter on the hot tawa step two top it with a dose of Rich mutton brain [Music] gravy step three Kracken egg right on top and mix it all together to create a fatal 15 car pile up of flavor in your mouth step four enter the star ingredient muton Suka if it came from a cow we would call it brisket but this is intensely seasoned chest meat that's been cooked low and slow flip it let that meat caramelize and you've got yourself a Dosa fit for [Music] royalty this dish is experienced in layers first a crispy nearly viol ently seasoned mutton meat kicking off the flavor parade followed by a creamy Curry mixed with egg at the heart of it all and to seal the deal the final layer a warm slightly crispy dose of batter that ties everything together before we put an end to this onslaught of South India's culinary Excellence let's shine a spotlight on the ingredient raining Supreme not just here but across all of India I'm talking about rice basmati rice and if there's a dish that's the ultimate viice Ambassador is bani for our final Escapade we're making a pit stop at a bani factory where they're turning out a mind-blowing 11 to 15,000 lb of bani each day that's almost enough bani to feed your mom our Biryani style is Chennai style Muslim wedding Biryani Biryani was popular by Muslims because they only brought into the Tamil Customs by the bedding Biryani they know about the cooking timing and uh Biryani that is the only the special thing so Muslims are using mostly Dum birani that is a fine quality Biryani compared with any other style Dum Biryani is a most favorable for all the people our Biryani is not so spice compared with other biryanis and our Biryani is easily [Applause] [Music] digestible bani is probably one of the first dishes that comes to mind when you mention Indian Cuisine but did you know there are over 70 different varieties of bani here they make it in the dumb style and that is dumb spell duum this style originated from the Arabic Peninsula and it's more similar to a plum than other classic Banis instead of layering in the ingredients as usual they mix everything together in a huge pot start by frying up red onions with ghee in a giant cauldron once they're golden add ginger garlic paste and diced tomatoes for seasoning add salt turmeric powder and red chili powder now it's time for the protein here they like to wash the chicken thighs season them with turmeric powder then drop them in the main cauldron followed by water and fresh coriander leaves finally add the par cooked rice and let it boil for another 45 minutes to complete the [Music] [Applause] dish when the cooking is finally fin complete and the lid is removed you'll be greeted by something glorious despite its colossal production this bani is on a whole different level every grain of rice is infused with those aromatic spices making each bite an absolutely Blissful experience now that we've gone through the most iconic dishes in chenai showing off the amazing variety South India has to offer it's time for us to pick our favorite was it the crispy medva the eggy mut matai the flavor packed mutton CED DOA the legendary fish fry or the mouthwatering buyani today the briani stole the show for me the Mastery of crafting such delectable food on a grand scale and then serving thousands with affordable highquality dishes well that is just plain old worthy of my respect so how about you which one of these chai Classics would you try for yourself let me know downstairs in the comments below and for more indulgent feasts for your census be sure to subscribe to best ever food India thanks bye elevate your style with our brand new clothing collection rock out in our threads feel the thrill of culinary adventures and celebrate with us in style head on over 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Channel: Best Ever Food India ( w/ Sonny Side )
Views: 620,917
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Id: 8DfTUnn6lQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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